blob: ac5241aa9a6e18daddc129c2da454a5040c877f5 [file] [log] [blame]
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
/* eslint-disable no-useless-escape */
/* eslint-disable no-async-promise-executor */
/* eslint-disable no-prototype-builtins */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information.
import cp = require('child_process');
import path = require('path');
import util = require('util');
import vscode = require('vscode');
import { applyCodeCoverageToAllEditors } from './goCover';
import { toolExecutionEnvironment } from './goEnv';
import { getCurrentPackage } from './goModules';
import { GoDocumentSymbolProvider } from './goDocumentSymbols';
import { getNonVendorPackages } from './goPackages';
import { getBinPath, getCurrentGoPath, getTempFilePath, LineBuffer, resolvePath } from './util';
import { parseEnvFile } from './utils/envUtils';
import {
} from './utils/pathUtils';
import { killProcessTree } from './utils/processUtils';
import { GoExtensionContext } from './context';
const testOutputChannel = vscode.window.createOutputChannel('Go Tests');
const STATUS_BAR_ITEM_NAME = 'Go Test Cancel';
const statusBarItem = vscode.window.createStatusBarItem(STATUS_BAR_ITEM_NAME, vscode.StatusBarAlignment.Left); = STATUS_BAR_ITEM_NAME;
statusBarItem.command = 'go.test.cancel';
statusBarItem.text = '$(x) Cancel Running Tests';
* testProcesses holds a list of currently running test processes.
const runningTestProcesses: cp.ChildProcess[] = [];
// uses !unicode.isLower to find test/example/benchmark functions.
// There could be slight difference between \P{Ll} (not lowercase letter)
// & go unicode package's uppercase detection. But hopefully
// these will be replaced by gopls's codelens computation soon.
const testFuncRegex = /^Test$|^Test\P{Ll}.*|^Example$|^Example\P{Ll}.*/u;
const testMethodRegex = /^\(([^)]+)\)\.(Test|Test\P{Ll}.*)$/u;
const benchmarkRegex = /^Benchmark$|^Benchmark\P{Ll}.*/u;
const fuzzFuncRegx = /^Fuzz$|^Fuzz\P{Ll}.*/u;
const testMainRegex = /TestMain\(.*\*testing.M\)/;
* Input to goTest.
export interface TestConfig {
* The working directory for `go test`.
dir: string;
* Configuration for the Go extension
goConfig: vscode.WorkspaceConfiguration;
* Test flags to override the testFlags and buildFlags from goConfig.
flags: string[];
* Specific function names to test.
functions?: string[];
* Test was not requested explicitly. The output should not appear in the UI.
background?: boolean;
* Run all tests from all sub directories under `dir`
includeSubDirectories?: boolean;
* Whether this is a benchmark.
isBenchmark?: boolean;
* Whether the tests are being run in a project that uses Go modules
isMod?: boolean;
* Whether code coverage should be generated and applied.
applyCodeCoverage?: boolean;
* Output channel for test output.
outputChannel?: vscode.OutputChannel;
* Can be used to terminate the test process.
cancel?: vscode.CancellationToken;
* Output channel for JSON test output.
goTestOutputConsumer?: (_: GoTestOutput) => void;
export function getTestEnvVars(config: vscode.WorkspaceConfiguration): any {
const envVars = toolExecutionEnvironment();
const testEnvConfig = config['testEnvVars'] || {};
let fileEnv: { [key: string]: any } = {};
let testEnvFile = config['testEnvFile'];
if (testEnvFile) {
testEnvFile = resolvePath(testEnvFile);
try {
fileEnv = parseEnvFile(testEnvFile);
} catch (e) {
(key) => (envVars[key] = typeof fileEnv[key] === 'string' ? resolvePath(fileEnv[key]) : fileEnv[key])
(key) =>
(envVars[key] =
typeof testEnvConfig[key] === 'string' ? resolvePath(testEnvConfig[key]) : testEnvConfig[key])
return envVars;
export function getTestFlags(goConfig: vscode.WorkspaceConfiguration, args?: any): string[] {
let testFlags: string[] = goConfig['testFlags'] || goConfig['buildFlags'] || [];
testFlags = => resolvePath(x)); // Use copy of the flags, dont pass the actual object from config
return args && args.hasOwnProperty('flags') && Array.isArray(args['flags']) ? args['flags'] : testFlags;
export function getTestTags(goConfig: vscode.WorkspaceConfiguration): string {
return goConfig['testTags'] !== null ? goConfig['testTags'] : goConfig['buildTags'];
* Returns all Go unit test functions in the given source file.
