blob: 3d7b014a40885daf876e682f1bd455e941728bea [file] [log] [blame]
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
import cp = require('child_process');
import moment = require('moment');
import path = require('path');
import semver = require('semver');
import util = require('util');
import { getFormatTool, usingCustomFormatTool } from './language/legacy/goFormat';
import { goLiveErrorsEnabled } from './language/legacy/goLiveErrors';
import { allToolsInformation } from './goToolsInformation';
import { getBinPath, GoVersion } from './util';
export interface Tool {
name: string;
importPath: string;
modulePath: string;
isImportant: boolean;
replacedByGopls?: boolean;
description: string;
// If true, consider prerelease version in preview mode
// (nightly & dev)
usePrereleaseInPreviewMode?: boolean;
// If set, this string will be used when installing the tool
// instead of the default 'latest'. It can be used when
// we need to pin a tool version (`deadbeaf`) or to use
// a dev version available in a branch (e.g. `master`).
defaultVersion?: string;
// latestVersion and latestVersionTimestamp are hardcoded default values
// for the last known version of the given tool. We also hardcode values
// for the latest known pre-release of the tool for the Nightly extension.
latestVersion?: semver.SemVer;
latestVersionTimestamp?: moment.Moment;
latestPrereleaseVersion?: semver.SemVer;
latestPrereleaseVersionTimestamp?: moment.Moment;
// minimumGoVersion and maximumGoVersion set the range for the versions of
// Go with which this tool can be used.
minimumGoVersion?: semver.SemVer;
maximumGoVersion?: semver.SemVer;
// close performs any shutdown tasks that a tool must execute before a new
// version is installed. It returns a string containing an error message on
// failure.
close?: (env: NodeJS.Dict<string>) => Promise<string>;
* ToolAtVersion is a Tool at a specific version.
* Lack of version implies the latest version.
export interface ToolAtVersion extends Tool {
version?: semver.SemVer;
* Returns the import path for a given tool, at a given Go version.
* @param tool Object of type `Tool` for the Go tool.
* @param goVersion The current Go version.
export function getImportPath(tool: Tool, goVersion: GoVersion): string {
// For older versions of Go, install the older version of gocode.
if ( === 'gocode' &&'1.10')) {
return '';
return tool.importPath;
export function getImportPathWithVersion(
tool: Tool,
version: semver.SemVer | string | undefined,
goVersion: GoVersion
): string {
const importPath = getImportPath(tool, goVersion);
if (version) {
if (version instanceof semver.SemVer) {
return importPath + '@v' + version;
} else {
return importPath + '@' + version;
return importPath + '@latest';
export function containsTool(tools: Tool[], tool: Tool): boolean {
return tools.indexOf(tool) > -1;
export function containsString(tools: Tool[], toolName: string): boolean {
return tools.some((tool) => === toolName);
export function getTool(name: string): Tool {
return allToolsInformation[name];
export function getToolAtVersion(name: string, version?: semver.SemVer): ToolAtVersion {
return { ...allToolsInformation[name], version };
// hasModSuffix returns true if the given tool has a different, module-specific
// name to avoid conflicts.
export function hasModSuffix(tool: Tool): boolean {
export function isGocode(tool: Tool): boolean {
return === 'gocode' || === 'gocode-gomod';
export function getConfiguredTools(
goVersion: GoVersion,
goConfig: { [key: string]: any },
goplsConfig: { [key: string]: any }
): Tool[] {
// If language server is enabled, don't suggest tools that are replaced by gopls.
// TODO( decide what to do when
// the go version is no longer supported by gopls while the legacy tools are
// no longer working (or we remove the legacy language feature providers completely).
const useLanguageServer = goConfig['useLanguageServer'] &&'1.11');
const tools: Tool[] = [];
function maybeAddTool(name: string) {
const tool = allToolsInformation[name];
if (tool) {
if (!useLanguageServer || !tool.replacedByGopls) {
// Start with default tools that should always be installed.
for (const name of [
]) {
// Check if the system supports dlv, i.e. is 64-bit.
// There doesn't seem to be a good way to check if the mips and s390
// families are 64-bit, so just try to install it and hope for the best.
if (process.arch.match(/^(mips|mipsel|ppc64|s390|s390x|x64)$/)) {
// gocode-gomod needed in go 1.11 & higher
if ('1.10')) {
// Add the doc/def tool that was chosen by the user.
switch (goConfig['docsTool']) {
case 'godoc':
// Only add format tools if the language server is disabled and the
// format tool is known to us.
if (goConfig['useLanguageServer'] === false && !usingCustomFormatTool(goConfig)) {
// Add the linter that was chosen by the user, but don't add staticcheck
// if it is enabled via gopls.
const goplsStaticheckEnabled = useLanguageServer && goplsStaticcheckEnabled(goConfig, goplsConfig);
if (goConfig['lintTool'] !== 'staticcheck' || !goplsStaticheckEnabled) {
// Add the language server if the user has chosen to do so.
// Even though we arranged this to run after the first attempt to start gopls
// this is still useful if we've fail to start gopls.
if (useLanguageServer) {
if (goLiveErrorsEnabled()) {
return tools;
export function goplsStaticcheckEnabled(
goConfig: { [key: string]: any },
goplsConfig: { [key: string]: any }
): boolean {
if (
goConfig['useLanguageServer'] !== true ||
goplsConfig['ui.diagnostic.staticcheck'] === false ||
(goplsConfig['ui.diagnostic.staticcheck'] === undefined && goplsConfig['staticcheck'] !== true)
) {
return false;
const features = goConfig['languageServerExperimentalFeatures'];
return !features || features['diagnostics'] === true;
export const gocodeClose = async (env: NodeJS.Dict<string>): Promise<string> => {
const toolBinPath = getBinPath('gocode');
if (!path.isAbsolute(toolBinPath)) {
return '';
try {
const execFile = util.promisify(cp.execFile);
const { stderr } = await execFile(toolBinPath, ['close'], { env, timeout: 10000 }); // give 10sec.
if (stderr.indexOf("rpc: can't find service Server.") > -1) {
return 'Installing gocode aborted as existing process cannot be closed. Please kill the running process for gocode and try again.';
} catch (err) {
// This may fail if gocode isn't already running.
console.log(`gocode close failed: ${err}`);
return '';