| /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ |
| /*--------------------------------------------------------- |
| * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
| * Modification copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. |
| * Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information. |
| *--------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| 'use strict'; |
| |
| import cp = require('child_process'); |
| import fs = require('fs'); |
| import moment = require('moment'); |
| import path = require('path'); |
| import semver = require('semver'); |
| import util = require('util'); |
| import vscode = require('vscode'); |
| import { |
| CancellationToken, |
| CloseAction, |
| ConfigurationParams, |
| ConfigurationRequest, |
| ErrorAction, |
| ExecuteCommandParams, |
| ExecuteCommandRequest, |
| ExecuteCommandSignature, |
| HandleDiagnosticsSignature, |
| InitializeError, |
| InitializeResult, |
| LanguageClientOptions, |
| Message, |
| ProgressToken, |
| ProvideCodeLensesSignature, |
| ProvideCompletionItemsSignature, |
| ProvideDocumentFormattingEditsSignature, |
| ResponseError, |
| RevealOutputChannelOn |
| } from 'vscode-languageclient'; |
| import { LanguageClient, ServerOptions } from 'vscode-languageclient/node'; |
| import { getGoConfig, getGoplsConfig, extensionInfo } from '../config'; |
| import { toolExecutionEnvironment } from '../goEnv'; |
| import { GoDocumentFormattingEditProvider, usingCustomFormatTool } from './legacy/goFormat'; |
| import { installTools, latestToolVersion, promptForMissingTool, promptForUpdatingTool } from '../goInstallTools'; |
| import { getTool, Tool } from '../goTools'; |
| import { getFromGlobalState, updateGlobalState, updateWorkspaceState } from '../stateUtils'; |
| import { |
| getBinPath, |
| getCheckForToolsUpdatesConfig, |
| getCurrentGoPath, |
| getGoVersion, |
| getWorkspaceFolderPath, |
| removeDuplicateDiagnostics |
| } from '../util'; |
| import { getToolFromToolPath } from '../utils/pathUtils'; |
| import fetch from 'node-fetch'; |
| import { CompletionItemKind, FoldingContext } from 'vscode'; |
| import { ProvideFoldingRangeSignature } from 'vscode-languageclient/lib/common/foldingRange'; |
| import { daysBetween, getStateConfig, maybePromptForGoplsSurvey, timeDay, timeMinute } from '../goSurvey'; |
| import { maybePromptForDeveloperSurvey } from '../goDeveloperSurvey'; |
| import { CommandFactory } from '../commands'; |
| import { updateLanguageServerIconGoStatusBar } from '../goStatus'; |
| import { URI } from 'vscode-uri'; |
| import { IVulncheckTerminal, VulncheckReport, VulncheckTerminal, writeVulns } from '../goVulncheck'; |
| import { createHash } from 'crypto'; |
| import { GoExtensionContext } from '../context'; |
| import { GoDocumentSelector } from '../goMode'; |
| |
| export interface LanguageServerConfig { |
| serverName: string; |
| path: string; |
| version?: { version: string; goVersion?: string }; |
| modtime?: Date; |
| enabled: boolean; |
| flags: string[]; |
| env: any; |
| features: { |
| formatter?: GoDocumentFormattingEditProvider; |
| }; |
| checkForUpdates: string; |
| } |
| |
| export interface ServerInfo { |
| Name: string; |
| Version?: string; |
| GoVersion?: string; |
| Commands?: string[]; |
| } |
| |
| export function updateRestartHistory(goCtx: GoExtensionContext, reason: RestartReason, enabled: boolean) { |
| // Keep the history limited to 10 elements. |
| goCtx.restartHistory = goCtx.restartHistory ?? []; |
| while (goCtx.restartHistory.length > 10) { |
| goCtx.restartHistory = goCtx.restartHistory.slice(1); |
| } |
| goCtx.restartHistory.push(new Restart(reason, new Date(), enabled)); |
| } |
| |
| function formatRestartHistory(goCtx: GoExtensionContext): string { |
| const result: string[] = []; |
| for (const restart of goCtx.restartHistory ?? []) { |
| result.push(`${restart.timestamp.toUTCString()}: ${restart.reason} (enabled: ${restart.enabled})`); |
| } |
| return result.join('\n'); |
| } |
| |
| export enum RestartReason { |
| ACTIVATION = 'activation', |
| MANUAL = 'manual', |
| CONFIG_CHANGE = 'config change', |
| INSTALLATION = 'installation' |
| } |
| |
| export class Restart { |
| reason: RestartReason; |
| timestamp: Date; |
| enabled: boolean; |
| |
| constructor(reason: RestartReason, timestamp: Date, enabled: boolean) { |
| this.reason = reason; |
| this.timestamp = timestamp; |