* @param the URI of a Go source file.
* @return test function symbols for the source file.
export async function getTestFunctions(
goCtx: GoExtensionContext,
doc: vscode.TextDocument,
token?: vscode.CancellationToken
): Promise<vscode.DocumentSymbol[] | undefined> {
const documentSymbolProvider = GoDocumentSymbolProvider(goCtx, true);
const symbols = await documentSymbolProvider.provideDocumentSymbols(doc, token);
if (!symbols || symbols.length === 0) {
const symbol = symbols[0];
if (!symbol) {
const children = symbol.children;
// With gopls dymbol provider symbols, the symbols have the imports of all
// the package, so suite tests from all files will be found.
const testify = importsTestify(symbols);
return children.filter(
(sym) =>
(sym.kind === vscode.SymbolKind.Function || sym.kind === vscode.SymbolKind.Method) &&
// Skip TestMain(*testing.M) - see
!testMainRegex.test(doc.lineAt(sym.range.start.line).text) &&
(testFuncRegex.test( || fuzzFuncRegx.test( || (testify && testMethodRegex.test(
* Extracts test method name of a suite test function.
* For example a symbol with name "(*testSuite).TestMethod" will return "TestMethod".
* @param symbolName Symbol Name to extract method name from.
export function extractInstanceTestName(symbolName: string): string {
const match = symbolName.match(testMethodRegex);
if (!match || match.length !== 3) {
return '';
return match[2];
* Gets the appropriate debug arguments for a debug session on a test function.
* @param document The document containing the tests
* @param testFunctionName The test function to get the debug args
* @param testFunctions The test functions found in the document
export function getTestFunctionDebugArgs(
document: vscode.TextDocument,
testFunctionName: string,
testFunctions: vscode.DocumentSymbol[]
): string[] {
if (benchmarkRegex.test(testFunctionName)) {
return ['-test.bench', '^' + testFunctionName + '$', '', 'a^'];
const instanceMethod = extractInstanceTestName(testFunctionName);
if (instanceMethod) {
const testFns = findAllTestSuiteRuns(document, testFunctions);
const testSuiteRuns = ['', `^${ =>'|')}$`];
const testSuiteTests = ['-testify.m', `^${instanceMethod}$`];
return [...testSuiteRuns, ...testSuiteTests];
} else {
return ['', `^${testFunctionName}$`];
* Finds test methods containing "suite.Run()" call.
* @param doc Editor document
* @param allTests All test functions
export function findAllTestSuiteRuns(
doc: vscode.TextDocument,
allTests: vscode.DocumentSymbol[]
): vscode.DocumentSymbol[] {
// get non-instance test functions
const testFunctions = allTests?.filter((t) => !testMethodRegex.test(;
// filter further to ones containing suite.Run()
return testFunctions?.filter((t) => doc.getText(t.range).includes('suite.Run(')) ?? [];
* Returns all Benchmark functions in the given source file.
* @param the URI of a Go source file.
* @return benchmark function symbols for the source file.
export async function getBenchmarkFunctions(
goCtx: GoExtensionContext,
doc: vscode.TextDocument,
token?: vscode.CancellationToken
): Promise<vscode.DocumentSymbol[] | undefined> {
const documentSymbolProvider = GoDocumentSymbolProvider(goCtx);
const symbols = await documentSymbolProvider.provideDocumentSymbols(doc, token);
if (!symbols || symbols.length === 0) {
const symbol = symbols[0];
if (!symbol) {
const children = symbol.children;
return children.filter((sym) => sym.kind === vscode.SymbolKind.Function && benchmarkRegex.test(;
* go test -json output format.
