blob: b01e7dbab7c0c0f2951036752cafe077b903d605 [file] [log] [blame]
/* eslint-disable no-prototype-builtins */
/* eslint-disable node/no-unpublished-import */
* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Modification copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information.
import assert from 'assert';
import * as fs from 'fs-extra';
import { describe, it } from 'mocha';
import * as os from 'os';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as sinon from 'sinon';
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import {
} from '../../src/goEnvironmentStatus';
import { updateGoVarsFromConfig } from '../../src/goInstallTools';
import { disposeGoStatusBar } from '../../src/goStatus';
import { getWorkspaceState, setWorkspaceState } from '../../src/stateUtils';
import { MockMemento } from '../mocks/MockMemento';
import ourutil = require('../../src/util');
import { setGOROOTEnvVar } from '../../src/goMain';
describe('#initGoStatusBar()', function () {
this.beforeAll(async () => {
await updateGoVarsFromConfig(); // should initialize the status bar.
this.afterAll(() => {
it('should create a status bar item', () => {
assert.notEqual(getGoEnvironmentStatusbarItem(), undefined);
it('should create a status bar item with a label matching go.goroot version', async () => {
const version = await ourutil.getGoVersion();
const versionLabel = formatGoVersion(version);
let label = getGoEnvironmentStatusbarItem().text;
const iconPos = label.indexOf('$');
if (iconPos >= 0) {
label = label.substring(0, iconPos);
assert.equal(label, versionLabel, 'goroot version does not match status bar item text');
describe('#setGOROOTEnvVar', function () {
let origGOROOT = process.env['GOROOT'];
this.beforeEach(() => {
origGOROOT = process.env['GOROOT'];
this.afterEach(() => {
if (origGOROOT) {
process.env['GOROOT'] = origGOROOT;
} else {
delete process.env.GOROOT;
it('empty goroot does not change GOROOT', async () => {
await setGOROOTEnvVar('');
assert.strictEqual(process.env['GOROOT'], origGOROOT);
it('non-directory value is rejected', async () => {
await setGOROOTEnvVar(ourutil.getBinPath('go'));
assert.strictEqual(process.env['GOROOT'], origGOROOT);
it('directory value is accepted', async () => {
const goroot = path.join(path.dirname(ourutil.getBinPath('go')), '..');
await setGOROOTEnvVar(goroot);
assert.strictEqual(process.env['GOROOT'], goroot);
describe('#setSelectedGo()', function () {
let sandbox: sinon.SinonSandbox | undefined;
let goOption: GoEnvironmentOption;
let defaultMemento: vscode.Memento;
this.beforeAll(async () => {
const version = await ourutil.getGoVersion();
const defaultGoOption = new GoEnvironmentOption(version.binaryPath, formatGoVersion(version));
defaultMemento = getWorkspaceState();
setWorkspaceState(new MockMemento());
await setSelectedGo(defaultGoOption);
this.afterAll(async () => {
this.beforeEach(async () => {
goOption = await getSelectedGo();
sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
this.afterEach(async () => {
await setSelectedGo(goOption, false);
it('should update the workspace memento storage', async () => {
// set workspace setting
const workspaceTestOption = new GoEnvironmentOption('workspacetestpath', 'testlabel');
await setSelectedGo(workspaceTestOption, false);
// check that the new config is set
assert.equal(getSelectedGo()?.binpath, 'workspacetestpath');
it.skip('should download an uninstalled version of Go', async () => {
// TODO( temporarily disabled
// to unblock nightly release during investigation.
if (!process.env['VSCODEGO_BEFORE_RELEASE_TESTS']) {
// setup tmp home directory for sdk installation
const envCache = Object.assign({}, process.env);
process.env.HOME = os.tmpdir();
// set selected go as a version to download
const option = new GoEnvironmentOption('go get', 'Go 1.13.12');
await setSelectedGo(option, false);
// the temp sdk directory should now contain go1.13.12
const subdirs = await fs.readdir(path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'sdk'));
assert.ok(subdirs.includes('go1.13.12'), 'Go 1.13.12 was not installed');
// cleanup
process.env = envCache;