blob: 99105b01b635c6403eb4ef595b9730f1472e041b [file] [log] [blame]
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information.
import cp = require('child_process');
import path = require('path');
import { promisify } from 'util';
import vscode = require('vscode');
import { toolExecutionEnvironment } from './goEnv';
import { getBinPath, getCurrentGoPath } from './util';
import {
} from './utils/pathUtils';
type GoListPkgsDone = (res: Map<string, PackageInfo>) => void;
interface Cache {
entry: Map<string, PackageInfo>;
lastHit: number;
export interface PackageInfo {
name: string;
isStd: boolean;
let goListPkgsNotified = false;
let cacheTimeout = 5000;
const goListPkgsSubscriptions: Map<string, GoListPkgsDone[]> = new Map<string, GoListPkgsDone[]>();
const goListPkgsRunning: Set<string> = new Set<string>();
const allPkgsCache: Map<string, Cache> = new Map<string, Cache>();
const pkgRootDirs = new Map<string, string>();
* goListPkgs collects package information for the transitive set of
* package imports from workDir and all standard library packages using
* the go list command.
* @param workDir the current working directory.
* @returns package path to PackageInfo map.
async function goListPkgs(workDir?: string): Promise<Map<string, PackageInfo>> {
const pkgs = new Map<string, PackageInfo>();
if (workDir) {
workDir = fixDriveCasingInWindows(workDir);
const goBin = getBinPath('go');
if (!goBin) {
`Failed to run "go list" to fetch packages as the "go" binary cannot be found in either GOROOT(${getCurrentGoRoot()}) or PATH(${getEnvPath()})`
return pkgs;
const t0 =;
const args = ['list', '-e', '-f', '{{.Name}};{{.ImportPath}};{{.Dir}}', 'std', 'all'];
const env = toolExecutionEnvironment();
const execFile = promisify(cp.execFile);
try {
const { stdout, stderr } = await execFile(goBin, args, { env, cwd: workDir });
if (stderr) {
throw stderr;
const goroot = getCurrentGoRoot();
stdout.split('\n').forEach((pkgDetail) => {
if (!pkgDetail || !pkgDetail.trim() || pkgDetail.indexOf(';') === -1) {
const [pkgName, pkgPath, pkgDir] = pkgDetail.trim().split(';');
const pkgDirNormalized = fixDriveCasingInWindows(pkgDir);
// goListPkgs are used to retrieve packages importable from packages under workDir.
// Vendored packages outside the workDir, thus, do not qualify.
// (equivalent to `gopkgs -workDir`)
// Remove vendored packages if it's outside the current workDir (e.g. vendor of Go project's src/ and src/cmd)
if (workDir) {
const vendorIdx = pkgDirNormalized.indexOf('/vendor/');
if (
vendorIdx !== -1 &&
// Both workDir (from vscode file path) and pkgDir (from go list -f {{.Dir}}) are absolute.
!workDir.startsWith(pkgDirNormalized.substring(0, vendorIdx))
) {
pkgs.set(pkgPath, {
name: pkgName,
isStd: goroot === null ? false : pkgDir.startsWith(goroot)
} catch (err) {
`Running go list failed with "${err}"\nCheck if you can run \`go ${args.join(
' '
)}\` in a terminal successfully.`
const timeTaken = - t0;
cacheTimeout = timeTaken > 5000 ? timeTaken : 5000;
return pkgs;
function getAllPackagesNoCache(workDir: string): Promise<Map<string, PackageInfo>> {
return new Promise<Map<string, PackageInfo>>((resolve, reject) => {
// Use subscription style to guard costly/long running invocation
const callback = (pkgMap: Map<string, PackageInfo>) => {
let subs = goListPkgsSubscriptions.get(workDir);
if (!subs) {
subs = [];
goListPkgsSubscriptions.set(workDir, subs);
// Ensure only single gokpgs running
if (!goListPkgsRunning.has(workDir)) {
goListPkgs(workDir).then((pkgMap) => {
subs?.forEach((cb) => cb(pkgMap));
* Runs `go list all std`
* @argument workDir. The workspace directory of the project.
* @returns Map<string, string> mapping between package import path and package name
export async function getAllPackages(workDir: string): Promise<Map<string, PackageInfo>> {
const cache = allPkgsCache.get(workDir);
const useCache = cache && new Date().getTime() - cache.lastHit < cacheTimeout;
if (useCache) {
cache.lastHit = new Date().getTime();
return Promise.resolve(cache.entry);
const pkgs = await getAllPackagesNoCache(workDir);
if (!pkgs || pkgs.size === 0) {
if (!goListPkgsNotified) {
'Could not find packages. Ensure `go list -e -f {{.Name}};{{.ImportPath}}` runs successfully.'
goListPkgsNotified = true;
allPkgsCache.set(workDir, {
entry: pkgs,
lastHit: new Date().getTime()
return pkgs;
* Returns mapping of import path and package name for packages that can be imported
* Possible to return empty if useCache options is used.