| this.enabled = enabled; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // computes a bigint fingerprint of the machine id. |
| function hashMachineID(salt?: string): number { |
| const hash = createHash('md5').update(`${vscode.env.machineId}${salt}`).digest('hex'); |
| return parseInt(hash.substring(0, 8), 16); |
| } |
| |
| // returns true if the proposed upgrade version is mature, or we are selected for staged rollout. |
| export async function okForStagedRollout( |
| tool: Tool, |
| ver: semver.SemVer, |
| hashFn: (key?: string) => number |
| ): Promise<boolean> { |
| // patch release is relatively safe to upgrade. Moreover, the patch |
| // can carry a fix for security which is better to apply sooner. |
| if (ver.patch !== 0 || ver.prerelease?.length > 0) return true; |
| |
| const published = await getTimestampForVersion(tool, ver); |
| if (!published) return true; |
| |
| const days = daysBetween(new Date(), published.toDate()); |
| if (days <= 1) { |
| return hashFn(ver.version) % 100 < 10; // upgrade with 10% chance for the first day. |
| } |
| if (days <= 3) { |
| return hashFn(ver.version) % 100 < 30; // upgrade with 30% chance for the first 3 days. |
| } |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| // scheduleGoplsSuggestions sets timeouts for the various gopls-specific |
| // suggestions. We check user's gopls versions once per day to prompt users to |
| // update to the latest version. We also check if we should prompt users to |
| // fill out the survey. |
| export function scheduleGoplsSuggestions(goCtx: GoExtensionContext) { |
| if (extensionInfo.isInCloudIDE) { |
| return; |
| } |
| // Some helper functions. |
| const usingGo = (): boolean => { |
| return vscode.workspace.textDocuments.some((doc) => doc.languageId === 'go'); |
| }; |
| const installGopls = async (cfg: LanguageServerConfig) => { |
| const tool = getTool('gopls'); |
| const versionToUpdate = await shouldUpdateLanguageServer(tool, cfg); |
| if (!versionToUpdate) { |
| return; |
| } |
| // If the user has opted in to automatic tool updates, we can update |
| // without prompting. |
| const toolsManagementConfig = getGoConfig()['toolsManagement']; |
| if (toolsManagementConfig && toolsManagementConfig['autoUpdate'] === true) { |
| if (extensionInfo.isPreview || (await okForStagedRollout(tool, versionToUpdate, hashMachineID))) { |
| const goVersion = await getGoVersion(); |
| const toolVersion = { ...tool, version: versionToUpdate }; // ToolWithVersion |
| await installTools([toolVersion], goVersion, { silent: true }); |
| } else { |
| console.log(`gopls ${versionToUpdate} is too new, try to update later`); |
| } |
| } else { |
| promptForUpdatingTool(tool.name, versionToUpdate); |
| } |
| }; |
| const update = async () => { |
| setTimeout(update, timeDay); |
| const cfg = goCtx.latestConfig; |
| // trigger periodic update check only if the user is already using gopls. |
| // Otherwise, let's check again tomorrow. |
| if (!cfg || !cfg.enabled || cfg.serverName !== 'gopls') { |
| return; |
| } |
| await installGopls(cfg); |
| }; |
| const survey = async () => { |
| setTimeout(survey, timeDay); |
| // Only prompt for the survey if the user is working on Go code. |
| if (!usingGo) { |
| return; |
| } |
| maybePromptForGoplsSurvey(goCtx); |
| maybePromptForDeveloperSurvey(goCtx); |
| }; |
| const telemetry = () => { |
| if (!usingGo) { |
| return; |
| } |
| maybePromptForTelemetry(goCtx); |
| }; |
| setTimeout(update, 10 * timeMinute); |
| setTimeout(survey, 30 * timeMinute); |
| setTimeout(telemetry, 6 * timeMinute); |
| } |
| |
| // Ask users to fill out opt-out survey. |
| export async function promptAboutGoplsOptOut(goCtx: GoExtensionContext) { |
| // Check if the configuration is set in the workspace. |
| const useLanguageServer = getGoConfig().inspect('useLanguageServer'); |
| const workspace = useLanguageServer?.workspaceFolderValue === false || useLanguageServer?.workspaceValue === false; |
| |
| let cfg = getGoplsOptOutConfig(workspace); |
| const promptFn = async (): Promise<GoplsOptOutConfig> => { |
| if (cfg.prompt === false) { |
| return cfg; |
| } |
| // Prompt the user ~once a month. |
| if (cfg.lastDatePrompted && daysBetween(new Date(), cfg.lastDatePrompted) < 30) { |
| return cfg; |
| } |
| cfg.lastDatePrompted = new Date(); |
| await promptForGoplsOptOutSurvey( |
| goCtx, |
| cfg, |
