blob: 2cf7417952230dd0fb1b688bc53c3a900cbd189c [file] [log] [blame]
#! /bin/bash
set -euo pipefail
# In order to sync with upstream, run merge.bash
# TODO(hyangah): commands for building docker container and running tests locally with docker run.
root_dir() {
local script_name=$(readlink -f "${0}")
local script_dir=$(dirname "${script_name}")
local parent_dir=$(dirname "${script_dir}")
echo "${parent_dir}"
cd "${ROOT}" # always run from the root directory.
WORKTREE="$(mktemp -d)"
BRANCH="sync/merge-upstream-$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)"
git fetch
git worktree add --track -b "${BRANCH}" "${WORKTREE}" origin/master
cd "${WORKTREE}"
export GIT_GOFMT_HOOK=off
git merge --no-commit "origin/upstream" || echo "Ignoring conflict..."
COMMIT=`git log --format=%h -n 1 "origin/upstream"`
gcloud builds submit --config=build/cloud.yaml || echo "Build failed. Please address the issue..."
git commit -m "sync: merge microsoft/vscode-go@${COMMIT} into master"
git codereview mail -r, HEAD
cd - && git worktree remove "${WORKTREE}"