blob: e04ccea326d4ae1914b053da9caffd31da0eef4b [file] [log] [blame]
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
* Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
import vscode = require('vscode');
import { getGoConfig } from './config';
import { lastUserAction } from './goLanguageServer';
import { daysBetween, flushSurveyConfig, getStateConfig, minutesBetween, timeMinute } from './goSurvey';
// Start and end dates of the survey.
export const startDate = new Date('2021-09-01'); // TODO(rstambler): Set an actual start date.
export const endDate = new Date('2022-01-01'); // TODO(rstambler): Set an actual end date.
// DeveloperSurveyConfig is the set of global properties used to determine if
// we should prompt a user to take the gopls survey.
export interface DeveloperSurveyConfig {
// prompt is true if the user can be prompted to take the survey.
// It is false if the user has responded "Never" to the prompt.
prompt?: boolean;
// datePromptComputed is the date on which the value of the prompt field
// was set. It is usually the same as lastDatePrompted, but not
// necessarily.
datePromptComputed?: Date;
// lastDatePrompted is the most recent date that the user has been prompted.
lastDatePrompted?: Date;
// lastDateAccepted is the most recent date that the user responded "Yes"
// to the survey prompt. The user need not have completed the survey.
lastDateAccepted?: Date;
export function maybePromptForDeveloperSurvey() {
// First, check the value of the 'go.survey.prompt' setting to see
// if the user has opted out of all survey prompts.
const goConfig = getGoConfig();
if (goConfig.get('survey.prompt') === false) {
const now = new Date();
let cfg = shouldPromptForSurvey(now, getSurveyConfig());
if (!cfg) {
if (!cfg.prompt) {
const callback = async () => {
const currentTime = new Date();
// Make sure the user has been idle for at least a minute.
if (minutesBetween(lastUserAction, currentTime) < 1) {
setTimeout(callback, 5 * timeMinute);
cfg = await promptForDeveloperSurvey(cfg, now);
if (cfg) {
flushSurveyConfig(developerSurveyConfig, cfg);
// shouldPromptForSurvey decides if we should prompt the given user to take the
// survey. It returns the DeveloperSurveyConfig if we should prompt, and
// undefined if we should not prompt.
export function shouldPromptForSurvey(now: Date, cfg: DeveloperSurveyConfig): DeveloperSurveyConfig {
// TODO(rstambler): Merge checks for surveys into a setting.
// Don't prompt if the survey hasn't started or is over.
if (!inDateRange(startDate, endDate, now)) {
// Reset the values if we're outside of the previous survey period.
if (cfg.datePromptComputed && !inDateRange(startDate, endDate, cfg.datePromptComputed)) {
cfg = {};
// If the prompt value is not set, assume we haven't prompted the user
// and should do so.
if (cfg.prompt === undefined) {
cfg.prompt = true;
cfg.datePromptComputed = now;
flushSurveyConfig(developerSurveyConfig, cfg);
if (!cfg.prompt) {
// Check if the user has taken the survey in the current survey period.
// Don't prompt them if they have.
if (cfg.lastDateAccepted) {
if (inDateRange(startDate, endDate, cfg.lastDateAccepted)) {
// Check if the user has been prompted for the survey in the last 5 days.
// Don't prompt them if they have been.
if (cfg.lastDatePrompted) {
// If the survey will end in 5 days, prompt the next day.
// Otherwise, wait for 5 days.
if (daysBetween(now, endDate) > 5 && daysBetween(now, cfg.lastDatePrompted) < 5) {
return cfg;
// This is the first activation this month (or ever), so decide if we
// should prompt the user. This is done by generating a random number in
// the range [0, 1) and checking if it is < probability.
const probability = 0.2;
cfg.datePromptComputed = now;
cfg.prompt = Math.random() < probability;
flushSurveyConfig(developerSurveyConfig, cfg);
return cfg;
async function promptForDeveloperSurvey(cfg: DeveloperSurveyConfig, now: Date): Promise<DeveloperSurveyConfig> {
let selected = await vscode.window.showInformationMessage(
// TODO(rstambler): Figure out how to phrase this.
'Looks like you are coding in Go! We are currently running a Go developer survey...',
'Not now',
// Update the time last asked.
cfg.lastDatePrompted = now;
cfg.datePromptComputed = now;
switch (selected) {
case 'Yes':
cfg.lastDateAccepted = now;
cfg.prompt = true;
const surveyURL = ''; // set source to vscode-go
await vscode.env.openExternal(vscode.Uri.parse(surveyURL));
case 'Remind me later':
cfg.prompt = true;
vscode.window.showInformationMessage("No problem! We'll ask you again another time.");
case 'Never':
cfg.prompt = false;
selected = await vscode.window.showInformationMessage(
`No problem! We won't ask again.
To opt-out of all survey prompts, please set 'go.survey.prompt' to false.`,
'Open Settings'
switch (selected) {
case 'Open Settings':
vscode.commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.openSettings', 'go.survey.prompt');
// If the user closes the prompt without making a selection, treat it
// like a "Not now" response.
cfg.prompt = true;
return cfg;
export const developerSurveyConfig = 'developerSurveyConfig';
function getSurveyConfig(): DeveloperSurveyConfig {
return getStateConfig(developerSurveyConfig) as DeveloperSurveyConfig;
// Assumes that end > start.
export function inDateRange(start: Date, end: Date, date: Date): boolean {
// date is before the start time.
if (date.getTime() - start.getTime() < 0) {
return false;
// end is before the date.
if (end.getTime() - date.getTime() < 0) {
return false;
return true;