blob: 9c0bda0272801f186d22f4b108ac4f9e427d3441 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package scan
import (
// runSource reports vulnerabilities that affect the analyzed packages.
// Vulnerabilities can be called (affecting the package, because a vulnerable
// symbol is actually exercised) or just imported by the package
// (likely having a non-affecting outcome).
func runSource(ctx context.Context, handler govulncheck.Handler, cfg *config, client *client.Client, dir string) error {
var pkgs []*packages.Package
graph := vulncheck.NewPackageGraph(cfg.GoVersion)
pkgConfig := &packages.Config{Dir: dir, Tests: cfg.test}
pkgs, err := graph.LoadPackages(pkgConfig, cfg.tags, cfg.patterns)
if err != nil {
// Try to provide a meaningful and actionable error message.
if !fileExists(filepath.Join(dir, "go.mod")) {
return fmt.Errorf("govulncheck: %v", errNoGoMod)
if isGoVersionMismatchError(err) {
return fmt.Errorf("govulncheck: %v\n\n%v", errGoVersionMismatch, err)
return fmt.Errorf("govulncheck: loading packages: %w", err)
if err := handler.Progress(sourceProgressMessage(pkgs)); err != nil {
return err
vr, err := vulncheck.Source(ctx, pkgs, &cfg.Config, client, graph)
if err != nil {
return err
callStacks := vulncheck.CallStacks(vr)
return emitResult(handler, vr, callStacks)
func filterCallStacks(callstacks map[*vulncheck.Vuln][]vulncheck.CallStack) {
type key struct {
id string
pkg string
mod string
// Collect all called symbols for a package.
// Needed for creating unique call stacks.
vulnsPerPkg := make(map[key][]*vulncheck.Vuln)
for vv := range callstacks {
if vv.CallSink != nil {
k := key{id: vv.OSV.ID, pkg: vv.ImportSink.PkgPath, mod: vv.ImportSink.Module.Path}
vulnsPerPkg[k] = append(vulnsPerPkg[k], vv)
for vv, stacks := range callstacks {
var filtered []vulncheck.CallStack
if vv.CallSink != nil {
k := key{id: vv.OSV.ID, pkg: vv.ImportSink.PkgPath, mod: vv.ImportSink.Module.Path}
vcs := uniqueCallStack(vv, stacks, vulnsPerPkg[k])
if vcs != nil {
filtered = []vulncheck.CallStack{vcs}
callstacks[vv] = filtered
func emitResult(handler govulncheck.Handler, vr *vulncheck.Result, callstacks map[*vulncheck.Vuln][]vulncheck.CallStack) error {
osvs := map[string]*osv.Entry{}
var findings []*govulncheck.Finding
// first deal with all the affected vulnerabilities
emitted := map[string]bool{}
for _, vv := range vr.Vulns {
osvs[vv.OSV.ID] = vv.OSV
fixed := fixedVersion(vv.ImportSink.Module.Path, vv.OSV.Affected)
stacks := callstacks[vv]
for _, stack := range stacks {
emitted[vv.OSV.ID] = true
findings = append(findings, &govulncheck.Finding{
FixedVersion: fixed,
Trace: tracefromEntries(stack),
for _, vv := range vr.Vulns {
if emitted[vv.OSV.ID] {
stacks := callstacks[vv]
if len(stacks) != 0 {
emitted[vv.OSV.ID] = true
// no callstacks, add an unafected finding
findings = append(findings, &govulncheck.Finding{
FixedVersion: fixedVersion(vv.ImportSink.Module.Path, vv.OSV.Affected),
Trace: []*govulncheck.Frame{{
Module: vv.ImportSink.Module.Path,
Version: vv.ImportSink.Module.Version,
Package: vv.ImportSink.PkgPath,
// For each vulnerability, queue it to be written to the output.