| "It looks like you've disabled the Go language server. Would you be willing to tell us why you've disabled it, so that we can improve it?" |
| ); |
| return cfg; |
| }; |
| cfg = await promptFn(); |
| flushGoplsOptOutConfig(cfg, workspace); |
| } |
| |
| async function promptForGoplsOptOutSurvey( |
| goCtx: GoExtensionContext, |
| cfg: GoplsOptOutConfig, |
| msg: string |
| ): Promise<GoplsOptOutConfig> { |
| const s = await vscode.window.showInformationMessage(msg, { title: 'Yes' }, { title: 'No' }); |
| if (!s) { |
| return cfg; |
| } |
| const localGoplsVersion = await getLocalGoplsVersion(goCtx.latestConfig); |
| const goplsVersion = localGoplsVersion?.version || 'na'; |
| const goV = await getGoVersion(); |
| let goVersion = 'na'; |
| if (goV) { |
| goVersion = goV.format(true); |
| } |
| switch (s.title) { |
| case 'Yes': |
| cfg.prompt = false; |
| await vscode.env.openExternal( |
| vscode.Uri.parse( |
| `https://google.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_doId0RNgV3pHovc?gopls=${goplsVersion}&go=${goVersion}&os=${process.platform}` |
| ) |
| ); |
| break; |
| case 'No': |
| break; |
| } |
| return cfg; |
| } |
| |
| export interface GoplsOptOutConfig { |
| prompt?: boolean; |
| lastDatePrompted?: Date; |
| } |
| |
| const goplsOptOutConfigKey = 'goplsOptOutConfig'; |
| |
| export const getGoplsOptOutConfig = (workspace: boolean): GoplsOptOutConfig => { |
| return getStateConfig(goplsOptOutConfigKey, workspace) as GoplsOptOutConfig; |
| }; |
| |
| export const flushGoplsOptOutConfig = (cfg: GoplsOptOutConfig, workspace: boolean) => { |
| if (workspace) { |
| updateWorkspaceState(goplsOptOutConfigKey, JSON.stringify(cfg)); |
| } |
| updateGlobalState(goplsOptOutConfigKey, JSON.stringify(cfg)); |
| }; |
| |
| // exported for testing. |
| export async function stopLanguageClient(goCtx: GoExtensionContext) { |
| const c = goCtx.languageClient; |
| goCtx.crashCount = 0; |
| goCtx.telemetryService = undefined; |
| goCtx.languageClient = undefined; |
| if (!c) return false; |
| |
| if (c.diagnostics) { |
| c.diagnostics.clear(); |
| } |
| // LanguageClient.stop may hang if the language server |
| // crashes during shutdown before responding to the |
| // shutdown request. Enforce client-side timeout. |
| try { |
| c.stop(2000); |
| } catch (e) { |
| c.outputChannel?.appendLine(`Failed to stop client: ${e}`); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| export function toServerInfo(res?: InitializeResult): ServerInfo | undefined { |
| if (!res) return undefined; |
| |
| const info: ServerInfo = { |
| Commands: res.capabilities?.executeCommandProvider?.commands || [], |
| Name: res.serverInfo?.name || 'unknown' |
| }; |
| |
| try { |
| interface serverVersionJSON { |
| GoVersion?: string; |
| Version?: string; |
| // before gopls 0.8.0 |
| version?: string; |
| } |
| const v = <serverVersionJSON>(res.serverInfo?.version ? JSON.parse(res.serverInfo.version) : {}); |
| info.Version = v.Version || v.version; |
| info.GoVersion = v.GoVersion; |
| } catch (e) { |
| // gopls is not providing any info, that's ok. |
| } |
| return info; |
| } |
| |
| export interface BuildLanguageClientOption extends LanguageServerConfig { |
| outputChannel?: vscode.OutputChannel; |
| traceOutputChannel?: vscode.OutputChannel; |
| } |
| |
| // buildLanguageClientOption returns the default, extra configuration |
| // used in building a new LanguageClient instance. Options specified |
| // in LanguageServerConfig |
| export function buildLanguageClientOption( |
| goCtx: GoExtensionContext, |
| cfg: LanguageServerConfig |
| ): BuildLanguageClientOption { |
| // Reuse the same output channel for each instance of the server. |
| if (cfg.enabled) { |
| if (!goCtx.serverOutputChannel) { |
| goCtx.serverOutputChannel = vscode.window.createOutputChannel(cfg.serverName + ' (server)'); |
| } |
| if (!goCtx.serverTraceChannel) { |
| goCtx.serverTraceChannel = vscode.window.createOutputChannel(cfg.serverName); |
| } |
| } |
| return Object.assign( |
| { |
| outputChannel: goCtx.serverOutputChannel, |
| traceOutputChannel: goCtx.serverTraceChannel |
| }, |
| cfg |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| export class GoLanguageClient extends LanguageClient implements vscode.Disposable { |
| constructor( |
| id: string, |
| name: string, |
| serverOptions: ServerOptions, |
| clientOptions: LanguageClientOptions, |
| private onDidChangeVulncheckResultEmitter: vscode.EventEmitter<VulncheckEvent> |
