blob: aabc7039aa8ed6c2a9c28a86a6bf78cbee4a4b0c [file] [log] [blame]
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
/* eslint-disable no-prototype-builtins */
import assert = require('assert');
import fs = require('fs');
import os = require('os');
import path = require('path');
import sinon = require('sinon');
import vscode = require('vscode');
import parse = require('yargs-parser');
import { getGoConfig } from '../../src/config';
import { GoDebugConfigurationProvider } from '../../src/goDebugConfiguration';
import { updateGoVarsFromConfig } from '../../src/goInstallTools';
import { rmdirRecursive } from '../../src/util';
import goEnv = require('../../src/goEnv');
suite('Debug Environment Variable Merge Test', () => {
const debugConfigProvider = new GoDebugConfigurationProvider();
suiteSetup(async () => {
await updateGoVarsFromConfig();
// Set up the test fixtures.
const fixtureSourcePath = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'test', 'testdata');
const filePath = path.join(fixtureSourcePath, 'baseTest', 'test.go');
await vscode.workspace.openTextDocument(vscode.Uri.file(filePath));
suiteTeardown(() => {
let sandbox: sinon.SinonSandbox;
let tmpDir = '';
const toolExecutionEnv: NodeJS.Dict<string> = {};
setup(() => {
tmpDir = fs.mkdtempSync(path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'godebugconfig_test'));
sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
teardown(() => {
interface Input {
env?: { [key: string]: any };
envFile?: string | string[];
toolsEnv?: { [key: string]: any };
function runTest(input: Input, expected: { [key: string]: any }) {
sandbox.stub(goEnv, 'toolExecutionEnvironment').returns(input.toolsEnv || {});
const config = debugConfigProvider.resolveDebugConfigurationWithSubstitutedVariables(undefined, {
type: 'go',
name: 'Launch',
request: 'launch',
env: input.env,
envFile: input.envFile
const actual = config.env;
assert.deepStrictEqual(actual, expected);
test('works with empty launchArgs', () => {
runTest({}, {});
test('toolsEnvVars is propagated', () => {
const toolsEnv = {
GOPATH: '/gopath',
GOOS: 'valueFromToolsEnv'
{ toolsEnv },
GOPATH: '/gopath',
GOOS: 'valueFromToolsEnv'
test('preserves settings from launchArgs.env', () => {
const env = { GOPATH: 'valueFromEnv', GOOS: 'valueFromEnv2' };
{ env },
GOPATH: 'valueFromEnv',
GOOS: 'valueFromEnv2'
test('preserves settings from launchArgs.envFile', () => {
const envFile = path.join(tmpDir, 'env');
fs.writeFileSync(envFile, 'GOPATH=valueFromEnvFile');
runTest({ envFile }, { GOPATH: 'valueFromEnvFile' });
test('launchArgs.env overwrites launchArgs.envFile', () => {
const env = { SOMEVAR1: 'valueFromEnv' };
const envFile = path.join(tmpDir, 'env');
fs.writeFileSync(envFile, ['SOMEVAR1=valueFromEnvFile1', 'SOMEVAR2=valueFromEnvFile2'].join('\n'));
{ env, envFile },
SOMEVAR1: 'valueFromEnv',
SOMEVAR2: 'valueFromEnvFile2'
test('launchArgs.env overwrites toolsEnvVar', () => {
const toolsEnv = {
GOPATH: '/gopath',
SOMEVAR1: 'valueFromToolsEnvVar1',
SOMEVAR2: 'valueFromToolsEnvVar2'
const env = { SOMEVAR1: 'valueFromEnv' };
{ env, toolsEnv },
GOPATH: '/gopath',
SOMEVAR1: 'valueFromEnv',
SOMEVAR2: 'valueFromToolsEnvVar2'
test('launchArgs.envFile overwrites toolsEnvVar', () => {
const toolsEnv = {
GOPATH: '/gopath',
SOMEVAR1: 'valueFromToolsEnvVar1',
SOMEVAR2: 'valueFromToolsEnvVar2'
const envFile = path.join(tmpDir, 'env');
fs.writeFileSync(envFile, ['SOMEVAR2=valueFromEnvFile2'].join('\n'));
{ toolsEnv, envFile },
GOPATH: '/gopath',
SOMEVAR1: 'valueFromToolsEnvVar1',
SOMEVAR2: 'valueFromEnvFile2'
suite('Debug Configuration Merge User Settings', () => {
const debugConfigProvider = new GoDebugConfigurationProvider();
const config = require('../../src/config');
teardown(() => sinon.restore());
suite("merge 'go' config from settings.json", () => {
test('go flags config does not affect debug config', async () => {
// This tests that the testFlags and GOOS and GOARCH set
// in settings.json do not affect the resolved debug configuration.
