blob: a69087ab6df0d6d357c30814105b2c0352287074 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
import path = require('path');
import vscode = require('vscode');
import { toolExecutionEnvironment } from './goEnv';
import { promptForMissingTool } from './goInstallTools';
import { packagePathToGoModPathMap } from './goModules';
import { getFromGlobalState, updateGlobalState } from './stateUtils';
import { getBinPath, getCurrentGoPath, getGoConfig } from './util';
export class GoDebugConfigurationProvider implements vscode.DebugConfigurationProvider {
public provideDebugConfigurations(
folder: vscode.WorkspaceFolder | undefined,
token?: vscode.CancellationToken
): vscode.DebugConfiguration[] {
return [
name: 'Launch',
type: 'go',
request: 'launch',
mode: 'auto',
program: '${fileDirname}',
env: {},
args: []
public resolveDebugConfiguration?(
folder: vscode.WorkspaceFolder | undefined,
debugConfiguration: vscode.DebugConfiguration,
token?: vscode.CancellationToken
): vscode.DebugConfiguration {
const activeEditor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor;
if (!debugConfiguration || !debugConfiguration.request) {
// if 'request' is missing interpret this as a missing launch.json
if (!activeEditor || activeEditor.document.languageId !== 'go') {
debugConfiguration = Object.assign(debugConfiguration || {}, {
name: 'Launch',
type: 'go',
request: 'launch',
mode: 'auto',
program: path.dirname(activeEditor.document.fileName) // matches ${fileDirname}
debugConfiguration['packagePathToGoModPathMap'] = packagePathToGoModPathMap;
const gopath = getCurrentGoPath(folder ? folder.uri : undefined);
if (!debugConfiguration['env']) {
debugConfiguration['env'] = { GOPATH: gopath };
} else if (!debugConfiguration['env']['GOPATH']) {
debugConfiguration['env']['GOPATH'] = gopath;
const goConfig = getGoConfig(folder && folder.uri);
const goToolsEnvVars = toolExecutionEnvironment();
Object.keys(goToolsEnvVars).forEach((key) => {
if (!debugConfiguration['env'].hasOwnProperty(key)) {
debugConfiguration['env'][key] = goToolsEnvVars[key];
const dlvConfig = goConfig.get<any>('delveConfig');
let useApiV1 = false;
if (debugConfiguration.hasOwnProperty('useApiV1')) {
useApiV1 = debugConfiguration['useApiV1'] === true;
} else if (dlvConfig.hasOwnProperty('useApiV1')) {
useApiV1 = dlvConfig['useApiV1'] === true;
if (useApiV1) {
debugConfiguration['apiVersion'] = 1;
if (!debugConfiguration.hasOwnProperty('apiVersion') && dlvConfig.hasOwnProperty('apiVersion')) {
debugConfiguration['apiVersion'] = dlvConfig['apiVersion'];
if (!debugConfiguration.hasOwnProperty('dlvLoadConfig') && dlvConfig.hasOwnProperty('dlvLoadConfig')) {
debugConfiguration['dlvLoadConfig'] = dlvConfig['dlvLoadConfig'];
if (
!debugConfiguration.hasOwnProperty('showGlobalVariables') &&
) {
debugConfiguration['showGlobalVariables'] = dlvConfig['showGlobalVariables'];
if (debugConfiguration.request === 'attach' && !debugConfiguration['cwd']) {
debugConfiguration['cwd'] = '${workspaceFolder}';
debugConfiguration['dlvToolPath'] = getBinPath('dlv');
if (!path.isAbsolute(debugConfiguration['dlvToolPath'])) {
if (debugConfiguration['mode'] === 'auto') {
debugConfiguration['mode'] =
activeEditor && activeEditor.document.fileName.endsWith('_test.go') ? 'test' : 'debug';
if (debugConfiguration.request === 'launch' && debugConfiguration['mode'] === 'remote') {
`Request type of 'launch' with mode 'remote' is deprecated, please use request type 'attach' with mode 'remote' instead.`
if (
debugConfiguration.request === 'attach' &&
debugConfiguration['mode'] === 'remote' &&
) {
`Request type of 'attach' with mode 'remote' does not work with 'program' attribute, please use 'cwd' attribute instead.`
return debugConfiguration;
private showWarning(ignoreWarningKey: string, warningMessage: string) {
const ignoreWarning = getFromGlobalState(ignoreWarningKey);
if (ignoreWarning) {
const neverAgain = { title: `Don't Show Again` };
vscode.window.showWarningMessage(warningMessage, neverAgain).then((result) => {
if (result === neverAgain) {
updateGlobalState(ignoreWarningKey, true);