seen := map[string]bool{}
for _, f := range findings {
if !seen[f.OSV] {
seen[f.OSV] = true
if err := handler.OSV(osvs[f.OSV]); err != nil {
return err
if err := handler.Finding(f); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// tracefromEntries creates a sequence of
// frames from vcs. Position of a Frame is the
// call position of the corresponding stack entry.
func tracefromEntries(vcs vulncheck.CallStack) []*govulncheck.Frame {
var frames []*govulncheck.Frame
for i := len(vcs) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
e := vcs[i]
fr := &govulncheck.Frame{
Function: e.Function.Name,
Receiver: e.Function.Receiver(),
if e.Function.Package != nil {
fr.Module = e.Function.Package.Module.Path
fr.Version = e.Function.Package.Module.Version
fr.Package = e.Function.Package.PkgPath
if e.Call == nil || e.Call.Pos == nil {
fr.Position = nil
} else {
fr.Position = &govulncheck.Position{
Filename: e.Call.Pos.Filename,
Offset: e.Call.Pos.Offset,
Line: e.Call.Pos.Line,
Column: e.Call.Pos.Column,
frames = append(frames, fr)
return frames
// sourceProgressMessage returns a string of the form
// "Scanning your code and P packages across M dependent modules for known vulnerabilities..."
// P is the number of strictly dependent packages of
// topPkgs and Y is the number of their modules.
func sourceProgressMessage(topPkgs []*packages.Package) *govulncheck.Progress {
pkgs, mods := depPkgsAndMods(topPkgs)
pkgsPhrase := fmt.Sprintf("%d package", pkgs)
if pkgs != 1 {
pkgsPhrase += "s"
modsPhrase := fmt.Sprintf("%d dependent module", mods)
if mods != 1 {
modsPhrase += "s"
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Scanning your code and %s across %s for known vulnerabilities...", pkgsPhrase, modsPhrase)
return &govulncheck.Progress{Message: msg}
// depPkgsAndMods returns the number of packages that
// topPkgs depend on and the number of their modules.
func depPkgsAndMods(topPkgs []*packages.Package) (int, int) {
tops := make(map[string]bool)
depPkgs := make(map[string]bool)
depMods := make(map[string]bool)
for _, t := range topPkgs {
tops[t.PkgPath] = true
var visit func(*packages.Package, bool)
visit = func(p *packages.Package, top bool) {
path := p.PkgPath
if depPkgs[path] {
if tops[path] && !top {
// A top package that is a dependency
// will not be in depPkgs, so we skip
// reiterating on it here.
// We don't count a top-level package as
// a dependency even when they are used
// as a dependent package.
if !tops[path] {
depPkgs[path] = true
if p.Module != nil &&
p.Module.Path != internal.GoStdModulePath && // no module for stdlib
p.Module.Path != internal.UnknownModulePath { // no module for unknown
depMods[p.Module.Path] = true
for _, d := range p.Imports {
visit(d, false)
for _, t := range topPkgs {
visit(t, true)
return len(depPkgs), len(depMods)
// summarizeTrace returns a short description of the call stack.
// It prefers to show you the edge from the top module to other code, along with
// the vulnerable symbol.
// Where the vulnerable symbol directly called by the users code, it will only
// show those two points.
// If the vulnerable symbol is in the users code, it will show the entry point
// and the vulnerable symbol.
func summarizeTrace(finding *govulncheck.Finding) string {
if len(finding.Trace) < 2 {
return ""
iTop := len(finding.Trace) - 1
topModule := finding.Trace[iTop].Module
// search for the exit point of the top module
for i, frame := range finding.Trace {
if frame.Module == topModule {
iTop = i
if iTop == 0 {
// all in one module, reset to the end
iTop = len(finding.Trace) - 1
buf := &strings.Builder{}
topPos := posToString(finding.Trace[iTop].Position)
if topPos != "" {
buf.WriteString(": ")
addSymbolName(buf, finding.Trace[iTop])
buf.WriteString(" calls ")
addSymbolName(buf, finding.Trace[iTop-1])
if iTop > 1 {
buf.WriteString(", which")
if iTop > 2 {
buf.WriteString(" eventually")
buf.WriteString(" calls ")
addSymbolName(buf, finding.Trace[0])
return buf.String()
func addSymbolName(buf *strings.Builder, frame *govulncheck.Frame) {
if frame.Package != "" {
if frame.Receiver != "" {
if frame.Receiver[0] == '*' {
} else {
funcname := strings.Split(frame.Function, "$")[0]
// updateInitPositions populates non-existing positions of init functions
// and their respective calls in callStacks (see #51575).
