v0.33.0 change log

For golang/vscode-go#2212

Change-Id: I6ce72a04c2e9b9b35acfad106b6f4744de9dad40
Reviewed-by: Polina Sokolova <>
Run-TryBot: Hyang-Ah Hana Kim <>
TryBot-Result: kokoro <>
diff --git a/ b/
index 12e1031..08a0cd0 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,3 +1,34 @@
+## v0.33.0 - 28 Apr, 2022
+📣 [Remote attach debugging](docs/ is now available via Delve's native DAP implementation with Delve v1.7.3 or newer. It is now the default with the [Go Nightly](docs/ and will become the default for the stable releases in mid 2022.
+### Changes
+* `staticcheck`: if go 1.16.x or older is used in installing tools, the extension chooses `staticcheck@v0.2.2`. In order to use the latest version of `staticcheck` while working on projects that require older versions of go, you can utilize the `"go.toolsManagement.go"` setting to specify a newer version of go for tool installation. ([Issue 2162](
+* `go-outline`: `go-outline` is no longer required when `gopls` (v0.8.2+) is used.
+* Activation: the extension defers commands and feature provider registrations until it runs `go version` and `go env`, and starts `gopls`. [This change]( prevent the extension prematually export its features, but may result in a slight increase in extension activation time if those commands run slow.
+* Survey: we show the Gopls opt-out survey prompt only when users change the setting to disable `gopls`.
+* Test Explorer: fixed a bug in `go.mod` file parsing ([Issue 2171](
+* Debugging: we removed the informational popup at the start of remote attach session with `dlv-dap`. ([Issue 2018](
+### Experimental features
+This version includes two highly experimental features. They are still
+in early stage and we are looking forward to hearing more user feedback.
+* [Go Explorer view](docs/ it displays environment variables and information about tools used by the extension. ([Issue 2049](
+* `Go: Run Vulncheck (Experimental)` command: it runs the `govulncheck` command embedded in `gopls`, which identifies known vulnerabilities by call graph traversal and module dependency analysis. ([Issue 2096](
+### Thanks
+@jamalc, @polinasok, @dlipovetsky, @vladdoster, @suzmue, @hyangah
 ## v0.32.0 - 8 Mar, 2022
 This version includes features to enhance Go 1.18 support. It works best when paired with the latest Go Language Server ([`gopls` v0.8.0+]( and Delve ([`dlv` v1.8.0+](
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index f2ef93f..9860221 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -43,3 +43,8 @@
 More information about [using Go modules]( ) is available on the Go blog.
+## Go Explorer View
+The view displays the go environment variables (`go env`) that are applied to the file open in the editor. You can customize the list by "Go: Edit Workspace" command (pencil icon), and update modifiable environment variables through this view.
+It displays required [tools]( and their location/version info, too.
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