blob: f0655101f54a63fad97c8c8fdf5217e819f77486 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import * as assert from 'assert';
import sinon = require('sinon');
import vscode = require('vscode');
import goLanguageServer = require('../../src/goLanguageServer');
suite('gopls survey tests', () => {
test('prompt for survey', () => {
// global state -> offer survey
const testCases: [goLanguageServer.SurveyConfig, boolean][] = [
// User who is activating the extension for the first time.
[{}, true],
// User who has already taken the survey.
lastDateAccepted: new Date('2020-04-02'),
dateComputedPromptThisMonth: new Date('2020-04-10'),
lastDatePrompted: new Date('2020-04-02'),
prompt: true,
promptThisMonth: false
// User who has declined survey prompting.
dateComputedPromptThisMonth: new Date('2020-04-10'),
lastDatePrompted: new Date('2020-04-02'),
prompt: false
// User who hasn't activated the extension in a while, but has opted in to prompting.
dateComputedPromptThisMonth: new Date('2019-04-10'),
lastDatePrompted: new Date('2019-01-02'),
prompt: true
// User who hasn't activated the extension in a while, and has never been prompted.
dateComputedPromptThisMonth: new Date('2019-04-10'),
lastDatePrompted: new Date('2019-01-02')
// User who should get prompted this month, but hasn't been yet.
lastDateAccepted: undefined,
dateComputedPromptThisMonth: new Date('2020-04-10'),
lastDatePrompted: new Date('2019-01-02'),
prompt: true,
promptThisMonth: true
];[testConfig, wantPrompt], i) => {
// Replace Math.Random so that it always returns 1. This means
// that we will always choose to prompt, in the event that the
// user can be prompted that month.
sinon.replace(Math, 'random', () => 0);
const now = new Date('2020-04-29');
const gotPrompt = goLanguageServer.shouldPromptForSurvey(now, testConfig);
if (wantPrompt) {
assert.ok(gotPrompt, `prompt determination failed for ${i}`);
} else {
assert.equal(gotPrompt, wantPrompt, `prompt determination failed for ${i}`);
suite('gopls opt out', () => {
let sandbox: sinon.SinonSandbox;
setup(() => {
sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
teardown(() => {
const testCases: [goLanguageServer.GoplsOptOutConfig, string, number][] = [
// No saved config, different choices in the first dialog box.
[{}, 'Enable', 1],
[{}, 'Not now', 1],
[{}, 'Never', 2],
// // Saved config, doesn't matter what the user chooses.
[{ prompt: false }, '', 0],
[{ prompt: false, lastDatePrompted: new Date() }, '', 0],
[{ prompt: true }, '', 1],
[{ prompt: true, lastDatePrompted: new Date() }, '', 0]
]; ([testConfig, choice, wantCount], i) => {
test(`opt out: ${i}`, async () => {
const stub = sandbox.stub(vscode.window, 'showInformationMessage').resolves({ title: choice });
const getGoplsOptOutConfigStub = sandbox.stub(goLanguageServer, 'getGoplsOptOutConfig').returns(testConfig);
await goLanguageServer.promptAboutGoplsOptOut(false);
assert.strictEqual(stub.callCount, wantCount);