| ) { |
| super(id, name, serverOptions, clientOptions); |
| } |
| |
| dispose(timeout?: number) { |
| this.onDidChangeVulncheckResultEmitter.dispose(); |
| return super.dispose(timeout); |
| } |
| public get onDidChangeVulncheckResult(): vscode.Event<VulncheckEvent> { |
| return this.onDidChangeVulncheckResultEmitter.event; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| type VulncheckEvent = { |
| URI?: URI; |
| message?: string; |
| }; |
| |
| // buildLanguageClient returns a language client built using the given language server config. |
| // The returned language client need to be started before use. |
| export async function buildLanguageClient( |
| goCtx: GoExtensionContext, |
| cfg: BuildLanguageClientOption |
| ): Promise<GoLanguageClient> { |
| await getLocalGoplsVersion(cfg); // populate and cache cfg.version |
| const goplsWorkspaceConfig = await adjustGoplsWorkspaceConfiguration(cfg, getGoplsConfig(), 'gopls', undefined); |
| |
| // when initialization is failed after the connection is established, |
| // we want to handle the connection close error case specially. Capture the error |
| // in initializationFailedHandler and handle it in the connectionCloseHandler. |
| let initializationError: ResponseError<InitializeError> | undefined = undefined; |
| let govulncheckTerminal: IVulncheckTerminal | undefined; |
| |
| const pendingVulncheckProgressToken = new Map<ProgressToken, any>(); |
| const onDidChangeVulncheckResultEmitter = new vscode.EventEmitter<VulncheckEvent>(); |
| // cfg is captured by closures for later use during error report. |
| const c = new GoLanguageClient( |
| 'go', // id |
| cfg.serverName, // name e.g. gopls |
| { |
| command: cfg.path, |
| args: ['-mode=stdio', ...cfg.flags], |
| options: { env: cfg.env } |
| } as ServerOptions, |
| { |
| initializationOptions: goplsWorkspaceConfig, |
| documentSelector: GoDocumentSelector, |
| uriConverters: { |
| // Apply file:/// scheme to all file paths. |
| code2Protocol: (uri: vscode.Uri): string => |
| (uri.scheme ? uri : uri.with({ scheme: 'file' })).toString(), |
| protocol2Code: (uri: string) => vscode.Uri.parse(uri) |
| }, |
| outputChannel: cfg.outputChannel, |
| traceOutputChannel: cfg.traceOutputChannel, |
| revealOutputChannelOn: RevealOutputChannelOn.Never, |
| initializationFailedHandler: (error: ResponseError<InitializeError>): boolean => { |
| initializationError = error; |
| return false; |
| }, |
| errorHandler: { |
| error: (error: Error, message: Message, count: number) => { |
| // Allow 5 crashes before shutdown. |
| if (count < 5) { |
| return { |
| message: '', // suppresses error popups |
| action: ErrorAction.Continue |
| }; |
| } |
| return { |
| message: '', // suppresses error popups |
| action: ErrorAction.Shutdown |
| }; |
| }, |
| closed: () => { |
| if (initializationError !== undefined) { |
| suggestGoplsIssueReport( |
| goCtx, |
| cfg, |
| 'The gopls server failed to initialize.', |
| errorKind.initializationFailure, |
| initializationError |
| ); |
| initializationError = undefined; |
| // In case of initialization failure, do not try to restart. |
| return { |
| message: '', // suppresses error popups - there will be other popups. :-( |
| action: CloseAction.DoNotRestart |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| // Allow 5 crashes before shutdown. |
| const { crashCount = 0 } = goCtx; |
| goCtx.crashCount = crashCount + 1; |
| if (goCtx.crashCount < 5) { |
| updateLanguageServerIconGoStatusBar(c, true); |
| return { |
| message: '', // suppresses error popups |
| action: CloseAction.Restart |
| }; |
| } |
| suggestGoplsIssueReport( |
| goCtx, |
| cfg, |
| 'The connection to gopls has been closed. The gopls server may have crashed.', |
| errorKind.crash |
| ); |
| updateLanguageServerIconGoStatusBar(c, true); |
| return { |
| message: '', // suppresses error popups - there will be other popups. |
| action: CloseAction.DoNotRestart |
| }; |
| } |
| }, |
| middleware: { |
| handleWorkDoneProgress: async (token, params, next) => { |
| switch (params.kind) { |
| case 'begin': |
| break; |
| case 'report': |
| if (pendingVulncheckProgressToken.has(token) && params.message) { |
| govulncheckTerminal?.appendLine(params.message); |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'end': |
| if (pendingVulncheckProgressToken.has(token)) { |
