blob: aa87e36553a45068d36d5c7224b8d9d09b426660 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information.
import assert = require('assert');
import path = require('path');
import sinon = require('sinon');
import { TextDocument, TestItem, TestItemCollection, TextDocumentChangeEvent, workspace, Uri } from 'vscode';
import { GoTestExplorer } from '../../src/goTest/explore';
import { MockTestController, MockTestWorkspace } from '../mocks/MockTest';
import { forceDidOpenTextDocument, getSymbols_Regex, populateModulePathCache } from './goTest.utils';
import { MockExtensionContext } from '../mocks/MockContext';
import { MockMemento } from '../mocks/MockMemento';
import * as config from '../../src/config';
import { GoTestResolver } from '../../src/goTest/resolve';
import * as testUtils from '../../src/testUtils';
import { GoTest } from '../../src/goTest/utils';
import { Env } from './goplsTestEnv.utils';
import { MockCfg } from '../mocks/MockCfg';
type Files = Record<string, string | { contents: string; language: string }>;
interface TestCase {
workspace: string[];
files: Files;
function newExplorer<T extends GoTestExplorer>(
folders: string[],
files: Files,
ctor: new (...args: ConstructorParameters<typeof GoTestExplorer>) => T
) {
const ws = MockTestWorkspace.from(folders, files);
const ctrl = new MockTestController();
const expl = new ctor({}, ws, ctrl, new MockMemento(), getSymbols_Regex);
return { ctrl, expl, ws };
function assertTestItems(items: TestItemCollection, expect: string[]) {
const actual: string[] = [];
function walk(items: TestItemCollection) {
items.forEach((item) => {
assert.deepStrictEqual(actual, expect);
async function forceResolve(resolver: GoTestResolver, item?: TestItem) {
await resolver.resolve(item);
const items: TestItem[] = [];
(item?.children || resolver.items).forEach((x) => items.push(x));
await Promise.all( => forceResolve(resolver, x)));
suite('Go Test Explorer', () => {
suite('Document opened', () => {
class DUT extends GoTestExplorer {
async _didOpen(doc: TextDocument) {
await this.didOpenTextDocument(doc);
async _didCreate(doc: TextDocument) {
await this.didCreateFile(doc.uri);
interface TC extends TestCase {
uri: string;
expectCreate: string[];
expectOpen: string[];
const cases: Record<string, TC> = {
'In workspace': {
workspace: ['/src/proj'],
files: {
'/src/proj/go.mod': 'module test',
'/src/proj/foo_test.go': 'package main\nfunc TestFoo(*testing.T) {}',
'/src/proj/bar_test.go': 'package main\nfunc TestBar(*testing.T) {}',
'/src/proj/baz/main_test.go': 'package main\nfunc TestBaz(*testing.T) {}'
uri: 'file:///src/proj/foo_test.go',
expectCreate: ['file:///src/proj?module', 'file:///src/proj/foo_test.go?file'],
expectOpen: [
'Outside workspace': {
workspace: [],
files: {
'/src/proj/go.mod': 'module test',
'/src/proj/foo_test.go': 'package main\nfunc TestFoo(*testing.T) {}'
uri: 'file:///src/proj/foo_test.go',
expectCreate: ['file:///src/proj?module', 'file:///src/proj/foo_test.go?file'],
expectOpen: [
for (const name in cases) {
test(name, async () => {
const { workspace, files, uri: uri, expectCreate: expectCreate, expectOpen: expectOpen } = cases[name];
const { ctrl, expl, ws } = newExplorer(workspace, files, DUT);
const doc = ws.fs.files.get(uri);
await expl._didCreate(doc);
assertTestItems(ctrl.items, expectCreate);
await expl._didOpen(doc);
assertTestItems(ctrl.items, expectOpen);
suite('Document edited', async () => {
class DUT extends GoTestExplorer {
async _didOpen(doc: TextDocument) {
await this.didOpenTextDocument(doc);
async _didChange(e: TextDocumentChangeEvent) {
await this.didChangeTextDocument(e);
interface TC extends TestCase {
open: string;
changes: [string, string][];
expect: {
before: string[];
after: string[];
const cases: Record<string, TC> = {
'Add test': {
workspace: ['/src/proj'],
files: {
'/src/proj/go.mod': 'module test',
'/src/proj/foo_test.go': 'package main'
open: 'file:///src/proj/foo_test.go',
changes: [['file:///src/proj/foo_test.go', 'package main\nfunc TestFoo(*testing.T) {}']],
