src/goEnvironmentStatus.ts: use the new EnvironmentVariableCollection API

vscode.ExtensionContext.EnvironmentVariableCollection is available since
1.46 (May 2020 release
This API is specifically designed to help easy mutation of terminal
environment, so we are trying to use it now.

I hope this helps to address a couple of bugs related to the shell
detection and the correct command and path escaping discovered
during testing on Windows.

Unfortunately, this API does not work well on Mac due to the peculiarity
described in

So, we use the new API only for non-darwin OSes for now. On Mac,
we send the command as done before unless users explicitly
chose to use `-l` or `--login` parameter.

And moved addGoRuntimeBaseToPATH to goEnvironmentStatus.ts
because I think this is a better place.

Updates golang/vscode-go#378

Change-Id: I56ada362fb422bca9c789eae30c6239cac5b4711
Reviewed-by: Brayden Cloud <>
Reviewed-by: Hyang-Ah Hana Kim <>
diff --git a/src/goEnvironmentStatus.ts b/src/goEnvironmentStatus.ts
index 1b78d6e..1dd8865 100644
--- a/src/goEnvironmentStatus.ts
+++ b/src/goEnvironmentStatus.ts
@@ -36,31 +36,18 @@
 // statusbar item for switching the Go environment
 let goEnvStatusbarItem: vscode.StatusBarItem;
 let terminalCreationListener: vscode.Disposable;
-let terminalPATH: string;
  * Initialize the status bar item with current Go binary
-export async function initGoStatusBar(cachePath: string) {
+export async function initGoStatusBar() {
 	if (!goEnvStatusbarItem) {
 		goEnvStatusbarItem = vscode.window.createStatusBarItem(vscode.StatusBarAlignment.Left, 50);
-	// cache the PATH on first initialization
-	// this will be the path that new integrated terminals have
-	if (!terminalPATH) {
-		terminalPATH = cachePath;
-	}
 	// set Go version and command
 	const version = await getGoVersion();
 	const goOption = new GoEnvironmentOption(version.binaryPath, formatGoVersion(version.format()));
-	// ensure terminals use the correct Go version
-	if (!terminalCreationListener) {
-		updateIntegratedTerminal(vscode.window.activeTerminal);
-		terminalCreationListener = vscode.window.onDidOpenTerminal(updateIntegratedTerminal);
-	}
 	goEnvStatusbarItem.text = goOption.label;
 	goEnvStatusbarItem.command = 'go.environment.choose';
@@ -97,6 +84,11 @@
+let environmentVariableCollection: vscode.EnvironmentVariableCollection;
+export function setEnvironmentVariableCollection(env: vscode.EnvironmentVariableCollection) {
+	environmentVariableCollection = env;
  * Present a command palette menu to the user to select their go binary
@@ -149,8 +141,10 @@
 	// update currently selected go
 	try {
-		await setSelectedGo(GoEnvironmentOption.fromQuickPickItem(selection));
-		vscode.window.showInformationMessage(`Switched to ${selection.label}`);
+		const changed = await setSelectedGo(GoEnvironmentOption.fromQuickPickItem(selection));
+		if (changed) {
+			vscode.window.showInformationMessage(`Switched to ${selection.label}`);
+		}
 	} catch (e) {
@@ -159,123 +153,183 @@
  * update the selected go path and label in the workspace state
-export async function setSelectedGo(goOption: GoEnvironmentOption, promptReload = true) {
+export async function setSelectedGo(goOption: GoEnvironmentOption, promptReload = true): Promise<boolean> {
 	if (!goOption) {
-		return;
+		return false;
-	const execFile = promisify(cp.execFile);
 	// if the selected go version is not installed, install it
 	if (goOption.binpath?.startsWith('go get')) {
 		// start a loading indicator
-		await vscode.window.withProgress({
-			title: `Downloading ${goOption.label}`,
-			location: vscode.ProgressLocation.Notification,
-		}, async () => {
-			outputChannel.clear();
-			outputChannel.appendLine('Finding Go executable for downloading');
-			const goExecutable = getBinPath('go');
-			if (!goExecutable) {
-				outputChannel.appendLine('Could not find Go executable.');
-				throw new Error('Could not find Go tool.');
-			}
-			// TODO(bcloud) dedup repeated logic below which comes from
-			//
-			// Install tools in a temporary directory, to avoid altering go.mod files.
-			const mkdtemp = promisify(fs.mkdtemp);