* which is a subset of
* and includes only the fields that we are using.
export interface GoTestOutput {
Action: string;
Output?: string;
Package?: string;
Test?: string;
Elapsed?: number; // seconds
* Runs go test and presents the output in the 'Go' channel.
* @param goConfig Configuration for the Go extension.
export async function goTest(testconfig: TestConfig): Promise<boolean> {
let outputChannel = testOutputChannel;
if (testconfig.outputChannel) {
outputChannel = testconfig.outputChannel;
const goRuntimePath = getBinPath('go');
if (!goRuntimePath) {
`Failed to run "go test" as the "go" binary cannot be found in either GOROOT(${getCurrentGoRoot()}) or PATH(${getEnvPath()})`
return Promise.resolve(false);
// We do not want to clear it if tests are already running, as that could
// lose valuable output.
if (runningTestProcesses.length < 1) {
if (testconfig.goConfig['disableConcurrentTests']) {
await cancelRunningTests();
if (!testconfig.background) {;
const testType: string = testconfig.isBenchmark ? 'Benchmarks' : 'Tests';
// compute test target package
const { targets, pkgMap, currentGoWorkspace } = await getTestTargetPackages(testconfig, outputChannel);
// generate full test args.
const { args, outArgs, tmpCoverPath, addJSONFlag } = computeTestCommand(testconfig, targets);
outputChannel.appendLine(['Running tool:', goRuntimePath, ...outArgs].join(' '));
let testResult = false;
try {
testResult = await new Promise<boolean>(async (resolve, reject) => {
const testEnvVars = getTestEnvVars(testconfig.goConfig);
const tp = cp.spawn(goRuntimePath, args, { env: testEnvVars, cwd: testconfig.dir });
const outBuf = new LineBuffer();
const errBuf = new LineBuffer();
testconfig.cancel?.onCancellationRequested(() => killProcessTree(tp));
const testResultLines: string[] = [];
const processTestResultLine = addJSONFlag
? processTestResultLineInJSONMode(
: processTestResultLineInStandardMode(pkgMap, currentGoWorkspace, testResultLines, outputChannel);
outBuf.onLine((line) => processTestResultLine(line));
outBuf.onDone((last) => {
if (last) {
// If there are any remaining test result lines, emit them to the output channel.
if (testResultLines.length > 0) {
testResultLines.forEach((line) => outputChannel.appendLine(line));
// go test emits build errors on stderr, which contain paths relative to the cwd
errBuf.onLine((line) => outputChannel.appendLine(expandFilePathInOutput(line, testconfig.dir)));
errBuf.onDone((last) => last && outputChannel.appendLine(expandFilePathInOutput(last, testconfig.dir)));
tp.stdout.on('data', (chunk) => outBuf.append(chunk.toString()));
tp.stderr.on('data', (chunk) => errBuf.append(chunk.toString()));;
tp.on('close', (code, signal) => {
const index = runningTestProcesses.indexOf(tp, 0);
if (index > -1) {
runningTestProcesses.splice(index, 1);
if (!runningTestProcesses.length) {
resolve(code === 0);
} catch (err) {
outputChannel.appendLine(`Error: ${testType} failed.`);
if (err instanceof Error) {
outputChannel.appendLine((err as Error).message);
if (tmpCoverPath) {
await applyCodeCoverageToAllEditors(tmpCoverPath, testconfig.dir);
return testResult;
async function getTestTargetPackages(testconfig: TestConfig, outputChannel: vscode.OutputChannel) {
const targets = testconfig.includeSubDirectories ? ['./...'] : [];
let currentGoWorkspace = '';
let getCurrentPackagePromise: Promise<string> | undefined;
let pkgMapPromise: Promise<Map<string, string> | void>;
if (testconfig.isMod) {
getCurrentPackagePromise = getCurrentPackage(testconfig.dir);
// We need the mapping to get absolute paths for the files in the test output.