expect: {
before: ['file:///src/proj?module'],
after: [
'Remove test': {
workspace: ['/src/proj'],
files: {
'/src/proj/go.mod': 'module test',
'/src/proj/foo_test.go': 'package main\nfunc TestFoo(*testing.T) {}'
open: 'file:///src/proj/foo_test.go',
changes: [['file:///src/proj/foo_test.go', 'package main']],
expect: {
before: [
after: ['file:///src/proj?module']
for (const name in cases) {
test(name, async () => {
const { workspace, files, open, changes, expect } = cases[name];
const { ctrl, expl, ws } = newExplorer(workspace, files, DUT);
const doc = ws.fs.files.get(open);
await expl._didOpen(doc);
assertTestItems(ctrl.items, expect.before);
for (const [file, contents] of changes) {
const doc = ws.fs.files.get(file);
doc.contents = contents;
await expl._didChange({
document: doc,
contentChanges: [],
reason: undefined
assertTestItems(ctrl.items, expect.after);
suite('stretchr', function () {
const fixtureDir = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'test', 'testdata', 'stretchrTestSuite');
const ctx =;
let document: TextDocument;
let testExplorer: GoTestExplorer;
const env = new Env();
suiteSetup(async () => {
const uri = Uri.file(path.join(fixtureDir, 'suite_test.go'));
// TODO(hyangah): I don't know why, but gopls seems to pick up ./test/testdata/codelens as
// the workspace directory when we don't explicitly set the workspace directory
// (so initialize request doesn't include workspace dir info). The codelens directory was
// used in the previous test suite. Figure out why.
await env.startGopls(uri.fsPath, undefined, fixtureDir);
testExplorer = GoTestExplorer.setup(ctx, env.goCtx);
document = await forceDidOpenTextDocument(workspace, testExplorer, uri);
this.afterEach(async function () {
await env.teardown();
// Note: this shouldn't use () => {...}. Arrow functions do not have 'this'.
// I don't know why but this.currentTest.state does not have the expected value when
// used with teardown.
env.flushTrace(this.currentTest?.state === 'failed');
test('discovery', () => {
const tests = testExplorer.resolver.find(document.uri).map((x) =>;
assert.deepStrictEqual(tests.sort(), [
document.uri.with({ query: 'file' }).toString(),
document.uri.with({ query: 'test', fragment: '(*ExampleTestSuite).TestExample' }).toString(),
document.uri.with({ query: 'test', fragment: 'TestExampleTestSuite' }).toString()
suite('settings', () => {
const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
setup(() => {});
teardown(() => {
suite('packageDisplayMode', () => {
let resolver: GoTestResolver;
setup(() => {
const { expl } = newExplorer(
'/src/proj/go.mod': 'module test',
'/src/proj/pkg/main_test.go': 'package main\nfunc TestFoo(t *testing.T) {}',
'/src/proj/pkg/sub/main_test.go': 'package main\nfunc TestBar(t *testing.T) {}'
resolver = expl.resolver;
test('flat', async () => {
// Expect:
// - module
// - package pkg
// - package pkg/sub
const goConfig = new MockCfg([]);
sandbox.stub(config, 'getGoConfig').returns(goConfig);
sandbox.stub(goConfig, 'get').withArgs('testExplorer.packageDisplayMode').returns('flat');
await forceResolve(resolver);
const mod = resolver.items.get('file:///src/proj?module');
assert(mod, 'Module is missing or is not at the root');
const pkg = mod.children.get('file:///src/proj/pkg?package');
assert(pkg, 'Package pkg is missing or not a child of the module');
const sub = mod.children.get('file:///src/proj/pkg/sub?package');
assert(sub, 'Package pkg/sub is missing or not a child of the module');
test('nested', async () => {
// Expect:
// - module
// - package pkg
// - package pkg/sub
const goConfig = new MockCfg([]);
sandbox.stub(config, 'getGoConfig').returns(goConfig);
sandbox.stub(goConfig, 'get').withArgs('testExplorer.packageDisplayMode').returns('nested');
await forceResolve(resolver);
const mod = resolver.items.get('file:///src/proj?module');
assert(mod, 'Module is missing or is not at the root');
const pkg = mod.children.get('file:///src/proj/pkg?package');