-			const toolsTmpDir = await mkdtemp(getTempFilePath('go-tools-'));
-			let tmpGoModFile: string;
-			// Write a temporary go.mod file to avoid version conflicts.
-			tmpGoModFile = path.join(toolsTmpDir, 'go.mod');
-			const writeFile = promisify(fs.writeFile);
-			await writeFile(tmpGoModFile, 'module tools');
-			// use the current go executable to download the new version
-			const env = {
-				...toolInstallationEnvironment(),
-				GO111MODULE: 'on',
-			};
-			const [, ...args] = goOption.binpath.split(' ');
-			outputChannel.appendLine(`Running ${goExecutable} ${args.join(' ')}`);
-			try {
-				await execFile(goExecutable, args, {
-					env,
-					cwd: toolsTmpDir,
-				});
-			} catch (getErr) {
-				outputChannel.appendLine(`Error finding Go: ${getErr}`);
-				throw new Error('Could not find Go version.');
-			}
-			// run `goX.X download`
-			const newExecutableName = args[1].split('/')[2];
-			const goXExecutable = getBinPath(newExecutableName);
-			outputChannel.appendLine(`Running: ${goXExecutable} download`);
-			try {
-				await execFile(goXExecutable, ['download'], { env });
-			} catch (downloadErr) {
-				outputChannel.appendLine(`Error finishing installation: ${downloadErr}`);
-				throw new Error('Could not download Go version.');
-			}
-			outputChannel.appendLine('Finding newly downloaded Go');
-			const sdkPath = path.join(os.homedir(), 'sdk');
-			if (!await pathExists(sdkPath)) {
-				outputChannel.appendLine(`SDK path does not exist: ${sdkPath}`);
-				throw new Error(`SDK path does not exist: ${sdkPath}`);
-			}
-			const readdir = promisify(fs.readdir);
-			const subdirs = await readdir(sdkPath);
-			const dir = subdirs.find((subdir) => subdir === newExecutableName);
-			if (!dir) {
-				outputChannel.appendLine('Could not find newly downloaded Go');
-				throw new Error('Could not install Go version.');
-			}
-			const binpath = path.join(sdkPath, dir, 'bin', correctBinname('go'));
-			const newOption = new GoEnvironmentOption(binpath, goOption.label);
-			await updateWorkspaceState('selectedGo', newOption);
-			goEnvStatusbarItem.text = goOption.label;
-			// remove tmp directories
-			outputChannel.appendLine('Cleaning up...');
-			rmdirRecursive(toolsTmpDir);
-			outputChannel.appendLine('Success!');
-		});
+		await downloadGo(goOption);
 	} else if (goOption.label === 'Clear selection') {
-		updateWorkspaceState('selectedGo', undefined);
+		if (!getSelectedGo()) {
+			return false;  // do nothing.
+		}
+		await updateWorkspaceState('selectedGo', undefined);
+		// TODO: goEnvStatusbarItem?
 	} else {
 		// check that the given binary is not already at the beginning of the PATH
 		const go = await getGoVersion();
-		if (go.binaryPath === goOption.binpath) {
-			return;
+		if (!!go && (go.binaryPath === goOption.binpath || 'Go ' + go.format() === goOption.label)) {
+			return false;
 		await updateWorkspaceState('selectedGo', goOption);
-		goEnvStatusbarItem.text = goOption.label;
-	// prompt the user to reload the window
-	// promptReload defaults to true and should only be false for tests
+	// prompt the user to reload the window.
+	// promptReload defaults to true and should only be false for tests.
 	if (promptReload) {
-		const choice = await vscode.window.showInformationMessage('Please reload the window to finish applying changes.', 'Reload Window');
+		const choice = await vscode.window.showInformationMessage('Please reload the window to finish applying Go version changes.', 'Reload Window');
 		if (choice === 'Reload Window') {
 			await vscode.commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.reloadWindow');
+	goEnvStatusbarItem.text = 'Go: reload required';
+	goEnvStatusbarItem.command = 'workbench.action.reloadWindow';
+	return true;
+// downloadGo downloads the specified go version available in
+async function downloadGo(goOption: GoEnvironmentOption) {
+	const execFile = promisify(cp.execFile);
+	await vscode.window.withProgress({
+		title: `Downloading ${goOption.label}`,
+		location: vscode.ProgressLocation.Notification,
+	}, async () => {
+		outputChannel.clear();
+		outputChannel.appendLine('Finding Go executable for downloading');
