blob: ca68e122548a48448e73c75e63e815121f820ebf [file] [log] [blame]
// <!-- Everything below this line is generated. DO NOT EDIT. -->
import moment = require('moment');
import semver = require('semver');
import { gocodeClose, Tool } from './goTools';
export const allToolsInformation: { [key: string]: Tool } = {
'gocode': {
name: 'gocode',
importPath: '',
modulePath: '',
isImportant: true,
replacedByGopls: true,
description: 'Auto-completion, does not work with modules',
close: gocodeClose
'gocode-gomod': {
name: 'gocode-gomod',
importPath: '',
modulePath: '',
isImportant: true,
replacedByGopls: true,
description: 'Auto-completion, works with modules',
minimumGoVersion: semver.coerce('1.11')
'gopkgs': {
name: 'gopkgs',
importPath: '',
modulePath: '',
replacedByGopls: false, // TODO( disable Add Import command.
isImportant: true,
description: 'Auto-completion of unimported packages & Add Import feature'
'go-outline': {
name: 'go-outline',
importPath: '',
modulePath: '',
replacedByGopls: false, // TODO( replace with Gopls.
isImportant: true,
description: 'Go to symbol in file' // GoDocumentSymbolProvider, used by 'run test' codelens
'go-symbols': {
name: 'go-symbols',
importPath: '',
modulePath: '',
replacedByGopls: true,
isImportant: false,
description: 'Go to symbol in workspace'
'guru': {
name: 'guru',
importPath: '',
modulePath: '',
replacedByGopls: true,
isImportant: false,
description: 'Find all references and Go to implementation of symbols'
'gorename': {
name: 'gorename',
importPath: '',
modulePath: '',
replacedByGopls: true,
isImportant: false,
description: 'Rename symbols'
'gomodifytags': {
name: 'gomodifytags',
importPath: '',
modulePath: '',
replacedByGopls: false,
isImportant: false,
description: 'Modify tags on structs'
'goplay': {
name: 'goplay',
importPath: '',
modulePath: '',
replacedByGopls: false,
isImportant: false,
description: 'The Go playground'
'impl': {
name: 'impl',
importPath: '',
modulePath: '',
replacedByGopls: false,
isImportant: false,
description: 'Stubs for interfaces'
'gotype-live': {
name: 'gotype-live',
importPath: '',
modulePath: '',
replacedByGopls: true, // TODO( recommend users to turn off.
isImportant: false,
description: 'Show errors as you type'
'godef': {
name: 'godef',
importPath: '',
modulePath: '',
replacedByGopls: true,
isImportant: true,
description: 'Go to definition'
'gogetdoc': {
name: 'gogetdoc',
importPath: '',
modulePath: '',
replacedByGopls: true,
isImportant: true,
description: 'Go to definition & text shown on hover'
'gofumports': {
name: 'gofumports',
importPath: '',
modulePath: '',
replacedByGopls: true,
isImportant: false,
description: 'Formatter',
defaultVersion: 'v0.1.1'
'gofumpt': {
name: 'gofumpt',
importPath: '',
modulePath: '',
replacedByGopls: true,
isImportant: false,
description: 'Formatter'
'goimports': {
name: 'goimports',
importPath: '',
modulePath: '',
replacedByGopls: true,
isImportant: true,
description: 'Formatter'
'goreturns': {
name: 'goreturns',
importPath: '',
modulePath: '',
replacedByGopls: true,
isImportant: true,
description: 'Formatter'
'goformat': {
name: 'goformat',
importPath: '',
modulePath: '',
replacedByGopls: true,
isImportant: false,
description: 'Formatter'
'gotests': {
name: 'gotests',
importPath: '',
modulePath: '',
replacedByGopls: false,
isImportant: false,
description: 'Generate unit tests',
minimumGoVersion: semver.coerce('1.9')
// TODO( consider disabling lint when gopls is turned on.
'golint': {
name: 'golint',
importPath: '',
modulePath: '',
replacedByGopls: false,
isImportant: false,
description: 'Linter',
minimumGoVersion: semver.coerce('1.9')
'staticcheck': {
name: 'staticcheck',
importPath: '',
modulePath: '',
replacedByGopls: false,
isImportant: true,
description: 'Linter'
'golangci-lint': {
name: 'golangci-lint',
importPath: '',
modulePath: '',
replacedByGopls: false,
isImportant: true,
description: 'Linter'
'revive': {
name: 'revive',
importPath: '',
modulePath: '',
isImportant: true,
description: 'Linter'
'gopls': {
name: 'gopls',
importPath: '',
modulePath: '',
replacedByGopls: false, // lol
isImportant: true,
description: 'Language Server from Google',
usePrereleaseInPreviewMode: true,
minimumGoVersion: semver.coerce('1.12'),
latestVersion: semver.parse('v0.7.4'),
latestVersionTimestamp: moment('2021-12-09', 'YYYY-MM-DD'),
latestPrereleaseVersion: semver.parse('v0.7.4'),
latestPrereleaseVersionTimestamp: moment('2021-12-09', 'YYYY-MM-DD')
'dlv': {
name: 'dlv',
importPath: '',
modulePath: '',
replacedByGopls: false,
isImportant: true,
description: 'Go debugger (Delve)',
latestVersion: semver.parse('v1.6.1'), // minimum version that supports DAP
latestVersionTimestamp: moment('2021-05-19', 'YYYY-MM-DD'),
minimumGoVersion: semver.coerce('1.12') // dlv requires 1.12+ for build
'fillstruct': {
name: 'fillstruct',
importPath: '',
modulePath: '',
replacedByGopls: true,
isImportant: false,
description: 'Fill structs with defaults'
'godoctor': {
name: 'godoctor',
importPath: '',
modulePath: '',
replacedByGopls: true,
isImportant: false,
description: 'Extract to functions and variables'