| /*--------------------------------------------------------- |
| * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
| * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. |
| *--------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| import cp = require('child_process'); |
| import path = require('path'); |
| import vscode = require('vscode'); |
| import { installTools } from './goInstallTools'; |
| import { envPath, fixDriveCasingInWindows } from './goPath'; |
| import { getTool } from './goTools'; |
| import { getFromGlobalState, updateGlobalState } from './stateUtils'; |
| import { sendTelemetryEventForModulesUsage } from './telemetry'; |
| import { getBinPath, getGoConfig, getGoVersion, getModuleCache, getToolsEnvVars } from './util'; |
| |
| export let GO111MODULE: string; |
| |
| async function runGoModEnv(folderPath: string): Promise<string> { |
| const goExecutable = getBinPath('go'); |
| if (!goExecutable) { |
| console.warn( |
| `Failed to run "go env GOMOD" to find mod file as the "go" binary cannot be found in either GOROOT(${process.env['GOROOT']}) or PATH(${envPath})` |
| ); |
| return; |
| } |
| const env = getToolsEnvVars(); |
| GO111MODULE = env['GO111MODULE']; |
| return new Promise((resolve) => { |
| cp.execFile(goExecutable, ['env', 'GOMOD'], { cwd: folderPath, env: getToolsEnvVars() }, (err, stdout) => { |
| if (err) { |
| console.warn(`Error when running go env GOMOD: ${err}`); |
| return resolve(); |
| } |
| const [goMod] = stdout.split('\n'); |
| resolve(goMod); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| export function isModSupported(fileuri: vscode.Uri): Promise<boolean> { |
| return getModFolderPath(fileuri).then((modPath) => !!modPath); |
| } |
| |
| export const packagePathToGoModPathMap: { [key: string]: string } = {}; |
| |
| export async function getModFolderPath(fileuri: vscode.Uri): Promise<string> { |
| const pkgPath = path.dirname(fileuri.fsPath); |
| if (packagePathToGoModPathMap[pkgPath]) { |
| return packagePathToGoModPathMap[pkgPath]; |
| } |
| |
| // We never would be using the path under module cache for anything |
| // So, dont bother finding where exactly is the go.mod file |
| const moduleCache = getModuleCache(); |
| if (fixDriveCasingInWindows(fileuri.fsPath).startsWith(moduleCache)) { |
| return moduleCache; |
| } |
| const goVersion = await getGoVersion(); |
| if (goVersion.lt('1.11')) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| let goModEnvResult = await runGoModEnv(pkgPath); |
| if (goModEnvResult) { |
| logModuleUsage(); |
| goModEnvResult = path.dirname(goModEnvResult); |
| const goConfig = getGoConfig(fileuri); |
| let promptFormatTool = goConfig['formatTool'] === 'goreturns'; |
| |
| if (goConfig['inferGopath'] === true) { |
| goConfig.update('inferGopath', false, vscode.ConfigurationTarget.WorkspaceFolder); |
| vscode.window.showInformationMessage( |
| 'The "inferGopath" setting is disabled for this workspace because Go modules are being used.' |
| ); |
| } |
| if (goConfig['useLanguageServer'] === false) { |
| const promptMsg = |
| 'For better performance using Go modules, you can try the experimental Go language server, gopls.'; |
| const choseToUpdateLS = await promptToUpdateToolForModules('gopls', promptMsg, goConfig); |
| promptFormatTool = promptFormatTool && !choseToUpdateLS; |
| } else if (promptFormatTool) { |
| const languageServerExperimentalFeatures: any = goConfig.get('languageServerExperimentalFeatures'); |
| promptFormatTool = languageServerExperimentalFeatures['format'] === false; |
| } |
| |
| if (promptFormatTool) { |
| const promptMsgForFormatTool = |
| '`goreturns` doesnt support auto-importing missing imports when using Go modules yet. Please update the "formatTool" setting to `goimports`.'; |
| await promptToUpdateToolForModules('switchFormatToolToGoimports', promptMsgForFormatTool, goConfig); |
| } |
| } |
| packagePathToGoModPathMap[pkgPath] = goModEnvResult; |