+		const goExecutable = getBinPath('go');
+		if (!goExecutable) {
+			outputChannel.appendLine('Could not find Go executable.');
+			throw new Error('Could not find Go tool.');
+		}
+		// TODO(bcloud) dedup repeated logic below which comes from
+		//
+		// Install tools in a temporary directory, to avoid altering go.mod files.
+		const mkdtemp = promisify(fs.mkdtemp);
+		const toolsTmpDir = await mkdtemp(getTempFilePath('go-tools-'));
+		let tmpGoModFile: string;
+		// Write a temporary go.mod file to avoid version conflicts.
+		tmpGoModFile = path.join(toolsTmpDir, 'go.mod');
+		const writeFile = promisify(fs.writeFile);
+		await writeFile(tmpGoModFile, 'module tools');
+		// use the current go executable to download the new version
+		const env = {
+			...toolInstallationEnvironment(),
+			GO111MODULE: 'on',
+		};
+		const [, ...args] = goOption.binpath.split(' ');
+		outputChannel.appendLine(`Running ${goExecutable} ${args.join(' ')}`);
+		try {
+			await execFile(goExecutable, args, {
+				env,
+				cwd: toolsTmpDir,
+			});
+		} catch (getErr) {
+			outputChannel.appendLine(`Error finding Go: ${getErr}`);
+			throw new Error('Could not find Go version.');
+		}
+		// run `goX.X download`
+		const newExecutableName = args[1].split('/')[2];
+		const goXExecutable = getBinPath(newExecutableName);
+		outputChannel.appendLine(`Running: ${goXExecutable} download`);
+		try {
+			await execFile(goXExecutable, ['download'], { env });
+		} catch (downloadErr) {
+			outputChannel.appendLine(`Error finishing installation: ${downloadErr}`);
+			throw new Error('Could not download Go version.');
+		}
+		outputChannel.appendLine('Finding newly downloaded Go');
+		const sdkPath = path.join(os.homedir(), 'sdk');
+		if (!await pathExists(sdkPath)) {
+			outputChannel.appendLine(`SDK path does not exist: ${sdkPath}`);
+			throw new Error(`SDK path does not exist: ${sdkPath}`);
+		}
+		const readdir = promisify(fs.readdir);
+		const subdirs = await readdir(sdkPath);
+		const dir = subdirs.find((subdir) => subdir === newExecutableName);
+		if (!dir) {
+			outputChannel.appendLine('Could not find newly downloaded Go');
+			throw new Error('Could not install Go version.');
+		}
+		const binpath = path.join(sdkPath, dir, 'bin', correctBinname('go'));
+		const newOption = new GoEnvironmentOption(binpath, goOption.label);
+		await updateWorkspaceState('selectedGo', newOption);
+		// remove tmp directories
+		outputChannel.appendLine('Cleaning up...');
+		rmdirRecursive(toolsTmpDir);
+		outputChannel.appendLine('Success!');
+	});
+// PATH value cached before addGoRuntimeBaseToPath modified.
+let defaultPathEnv = '';
+// addGoRuntimeBaseToPATH adds the given path to the front of the PATH environment variable.
+// It removes duplicates.
+// TODO: can we avoid changing PATH but utilize toolExecutionEnv?
+export function addGoRuntimeBaseToPATH(newGoRuntimeBase: string) {
+	if (!newGoRuntimeBase) {
+		return;
+	}
+	let pathEnvVar: string;
+	if (process.env.hasOwnProperty('PATH')) {
+		pathEnvVar = 'PATH';
+	} else if (process.platform === 'win32' && process.env.hasOwnProperty('Path')) {
+		pathEnvVar = 'Path';
+	} else {
+		return;
+	}
+	if (!defaultPathEnv) {  // cache the default value
+		defaultPathEnv = <string>process.env[pathEnvVar];
+	}
+	// calling this multiple times will override the previous value.
+	// environmentVariableCollection.clear();
+	if (process.platform !== 'darwin') {
+		environmentVariableCollection?.prepend(pathEnvVar, newGoRuntimeBase + path.delimiter);
+	} else if (!terminalCreationListener) {
+		// We don't use EnvironmentVariableCollection on mac
+		// because this gets confusing for users. Instead we send the
+		// shell command to change the PATH env var,
+		// following the suggestion to workaround described in
+		//
+		const terminalShellArgs = <string[]>(vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('terminal.integrated').get('shellArgs') || []);
+		// User explicitly chose to run the login shell. So, don't mess with their config.
+		if (!terminalShellArgs.includes('-l') && !terminalShellArgs.includes('--login')) {
