blob: 51f8d4029ec88ae1e062407ce301ca5c5c291bcb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
import cp = require('child_process');
import fs = require('fs-extra');
import os = require('os');
import path = require('path');
import { promisify } from 'util';
import vscode = require('vscode');
import WebRequest = require('web-request');
import { toolInstallationEnvironment } from './goEnv';
import { getActiveGoRoot } from './goInstallTools';
import { outputChannel } from './goStatus';
import { getBinPath, getGoConfig, getGoVersion } from './util';
export class GoEnvironmentOption {
public static fromQuickPickItem({ description, label }: vscode.QuickPickItem): GoEnvironmentOption {
return new GoEnvironmentOption(description, label);
constructor(public binpath: string, public label: string) {}
public toQuickPickItem(): vscode.QuickPickItem {
return {
label: this.label,
description: this.binpath,
// statusbar item for switching the Go environment
let goEnvStatusbarItem: vscode.StatusBarItem;
* Initialize the status bar item with current Go binary
export async function initGoStatusBar() {
if (!goEnvStatusbarItem) {
goEnvStatusbarItem = vscode.window.createStatusBarItem(vscode.StatusBarAlignment.Left, 50);
// set Go version and command
const version = await getGoVersion();
const goOption = new GoEnvironmentOption(version.binaryPath, formatGoVersion(version.format()));
goEnvStatusbarItem.text = goOption.label;
goEnvStatusbarItem.command = 'go.environment.choose';
* disable the Go environment status bar item
export function disposeGoStatusBar() {
if (!!goEnvStatusbarItem) {
* Show the Go Environment statusbar item on the statusbar
export function showGoStatusBar() {
if (!!goEnvStatusbarItem) {;
* Hide the Go Environment statusbar item from the statusbar
export function hideGoStatusBar() {
if (!!goEnvStatusbarItem) {
* Present a command palette menu to the user to select their go binary
export async function chooseGoEnvironment() {
if (!goEnvStatusbarItem) {
// fetch default go and uninstalled go versions
let defaultOption: GoEnvironmentOption;
let uninstalledOptions: GoEnvironmentOption[];
let goSDKOptions: GoEnvironmentOption[];
try {
[defaultOption, uninstalledOptions, goSDKOptions] = await Promise.all([
} catch (e) {
// create quick pick items
const uninstalledQuickPicks = => op.toQuickPickItem());
const defaultQuickPick = defaultOption.toQuickPickItem();
const goSDKQuickPicks = => op.toQuickPickItem());
// dedup options by eliminating duplicate paths (description)
const options = [defaultQuickPick, ...goSDKQuickPicks, ...uninstalledQuickPicks].reduce((opts, nextOption) => {
if (opts.find((op) => op.description === nextOption.description || op.label === nextOption.label)) {
return opts;
return [...opts, nextOption];
}, [] as vscode.QuickPickItem[]);
// get user's selection, return if none was made
const selection = await vscode.window.showQuickPick<vscode.QuickPickItem>(options);
if (!selection) {
// update currently selected go
try {
await setSelectedGo(GoEnvironmentOption.fromQuickPickItem(selection), vscode.ConfigurationTarget.Workspace);
vscode.window.showInformationMessage(`Switched to ${selection.label}`);
} catch (e) {
* update the selected go path and label in the workspace state
export async function setSelectedGo(selectedGo: GoEnvironmentOption, scope: vscode.ConfigurationTarget) {
const execFile = promisify(cp.execFile);
const goConfig = getGoConfig();
const alternateTools: any = goConfig.get('alternateTools') || {};
// if the selected go version is not installed, install it
if (selectedGo.binpath.startsWith('go get')) {
// start a loading indicator
await vscode.window.withProgress({
title: `Downloading ${selectedGo.label}`,
location: vscode.ProgressLocation.Notification,
}, async () => {;
outputChannel.appendLine('Finding Go executable for downloading');
const goExecutable = getBinPath('go');
if (!goExecutable) {
outputChannel.appendLine('Could not find Go executable.');
throw new Error('Could not find Go tool.');
// use the current go executable to download the new version
