blob: 05970ac9c8736a2ad694a74a0e1f27a9a395168c [file] [log] [blame]
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
* Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
import assert from 'assert';
import { applyCodeCoverageToAllEditors, coverageFilesForTest, initForTest } from '../../src/goCover';
import { updateGoVarsFromConfig } from '../../src/goInstallTools';
import path = require('path');
import vscode = require('vscode');
// The ideal test would check that each open editor containing a file with coverage
// information is displayed correctly. We cannot see the applied decorations, so the
// test checks that the cover.out file has been read correctly, and the import paths
// have been correctly converted to file system paths, which are what vscode uses.
suite('Coverage for tests', function () {
let fixtureSourcePath: string;
let coverFilePath: string;
suiteSetup(async () => {
await updateGoVarsFromConfig({});
// Set up the test fixtures.
fixtureSourcePath = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'test', 'testdata', 'coverage');
coverFilePath = path.join(fixtureSourcePath, 'cover.out');
test('resolve import paths', async () => {
const x = vscode.workspace.openTextDocument(coverFilePath);
await applyCodeCoverageToAllEditors(coverFilePath, fixtureSourcePath);
const files = Object.keys(coverageFilesForTest());
const aDotGo = files.includes(path.join(fixtureSourcePath, 'a', 'a.go'));
const bDotGo = files.includes(path.join(fixtureSourcePath, 'b', 'b.go'));
// Coverage data (cover.out) contains a couple of bogus data with file name blah.go. They shouldn't appear.
const blahDotGo = files.includes(path.join(fixtureSourcePath, 'b', 'blah.go'));
aDotGo && bDotGo && !blahDotGo,
`!seen a.go:${aDotGo} or !seen b.go:${bDotGo} or seen blah.go:${blahDotGo}: ${files}\n`