blob: 0465dc7f67d0687051bea0729ce7d550303801e4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information.
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { getGoConfig } from './config';
import { toolExecutionEnvironment } from './goEnv';
import { getBinPath } from './util';
const TASK_TYPE = 'go';
type GoCommand = 'build' | 'test'; // TODO(hyangah): run, install?
interface GoTaskDefinition extends vscode.TaskDefinition {
label?: string;
command: GoCommand;
args?: string[];
options?: vscode.ProcessExecutionOptions;
// TODO(hyangah): plumb go.testFlags and go.buildFlags
type Workspace = Pick<typeof vscode.workspace, 'workspaceFolders' | 'getWorkspaceFolder'>;
// GoTaskProvider provides default tasks
// - build/test the current package
// - build/test all packages in the current workspace
// This default task provider can be disabled by `go.tasks.provideDefault`.
// Note that these tasks run from the workspace root folder. If the workspace root
// folder and the package to test are not in the same module nor in the same workspace
// defined by a file, the build/test task will fail because the tested package
// is not visible from the workspace root folder.
export class GoTaskProvider implements vscode.TaskProvider {
private constructor(private workspace: Workspace) {}
static setup(ctx: vscode.ExtensionContext, workspace: Workspace): GoTaskProvider | undefined {
if (workspace.workspaceFolders && workspace.workspaceFolders.length > 0) {
const provider = new GoTaskProvider(workspace);
ctx.subscriptions.push(vscode.tasks.registerTaskProvider('go', provider));
return provider;
return undefined;
// provides the default tasks.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
provideTasks(_: vscode.CancellationToken): vscode.ProviderResult<vscode.Task[]> {
const folders = this.workspace.workspaceFolders;
if (!folders || !folders.length) {
// zero workspace folder setup.
// In zero-workspace folder setup, vscode.TaskScope.Workspace doesn't seem to work.
// The task API does not implement vscode.TaskScope.Global yet.
// Once Global scope is supported, we can consider to add tasks like `go build ${fileDirname}`.
return undefined;
const opened = vscode.window.activeTextEditor?.document?.uri;
const goCfg = getGoConfig(opened);
if (!goCfg.get('tasks.provideDefault')) {
return undefined;
// Explicitly specify the workspace folder directory based on the current open file.
// Behavior of tasks constructed with vscode.TaskScope.Workspace as scope
// is not well-defined when handling multiple folder workspace.
const folder = (opened && this.workspace.getWorkspaceFolder(opened)) || folders[0];
return [
// all tasks run from the chosen workspace root folder.
buildGoTask(folder, {
type: TASK_TYPE,
label: 'build package',
command: 'build',
args: ['${fileDirname}']
buildGoTask(folder, { type: TASK_TYPE, label: 'test package', command: 'test', args: ['${fileDirname}'] }),
buildGoTask(folder, { type: TASK_TYPE, label: 'build workspace', command: 'build', args: ['./...'] }),
buildGoTask(folder, { type: TASK_TYPE, label: 'test workspace', command: 'test', args: ['./...'] })
// fill an incomplete task definition ('tasks.json') whose type is "go".
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
resolveTask(_task: vscode.Task, _: vscode.CancellationToken): vscode.ProviderResult<vscode.Task> {
// vscode calls resolveTask for every 'go' type task in tasks.json.
const def = _task.definition;
if (def && def.type === TASK_TYPE) {
if (!def.command) {
def.command = 'build';
return buildGoTask(_task.scope ?? vscode.TaskScope.Workspace, def as GoTaskDefinition);
return undefined;
function buildGoTask(scope: vscode.WorkspaceFolder | vscode.TaskScope, definition: GoTaskDefinition): vscode.Task {
const cwd = definition.options?.cwd ?? (isWorkspaceFolder(scope) ? scope.uri.fsPath : undefined);
const task = new vscode.Task(
definition.label ?? defaultTaskName(definition),
new vscode.ProcessExecution(getBinPath('go'), [definition.command, ...(definition.args ?? [])], {
env: mergedToolExecutionEnv(scope, definition.options?.env)
); = taskGroup(definition.command);
task.detail = defaultTaskDetail(definition, cwd);
task.runOptions = { reevaluateOnRerun: true };
task.isBackground = false;
task.presentationOptions.clear = true;
task.presentationOptions.echo = true;
task.presentationOptions.showReuseMessage = true;
task.presentationOptions.panel = vscode.TaskPanelKind.Dedicated;
return task;
function defaultTaskName({ command, args }: GoTaskDefinition): string {
return `go ${command} ${(args ?? []).join(' ')}`;
function defaultTaskDetail(def: GoTaskDefinition, cwd: string | undefined): string {
const cd = cwd ? `cd ${cwd}; ` : '';
return `${cd}${defaultTaskName(def)}`;
function taskGroup(command: GoCommand): vscode.TaskGroup | undefined {
switch (command) {
case 'build':
return vscode.TaskGroup.Build;
case 'test':
return vscode.TaskGroup.Test;
return undefined;
function isWorkspaceFolder(scope: vscode.WorkspaceFolder | vscode.TaskScope): scope is vscode.WorkspaceFolder {
return typeof scope !== 'number' && 'uri' in scope;
function mergedToolExecutionEnv(
scope: vscode.WorkspaceFolder | vscode.TaskScope,
toAdd: { [key: string]: string } = {}
): { [key: string]: string } {
const env = toolExecutionEnvironment(isWorkspaceFolder(scope) ? scope.uri : undefined, /* addProcessEnv: */ false);
Object.keys(env).forEach((key) => {
if (env[key] === undefined) {
env[key] = '';
}); // unset
return Object.assign(env, toAdd);