const env = toolInstallationEnvironment();
const [, ...args] = selectedGo.binpath.split(' ');
outputChannel.appendLine(`Running ${goExecutable} ${args.join(' ')}`);
try {
await execFile(goExecutable, args, { env });
} catch (getErr) {
outputChannel.appendLine(`Error finding Go: ${getErr}`);
throw new Error('Could not find Go version.');
// run `goX.X download`
const newExecutableName = args[1].split('/')[2];
const goXExecutable = getBinPath(newExecutableName);
outputChannel.appendLine(`Running: ${goXExecutable} download`);
try {
await execFile(goXExecutable, ['download'], { env });
} catch (downloadErr) {
outputChannel.appendLine(`Error finishing installation: ${downloadErr}`);
throw new Error('Could not download Go version.');
outputChannel.appendLine('Finding newly downloaded Go');
const sdkPath = path.join(process.env.HOME, 'sdk');
if (!await fs.pathExists(sdkPath)) {
outputChannel.appendLine(`SDK path does not exist: ${sdkPath}`);
throw new Error(`SDK path does not exist: ${sdkPath}`);
const subdirs = await fs.readdir(sdkPath);
const dir = subdirs.find((subdir) => subdir === newExecutableName);
if (!dir) {
outputChannel.appendLine('Could not find newly downloaded Go');
throw new Error('Could not install Go version.');
const binpath = path.join(sdkPath, dir, 'bin', 'go');
const newAlternateTools = {
go: binpath,
await goConfig.update('alternateTools', newAlternateTools, scope);
goEnvStatusbarItem.text = selectedGo.label;
} else {
const newAlternateTools = {
go: selectedGo.binpath,
await goConfig.update('alternateTools', newAlternateTools, scope);
goEnvStatusbarItem.text = selectedGo.label;
// TODO: restart language server if needed
* retreive the current selected Go from the workspace state
export async function getSelectedGo(): Promise<GoEnvironmentOption> {
const goVersion = await getGoVersion();
return new GoEnvironmentOption(goVersion.binaryPath, formatGoVersion(goVersion.format()));
* return reference to the statusbar item
export function getGoEnvironmentStatusbarItem(): vscode.StatusBarItem {
return goEnvStatusbarItem;
export function formatGoVersion(version: string): string {
const versionWords = version.split(' ');
if (versionWords[0] === 'devel') {
// Go devel +hash
return `Go ${versionWords[0]} ${versionWords[4]}`;
} else if (versionWords.length > 0) {
// some other version format
return `Go ${version.substr(0, 8)}`;
} else {
// default semantic version format
return `Go ${versionWords[0]}`;
async function getSDKGoOptions(): Promise<GoEnvironmentOption[]> {
// get list of Go versions
const sdkPath = path.join(os.homedir(), 'sdk');
if (!await fs.pathExists(sdkPath)) {
return [];
const subdirs = await fs.readdir(sdkPath);
// the dir happens to be the version, which will be used as the label
// the path is assembled and used as the description
return string) =>
new GoEnvironmentOption(
path.join(sdkPath, dir, 'bin', 'go'),
dir.replace('go', 'Go '),
export async function getDefaultGoOption(): Promise<GoEnvironmentOption> {
// make goroot default to go.goroot
const goroot = await getActiveGoRoot();
if (!goroot) {
throw new Error('No Go command could be found.');
// set Go version and command
const version = await getGoVersion();
return new GoEnvironmentOption(
path.join(goroot, 'bin', 'go'),
* make a web request to get versions of Go
interface GoVersionWebResult {
version: string;
stable: boolean;
files: {
filename: string;
os: string;
arch: string;
version: string;
sha256: string;
size: number;
kind: string;
async function fetchDownloadableGoVersions(): Promise<GoEnvironmentOption[]> {
// fetch information about what Go versions are available to install
const webResults = await WebRequest.json<GoVersionWebResult[]>('');
if (!webResults) {
return [];
// turn the web result into GoEnvironmentOption model
return webResults.reduce((opts, result: GoVersionWebResult) => {
// TODO: allow downloading from different sites
const dlPath = `go get${result.version}`;
const label = result.version.replace('go', 'Go ');
return [...opts, new GoEnvironmentOption(dlPath, label)];
}, []);