* @param filePath. Used to determine the right relative path for vendor pkgs
* @param useCache. Force to use cache
* @returns Map<string, string> mapping between package import path and package name
export function getImportablePackages(filePath: string, useCache = false): Promise<Map<string, PackageInfo>> {
filePath = fixDriveCasingInWindows(filePath);
const fileDirPath = path.dirname(filePath);
let foundPkgRootDir = pkgRootDirs.get(fileDirPath);
const workDir = foundPkgRootDir || fileDirPath;
const cache = allPkgsCache.get(workDir);
const getAllPackagesPromise: Promise<Map<string, PackageInfo>> =
useCache && cache ? Promise.race([getAllPackages(workDir), cache.entry]) : getAllPackages(workDir);
return getAllPackagesPromise.then((pkgs) => {
const pkgMap = new Map<string, PackageInfo>();
if (!pkgs) {
return pkgMap;
const currentWorkspace = getCurrentGoWorkspaceFromGOPATH(getCurrentGoPath(), fileDirPath);
pkgs.forEach((info, pkgPath) => {
if ( === 'main') {
if (!currentWorkspace) {
pkgMap.set(pkgPath, info);
if (!foundPkgRootDir) {
// try to guess package root dir
const vendorIndex = pkgPath.indexOf('/vendor/');
if (vendorIndex !== -1) {
foundPkgRootDir = path.join(
pkgPath.substring(0, vendorIndex).replace('/', path.sep)
pkgRootDirs.set(fileDirPath, foundPkgRootDir);
const relativePkgPath = getRelativePackagePath(fileDirPath, currentWorkspace, pkgPath);
if (!relativePkgPath) {
const allowToImport = isAllowToImportPackage(fileDirPath, currentWorkspace, relativePkgPath);
if (allowToImport) {
pkgMap.set(relativePkgPath, info);
return pkgMap;
* If given pkgPath is not vendor pkg, then the same pkgPath is returned
* Else, the import path for the vendor pkg relative to given filePath is returned.
function getRelativePackagePath(currentFileDirPath: string, currentWorkspace: string, pkgPath: string): string {
let magicVendorString = '/vendor/';
let vendorIndex = pkgPath.indexOf(magicVendorString);
if (vendorIndex === -1) {
magicVendorString = 'vendor/';
if (pkgPath.startsWith(magicVendorString)) {
vendorIndex = 0;
// Check if current file and the vendor pkg belong to the same root project and not sub vendor
// If yes, then vendor pkg can be replaced with its relative path to the "vendor" folder
// If not, then the vendor pkg should not be allowed to be imported.
if (vendorIndex > -1) {
const rootProjectForVendorPkg = path.join(currentWorkspace, pkgPath.substr(0, vendorIndex));
const relativePathForVendorPkg = pkgPath.substring(vendorIndex + magicVendorString.length);
const subVendor = relativePathForVendorPkg.indexOf('/vendor/') !== -1;
if (relativePathForVendorPkg && currentFileDirPath.startsWith(rootProjectForVendorPkg) && !subVendor) {
return relativePathForVendorPkg;
return '';
return pkgPath;
const pkgToFolderMappingRegex = /ImportPath: (.*) FolderPath: (.*)/;
* Returns mapping between import paths and folder paths for all packages under given folder (vendor will be excluded)
export function getNonVendorPackages(currentFolderPath: string, recursive = true): Promise<Map<string, string>> {
const target = recursive ? './...' : '.'; // go list ./... excludes vendor dirs since 1.9
return getImportPathToFolder([target], currentFolderPath);
export function getImportPathToFolder(targets: string[], cwd?: string): Promise<Map<string, string>> {
const goRuntimePath = getBinPath('go');
if (!goRuntimePath) {
`Failed to run "go list" to find packages as the "go" binary cannot be found in either GOROOT(${getCurrentGoRoot()}) PATH(${getEnvPath()})`
return Promise.resolve(new Map());
return new Promise<Map<string, string>>((resolve, reject) => {
const childProcess = cp.spawn(
['list', '-e', '-f', 'ImportPath: {{.ImportPath}} FolderPath: {{.Dir}}', ...targets],
{ cwd, env: toolExecutionEnvironment() }
const chunks: any[] = [];
childProcess.stdout.on('data', (stdout) => {
childProcess.on('close', async (status) => {
const lines = chunks.join('').toString().split('\n');
const result = new Map<string, string>();
lines.forEach((line) => {
const matches = line.match(pkgToFolderMappingRegex);
if (!matches || matches.length !== 3) {
const [_, pkgPath, folderPath] = matches;
if (!pkgPath) {
result.set(pkgPath, folderPath);
// This will check whether it's regular package or internal package
// Regular package will always allowed
// Internal package only allowed if the package doing the import is within the
// tree rooted at the parent of "internal" directory
// see:
// see:
function isAllowToImportPackage(toDirPath: string, currentWorkspace: string, pkgPath: string) {
if (pkgPath.startsWith('internal/')) {
return false;
const internalPkgFound = pkgPath.match(/\/internal\/|\/internal$/);
if (internalPkgFound) {
const rootProjectForInternalPkg = path.join(currentWorkspace, pkgPath.substr(0, internalPkgFound.index));
return toDirPath.startsWith(rootProjectForInternalPkg + path.sep) || toDirPath === rootProjectForInternalPkg;
return true;