| const out = pendingVulncheckProgressToken.get(token); |
| pendingVulncheckProgressToken.delete(token); |
| // success. In case of failure, it will be 'failed' |
| onDidChangeVulncheckResultEmitter.fire({ URI: out.URI, message: params.message }); |
| } |
| } |
| next(token, params); |
| }, |
| executeCommand: async (command: string, args: any[], next: ExecuteCommandSignature) => { |
| try { |
| if (command === 'gopls.tidy') { |
| await vscode.workspace.saveAll(false); |
| } |
| if (command === 'gopls.run_govulncheck' && args.length && args[0].URI) { |
| if (govulncheckTerminal) { |
| vscode.window.showErrorMessage( |
| 'cannot start vulncheck while another vulncheck is in progress' |
| ); |
| return; |
| } |
| await vscode.workspace.saveAll(false); |
| const uri = args[0].URI ? URI.parse(args[0].URI) : undefined; |
| const dir = uri?.fsPath?.endsWith('.mod') ? path.dirname(uri.fsPath) : uri?.fsPath; |
| govulncheckTerminal = VulncheckTerminal.Open(); |
| govulncheckTerminal.appendLine(`âš¡ govulncheck -C ${dir} ./...\n\n`); |
| govulncheckTerminal.show(); |
| } |
| const res = await next(command, args); |
| if (command === 'gopls.run_govulncheck') { |
| const progressToken = res.Token; |
| if (progressToken) { |
| pendingVulncheckProgressToken.set(progressToken, args[0]); |
| } |
| } |
| return res; |
| } catch (e) { |
| // TODO: how to print ${e} reliably??? |
| const answer = await vscode.window.showErrorMessage( |
| `Command '${command}' failed: ${e}.`, |
| 'Show Trace' |
| ); |
| if (answer === 'Show Trace') { |
| goCtx.serverOutputChannel?.show(); |
| } |
| return null; |
| } |
| }, |
| provideFoldingRanges: async ( |
| doc: vscode.TextDocument, |
| context: FoldingContext, |
| token: CancellationToken, |
| next: ProvideFoldingRangeSignature |
| ) => { |
| const ranges = await next(doc, context, token); |
| if ((!ranges || ranges.length === 0) && doc.lineCount > 0) { |
| return undefined; |
| } |
| return ranges; |
| }, |
| provideCodeLenses: async ( |
| doc: vscode.TextDocument, |
| token: vscode.CancellationToken, |
| next: ProvideCodeLensesSignature |
| ): Promise<vscode.CodeLens[]> => { |
| const codeLens = await next(doc, token); |
| if (!codeLens || codeLens.length === 0) { |
| return codeLens ?? []; |
| } |
| return codeLens.reduce((lenses: vscode.CodeLens[], lens: vscode.CodeLens) => { |
| switch (lens.command?.title) { |
| case 'run test': { |
| return [...lenses, ...createTestCodeLens(lens)]; |
| } |
| case 'run benchmark': { |
| return [...lenses, ...createBenchmarkCodeLens(lens)]; |
| } |
| default: { |
| return [...lenses, lens]; |
| } |
| } |
| }, []); |
| }, |
| provideDocumentFormattingEdits: async ( |
| document: vscode.TextDocument, |
| options: vscode.FormattingOptions, |
| token: vscode.CancellationToken, |
| next: ProvideDocumentFormattingEditsSignature |
| ) => { |
| if (cfg.features.formatter) { |
| return cfg.features.formatter.provideDocumentFormattingEdits(document, options, token); |
| } |
| return next(document, options, token); |
| }, |
| handleDiagnostics: ( |
| uri: vscode.Uri, |
| diagnostics: vscode.Diagnostic[], |
| next: HandleDiagnosticsSignature |
| ) => { |
| const { buildDiagnosticCollection, lintDiagnosticCollection, vetDiagnosticCollection } = goCtx; |
| // Deduplicate diagnostics with those found by the other tools. |
| removeDuplicateDiagnostics(vetDiagnosticCollection, uri, diagnostics); |
| removeDuplicateDiagnostics(buildDiagnosticCollection, uri, diagnostics); |
| removeDuplicateDiagnostics(lintDiagnosticCollection, uri, diagnostics); |
| |
| return next(uri, diagnostics); |
| }, |
| provideCompletionItem: async ( |
| document: vscode.TextDocument, |
| position: vscode.Position, |
| context: vscode.CompletionContext, |
| token: vscode.CancellationToken, |
| next: ProvideCompletionItemsSignature |
| ) => { |
| const list = await next(document, position, context, token); |
| if (!list) { |
| return list; |
| } |
| const items = Array.isArray(list) ? list : list.items; |
| |
| // Give all the candidates the same filterText to trick VSCode |
| // into not reordering our candidates. All the candidates will |
| // appear to be equally good matches, so VSCode's fuzzy |
| // matching/ranking just maintains the natural "sortText" |
| // ordering. We can only do this in tandem with |
| // "incompleteResults" since otherwise client side filtering is |
| // important. |
| if (!Array.isArray(list) && list.isIncomplete && list.items.length > 1) { |