pkgMapPromise = getNonVendorPackages(testconfig.dir, !!testconfig.includeSubDirectories);
} else {
// GOPATH mode
currentGoWorkspace = getCurrentGoWorkspaceFromGOPATH(getCurrentGoPath(), testconfig.dir);
getCurrentPackagePromise = Promise.resolve(
currentGoWorkspace ? testconfig.dir.substr(currentGoWorkspace.length + 1) : ''
// We dont need mapping, as we can derive the absolute paths from package path
pkgMapPromise = Promise.resolve();
let pkgMap = new Map<string, string>();
// run go list to populate pkgMap and currentPackage necessary to adjust the test output later.
try {
const [pkgMap0, currentPackage] = await Promise.all([pkgMapPromise, getCurrentPackagePromise]);
if (pkgMap0) {
pkgMap = pkgMap0;
// Use the package name to be in the args to enable running tests in symlinked directories
// TODO(hyangah): check why modules mode didn't set currentPackage.
if (!testconfig.includeSubDirectories && currentPackage) {
targets.splice(0, 0, currentPackage);
} catch (err) {
outputChannel.appendLine(`warning: failed to compute package mapping... ${err}`);
return { targets, pkgMap, currentGoWorkspace };
// computeTestCommand returns the test command argument list and extra info necessary
// to post process the test results.
// Exported for testing.
export function computeTestCommand(
testconfig: TestConfig,
targets: string[]
): {
args: Array<string>; // test command args.
outArgs: Array<string>; // compact test command args to show to user.
tmpCoverPath?: string; // coverage file path if coverage info is necessary.
addJSONFlag: boolean | undefined; // true if we add extra -json flag for stream processing.
} {
const args: Array<string> = ['test'];
// user-specified flags
const argsFlagIdx = testconfig.flags?.indexOf('-args') ?? -1;
const userFlags = argsFlagIdx < 0 ? testconfig.flags : testconfig.flags.slice(0, argsFlagIdx);
const userArgsFlags = argsFlagIdx < 0 ? [] : testconfig.flags.slice(argsFlagIdx);
// flags to limit test time
if (testconfig.isBenchmark) {
args.push('-benchmem', '-run=^$');
} else {
args.push('-timeout', testconfig.goConfig['testTimeout']);
// tags flags only if user didn't set -tags yet.
const testTags: string = getTestTags(testconfig.goConfig);
if (testTags && userFlags.indexOf('-tags') === -1) {
args.push('-tags', testTags);
// coverage flags
let tmpCoverPath: string | undefined;
if (testconfig.applyCodeCoverage) {
tmpCoverPath = getTempFilePath('go-code-cover');
args.push('-coverprofile=' + tmpCoverPath);
const coverMode = testconfig.goConfig['coverMode'];
switch (coverMode) {
case 'default':
case 'set':
case 'count':
case 'atomic':
args.push('-covermode', coverMode);
`go.coverMode=${coverMode} is illegal. Use 'set', 'count', 'atomic', or 'default'.`
// all other test run/benchmark flags
const outArgs = args.slice(0); // command to show
// if user set -v, set -json to emulate streaming test output
const addJSONFlag = (userFlags.includes('-v') || testconfig.goTestOutputConsumer) && !userFlags.includes('-json');
if (addJSONFlag) {
args.push('-json'); // this is not shown to the user.
if (targets.length > 4) {
outArgs.push('<long arguments omitted>');
} else {
// ensure that user provided flags are appended last (allow use of -args ...)
