blob: 6ad1b1ace9d545c41a4c4df48b316cfd2932ad26 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Modification copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
* This file is loaded by both the extension and debug adapter, so it cannot import 'vscode'
import fs = require('fs');
import os = require('os');
import path = require('path');
import { promisify } from 'util';
let binPathCache: { [bin: string]: string } = {};
export const envPath = process.env['PATH'] || (process.platform === 'win32' ? process.env['Path'] : null);
export function getBinPathFromEnvVar(toolName: string, envVarValue: string, appendBinToPath: boolean): string {
toolName = correctBinname(toolName);
if (envVarValue) {
const paths = envVarValue.split(path.delimiter);
for (const p of paths) {
const binpath = path.join(p, appendBinToPath ? 'bin' : '', toolName);
if (executableFileExists(binpath)) {
return binpath;
return null;
export function getBinPathWithPreferredGopathGoroot(
toolName: string,
preferredGopaths: string[],
preferredGoroot?: string,
alternateTool?: string,
useCache = true,
): string {
if (alternateTool && path.isAbsolute(alternateTool) && executableFileExists(alternateTool)) {
binPathCache[toolName] = alternateTool;
return alternateTool;
// FIXIT: this cache needs to be invalidated when go.goroot or go.alternateTool is changed.
if (useCache && binPathCache[toolName]) {
return binPathCache[toolName];
const binname = alternateTool && !path.isAbsolute(alternateTool) ? alternateTool : toolName;
const pathFromGoBin = getBinPathFromEnvVar(binname, process.env['GOBIN'], false);
if (pathFromGoBin) {
binPathCache[toolName] = pathFromGoBin;
return pathFromGoBin;
for (const preferred of preferredGopaths) {
if (typeof preferred === 'string') {
// Search in the preferred GOPATH workspace's bin folder
const pathFrompreferredGoPath = getBinPathFromEnvVar(binname, preferred, true);
if (pathFrompreferredGoPath) {
binPathCache[toolName] = pathFrompreferredGoPath;
return pathFrompreferredGoPath;
// Check GOROOT (go, gofmt, godoc would be found here)
const pathFromGoRoot = getBinPathFromEnvVar(binname, preferredGoroot || getCurrentGoRoot(), true);
if (pathFromGoRoot) {
binPathCache[toolName] = pathFromGoRoot;
return pathFromGoRoot;
// Finally search PATH parts
const pathFromPath = getBinPathFromEnvVar(binname, envPath, false);
if (pathFromPath) {
binPathCache[toolName] = pathFromPath;
return pathFromPath;
// Check default path for go
if (toolName === 'go') {
const defaultPathForGo = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'C:\\Go\\bin\\go.exe' : '/usr/local/go/bin/go';
if (executableFileExists(defaultPathForGo)) {
binPathCache[toolName] = defaultPathForGo;
return defaultPathForGo;
// Else return the binary name directly (this will likely always fail downstream)
return toolName;
* Returns the goroot path if it exists, otherwise returns an empty string
let currentGoRoot = '';
export function getCurrentGoRoot(): string {
return currentGoRoot || process.env['GOROOT'] || '';
export function setCurrentGoRoot(goroot: string) {
currentGoRoot = goroot;
export function correctBinname(toolName: string) {
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
return toolName + '.exe';
return toolName;
function executableFileExists(filePath: string): boolean {
let exists = true;
try {
exists = fs.statSync(filePath).isFile();
if (exists) {
fs.accessSync(filePath, fs.constants.F_OK | fs.constants.X_OK);
} catch (e) {
exists = false;
return exists;
export function fileExists(filePath: string): boolean {
try {
return fs.statSync(filePath).isFile();
} catch (e) {
return false;
export async function pathExists(p: string): Promise<boolean> {
try {
const stat = promisify(fs.stat);
return (await stat(p)).isDirectory();
} catch (e) {
return false;
export function clearCacheForTools() {
binPathCache = {};
* Exapnds ~ to homedir in non-Windows platform
export function resolveHomeDir(inputPath: string): string {
if (!inputPath || !inputPath.trim()) {
return inputPath;
return inputPath.startsWith('~') ? path.join(os.homedir(), inputPath.substr(1)) : inputPath;
export function stripBOM(s: string): string {
if (s && s[0] === '\uFEFF') {
s = s.substr(1);
return s;
export function parseEnvFile(envFilePath: string): { [key: string]: string } {
const env: { [key: string]: any } = {};
if (!envFilePath) {
return env;
try {
const buffer = stripBOM(fs.readFileSync(envFilePath, 'utf8'));
buffer.split('\n').forEach((line) => {
const r = line.match(/^\s*([\w\.\-]+)\s*=\s*(.*)?\s*$/);
if (r !== null) {
let value = r[2] || '';
if (value.length > 0 && value.charAt(0) === '"' && value.charAt(value.length - 1) === '"') {
value = value.replace(/\\n/gm, '\n');
env[r[1]] = value.replace(/(^['"]|['"]$)/g, '');
return env;
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`Cannot load environment variables from file ${envFilePath}`);
// Walks up given folder path to return the closest ancestor that has `src` as a child
export function getInferredGopath(folderPath: string): string {
if (!folderPath) {
const dirs = folderPath.toLowerCase().split(path.sep);
// find src directory closest to given folder path
const srcIdx = dirs.lastIndexOf('src');
if (srcIdx > 0) {
return folderPath.substr(0, dirs.slice(0, srcIdx).join(path.sep).length);
* Returns the workspace in the given Gopath to which given directory path belongs to
* @param gopath string Current Gopath. Can be ; or : separated (as per os) to support multiple paths
* @param currentFileDirPath string
export function getCurrentGoWorkspaceFromGOPATH(gopath: string, currentFileDirPath: string): string {
if (!gopath) {
const workspaces: string[] = gopath.split(path.delimiter);
let currentWorkspace = '';
currentFileDirPath = fixDriveCasingInWindows(currentFileDirPath);
// Find current workspace by checking if current file is
// under any of the workspaces in $GOPATH
for (const workspace of workspaces) {
const possibleCurrentWorkspace = path.join(workspace, 'src');
if (
currentFileDirPath.startsWith(possibleCurrentWorkspace) ||
(process.platform === 'win32' &&
) {
// In case of nested workspaces, (example: both /Users/me and /Users/me/src/a/b/c are in $GOPATH)
// both parent & child workspace in the nested workspaces pair can make it inside the above if block
// Therefore, the below check will take longer (more specific to current file) of the two
if (possibleCurrentWorkspace.length > currentWorkspace.length) {
currentWorkspace = currentFileDirPath.substr(0, possibleCurrentWorkspace.length);
return currentWorkspace;
// Workaround for issue in
export function fixDriveCasingInWindows(pathToFix: string): string {
return process.platform === 'win32' && pathToFix
? pathToFix.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + pathToFix.substr(1)
: pathToFix;
* Returns the tool name from the given path to the tool
* @param toolPath
export function getToolFromToolPath(toolPath: string): string | undefined {
if (!toolPath) {
let tool = path.basename(toolPath);
if (process.platform === 'win32' && tool.endsWith('.exe')) {
tool = tool.substr(0, tool.length - 4);
return tool;