+			for (const term of vscode.window.terminals) {
+				updateIntegratedTerminal(term);
+			}
+			terminalCreationListener = vscode.window.onDidOpenTerminal(updateIntegratedTerminal);
+		}
+	}
+	let pathVars = defaultPathEnv.split(path.delimiter);
+	pathVars = pathVars.filter((p) => p !== newGoRuntimeBase);
+	pathVars.unshift(newGoRuntimeBase);
+	process.env[pathEnvVar] = pathVars.join(path.delimiter);
  * update the PATH variable in the given terminal to default to the currently selected Go
-export async function updateIntegratedTerminal(terminal: vscode.Terminal) {
+export async function updateIntegratedTerminal(terminal: vscode.Terminal): Promise<void> {
 	if (!terminal) { return; }
 	const gorootBin = path.join(getCurrentGoRoot(), 'bin');
-	const defaultGoRuntimeBin = path.dirname(getBinPathFromEnvVar('go', terminalPATH, false));
+	const defaultGoRuntimeBin = path.dirname(getBinPathFromEnvVar('go', defaultPathEnv, false));
 	if (gorootBin === defaultGoRuntimeBin) {
diff --git a/src/goInstallTools.ts b/src/goInstallTools.ts
index eb51b4a..26ccb8b 100644
--- a/src/goInstallTools.ts
+++ b/src/goInstallTools.ts
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 import util = require('util');
 import vscode = require('vscode');
 import { toolInstallationEnvironment } from './goEnv';
-import { initGoStatusBar } from './goEnvironmentStatus';
+import { addGoRuntimeBaseToPATH, initGoStatusBar } from './goEnvironmentStatus';
 import { getLanguageServerToolPath } from './goLanguageServer';
 import { restartLanguageServer } from './goMain';
 import { hideGoStatus, outputChannel, showGoStatus } from './goStatus';
@@ -372,15 +372,8 @@
 			// cgo, gopls, and other underlying tools will inherit the environment and attempt
 			// to locate 'go' from the PATH env var.
-			let cachePath = '';
-			if (process.env.hasOwnProperty('PATH')) {
-				cachePath = process.env.PATH;
-			} else {
-				cachePath = process.env.Path;
-			}
 			addGoRuntimeBaseToPATH(path.join(getCurrentGoRoot(), 'bin'));
-			initGoStatusBar(cachePath);
+			initGoStatusBar();
 			// TODO: restart language server or synchronize with language server update.
 			return resolve();
@@ -388,36 +381,6 @@
-// PATH value cached before addGoRuntimeBaseToPath modified.
-let defaultPathEnv = '';
-// addGoRuntimeBaseToPATH adds the given path to the front of the PATH environment variable.
-// It removes duplicates.
-// TODO: can we avoid changing PATH but utilize toolExecutionEnv?
-function addGoRuntimeBaseToPATH(newGoRuntimeBase: string) {
-	if (!newGoRuntimeBase) {
-		return;
-	}
-	let pathEnvVar: string;
-	if (process.env.hasOwnProperty('PATH')) {
-		pathEnvVar = 'PATH';
-	} else if (process.platform === 'win32' && process.env.hasOwnProperty('Path')) {
-		pathEnvVar = 'Path';
-	} else {
-		return;
-	}
-	if (!defaultPathEnv) {  // cache the default value
-		defaultPathEnv = <string>process.env[pathEnvVar];
-	}
-	let pathVars = defaultPathEnv.split(path.delimiter);
-	pathVars = pathVars.filter((p) => p !== newGoRuntimeBase);
-	pathVars.unshift(newGoRuntimeBase);
-	process.env[pathEnvVar] = pathVars.join(path.delimiter);
 let alreadyOfferedToInstallTools = false;
 export async function offerToInstallTools() {
diff --git a/src/goMain.ts b/src/goMain.ts
index d4292be..4bc637d 100644
--- a/src/goMain.ts
+++ b/src/goMain.ts
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 import { GoDebugConfigurationProvider } from './goDebugConfiguration';
 import { extractFunction, extractVariable } from './goDoctor';
 import { toolExecutionEnvironment } from './goEnv';
-import { chooseGoEnvironment, disposeGoStatusBar } from './goEnvironmentStatus';
+import { chooseGoEnvironment, disposeGoStatusBar, setEnvironmentVariableCollection } from './goEnvironmentStatus';
 import { runFillStruct } from './goFillStruct';
 import * as goGenerateTests from './goGenerateTests';
 import { goGetPackage } from './goGetPackage';
@@ -74,6 +74,8 @@
 export function activate(ctx: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
+	setEnvironmentVariableCollection(ctx.environmentVariableCollection);
 	const configGOROOT = getGoConfig()['goroot'];
 	if (!!configGOROOT) {