blob: be540b8d68e1db6420a018649341e72ba0a8d809 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
import cp = require('child_process');
import deepEqual = require('deep-equal');
import fs = require('fs');
import moment = require('moment');
import path = require('path');
import semver = require('semver');
import util = require('util');
import vscode = require('vscode');
import {
CloseAction, Command, ErrorAction, HandleDiagnosticsSignature, InitializeError, LanguageClient,
Message, ProvideCompletionItemsSignature, ProvideDocumentLinksSignature, RevealOutputChannelOn,
} from 'vscode-languageclient';
import WebRequest = require('web-request');
import { GoDefinitionProvider } from './goDeclaration';
import { GoHoverProvider } from './goExtraInfo';
import { GoDocumentFormattingEditProvider } from './goFormat';
import { GoImplementationProvider } from './goImplementations';
import { promptForMissingTool, promptForUpdatingTool } from './goInstallTools';
import { parseLiveFile } from './goLiveErrors';
import { restartLanguageServer } from './goMain';
import { GO_MODE } from './goMode';
import { GoDocumentSymbolProvider } from './goOutline';
import { getToolFromToolPath } from './goPath';
import { GoReferenceProvider } from './goReferences';
import { GoRenameProvider } from './goRename';
import { GoSignatureHelpProvider } from './goSignature';
import { GoCompletionItemProvider } from './goSuggest';
import { GoWorkspaceSymbolProvider } from './goSymbol';
import { getTool, Tool } from './goTools';
import { GoTypeDefinitionProvider } from './goTypeDefinition';
import { getFromGlobalState, updateGlobalState } from './stateUtils';
import { getBinPath, getCurrentGoPath, getGoConfig, getToolsEnvVars } from './util';
interface LanguageServerConfig {
serverName: string;
path: string;
modtime: Date;
enabled: boolean;
flags: string[];
env: any;
features: {
diagnostics: boolean;
documentLink: boolean;
checkForUpdates: boolean;
// Global variables used for management of the language client.
// They are global so that the server can be easily restarted with
// new configurations.
let languageClient: LanguageClient;
let languageServerDisposable: vscode.Disposable;
let latestConfig: LanguageServerConfig;
let serverOutputChannel: vscode.OutputChannel;
// defaultLanguageProviders is the list of providers currently registered.
let defaultLanguageProviders: vscode.Disposable[] = [];
// restartCommand is the command used by the user to restart the language
// server.
let restartCommand: vscode.Disposable;
// When enabled, users may be prompted to fill out the gopls survey.
const goplsSurveyOn: boolean = false;
// startLanguageServerWithFallback starts the language server, if enabled,
// or falls back to the default language providers.
export async function startLanguageServerWithFallback(ctx: vscode.ExtensionContext, activation: boolean) {
const cfg = buildLanguageServerConfig();
// If the language server is gopls, we can check if the user needs to
// update their gopls version. We do this only once per VS Code
// activation to avoid inundating the user.
if (activation && cfg.enabled && cfg.serverName === 'gopls') {
const tool = getTool(cfg.serverName);
if (tool) {
const versionToUpdate = await shouldUpdateLanguageServer(tool, cfg.path, cfg.checkForUpdates);
if (versionToUpdate) {
promptForUpdatingTool(, versionToUpdate);
} else if (goplsSurveyOn) {
// Only prompt users to fill out the gopls survey if we are not
// also prompting them to update (both would be too much).
const timeout = 1000 * 60 * 60; // 1 hour
setTimeout(async () => {
const surveyCfg = await maybePromptForGoplsSurvey();
}, timeout);
const started = await startLanguageServer(ctx, cfg);
// If the server has been disabled, or failed to start,
// fall back to the default providers, while making sure not to
// re-register any providers.
if (!started && defaultLanguageProviders.length === 0) {
async function startLanguageServer(ctx: vscode.ExtensionContext, config: LanguageServerConfig): Promise<boolean> {
// If the client has already been started, make sure to clear existing
// diagnostics and stop it.
if (languageClient) {
if (languageClient.diagnostics) {
await languageClient.stop();
if (languageServerDisposable) {
// Check if we should recreate the language client. This may be necessary
// if the user has changed settings in their config.
if (!deepEqual(latestConfig, config)) {
// Track the latest config used to start the language server,
// and rebuild the language client.
latestConfig = config;
languageClient = await buildLanguageClient(config);
// If the user has not enabled the language server, return early.
if (!config.enabled) {
return false;
// Set up the command to allow the user to manually restart the
// language server.
if (!restartCommand) {
restartCommand = vscode.commands.registerCommand('go.languageserver.restart', async () => {
// TODO(rstambler): Enable this behavior when gopls reaches v1.0.
if (false) {
await suggestGoplsIssueReport(`Looks like you're about to manually restart the language server.`);
// Before starting the language server, make sure to deregister any
// currently registered language providers.
languageServerDisposable = languageClient.start();
return true;
async function buildLanguageClient(config: LanguageServerConfig): Promise<LanguageClient> {
// Reuse the same output channel for each instance of the server.
if (config.enabled && !serverOutputChannel) {
serverOutputChannel = vscode.window.createOutputChannel(config.serverName);
const c = new LanguageClient(
'go', // id
config.serverName, // name
command: config.path,
args: ['-mode=stdio', ...config.flags],
options: { env: config.env },
initializationOptions: {},
documentSelector: ['go', 'go.mod', 'go.sum'],
uriConverters: {
// Apply file:/// scheme to all file paths.
code2Protocol: (uri: vscode.Uri): string =>
(uri.scheme ? uri : uri.with({ scheme: 'file' })).toString(),
protocol2Code: (uri: string) => vscode.Uri.parse(uri)
outputChannel: serverOutputChannel,
revealOutputChannelOn: RevealOutputChannelOn.Never,
initializationFailedHandler: (error: WebRequest.ResponseError<InitializeError>): boolean => {
`The language server is not able to serve any features. Initialization failed: ${error}. `
suggestGoplsIssueReport(`The gopls server failed to initialize.`);
return false;
errorHandler: {
error: (error: Error, message: Message, count: number): ErrorAction => {
`Error communicating with the language server: ${error}: ${message}.`
// Stick with the default number of 5 crashes before shutdown.
if (count >= 5) {
return ErrorAction.Shutdown;
return ErrorAction.Continue;
closed: (): CloseAction => {;
suggestGoplsIssueReport(`The connection to gopls has been closed. The gopls server may have crashed.`);
return CloseAction.DoNotRestart;
middleware: {
handleDiagnostics: (
uri: vscode.Uri,
diagnostics: vscode.Diagnostic[],
next: HandleDiagnosticsSignature
) => {
if (!config.features.diagnostics) {
return null;
return next(uri, diagnostics);
provideDocumentLinks: (
document: vscode.TextDocument,
token: vscode.CancellationToken,
next: ProvideDocumentLinksSignature
) => {
if (!config.features.documentLink) {
return null;
return next(document, token);
provideCompletionItem: (
document: vscode.TextDocument,
position: vscode.Position,
context: vscode.CompletionContext,
token: vscode.CancellationToken,
next: ProvideCompletionItemsSignature
) => {
// TODO(hyangah): when v1.42+ api is available, we can simplify
// language-specific configuration lookup using the new
// ConfigurationScope.
// const paramHintsEnabled = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration(
// 'editor.parameterHints',
// { languageId: 'go', uri: document.uri });
const editorParamHintsEnabled = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration(
const goParamHintsEnabled = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('[go]', document.uri)[
let paramHintsEnabled: boolean = false;
if (typeof goParamHintsEnabled === 'undefined') {
paramHintsEnabled = editorParamHintsEnabled;
} else {
paramHintsEnabled = goParamHintsEnabled;
let cmd: Command;
if (paramHintsEnabled) {
cmd = { title: 'triggerParameterHints', command: 'editor.action.triggerParameterHints' };
function configureCommands(
r: vscode.CompletionItem[] | vscode.CompletionList | null | undefined
): vscode.CompletionItem[] | vscode.CompletionList | null | undefined {
if (r) {
(Array.isArray(r) ? r : r.items).forEach((i: vscode.CompletionItem) => {
i.command = cmd;
return r;
const ret = next(document, position, context, token);
const isThenable = <T>(obj: vscode.ProviderResult<T>): obj is Thenable<T> =>
obj && (<any>obj)['then'];
if (isThenable<vscode.CompletionItem[] | vscode.CompletionList | null | undefined>(ret)) {
return ret.then(configureCommands);
return configureCommands(ret);
return c;
// registerUsualProviders registers the language feature providers if the language server is not enabled.
function registerDefaultProviders(ctx: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
const completionProvider = new GoCompletionItemProvider(ctx.globalState);
defaultLanguageProviders.push(vscode.languages.registerCompletionItemProvider(GO_MODE, completionProvider, '.', '"'));
defaultLanguageProviders.push(vscode.languages.registerHoverProvider(GO_MODE, new GoHoverProvider()));
defaultLanguageProviders.push(vscode.languages.registerDefinitionProvider(GO_MODE, new GoDefinitionProvider()));
defaultLanguageProviders.push(vscode.languages.registerReferenceProvider(GO_MODE, new GoReferenceProvider()));
vscode.languages.registerDocumentSymbolProvider(GO_MODE, new GoDocumentSymbolProvider())
defaultLanguageProviders.push(vscode.languages.registerWorkspaceSymbolProvider(new GoWorkspaceSymbolProvider()));
vscode.languages.registerSignatureHelpProvider(GO_MODE, new GoSignatureHelpProvider(), '(', ',')
vscode.languages.registerImplementationProvider(GO_MODE, new GoImplementationProvider())
vscode.languages.registerDocumentFormattingEditProvider(GO_MODE, new GoDocumentFormattingEditProvider())
vscode.languages.registerTypeDefinitionProvider(GO_MODE, new GoTypeDefinitionProvider())
defaultLanguageProviders.push(vscode.languages.registerRenameProvider(GO_MODE, new GoRenameProvider()));
defaultLanguageProviders.push(vscode.workspace.onDidChangeTextDocument(parseLiveFile, null, ctx.subscriptions));
for (const provider of defaultLanguageProviders) {
function disposeDefaultProviders() {
for (const disposable of defaultLanguageProviders) {
defaultLanguageProviders = [];
export function watchLanguageServerConfiguration(e: vscode.ConfigurationChangeEvent) {
if (!e.affectsConfiguration('go')) {
if (
e.affectsConfiguration('go.useLanguageServer') ||
e.affectsConfiguration('go.languageServerFlags') ||
) {
export function buildLanguageServerConfig(): LanguageServerConfig {
const goConfig = getGoConfig();
const toolsEnv = getToolsEnvVars();
const cfg: LanguageServerConfig = {
serverName: '',
path: '',
modtime: null,
enabled: goConfig['useLanguageServer'] === true,
flags: goConfig['languageServerFlags'] || [],
features: {
// TODO: We should have configs that match these names.
// Ultimately, we should have a centralized language server config rather than separate fields.
diagnostics: goConfig['languageServerExperimentalFeatures']['diagnostics'],
documentLink: goConfig['languageServerExperimentalFeatures']['documentLink']
env: toolsEnv,
checkForUpdates: goConfig['useGoProxyToCheckForToolUpdates'],
// Don't look for the path if the server is not enabled.
if (!cfg.enabled) {
return cfg;
const languageServerPath = getLanguageServerToolPath();
if (!languageServerPath) {
// Assume the getLanguageServerToolPath will show the relevant
// errors to the user. Disable the language server.
cfg.enabled = false;
return cfg;
cfg.path = languageServerPath;
cfg.serverName = getToolFromToolPath(cfg.path);
// Get the mtime of the language server binary so that we always pick up
// the right version.
const stats = fs.statSync(languageServerPath);
if (!stats) {
vscode.window.showErrorMessage(`Unable to stat path to language server binary: ${languageServerPath}.
Please try reinstalling it.`);
// Disable the language server.
cfg.enabled = false;
return cfg;
cfg.modtime = stats.mtime;
return cfg;
* Return the absolute path to the correct binary. If the required tool is not available,
* prompt the user to install it. Only gopls is officially supported.
export function getLanguageServerToolPath(): string {
const goConfig = getGoConfig();
if (!goConfig['useLanguageServer']) {
// Check that all workspace folders are configured with the same GOPATH.
if (!allFoldersHaveSameGopath()) {
'The Go language server is currently not supported in a multi-root set-up with different GOPATHs.'
// Get the path to gopls (getBinPath checks for alternate tools).
const goplsBinaryPath = getBinPath('gopls');
if (path.isAbsolute(goplsBinaryPath)) {
return goplsBinaryPath;
const alternateTools = goConfig['alternateTools'];
if (alternateTools) {
// The user's alternate language server was not found.
const goplsAlternate = alternateTools['gopls'];
if (goplsAlternate) {
`Cannot find the alternate tool ${goplsAlternate} configured for gopls.
Please install it and reload this VS Code window.`
// Check if the user has the deprecated "go-langserver" setting.
// Suggest deleting it if the alternate tool is gopls.
if (alternateTools['go-langserver']) {
vscode.window.showErrorMessage(`Support for "go-langserver" has been deprecated.
The recommended language server is gopls. Delete the alternate tool setting for "go-langserver" to use gopls, or change "go-langserver" to "gopls" in your settings.json and reload the VS Code window.`);
// Prompt the user to install gopls.
function allFoldersHaveSameGopath(): boolean {
if (!vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders || vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders.length <= 1) {
return true;
const tempGopath = getCurrentGoPath(vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders[0].uri);
return vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders.find((x) => tempGopath !== getCurrentGoPath(x.uri)) ? false : true;
const acceptGoplsPrerelease = true; // For nightly, we accept the prerelease version.
export async function shouldUpdateLanguageServer(
tool: Tool,
languageServerToolPath: string,
makeProxyCall: boolean
): Promise<semver.SemVer> {
// Only support updating gopls for now.
if ( !== 'gopls') {
return null;
// First, run the "gopls version" command and parse its results.
const usersVersion = await getLocalGoplsVersion(languageServerToolPath);
// We might have a developer version. Don't make the user update.
if (usersVersion === '(devel)') {
return null;
// Get the latest gopls version. If it is for nightly, using the prereleased version is ok.
let latestVersion = makeProxyCall ? await getLatestGoplsVersion(tool) : tool.latestVersion;
// If we failed to get the gopls version, pick the one we know to be latest at the time of this extension's last update
if (!latestVersion) {
latestVersion = tool.latestVersion;
// If "gopls" is so old that it doesn't have the "gopls version" command,
// or its version doesn't match our expectations, usersVersion will be empty.
// Suggest the latestVersion.
if (!usersVersion) {
return latestVersion;
// The user may have downloaded,
// which means that they have a pseudoversion.
const usersTime = parseTimestampFromPseudoversion(usersVersion);
// If the user has a pseudoversion, get the timestamp for the latest gopls version and compare.
if (usersTime) {
let latestTime = makeProxyCall ? await getTimestampForVersion(tool, latestVersion) : tool.latestVersionTimestamp;
if (!latestTime) {
latestTime = tool.latestVersionTimestamp;
return usersTime.isBefore(latestTime) ? latestVersion : null;
// If the user's version does not contain a timestamp,
// default to a semver comparison of the two versions.
return, latestVersion) ? latestVersion : null;
// Copied from src/cmd/go/internal/modfetch.go.
const pseudoVersionRE = /^v[0-9]+\.(0\.0-|\d+\.\d+-([^+]*\.)?0\.)\d{14}-[A-Za-z0-9]+(\+incompatible)?$/;
// parseTimestampFromPseudoversion returns the timestamp for the given
// pseudoversion. The timestamp is the center component, and it has the
// format "YYYYMMDDHHmmss".
function parseTimestampFromPseudoversion(version: string): moment.Moment {
const split = version.split('-');
if (split.length < 2) {
return null;
if (!semver.valid(version)) {
return null;
if (!pseudoVersionRE.test(version)) {
return null;
const sv = semver.coerce(version);
if (!sv) {
return null;
// Copied from src/cmd/go/internal/modfetch.go.
const build ='.');
const buildIndex = version.lastIndexOf(build);
if (buildIndex >= 0) {
version = version.substring(0, buildIndex);
const lastDashIndex = version.lastIndexOf('-');
version = version.substring(0, lastDashIndex);
const firstDashIndex = version.lastIndexOf('-');
const dotIndex = version.lastIndexOf('.');
let timestamp: string;
if (dotIndex > firstDashIndex) {
// "vX.Y.Z-pre.0" or "vX.Y.(Z+1)-0"
timestamp = version.substring(dotIndex + 1);
} else {
// "vX.0.0"
timestamp = version.substring(firstDashIndex + 1);
return moment.utc(timestamp, 'YYYYMMDDHHmmss');
export async function getTimestampForVersion(tool: Tool, version: semver.SemVer): Promise<moment.Moment> {
const data = await goProxyRequest(tool, `v${version.format()}.info`);
if (!data) {
return null;
const time = moment(data['Time']);
return time;
export async function getLatestGoplsVersion(tool: Tool): Promise<semver.SemVer> {
// If the user has a version of gopls that we understand,
// ask the proxy for the latest version, and if the user's version is older,
// prompt them to update.
const data = await goProxyRequest(tool, 'list');
if (!data) {
return null;
// Coerce the versions into SemVers so that they can be sorted correctly.
const versions = [];
for (const version of data.trim().split('\n')) {
const parsed = semver.parse(version, {
includePrerelease: true,
loose: true
if (parsed) {
if (versions.length === 0) {
return null;
if (acceptGoplsPrerelease) {
return versions[0]; // The first one (newest one).
// The first version in the sorted list without a prerelease tag.
return versions.find((version) => !version.prerelease || !version.prerelease.length);
// getLocalGoplsVersion returns the version of gopls that is currently
// installed on the user's machine. This is determined by running the
// `gopls version` command.
export async function getLocalGoplsVersion(goplsPath: string): Promise<string> {
const env = getToolsEnvVars();
const execFile = util.promisify(cp.execFile);
let output: any;
try {
const { stdout } = await execFile(goplsPath, ['version'], { env });
output = stdout;
} catch (e) {
// The "gopls version" command is not supported, or something else went wrong.
// TODO: Should we propagate this error?
return null;
const lines = <string>output.trim().split('\n');
switch (lines.length) {
case 0:
// No results, should update.
// Worth doing anything here?
return null;
case 1:
// Built in $GOPATH mode. Should update.
// TODO: Should we check the Go version here?
// Do we even allow users to enable gopls if their Go version is too low?
return null;
case 2:
// We might actually have a parseable version.
return null;
// The second line should be the sum line.
// It should look something like this:
// h1:CB5ECiPysqZrwxcyRjN+exyZpY0gODTZvNiqQi3lpeo=
// TODO: We should use a regex to match this, but for now, we split on the @ symbol.
// The reasoning for this is that gopls still has a binary,
// so users may have a developer version that looks like "".
const moduleVersion = lines[1].trim().split(' ')[0];
// Get the relevant portion, that is:
const split = moduleVersion.trim().split('@');
if (split.length < 2) {
return null;
// The version comes after the @ symbol:
// v0.1.3
return split[1];
async function goProxyRequest(tool: Tool, endpoint: string): Promise<any> {
// Get the user's value of GOPROXY.
// If it is not set, we cannot make the request.
const output: string = process.env['GOPROXY'];
if (!output || !output.trim()) {
return null;
// Try each URL set in the user's GOPROXY environment variable.
// If none is set, don't make the request.
const proxies = output.trim().split(',|');
for (const proxy of proxies) {
if (proxy === 'direct') {
const url = `${proxy}/${tool.importPath}/@v/${endpoint}`;
let data: string;
try {
data = await WebRequest.json<string>(url, {
throwResponseError: true
} catch (e) {
return null;
return data;
return null;
// SurveyConfig is the set of global properties used to determine if
// we should prompt a user to take the gopls survey.
export interface SurveyConfig {
// prompt is true if the user can be prompted to take the survey.
// It is false if the user has responded "Never" to the prompt.
prompt?: boolean;
// promptThisMonth is true if we have used a random number generator
// to determine if the user should be prompted this month.
// It is undefined if we have not yet made the determination.
promptThisMonth?: boolean;
// promptThisMonthTimestamp is the date on which we determined if the user
// should be prompted this month.
promptThisMonthTimestamp?: Date;
// lastDatePrompted is the most recent date that the user has been prompted.
lastDatePrompted?: Date;
// lastDateAccepted is the most recent date that the user responded "Yes"
// to the survey prompt. The user need not have completed the survey.
lastDateAccepted?: Date;
async function maybePromptForGoplsSurvey(): Promise<SurveyConfig> {
const now = new Date();
const cfg = getSurveyConfig();
const prompt = shouldPromptForGoplsSurvey(now, cfg);
if (!prompt) {
return cfg;
const selected = await vscode.window.showInformationMessage(`Looks like you're using gopls, the Go language server.
Would you be willing to fill out a quick survey about your experience with gopls?`, 'Yes', 'Not now', 'Never');
// Update the time last asked.
cfg.lastDatePrompted = now;
switch (selected) {
case 'Yes':
cfg.lastDateAccepted = now;
cfg.prompt = true;
// Open the link to the survey.
case 'Not now':
cfg.prompt = true;
vscode.window.showInformationMessage(`No problem! We'll ask you again another time.`);
case 'Never':
cfg.prompt = false;
vscode.window.showInformationMessage(`No problem! We won't ask again.`);
return cfg;
export function shouldPromptForGoplsSurvey(now: Date, cfg: SurveyConfig): boolean {
// If the prompt value is not set, assume we haven't prompted the user
// and should do so.
if (cfg.prompt === undefined) {
cfg.prompt = true;
if (!cfg.prompt) {
return false;
// Check if the user has taken the survey in the last year.
// Don't prompt them if they have been.
if (cfg.lastDateAccepted) {
if (daysBetween(now, cfg.lastDateAccepted) < 365) {
return false;
// Check if the user has been prompted for the survey in the last 90 days.
// Don't prompt them if they have been.
if (cfg.lastDatePrompted) {
if (daysBetween(now, cfg.lastDatePrompted) < 90) {
return false;
// Check if the extension has been activated this month.
if (cfg.promptThisMonthTimestamp) {
// The extension has been activated this month, so we should have already
// decided if the user should be prompted.
if (daysBetween(now, cfg.promptThisMonthTimestamp) < 30) {
return cfg.promptThisMonth;
// This is the first activation this month (or ever), so decide if we
// should prompt the user. This is done by generating a random number
// and % 20 to get a 5% chance.
const r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20);
cfg.promptThisMonth = (r % 20 === 0);
cfg.promptThisMonthTimestamp = now;
return cfg.promptThisMonth;
export const goplsSurveyConfig = 'goplsSurveyConfig';
function getSurveyConfig(): SurveyConfig {
const saved = getFromGlobalState(goplsSurveyConfig);
if (saved === undefined) {
return {};
try {
const cfg = JSON.parse(saved, (key: string, value: any) => {
// Make sure values that should be dates are correctly converted.
if (key.includes('Date')) {
return new Date(value);
return value;
return cfg;
} catch (err) {
console.log(`Error parsing JSON from ${saved}: ${err}`);
return {};
function flushSurveyConfig(cfg: SurveyConfig) {
updateGlobalState(goplsSurveyConfig, JSON.stringify(cfg));
// suggestGoplsIssueReport prompts users to file an issue with gopls.
async function suggestGoplsIssueReport(msg: string) {
if (latestConfig.serverName !== 'gopls') {
const promptForIssueOnGoplsRestartKey = `promptForIssueOnGoplsRestart`;
let saved: any;
try {
saved = JSON.parse(getFromGlobalState(promptForIssueOnGoplsRestartKey, true));
} catch (err) {
console.log(`Failed to parse as JSON ${getFromGlobalState(promptForIssueOnGoplsRestartKey, true)}: ${err}`);
// If the user has already seen this prompt, they may have opted-out for
// the future. Only prompt again if it's been more than a year since.
if (saved['date'] && saved['prompt']) {
const dateSaved = new Date(saved['date']);
const prompt = <boolean>saved['prompt'];
if (!prompt && daysBetween(new Date(), dateSaved) <= 365) {
const selected = await vscode.window.showInformationMessage(`${msg} Would you like to report a gopls issue ? `, 'Yes', 'Next time', 'Never');
switch (selected) {
case 'Yes':
// Run the `gopls bug` command directly for now. When
// is
// resolved, we'll be able to do this through the
// language client.
// Wait for the command to finish before restarting the
// server, but don't bother handling errors.
const execFile = util.promisify(cp.execFile);
await execFile(latestConfig.path, ['bug'], { env: getToolsEnvVars() });
case 'Next time':
case 'Never':
updateGlobalState(promptForIssueOnGoplsRestartKey, JSON.stringify({
prompt: false,
date: new Date(),
// daysBetween returns the number of days between a and b,
// assuming that a occurs after b.
function daysBetween(a: Date, b: Date) {
const ms = a.getTime() - b.getTime();
return ms / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);