cmd/govulncheck/integration: update k8s expectations

The changes in expectations are due to and

Change-Id: Ie26626d060532c6cf07d7e028273e8fec8869b42
Reviewed-by: Jonathan Amsterdam <>
Run-TryBot: Zvonimir Pavlinovic <>
TryBot-Result: Gopher Robot <>
diff --git a/cmd/govulncheck/integration/k8s/k8s.go b/cmd/govulncheck/integration/k8s/k8s.go
index c86f738..b0ee83f 100644
--- a/cmd/govulncheck/integration/k8s/k8s.go
+++ b/cmd/govulncheck/integration/k8s/k8s.go
@@ -50,27 +50,31 @@
 	want := map[vuln]bool{
-		{"", "FindInPath"}:       true,
-		{"", "partialArray.add"}:                 true,
-		{"", "FileLabel"}:         true,
-		{"", "GetEnabled"}:        true,
-		{"", "SetFileLabel"}:      true,
-		{"", "Builder.AddBytes"}:                true,
-		{"", "Builder.AddUint16LengthPrefixed"}: true,
-		{"", "Builder.Bytes"}:                   true,
-		{"", "NewBuilder"}:                      true,
-		{"", "String.Empty"}:                    true,
-		{"", "String.ReadASN1"}:                 true,
-		{"", "String.ReadOptionalASN1"}:         true,
-		{"", "String.ReadUint16LengthPrefixed"}: true,
-		{"", "XORKeyStream"}:                 true,
-		{"", "NewClientConn"}:                          true,
-		{"", "NewPublicKey"}:                           true,
-		{"", "ed25519PublicKey.Verify"}:                true,
-		{"", "parseED25519"}:                           true,
-		{"", "HeaderValuesContainsToken"}:       true,
-		{"", "Server.ServeConn"}:                        true,
-		{"", "bomOverride.Transform"}:       true,
+		{"", "FindInPath"}:                                    true,
+		{"", "partialArray.add"}:                                              true,
+		{"", "FileLabel"}:                                      true,
+		{"", "GetEnabled"}:                                     true,
+		{"", "SetFileLabel"}:                                   true,
+		{"", "flusherDelegator.Flush"}:              true,
+		{"", "readerFromDelegator.ReadFrom"}:        true,
+		{"", "responseWriterDelegator.Write"}:       true,
+		{"", "responseWriterDelegator.WriteHeader"}: true,
+		{"", "sanitizeMethod"}:                      true,
+		{"", "Builder.AddBytes"}:                                             true,
+		{"", "Builder.AddUint16LengthPrefixed"}:                              true,
+		{"", "Builder.Bytes"}:                                                true,
+		{"", "NewBuilder"}:                                                   true,
+		{"", "String.Empty"}:                                                 true,
+		{"", "String.ReadASN1"}:                                              true,
+		{"", "String.ReadOptionalASN1"}:                                      true,
+		{"", "String.ReadUint16LengthPrefixed"}:                              true,
+		{"", "XORKeyStream"}:                                              true,
+		{"", "NewClientConn"}:                                                       true,
+		{"", "NewPublicKey"}:                                                        true,
+		{"", "ParsePrivateKey"}:                                                     true,
+		{"", "HeaderValuesContainsToken"}:                                    true,
+		{"", "Server.ServeConn"}:                                                     true,
+		{"", "bomOverride.Transform"}:                                    true,
 	if diff := cmp.Diff(want, calledVulns); diff != "" {