func updateInitPositions(callStacks map[*vulncheck.Vuln][]vulncheck.CallStack) {
for _, css := range callStacks {
for _, cs := range css {
for i := range cs {
if i != len(cs)-1 {
updateInitCallPosition(&cs[i], cs[i+1])
// updateInitCallPosition updates the position of a call to init in a stack frame, if
// one already does not exist:
// P1.init -> P2.init: position of call to P2.init is the position of "import P2"
// statement in P1
// P.init -> P.init#d: P.init is an implicit init. We say it calls the explicit
// P.init#d at the place of "package P" statement.
func updateInitCallPosition(curr *vulncheck.StackEntry, next vulncheck.StackEntry) {
call := curr.Call
if !isInit(next.Function) || (call.Pos != nil && call.Pos.IsValid()) {
// Skip non-init functions and inits whose call site position is available.
var pos token.Position
if curr.Function.Name == "init" && curr.Function.Package == next.Function.Package {
// We have implicit P.init calling P.init#d. Set the call position to
// be at "package P" statement position.
pos = packageStatementPos(curr.Function.Package)
} else {
// Choose the beginning of the import statement as the position.
pos = importStatementPos(curr.Function.Package, next.Function.Package.PkgPath)
call.Pos = &pos
func importStatementPos(pkg *packages.Package, importPath string) token.Position {
var importSpec *ast.ImportSpec
for _, f := range pkg.Syntax {
for _, impSpec := range f.Imports {
// Import spec paths have quotation marks.
impSpecPath, err := strconv.Unquote(impSpec.Path.Value)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("import specification: package path has no quotation marks: %v", err))
if impSpecPath == importPath {
importSpec = impSpec
break spec
if importSpec == nil {
// for sanity, in case of a wild call graph imprecision
return token.Position{}
// Choose the beginning of the import statement as the position.
return pkg.Fset.Position(importSpec.Pos())
func packageStatementPos(pkg *packages.Package) token.Position {
if len(pkg.Syntax) == 0 {
return token.Position{}
// Choose beginning of the package statement as the position. Pick
// the first file since it is as good as any.
return pkg.Fset.Position(pkg.Syntax[0].Package)
// updateInitPosition updates the position of P.init function in a stack frame if one
// is not available. The new position is the position of the "package P" statement.
func updateInitPosition(se *vulncheck.StackEntry) {
fun := se.Function
if !isInit(fun) || (fun.Pos != nil && fun.Pos.IsValid()) {
// Skip non-init functions and inits whose position is available.
pos := packageStatementPos(fun.Package)
fun.Pos = &pos
func isInit(f *vulncheck.FuncNode) bool {
// A source init function, or anonymous functions used in inits, will
// be named "init#x" by vulncheck (more precisely, ssa), where x is a
// positive integer. Implicit inits are named simply "init".
return f.Name == "init" || strings.HasPrefix(f.Name, "init#")
// uniqueCallStack returns the first unique call stack among css, if any.
// Unique means that the call stack does not go through symbols of vg.
func uniqueCallStack(v *vulncheck.Vuln, css []vulncheck.CallStack, vg []*vulncheck.Vuln) vulncheck.CallStack {
vulnFuncs := make(map[*vulncheck.FuncNode]bool)
for _, v := range vg {
vulnFuncs[v.CallSink] = true
for _, cs := range css {
for _, e := range cs {
if e.Function != v.CallSink && vulnFuncs[e.Function] {
continue callstack
return cs
return nil