| let hardcodedFilterText = items[0].filterText; |
| if (!hardcodedFilterText) { |
| // tslint:disable:max-line-length |
| // According to LSP spec, |
| // https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#textDocument_completion |
| // if filterText is falsy, the `label` should be used. |
| // But we observed that's not the case. |
| // Even if vscode picked the label value, that would |
| // cause to reorder candiates, which is not ideal. |
| // Force to use non-empty `label`. |
| // https://github.com/golang/vscode-go/issues/441 |
| let { label } = items[0]; |
| if (typeof label !== 'string') label = label.label; |
| hardcodedFilterText = label; |
| } |
| for (const item of items) { |
| item.filterText = hardcodedFilterText; |
| } |
| } |
| const paramHints = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('editor.parameterHints', { |
| languageId: 'go', |
| uri: document.uri |
| }); |
| // If the user has parameterHints (signature help) enabled, |
| // trigger it for function or method completion items. |
| if (paramHints.get<boolean>('enabled') === true) { |
| for (const item of items) { |
| if (item.kind === CompletionItemKind.Method || item.kind === CompletionItemKind.Function) { |
| item.command = { |
| title: 'triggerParameterHints', |
| command: 'editor.action.triggerParameterHints' |
| }; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return list; |
| }, |
| // Keep track of the last file change in order to not prompt |
| // user if they are actively working. |
| didOpen: async (e, next) => { |
| goCtx.lastUserAction = new Date(); |
| next(e); |
| }, |
| didChange: async (e, next) => { |
| goCtx.lastUserAction = new Date(); |
| next(e); |
| }, |
| didClose: async (e, next) => { |
| goCtx.lastUserAction = new Date(); |
| next(e); |
| }, |
| didSave: async (e, next) => { |
| goCtx.lastUserAction = new Date(); |
| next(e); |
| }, |
| workspace: { |
| configuration: async ( |
| params: ConfigurationParams, |
| token: CancellationToken, |
| next: ConfigurationRequest.HandlerSignature |
| ): Promise<any[] | ResponseError<void>> => { |
| const configs = await next(params, token); |
| if (!configs || !Array.isArray(configs)) { |
| return configs; |
| } |
| const ret = [] as any[]; |
| for (let i = 0; i < configs.length; i++) { |
| let workspaceConfig = configs[i]; |
| if (!!workspaceConfig && typeof workspaceConfig === 'object') { |
| const scopeUri = params.items[i].scopeUri; |
| const resource = scopeUri ? vscode.Uri.parse(scopeUri) : undefined; |
| const section = params.items[i].section; |
| workspaceConfig = await adjustGoplsWorkspaceConfiguration( |
| cfg, |
| workspaceConfig, |
| section, |
| resource |
| ); |
| } |
| ret.push(workspaceConfig); |
| } |
| return ret; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } as LanguageClientOptions, |
| onDidChangeVulncheckResultEmitter |
| ); |
| onDidChangeVulncheckResultEmitter.event(async (e: VulncheckEvent) => { |
| if (!govulncheckTerminal) { |
| return; |
| } |
| if (!e || !e.URI) { |
| govulncheckTerminal.appendLine(`unexpected vulncheck event: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| try { |
| if (e.message === 'completed') { |
| const res = await goplsFetchVulncheckResult(goCtx, e.URI.toString()); |
| if (res!.Vulns) { |
| vscode.window.showWarningMessage( |
| 'upgrade gopls (v0.14.0 or newer) to see the details about detected vulnerabilities' |
| ); |
| } else { |
| await writeVulns(res, govulncheckTerminal, cfg.path); |
| } |
| } else { |
| govulncheckTerminal.appendLine(`terminated without result: ${e.message}`); |
| } |
| } catch (e) { |
| govulncheckTerminal.appendLine(`Fetching govulncheck output from gopls failed ${e}`); |
| } finally { |
| govulncheckTerminal.show(); |
| govulncheckTerminal = undefined; |
| } |
| }); |
| return c; |
| } |
| |
| // filterGoplsDefaultConfigValues removes the entries filled based on the default values |
| // and selects only those the user explicitly specifies in their settings. |
| // This returns a new object created based on the filtered properties of workspaceConfig. |
| // Exported for testing. |
| export function filterGoplsDefaultConfigValues(workspaceConfig: any, resource?: vscode.Uri): any { |
| if (!workspaceConfig) { |
| workspaceConfig = {}; |
| } |
| const cfg = getGoplsConfig(resource); |
| const filtered = {} as { [key: string]: any }; |
