blob: d418ced069793a4666a383444f5cf3636d2f4a86 [file] [log] [blame]
/* eslint-disable eqeqeq */
* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information.
import jsDiff = require('diff');
import { Position, Range, TextEditorEdit, Uri, WorkspaceEdit } from 'vscode';
import { getBinPathFromEnvVar } from './utils/pathUtils';
let diffToolAvailable: boolean | null = null;
export function isDiffToolAvailable(): boolean {
if (diffToolAvailable == null) {
const envPath = process.env['PATH'] || (process.platform === 'win32' ? process.env['Path'] : null);
if (!envPath) {
return false;
diffToolAvailable = getBinPathFromEnvVar('diff', envPath, false) != null;
return diffToolAvailable;
export enum EditTypes {
export class Edit {
public start: Position;
public end: Position;
public text: string;
private action: number;
constructor(action: number, start: Position) {
this.action = action;
this.start = start;
this.end = start;
this.text = '';
// Applies Edit using given TextEditorEdit
public applyUsingTextEditorEdit(editBuilder: TextEditorEdit): void {
switch (this.action) {
case EditTypes.EDIT_INSERT:
editBuilder.insert(this.start, this.text);
case EditTypes.EDIT_DELETE:
editBuilder.delete(new Range(this.start, this.end));
case EditTypes.EDIT_REPLACE:
editBuilder.replace(new Range(this.start, this.end), this.text);
// Applies Edits to given WorkspaceEdit
public applyUsingWorkspaceEdit(workspaceEdit: WorkspaceEdit, fileUri: Uri): void {
switch (this.action) {
case EditTypes.EDIT_INSERT:
workspaceEdit.insert(fileUri, this.start, this.text);
case EditTypes.EDIT_DELETE:
workspaceEdit.delete(fileUri, new Range(this.start, this.end));
case EditTypes.EDIT_REPLACE:
workspaceEdit.replace(fileUri, new Range(this.start, this.end), this.text);
export interface FilePatch {
fileName: string;
edits: Edit[];
* Uses diff module to parse given array of IUniDiff objects and returns edits for files
* @param diffOutput jsDiff.IUniDiff[]
* @returns Array of FilePatch objects, one for each file
function parseUniDiffs(diffOutput: jsDiff.IUniDiff[]): FilePatch[] {
const filePatches: FilePatch[] = [];
diffOutput.forEach((uniDiff: jsDiff.IUniDiff) => {
let edit: Edit;
const edits: Edit[] = [];
uniDiff.hunks.forEach((hunk: jsDiff.IHunk) => {
let startLine = hunk.oldStart;
hunk.lines.forEach((line) => {
switch (line.substr(0, 1)) {
case '-':
edit = new Edit(EditTypes.EDIT_DELETE, new Position(startLine - 1, 0));
edit.end = new Position(startLine, 0);
case '+':
edit = new Edit(EditTypes.EDIT_INSERT, new Position(startLine - 1, 0));
edit.text += line.substr(1) + '\n';
case ' ':
const fileName = uniDiff.oldFileName;
filePatches.push({ fileName, edits });
return filePatches;
* Returns a FilePatch object by generating diffs between given oldStr and newStr using the diff module
* @param fileName string: Name of the file to which edits should be applied
* @param oldStr string
* @param newStr string
* @returns A single FilePatch object
export function getEdits(fileName: string, oldStr: string, newStr: string): FilePatch {
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
oldStr = oldStr.split('\r\n').join('\n');
newStr = newStr.split('\r\n').join('\n');
const unifiedDiffs: jsDiff.IUniDiff = jsDiff.structuredPatch(fileName, fileName, oldStr, newStr, '', '');
const filePatches: FilePatch[] = parseUniDiffs([unifiedDiffs]);
return filePatches[0];
* Uses diff module to parse given diff string and returns edits for files
* @param diffStr : Diff string in unified format.
* @returns Array of FilePatch objects, one for each file
export function getEditsFromUnifiedDiffStr(diffstr: string): FilePatch[] {
const unifiedDiffs: jsDiff.IUniDiff[] = jsDiff.parsePatch(diffstr);
const filePatches: FilePatch[] = parseUniDiffs(unifiedDiffs);
return filePatches;