// ignore user provided -run flag if we are already using it
if (args.indexOf('-run') > -1) {
return {
function processTestResultLineInJSONMode(
pkgMap: Map<string, string>,
currentGoWorkspace: string,
outputChannel: vscode.OutputChannel,
goTestOutputConsumer?: (_: GoTestOutput) => void
) {
return (line: string) => {
try {
const m = <GoTestOutput>JSON.parse(line);
if (goTestOutputConsumer) {
if (m.Action !== 'output' || !m.Output) {
const out = m.Output;
const pkg = m.Package;
if (pkg && (pkgMap.has(pkg) || currentGoWorkspace)) {
const pkgNameArr = pkg.split('/');
const baseDir = pkgMap.get(pkg) || path.join(currentGoWorkspace, ...pkgNameArr);
// go test emits test results on stdout, which contain file names relative to the package under test
outputChannel.appendLine(expandFilePathInOutput(out, baseDir).trimRight());
} else {
} catch (e) {
// TODO: disable this log if it becomes too spammy.
console.log(`failed to parse JSON: ${e}: ${line}`);
// Build failures or other messages come in non-JSON format. So, output as they are.
function processTestResultLineInStandardMode(
pkgMap: Map<string, string>,
currentGoWorkspace: string,
testResultLines: string[],
outputChannel: vscode.OutputChannel
) {
// 1=ok/FAIL/?, 2=package, 3=time/(cached)/[no test files]
const packageResultLineRE = /^(ok|FAIL|\?)\s+(\S+)\s+([0-9\.]+s|\(cached\)|\[no test files\])/;
const lineWithErrorRE = /^\s+(\S+\.go):(\d+):/;
return (line: string) => {
const result = line.match(packageResultLineRE);
if (result && (pkgMap.has(result[2]) || currentGoWorkspace)) {
const hasTestFailed = line.startsWith('FAIL');
const packageNameArr = result[2].split('/');
const baseDir = pkgMap.get(result[2]) || path.join(currentGoWorkspace, ...packageNameArr);
testResultLines.forEach((testResultLine) => {
if (hasTestFailed && lineWithErrorRE.test(testResultLine)) {
outputChannel.appendLine(expandFilePathInOutput(testResultLine, baseDir));
} else {
* Reveals the output channel in the UI.
export function showTestOutput() {;
* Iterates the list of currently running test processes and kills them all.
export function cancelRunningTests(): Thenable<boolean> {
return new Promise<boolean>((resolve, reject) => {
runningTestProcesses.forEach((tp) => {
// All processes are now dead. Empty the array to prepare for the next run.
runningTestProcesses.splice(0, runningTestProcesses.length);
* Get the test target arguments.
* @param testconfig Configuration for the Go extension.
function targetArgs(testconfig: TestConfig): Array<string> {
let params: string[] = [];
if (testconfig.functions) {
if (testconfig.isBenchmark) {
if (testconfig.functions.length === 1) {
params = ['-bench', util.format('^%s$', testconfig.functions[0])];
} else {
params = ['-bench', util.format('^(%s)$', testconfig.functions.join('|'))];
} else {
let testFunctions = testconfig.functions;
let testifyMethods = testFunctions.filter((fn) => testMethodRegex.test(fn));
if (testifyMethods.length > 0) {
// filter out testify methods
testFunctions = testFunctions.filter((fn) => !testMethodRegex.test(fn));
testifyMethods =;
// we might skip the '-run' param when running only testify methods, which will result
// in running all the test methods, but one of them should call testify's `suite.Run(...)`
// which will result in the correct thing to happen
if (testFunctions.length > 0) {
if (testFunctions.length === 1) {
params = params.concat(['-run', util.format('^%s$', testFunctions[0])]);
} else {
params = params.concat(['-run', util.format('^(%s)$', testFunctions.join('|'))]);
if (testifyMethods.length > 0) {
params = params.concat(['-testify.m', util.format('^(%s)$', testifyMethods.join('|'))]);
return params;
if (testconfig.isBenchmark) {
params = ['-bench', '.'];
return params;
function removeRunFlag(flags: string[]): void {
const index: number = flags.indexOf('-run');
if (index !== -1) {
flags.splice(index, 2);
export function importsTestify(syms: vscode.DocumentSymbol[]): boolean {
if (!syms || syms.length === 0 || !syms[0]) {
return false;
const children = syms[0].children;
return children.some(
(sym) =>
sym.kind === vscode.SymbolKind.Namespace &&
( === '""' || === '')