// When this expected behavior changes, this test can be updated.
// Run resolveDebugConfiguration with the default workspace settings.
const cfg1 = {
name: 'Launch',
type: 'go',
request: 'launch',
mode: 'auto',
program: '${fileDirname}'
const emptyResult = await debugConfigProvider.resolveDebugConfiguration(undefined, cfg1);
const goConfig = Object.create(getGoConfig(), {
testFlags: { value: '-tags=myTagTest' },
buildFlags: { value: '-tags=myTagBuild' },
goroot: { value: '/path/to/goroot' },
gopath: { value: '/path/to/gopath' }
}) as vscode.WorkspaceConfiguration;
// Adjust the workspace config.
sinon.stub(config, 'getGoConfig').returns(goConfig);
const cfg2 = {
name: 'Launch',
type: 'go',
request: 'launch',
mode: 'auto',
program: '${fileDirname}'
const filledResult = await debugConfigProvider.resolveDebugConfiguration(undefined, cfg2);
assert.strictEqual(filledResult.type, emptyResult.type);
assert.strictEqual(filledResult.mode, emptyResult.mode);
assert.strictEqual(filledResult.request, emptyResult.request);
assert.strictEqual(filledResult.program, emptyResult.program);
assert.strictEqual(filledResult.dlvToolPath, emptyResult.dlvToolPath);
assert.strictEqual(filledResult.apiVersion, emptyResult.apiVersion);
assert.strictEqual(filledResult.showGlobalVariables, emptyResult.showGlobalVariables);
test('delve config in settings.json is added to debug config', async () => {
// This tests that the testFlags and GOOS and GOARCH set
// in settings.json do not affect the resolved debug configuration.
// When this expected behavior changes, this test can be updated.
// Run resolveDebugConfiguration with the default workspace settings.
const goConfig = Object.create(getGoConfig(), {
delveConfig: {
value: {
dlvLoadConfig: {
followPointers: false,
maxVariableRecurse: 3,
maxStringLen: 32,
maxArrayValues: 32,
maxStructFields: 5
apiVersion: 1,
showGlobalVariables: true
}) as vscode.WorkspaceConfiguration;
sinon.stub(config, 'getGoConfig').returns(goConfig);
const cfg = {
name: 'Launch',
type: 'go',
request: 'launch',
mode: 'auto',
program: '${fileDirname}'
const result = await debugConfigProvider.resolveDebugConfiguration(undefined, cfg);
assert.strictEqual(result.apiVersion, 1);
assert.strictEqual(result.showGlobalVariables, true);
const dlvLoadConfig = result.dlvLoadConfig;
assert.strictEqual(dlvLoadConfig.followPointers, false);
assert.strictEqual(dlvLoadConfig.maxVariableRecurse, 3);
assert.strictEqual(dlvLoadConfig.maxStringLen, 32);
assert.strictEqual(dlvLoadConfig.maxArrayValues, 32);
assert.strictEqual(dlvLoadConfig.maxStructFields, 5);
test('delve config in settings.json is overriden by launch.json', async () => {
// This tests that the testFlags and GOOS and GOARCH set
// in settings.json do not affect the resolved debug configuration.
// When this expected behavior changes, this test can be updated.