| for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(workspaceConfig)) { |
| if (typeof value === 'function') { |
| continue; |
| } |
| const c = cfg.inspect(key); |
| // select only the field whose current value comes from non-default setting. |
| if ( |
| !c || |
| !util.isDeepStrictEqual(c.defaultValue, value) || |
| // c.defaultValue !== value would be most likely sufficient, except |
| // when gopls' default becomes different from extension's default. |
| // So, we also forward the key if ever explicitely stated in one of the |
| // settings layers. |
| c.globalLanguageValue !== undefined || |
| c.globalValue !== undefined || |
| c.workspaceFolderLanguageValue !== undefined || |
| c.workspaceFolderValue !== undefined || |
| c.workspaceLanguageValue !== undefined || |
| c.workspaceValue !== undefined |
| ) { |
| filtered[key] = value; |
| } |
| } |
| return filtered; |
| } |
| |
| // passGoConfigToGoplsConfigValues passes some of the relevant 'go.' settings to gopls settings. |
| // This assumes `goplsWorkspaceConfig` is an output of filterGoplsDefaultConfigValues, |
| // so it is modifiable and doesn't contain properties that are not explicitly set. |
| // - go.buildTags and go.buildFlags are passed as gopls.build.buildFlags |
| // if goplsWorkspaceConfig doesn't explicitly set it yet. |
| // Exported for testing. |
| export function passGoConfigToGoplsConfigValues(goplsWorkspaceConfig: any, goWorkspaceConfig: any): any { |
| if (!goplsWorkspaceConfig) { |
| goplsWorkspaceConfig = {}; |
| } |
| |
| const buildFlags = [] as string[]; |
| if (goWorkspaceConfig?.buildFlags) { |
| buildFlags.push(...goWorkspaceConfig.buildFlags); |
| } |
| if (goWorkspaceConfig?.buildTags && buildFlags.indexOf('-tags') === -1) { |
| buildFlags.push('-tags', goWorkspaceConfig?.buildTags); |
| } |
| // If gopls.build.buildFlags is set, don't touch it. |
| if (buildFlags.length > 0 && goplsWorkspaceConfig['build.buildFlags'] === undefined) { |
| goplsWorkspaceConfig['build.buildFlags'] = buildFlags; |
| } |
| |
| return goplsWorkspaceConfig; |
| } |
| |
| // adjustGoplsWorkspaceConfiguration filters unnecessary options and adds any necessary, additional |
| // options to the gopls config. See filterGoplsDefaultConfigValues, passGoConfigToGoplsConfigValues. |
| // If this is for the nightly extension, we also request to activate features under experiments. |
| async function adjustGoplsWorkspaceConfiguration( |
| cfg: LanguageServerConfig, |
| workspaceConfig: any, |
| section?: string, |
| resource?: vscode.Uri |
| ): Promise<any> { |
| // We process only gopls config |
| if (section !== 'gopls') { |
| return workspaceConfig; |
| } |
| |
| workspaceConfig = filterGoplsDefaultConfigValues(workspaceConfig, resource) || {}; |
| // note: workspaceConfig is a modifiable, valid object. |
| const goConfig = getGoConfig(resource); |
| workspaceConfig = passGoConfigToGoplsConfigValues(workspaceConfig, goConfig); |
| workspaceConfig = await passInlayHintConfigToGopls(cfg, workspaceConfig, goConfig); |
| workspaceConfig = await passVulncheckConfigToGopls(cfg, workspaceConfig, goConfig); |
| workspaceConfig = await passLinkifyShowMessageToGopls(cfg, workspaceConfig); |
| |
| // Only modify the user's configurations for the Nightly. |
| if (!extensionInfo.isPreview) { |
| return workspaceConfig; |
| } |
| if (workspaceConfig && !workspaceConfig['allExperiments']) { |
| workspaceConfig['allExperiments'] = true; |
| } |
| return workspaceConfig; |
| } |
| |
| async function passInlayHintConfigToGopls(cfg: LanguageServerConfig, goplsConfig: any, goConfig: any) { |
| const goplsVersion = await getLocalGoplsVersion(cfg); |
| if (!goplsVersion) return goplsConfig ?? {}; |
| const version = semver.parse(goplsVersion.version); |
| if ((version?.compare('0.8.4') ?? 1) > 0) { |
| const { inlayHints } = goConfig; |
| if (inlayHints) { |
| goplsConfig['ui.inlayhint.hints'] = { ...inlayHints }; |
| } |
| } |
| return goplsConfig; |
| } |
| |
| async function passVulncheckConfigToGopls(cfg: LanguageServerConfig, goplsConfig: any, goConfig: any) { |
| const goplsVersion = await getLocalGoplsVersion(cfg); |
| if (!goplsVersion) return goplsConfig ?? {}; |
| const version = semver.parse(goplsVersion.version); |
| if ((version?.compare('0.10.1') ?? 1) > 0) { |
| const vulncheck = goConfig.get('diagnostic.vulncheck'); |
| if (vulncheck) { |
| goplsConfig['ui.vulncheck'] = vulncheck; |