| return goModEnvResult; |
| } |
| |
| let moduleUsageLogged = false; |
| function logModuleUsage() { |
| if (moduleUsageLogged) { |
| return; |
| } |
| moduleUsageLogged = true; |
| sendTelemetryEventForModulesUsage(); |
| } |
| |
| const promptedToolsForCurrentSession = new Set<string>(); |
| export async function promptToUpdateToolForModules( |
| tool: string, |
| promptMsg: string, |
| goConfig?: vscode.WorkspaceConfiguration |
| ): Promise<boolean> { |
| if (promptedToolsForCurrentSession.has(tool)) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| const promptedToolsForModules = getFromGlobalState('promptedToolsForModules', {}); |
| if (promptedToolsForModules[tool]) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| const goVersion = await getGoVersion(); |
| const selected = await vscode.window.showInformationMessage(promptMsg, 'Update', 'Later', `Don't show again`); |
| let choseToUpdate = false; |
| switch (selected) { |
| case 'Update': |
| choseToUpdate = true; |
| if (!goConfig) { |
| goConfig = getGoConfig(); |
| } |
| if (tool === 'switchFormatToolToGoimports') { |
| goConfig.update('formatTool', 'goimports', vscode.ConfigurationTarget.Global); |
| } else { |
| installTools([getTool(tool)], goVersion).then(() => { |
| if (tool === 'gopls') { |
| if (goConfig.get('useLanguageServer') === false) { |
| goConfig.update('useLanguageServer', true, vscode.ConfigurationTarget.Global); |
| } |
| if (goConfig.inspect('useLanguageServer').workspaceFolderValue === false) { |
| goConfig.update('useLanguageServer', true, vscode.ConfigurationTarget.WorkspaceFolder); |
| } |
| const reloadMsg = 'Reload VS Code window to enable the use of Go language server'; |
| vscode.window.showInformationMessage(reloadMsg, 'Reload').then((selectedForReload) => { |
| if (selectedForReload === 'Reload') { |
| vscode.commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.reloadWindow'); |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| promptedToolsForModules[tool] = true; |
| updateGlobalState('promptedToolsForModules', promptedToolsForModules); |
| break; |
| case `Don't show again`: |
| promptedToolsForModules[tool] = true; |
| updateGlobalState('promptedToolsForModules', promptedToolsForModules); |
| break; |
| case 'Later': |
| default: |
| promptedToolsForCurrentSession.add(tool); |
| break; |
| } |
| return choseToUpdate; |
| } |
| |
| const folderToPackageMapping: { [key: string]: string } = {}; |
| export async function getCurrentPackage(cwd: string): Promise<string> { |
| if (folderToPackageMapping[cwd]) { |
| return folderToPackageMapping[cwd]; |
| } |
| |
| const moduleCache = getModuleCache(); |
| if (cwd.startsWith(moduleCache)) { |
| let importPath = cwd.substr(moduleCache.length + 1); |
| const matches = /@v\d+(\.\d+)?(\.\d+)?/.exec(importPath); |
| if (matches) { |
| importPath = importPath.substr(0, matches.index); |
| } |
| |
| folderToPackageMapping[cwd] = importPath; |
| return importPath; |
| } |
| |
| const goRuntimePath = getBinPath('go'); |
| if (!goRuntimePath) { |
| console.warn( |
| `Failed to run "go list" to find current package as the "go" binary cannot be found in either GOROOT(${process.env['GOROOT']}) or PATH(${envPath})` |
| ); |
| return; |
| } |
| return new Promise<string>((resolve) => { |
| const childProcess = cp.spawn(goRuntimePath, ['list'], { cwd, env: getToolsEnvVars() }); |
| const chunks: any[] = []; |
| childProcess.stdout.on('data', (stdout) => { |
| chunks.push(stdout); |
| }); |
| |
| childProcess.on('close', () => { |
| // Ignore lines that are empty or those that have logs about updating the module cache |
| const pkgs = chunks |
| .join('') |
| .toString() |
| .split('\n') |
| .filter((line) => line && line.indexOf(' ') === -1); |
| if (pkgs.length !== 1) { |
| resolve(); |
| return; |
| } |
| folderToPackageMapping[cwd] = pkgs[0]; |
| resolve(pkgs[0]); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |