blob: 2fe4fd779ef3c6a9b667376abb410010b5517ec2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information.
import path = require('path');
import vscode = require('vscode');
import { URI } from 'vscode-uri';
import { getGoConfig } from './config';
function moduleVersion(mod: string, ver: string | undefined) {
if (!ver) {
return 'N/A';
if (mod === 'stdlib') {
return `go${ver.replace(/^(v|go)/, '')}`;
return `${mod}@${ver}`;
// writeVulns generates human-readable vulnerability report from the VulncheckReport
// and write to the outputChannel.
export function writeVulns(
res: VulncheckReport | undefined | null,
outputChannel: { appendLine(value: string): void }
) {
if (!res) {
outputChannel.appendLine('Error - invalid vulncheck result.'); // TODO(hyangah): ask to open an issue.
if (!res.Vulns || res.Vulns.length === 0) {
outputChannel.appendLine('No vulnerability found.');
const affecting = res.Vulns.filter((v) => {
return v.Modules?.some((m) => {
return m.Packages?.some((p) => {
return p.CallStacks?.some((cs) => {
return cs.Frames && cs.Frames.length > 0;
const unaffecting = res.Vulns.filter((v) => !affecting.includes(v));
switch (affecting.length) {
case 0:
outputChannel.appendLine('No vulnerability found.');
case 1:
outputChannel.appendLine(`Found ${affecting.length} affecting vulnerability.`);
outputChannel.appendLine(`Found ${affecting.length} affecting vulnerabilities.`);
affecting.forEach((vuln) => {
outputChannel.appendLine(`⚠ ${} (${})`);
const desc = (vuln.OSV.details || '').trimRight();
const aliases = vuln.OSV.aliases?.length ? ` (${vuln.OSV.aliases.join(', ')})` : '';
vuln.Modules?.forEach((mod) => {
outputChannel.appendLine(`Found Version: ${moduleVersion(mod.Path, mod.FoundVersion)}`);
outputChannel.appendLine(`Fixed Version: ${moduleVersion(mod.Path, mod.FixedVersion)}`);
mod.Packages?.forEach((pkg) => {
outputChannel.appendLine('\nCall stacks in your code:');
pkg.CallStacks?.forEach((cs, index) => {
// TODO: the position info embedded in the cs.Summary is relative to
// the directory gopls ran the vulnchek.
// Instead replace with workspace-relative paths.
outputChannel.appendLine(`- ${cs.Summary}`);
// Print the first trace (index === 0) as an example.
// TODO(hyangah): allow users to see example traces for all detected vulnerable symbols.
if (index === 0 && cs.Frames) {
const last = cs.Frames.length - 1;
cs.Frames?.forEach((f, index) => {
// Skip the last frame that just carries the vulnerable symbol.
// This info is already included in cs.Summary.
if (last === index) return;
const line = f.Position?.Line || 1;
// TODO: shorten f.Position.Filename (e.g. workspace relative path, and home directory ~ relative path)
const pos = f.Position?.Filename ? `${f.Position.Filename}:${line}` : ' - ';
const name = f.RecvType ? `${f.RecvType}.${f.FuncName}` : `${f.PkgPath}.${f.FuncName}`;
if (unaffecting.length) {
# The vulnerabilities below are in packages that you import, but your code does
# not appear to call any vulnerable functions. You may not need to take any
# action. See for details.
switch (unaffecting.length) {
case 1:
outputChannel.appendLine(`Found ${unaffecting.length} unused vulnerability.`);
outputChannel.appendLine(`Found ${unaffecting.length} unused vulnerabilities.`);
unaffecting.forEach((vuln) => {
outputChannel.appendLine(`ⓘ ${} (${})`);
const desc = (vuln.OSV.details || '').trimRight();
const aliases = vuln.OSV.aliases?.length ? ` (${vuln.OSV.aliases.join(', ')})` : '';
vuln.Modules?.forEach((mod) => {
outputChannel.appendLine(`Found Version: ${moduleVersion(mod.Path, mod.FoundVersion)}`);
outputChannel.appendLine(`Fixed Version: ${moduleVersion(mod.Path, mod.FixedVersion)}`);
mod.Packages?.forEach((pkg) => {
outputChannel.appendLine(`Package: ${pkg.Path}`);
// VulncheckReport is the JSON data type of gopls's vulncheck result.
export interface VulncheckReport {
// Vulns populated by gopls vulncheck run.
Vulns?: Vuln[];
Mode?: 'govulncheck' | 'imports';
// Vuln represents a single OSV entry.
interface Vuln {
// OSV contains all data from the OSV entry for this vulnerability.
OSV: OSVEntry;
// Modules contains all of the modules in the OSV entry where a
// vulnerable package is imported by the target source code or binary.
// For example, a module M with two packages M/p1 and M/p2, where only p1
// is vulnerable, will appear in this list if and only if p1 is imported by
// the target source code or binary.
Modules: Module[];
AffectedPackages?: string[];
interface OSVEntry {
id: string;
published?: string;
aliases?: string[];
details?: string;
affected?: Affected[];
interface Affected {
package: Package;
ecosystem_specific?: EcosystemSpecific;
interface EcosystemSpecificImport {
path: string;
goos?: string[];
goarch?: string[];
symbols?: string[];
interface EcosystemSpecific {
imports?: EcosystemSpecificImport[];
interface Package {
name: string;
interface Module {
// Path is the module path of the module containing the vulnerability.
// Importable packages in the standard library will have the path "stdlib".
Path: string;
// FoundVersion is the module version where the vulnerability was found.