// Run resolveDebugConfiguration with the default workspace settings.
const goConfig = Object.create(getGoConfig(), {
delveConfig: {
value: {
dlvLoadConfig: {
followPointers: false,
maxVariableRecurse: 3,
maxStringLen: 32,
maxArrayValues: 32,
maxStructFields: 5
apiVersion: 1,
showGlobalVariables: true
}) as vscode.WorkspaceConfiguration;
sinon.stub(config, 'getGoConfig').returns(goConfig);
const cfg = {
name: 'Launch',
type: 'go',
request: 'launch',
mode: 'auto',
program: '${fileDirname}',
apiVersion: 2,
showGlobalVariables: false,
dlvLoadConfig: {
followPointers: true,
maxVariableRecurse: 6,
maxStringLen: 128,
maxArrayValues: 128,
maxStructFields: -1
const result = await debugConfigProvider.resolveDebugConfiguration(undefined, cfg);
assert.strictEqual(result.apiVersion, 2);
assert.strictEqual(result.showGlobalVariables, false);
const dlvLoadConfig = result.dlvLoadConfig;
assert.strictEqual(dlvLoadConfig.followPointers, true);
assert.strictEqual(dlvLoadConfig.maxVariableRecurse, 6);
assert.strictEqual(dlvLoadConfig.maxStringLen, 128);
assert.strictEqual(dlvLoadConfig.maxArrayValues, 128);
assert.strictEqual(dlvLoadConfig.maxStructFields, -1);
suite('Debug Configuration Modify User Config', () => {
const debugConfigProvider = new GoDebugConfigurationProvider();
function checkBuildFlags(input: string, expected: { [key: string]: any }) {
// Parse the string result.
const actual = parse(input, { configuration: { 'short-option-groups': false } });
// Delete the empty entry that is created by parse.
delete actual['_'];
// Compare the two maps.
assert.strictEqual(actual.size, expected.size);
const expectedKeys = [];
for (const key in expected) {
if (expected.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
const actualKeys = [];
for (const key in actual) {
if (actual.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
for (let i = 0; i < expectedKeys.length; i++) {
assert.strictEqual(actualKeys[i], expectedKeys[i]);
assert.strictEqual(actual[actualKeys[i]], expected[expectedKeys[i]]);
suite('remove gcflags', () => {
test('remove user set --gcflags in buildFlags', () => {
const config = {
name: 'Launch',
type: 'go',
request: 'launch',
mode: 'auto',
program: '${fileDirname}',
env: {},
buildFlags: '--gcflags=all=-l'
debugConfigProvider.resolveDebugConfiguration(undefined, config);
checkBuildFlags(config.buildFlags, {});
test('remove user set -gcflags in buildFlags', () => {
const config = {
name: 'Launch',
type: 'go',
request: 'launch',
mode: 'auto',
program: '${fileDirname}',
env: {},
buildFlags: '-gcflags all=-l'
debugConfigProvider.resolveDebugConfiguration(undefined, config);
checkBuildFlags(config.buildFlags, {});
test('remove user set --gcflags while preserving other build flags in buildFlags', () => {
const config = {
name: 'Launch',
type: 'go',
request: 'launch',
mode: 'auto',
program: '${fileDirname}',
env: {},
buildFlags: '-race --gcflags=all=-l --mod=mod'
debugConfigProvider.resolveDebugConfiguration(undefined, config);
checkBuildFlags(config.buildFlags, { race: true, mod: 'mod' });
test('preserve empty buildFlags', () => {
const config = {
name: 'Launch',
type: 'go',
request: 'launch',
mode: 'auto',
program: '${fileDirname}',
env: {},
buildFlags: ''
debugConfigProvider.resolveDebugConfiguration(undefined, config);
checkBuildFlags(config.buildFlags, {});
test('preserve buildFlags', () => {
const config = {
name: 'Launch',
type: 'go',
request: 'launch',
mode: 'auto',
program: '${fileDirname}',
env: {},
buildFlags: '-race --mod=mod'
debugConfigProvider.resolveDebugConfiguration(undefined, config);
checkBuildFlags(config.buildFlags, { race: true, mod: 'mod' });
test('remove user set --gcflags in GOFLAGS', () => {
const config = {
name: 'Launch',
type: 'go',
request: 'launch',
mode: 'auto',
program: '${fileDirname}',
env: { GOFLAGS: '-race --gcflags=-l --mod=mod' }
debugConfigProvider.resolveDebugConfiguration(undefined, config);
checkBuildFlags(config.env.GOFLAGS, { race: true, mod: 'mod' });