assert(pkg, 'Package pkg is missing or not a child of the module');
const sub = pkg.children.get('file:///src/proj/pkg/sub?package');
assert(sub, 'Package pkg/sub is missing or not a child of package pkg');
suite('alwaysRunBenchmarks', () => {
let explorer: GoTestExplorer;
let runStub: sinon.SinonStub<[testUtils.TestConfig], Promise<boolean>>;
const expectedTests = [
setup(() => {
runStub = sandbox.stub(testUtils, 'goTest');
runStub.callsFake(() => Promise.resolve(true));
explorer = newExplorer(
'/src/proj/go.mod': 'module test',
'/src/proj/pkg/main_test.go': `
package main
func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {}
func BenchmarkBar(b *testing.B) {}
test('false', async () => {
// Running the file should only run the test
const goConfig = new MockCfg([]);
sandbox.stub(config, 'getGoConfig').returns(goConfig);
sandbox.stub(goConfig, 'get').withArgs('testExplorer.alwaysRunBenchmarks').returns(false);
await forceResolve(explorer.resolver);
const tests = explorer.resolver.find(Uri.parse('file:///src/proj/pkg/main_test.go'));
assert.deepStrictEqual( =>,
include: [tests[0]],
exclude: undefined,
profile: undefined
assert.strictEqual(runStub.callCount, 1, 'Expected goTest to be called once');
assert.deepStrictEqual(runStub.lastCall.args[0].functions, ['TestFoo']);
test('true', async () => {
// Running the file should run the test and the benchmark
const goConfig = new MockCfg([]);
sandbox.stub(config, 'getGoConfig').returns(goConfig);
sandbox.stub(goConfig, 'get').withArgs('testExplorer.alwaysRunBenchmarks').returns(true);
await forceResolve(explorer.resolver);
const tests = explorer.resolver.find(Uri.parse('file:///src/proj/pkg/main_test.go'));
assert.deepStrictEqual( =>,
include: [tests[0]],
exclude: undefined,
profile: undefined
assert.strictEqual(runStub.callCount, 2, 'Expected goTest to be called twice');
assert.deepStrictEqual(runStub.firstCall.args[0].functions, ['TestFoo']);
assert.deepStrictEqual(runStub.secondCall.args[0].functions, ['BenchmarkBar']);
suite('showDynamicSubtestsInEditor', () => {
let explorer: GoTestExplorer;
let runStub: sinon.SinonStub<[testUtils.TestConfig], Promise<boolean>>;
setup(() => {
runStub = sandbox.stub(testUtils, 'goTest');
runStub.callsFake((cfg) => {
// Trigger creation of dynamic subtest
Test: 'TestFoo/Bar',
Action: 'run'
return Promise.resolve(true);
explorer = newExplorer(
'/src/proj/go.mod': 'module test',
'/src/proj/main_test.go': 'package main\nfunc TestFoo(t *testing.T) {}'
test('false', async () => {
// Dynamic subtests should have no location
const goConfig = new MockCfg([]);
sandbox.stub(config, 'getGoConfig').returns(goConfig);
sandbox.stub(goConfig, 'get').withArgs('testExplorer.showDynamicSubtestsInEditor').returns(false);
await forceResolve(explorer.resolver);
const test = explorer.resolver
.filter((x) => GoTest.parseId([0];
assert(test, 'Could not find test');
include: [test],
exclude: undefined,
profile: undefined
assert.strictEqual(runStub.callCount, 1, 'Expected goTest to be called once');
const subTest = test.children.get('file:///src/proj/main_test.go?test#TestFoo%2FBar');
assert(subTest, 'Could not find subtest');
assert(!subTest.range, 'Subtest should not have a range');
test('true', async () => {
// Dynamic subtests should have the same location as their parents
const goConfig = new MockCfg([]);
sandbox.stub(config, 'getGoConfig').returns(goConfig);
sandbox.stub(goConfig, 'get').withArgs('testExplorer.showDynamicSubtestsInEditor').returns(true);
await forceResolve(explorer.resolver);
const test = explorer.resolver
.filter((x) => GoTest.parseId([0];
assert(test, 'Could not find test');
include: [test],
exclude: undefined,
profile: undefined
assert.strictEqual(runStub.callCount, 1, 'Expected goTest to be called once');
const subTest = test.children.get('file:///src/proj/main_test.go?test#TestFoo%2FBar');
assert(subTest, 'Could not find subtest');
assert.deepStrictEqual(subTest.range, test.range, 'Subtest range should match parent range');