FoundVersion?: string;
// FixedVersion is the module version where the vulnerability was
// fixed. If there are multiple fixed versions in the OSV report, this will
// be the latest fixed version.
// This is empty if a fix is not available.
FixedVersion?: string;
// Packages contains all the vulnerable packages in OSV entry that are
// imported by the target source code or binary.
// For example, given a module M with two packages M/p1 and M/p2, where
// both p1 and p2 are vulnerable, p1 and p2 will each only appear in this
// list they are individually imported by the target source code or binary.
Packages?: Package[];
interface Package {
// Path is the import path of the package containing the vulnerability.
Path: string;
// CallStacks contains a representative call stack for each
// vulnerable symbol that is called.
// For vulnerabilities found from binary analysis, only CallStack.Symbol
// will be provided.
// For non-affecting vulnerabilities reported from the source mode
// analysis, this will be empty.
CallStacks?: CallStack[];
interface CallStack {
// Symbol is the name of the detected vulnerable function
// or method.
// This follows the naming convention in the OSV report.
Symbol?: string;
// Summary is a one-line description of the callstack, used by the
// default govulncheck mode.
// Example: module3.main calls
Summary?: string;
// Frames contains an entry for each stack in the call stack.
// Frames are sorted starting from the entry point to the
// imported vulnerable symbol. The last frame in Frames should match
// Symbol.
Frames?: StackFrame[];
interface StackFrame {
// PackagePath is the import path.
PkgPath: string;
// FuncName is the function name.
FuncName?: string;
// RecvType is the fully qualified receiver type,
// if the called symbol is a method.
// The client can create the final symbol name by
// prepending RecvType to FuncName.
RecvType?: string;
// Position describes an arbitrary source position
// including the file, line, and column location.
// A Position is valid if the line number is > 0.
Position?: Position;
interface Position {
Filename?: string; // filename, if any
Offset?: number; // offset, starting at 0
Line?: number; // line number, starting at 1
Column?: number; // column number, starting at 1 (byte count)
// VulncheckOutputLinkProvider linkifies govulncheck output.
export class VulncheckOutputLinkProvider implements vscode.DocumentLinkProvider {
static activate(ctx: Pick<vscode.ExtensionContext, 'subscriptions'>) {
{ language: 'govulncheck' },
new VulncheckOutputLinkProvider()
document: vscode.TextDocument,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
_token: vscode.CancellationToken
): vscode.ProviderResult<vscode.DocumentLink[]> {
try {
return this.unsafeProvideDocumentLinks(document);
} catch (e) {
console.log(`failed to linkify govulncheck output result: ${e}`);
return [];
unsafeProvideDocumentLinks(document: vscode.TextDocument): vscode.ProviderResult<vscode.DocumentLink[]> {
const ret = [] as vscode.DocumentLink[];
let cwd = '';
for (let i = 0; i < document.lineCount; i++) {
const readLine = document.lineAt(i);
// govulncheck ./... for file:///foo/go.mod.
const cmdPattern = readLine.text.match(/^govulncheck\s+\S+\s+for\s+(file:.*\.mod)/);
if (cmdPattern && cmdPattern[1]) {
cwd = path.dirname(vscode.Uri.parse(cmdPattern[1]).fsPath);
// Found Version: and Fixed Version:
const foundOrFixedVersionPattern = readLine.text.match(/^(?:Found|Fixed) Version:\s+(\S+@\S+)$/);
if (foundOrFixedVersionPattern && foundOrFixedVersionPattern[1]) {
const modVersion = foundOrFixedVersionPattern[1];
const start = readLine.text.indexOf(modVersion);
const end = start + modVersion.length;
const link = new vscode.DocumentLink(
new vscode.Range(i, start, i, end),
link.tooltip = `${modVersion}`;
// Position at file (e.g. file.go:1:2)
const filePosPattern = readLine.text.match(/(?:-\s+|\s+\()(\S+\.go):(\d+)(?::(\d+)){0,1}/);
if (filePosPattern && filePosPattern[1]) {
let fname = filePosPattern[1];
if (!path.isAbsolute(fname)) {
fname = path.join(cwd, fname);
if (path.isAbsolute(fname)) {
const line = filePosPattern[2];
const col = filePosPattern[3];
const fragment = col ? { fragment: `L${line},${col}` } : { fragment: `L${line}` };
const uri = URI.file(fname).with(fragment);
const start = readLine.text.indexOf(filePosPattern[1]);
const end = readLine.text.indexOf(filePosPattern[0]) + filePosPattern[0].length;
const link = new vscode.DocumentLink(new vscode.Range(i, start, i, end), uri);
return ret;
export const toggleVulncheckCommandFactory = () => () => {
const editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor;
const documentUri = editor?.document.uri;
function toggleVulncheckCommand(uri?: URI) {
const goCfgName = 'diagnostic.vulncheck';
const cfg = getGoConfig(uri);
const { globalValue, workspaceValue, workspaceFolderValue } = cfg.inspect(goCfgName) || {};
if (workspaceFolderValue) {
const newValue = workspaceFolderValue === 'Imports' ? 'Off' : 'Imports';
cfg.update(goCfgName, newValue);
if (workspaceValue) {
const newValue = workspaceValue === 'Imports' ? 'Off' : 'Imports';
cfg.update(goCfgName, newValue, false);
if (globalValue) {
const newValue = globalValue === 'Imports' ? 'Off' : 'Imports';
cfg.update(goCfgName, newValue, true);
cfg.update(goCfgName, 'Imports');