docs/ update remote debugging documentation

Fix the remote debugging documentation to have the current configuration

Fixes golang/vscode-go#164
Updates golang/vscode-go#45

Change-Id: I4df7b080d2e26275218ccbdf3d79d3b82c44bd8c
Trust: Suzy Mueller <>
Reviewed-by: Polina Sokolova <>
Reviewed-by: Quoc Truong <>
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 51e754e..23efb2d 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -103,13 +103,14 @@
 request    | One of `launch` or `attach`. Use `attach` when you want to attach to a running process.
 mode       | For `launch` requests, one of `auto`, `debug`, `remote`, `test`, or `exec`. For `attach` requests, use `local` or `remote`.
 program    | In `test` or `debug` mode, this refers to the absolute path to the package or file to debug. In `exec` mode, this is the existing binary file to debug. Not applicable to `attach` requests.
-env        | Environment variables to use when debugging. Use the format: `{ "NAME": "VALUE" }`.
+env        | Environment variables to use when debugging. Use the format: `{ "NAME": "VALUE" }`. Not applicable to `attach` requests.
 envFile    | Absolute path to a file containing environment variable definitions. The environment variables passed in via the `env` property override the ones in this file.
 args       | Array of command-line arguments to pass to the program being debugged.
 showLog    | If `true`, Delve logs will be printed in the Debug Console panel.
 logOutput  | Comma-separated list of Delve components (`debugger`, `gdbwire`, `lldbout`, `debuglineerr`, `rpc`) that should produce debug output when `showLog` is `true`.
 buildFlags | Build flags to pass to the Go compiler.
-remotePath | If remote debugging (`mode`: `remote`), this should be the absolute path to the file being debugged on the remote machine. See the section on [Remote Debugging](#remote-debugging) for further details. [golang/vscode-go#45]( is also relevant.
+remotePath | If remote debugging (`mode`: `remote`), this should be the absolute path to the package being debugged on the remote machine. See the section on [Remote Debugging](#remote-debugging) for further details. [golang/vscode-go#45]( is also relevant.
+cwd | The working directory to be used in running the program. If remote debugging (`mode`: `remote`), this should be the absolute path to the working directory being debugged on the local machine. See the section on [Remote Debugging](#remote-debugging) for further details. [golang/vscode-go#45]( is also relevant.
 processId  | This is the process ID of the executable you want to debug. Applicable only when using the `attach` request in `local` mode.
 ### Specifying [build tags](
@@ -266,21 +267,18 @@
     "name": "Launch remote",
     "type": "go",
-    "request": "launch",
+    "request": "attach",
     "mode": "remote",
-    "remotePath": "/absolute/path/file/on/remote/machine",
+    "remotePath": "/absolute/path/dir/on/remote/machine",
     "port": 2345,
     "host": "",
-    "program": "/absolute/path/file/on/local/machine",
-    "env": {}
+    "cwd": "/absolute/path/dir/on/local/machine",
 In the example, the VS Code debugger will run on the same machine as the headless `dlv` server. Make sure to update the `port` and `host` settings to point to your remote machine.
-`remotePath` should point to the absolute path of the file being debugged in the remote machine. See [golang/vscode-go#126]( for updates regarding `remotePath`.
-`program` should point to the absolute path of the file on your local machine. This should be the counterpart of the file in `remotePath`.
+`remotePath` should point to the absolute path of the program being debugged in the remote machine. `cwd` should point to the absolute path of the working directory of the program being debugged on your local machine. This should be the counterpart of the folder in `remotePath`. See [golang/vscode-go#45]( for updates regarding `remotePath` and `cwd`.
 When you run the `Launch remote` target, VS Code will send debugging commands to the `dlv` server you started, instead of launching it's own `dlv` instance against your program.