[latest] v0.17.0

8b166d9 [release] release: fix CHANGELOG.md
8439353 [release] 0.17.0 CHANGELOG
dfefea0 [release] debugAdapter: fix a bug where we are not sending back configuration done response
6f67a37 [release] src/goDebugConfiguration.ts: add resolveDebugConfiguration back
be02aa1 [release] test/gopls: fix completion middleware test
bbadf55 [release] build/all.bash: build vscode-test-env from the root
47a7452 [release] prepare v0.17.0 release
322e058 0.16.2 release CHANGELOG
368fc43 src/util.ts: allow getGoVersion when there is no active text editor
c23df8f src/goLanguageServer.ts: restart if go.toolsEnvVars changes
f8bce8c src/goBuild: remove misleading error message in modules mode
dcea773 src/goCover.ts: correct windows absolute filepath handling
02869c8 src/goPackages.ts: pass GOROOT to gopkgs
0b32079 docs/switch-version.md: add Go version switching documentation
1080e21 src/util.ts,goLanguageServer.ts: set cwd for cp.execFile
d594eec build: add setup_env to all.bash and update contributing.md
c705adf src/goInstallTools: report `go env` failure
f2fd351 src/debugAdapter: make filepaths in errors absolute
52260e0 src/goCover.ts: provide explicit directory for running go list
859bb8a src/goTools.ts: recognize gofumpt, gofumports formatters
d05379e test/integration: increase extension test timeout
43d6d04 package.json: let some commands activate extension
5a7752c src/debugAdapter: add delve 'call' command support
575abde src/goEnvironmentStatus: fix PATH mutation logic in osx
77bda0a test/gopls: print gopls traces when test fails
2c287db src/goDebugConfiguration: expand '~' in cwd attribute
bd77a6f src/testUtils.ts: always run test in package list mode
a7b1705 test/integration: add extra tests for env var combining
3ffb96e src/goCover: remove obsolete go.coverageDecorator support
da7328b package.json: disable debug config's showGlobalVariables by default
4b52e43 package.json: disable go.installDependenciesWhenBuilding by default
c7c4188 src/goDebugConfiguration: combine envFile and env
cd41bd1 .github/workflows, build: install dlv in containers
c169d13 src/utils/envUtils.ts: add parseEnvFiles
eeb2512 src/utils: move env var utilities to its own module
95570ec goLanguageServer: attach gopls version to issue reports
e15a8a2 docs: link to more VS Code docs, add alternative ways to start
8f16fe4 tools/generate.go: add defaults and enums to settings.md
9167ad2 docs: add stdlib.md
7f493bf src/goEnvironmentStatus.ts: notify user of available Go updates
1e4dbe2 src/testUtils.ts: fix parsing of the compiler error file expansion
47e2496 docs: fix out-of-sync documentation
139fd7d src/goCover.go: add go.coverMode to display coverage data and counts
d41272c src/util.ts: log `go version` output
6aa134d src/goInstallTools.ts: fix the installation failure message
e1603dd package.json: allow additional properties for alternateTools
56f2f9e src/goLanguageServer.ts: update middleware arguments to match gopls
5089f49 build,.github/workflows: use go1.15
2bd6cd6 docs: expand debugging instructions
f4f147c build: add line breaks to build/Dockerfile
116a0a0 package.json: prepare for 0.17.0 dev
bc9db1e CHANGELOG.md: cherry-pick v0.16.1 CHANGELOG update
aabbc51 src/goLanguageServer.ts: add config to overwrite vscode-go codelens
bec9cf3 src/testUtil.ts: switch to -json mode only if -v is set
9bdb768 build,.github/workflows: install all tools in modules mode
f9c0454 src/debugAdapter2: launch as an external process, and fix config
c3f97ff goLanguageServer: change survey prompt probability to 2.75%
d1404a0 src/goLanguageServer.ts: handle missing filterText in completion items
6a84918 src/goEnv.ts: readd go.toolsEnvVars variable substitution
c6695aa src/goMain.ts: reinstate the goroot var interpolation
c22bbe5 CHANGELOG.md: v0.16.0 release note
9523e4b src/goInstallTools.ts: avoid type check error
18eaf7e src/goEnvironmentStatus.ts: ignore uninstalled Go on network failure
fe3c6b5 package.json: require vscode 1.46 or up
9d1620b src/goLanguageServer.ts: add "debug test" and "debug benchmark" codelens
e3aa3a2 src: npm run fix-lint
d8f9560 src/goEnvironmentStatus.ts: handle failed getGoVersion call
dc9de1c src/util.ts: attempt to fix version parsing again
bd41c5e src/goLanguageServer.ts: fix broken event forwarding in middleware

Change-Id: Iac7f79836f317689a482d952136ed7c03215e30f