docs/ update doc to reflect changes in cl/495816

Change-Id: Id7625ef22ff069c550536225b83bf05051dbcbbf
Run-TryBot: Hyang-Ah Hana Kim <>
Reviewed-by: Suzy Mueller <>
TryBot-Result: kokoro <>
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 726f562..3ab7606 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@
 | Property | Launch | Attach |
 | --- | --- | --- |
-| `args` | Command line arguments passed to the debugged program.<br/> | <center>_n/a_</center> |
+| `args` | Command line arguments passed to the debugged program.<br/>(Default: `[]`)<br/> | <center>_n/a_</center> |
 | `asRoot` | (Experimental) Debug with elevated permissions (on Unix). It requires `integrated` or `external` console modes and is ignored in remote debugging.<br/>(Default: `false`)<br/> | (Experimental) Debug with elevated permissions (on Unix). This requires `integrated` or `external` console modes and is ignored in remote debugging.<br/>(Default: `false`)<br/> |
 | `backend` | Backend used by delve. Maps to `dlv`'s `--backend` flag.<br/><p>Allowed Values: `"default"`, `"native"`, `"lldb"`, `"rr"`<br/> | <center>_same as Launch_</center>|
 | `buildFlags` | Build flags, to be passed to the Go compiler. Maps to dlv's `--build-flags` flag.<br/>(Default: `""`)<br/> | <center>_n/a_</center> |
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 3a99320..4160be9 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -678,7 +678,10 @@
                 "default": false
               "args": {
-                "type": ["array", "string"],
+                "type": [
+                  "array",
+                  "string"
+                ],
                 "description": "Command line arguments passed to the debugged program.",
                 "items": {
                   "type": "string"