| } |
| } |
| return goplsConfig; |
| } |
| |
| async function passLinkifyShowMessageToGopls(cfg: LanguageServerConfig, goplsConfig: any) { |
| goplsConfig = goplsConfig ?? {}; |
| |
| const goplsVersion = await getLocalGoplsVersion(cfg); |
| if (!goplsVersion) return goplsConfig; |
| |
| const version = semver.parse(goplsVersion.version); |
| // The linkifyShowMessage option was added in v0.14.0-pre.1. |
| if ((version?.compare('0.13.99') ?? 1) > 0) { |
| goplsConfig['linkifyShowMessage'] = true; |
| } |
| return goplsConfig; |
| } |
| |
| // createTestCodeLens adds the go.test.cursor and go.debug.cursor code lens |
| function createTestCodeLens(lens: vscode.CodeLens): vscode.CodeLens[] { |
| // CodeLens argument signature in gopls is [fileName: string, testFunctions: string[], benchFunctions: string[]], |
| // so this needs to be deconstructured here |
| // Note that there will always only be one test function name in this context |
| if ((lens.command?.arguments?.length ?? 0) < 2 || (lens.command?.arguments?.[1].length ?? 0) < 1) { |
| return [lens]; |
| } |
| return [ |
| new vscode.CodeLens(lens.range, { |
| title: '', |
| ...lens.command, |
| command: 'go.test.cursor', |
| arguments: [{ functionName: lens.command?.arguments?.[1][0] }] |
| }), |
| new vscode.CodeLens(lens.range, { |
| title: 'debug test', |
| command: 'go.debug.cursor', |
| arguments: [{ functionName: lens.command?.arguments?.[1][0] }] |
| }) |
| ]; |
| } |
| |
| function createBenchmarkCodeLens(lens: vscode.CodeLens): vscode.CodeLens[] { |
| // CodeLens argument signature in gopls is [fileName: string, testFunctions: string[], benchFunctions: string[]], |
| // so this needs to be deconstructured here |
| // Note that there will always only be one benchmark function name in this context |
| if ((lens.command?.arguments?.length ?? 0) < 3 || (lens.command?.arguments?.[2].length ?? 0) < 1) { |
| return [lens]; |
| } |
| return [ |
| new vscode.CodeLens(lens.range, { |
| title: '', |
| ...lens.command, |
| command: 'go.benchmark.cursor', |
| arguments: [{ functionName: lens.command?.arguments?.[2][0] }] |
| }), |
| new vscode.CodeLens(lens.range, { |
| title: 'debug benchmark', |
| command: 'go.debug.cursor', |
| arguments: [{ functionName: lens.command?.arguments?.[2][0] }] |
| }) |
| ]; |
| } |
| |
| export async function watchLanguageServerConfiguration(goCtx: GoExtensionContext, e: vscode.ConfigurationChangeEvent) { |
| if (!e.affectsConfiguration('go')) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if ( |
| e.affectsConfiguration('go.useLanguageServer') || |
| e.affectsConfiguration('go.languageServerFlags') || |
| e.affectsConfiguration('go.alternateTools') || |
| e.affectsConfiguration('go.toolsEnvVars') || |
| e.affectsConfiguration('go.formatTool') |
| // TODO: Should we check http.proxy too? That affects toolExecutionEnvironment too. |
| ) { |
| vscode.commands.executeCommand('go.languageserver.restart', RestartReason.CONFIG_CHANGE); |
| } |
| |
| if (e.affectsConfiguration('go.useLanguageServer') && getGoConfig()['useLanguageServer'] === false) { |
| promptAboutGoplsOptOut(goCtx); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| export async function buildLanguageServerConfig( |
| goConfig: vscode.WorkspaceConfiguration |
| ): Promise<LanguageServerConfig> { |
| let formatter: GoDocumentFormattingEditProvider | undefined; |
| if (usingCustomFormatTool(goConfig)) { |
| formatter = new GoDocumentFormattingEditProvider(); |
| } |
| const cfg: LanguageServerConfig = { |
| serverName: '', // remain empty if gopls binary can't be found. |
| path: '', |
| enabled: goConfig['useLanguageServer'] === true, |
| flags: goConfig['languageServerFlags'] || [], |
| features: { |
| // TODO: We should have configs that match these names. |
| // Ultimately, we should have a centralized language server config rather than separate fields. |
| formatter: formatter |
| }, |
| env: toolExecutionEnvironment(), |
| checkForUpdates: getCheckForToolsUpdatesConfig(goConfig) |
| }; |
| // user has opted out of using the language server. |
| if (!cfg.enabled) { |
| return cfg; |
| } |
| |
| // locate the configured language server tool. |
| const languageServerPath = getLanguageServerToolPath(); |
| if (!languageServerPath) { |
| // Assume the getLanguageServerToolPath will show the relevant |
| // errors to the user. Disable the language server. |
| cfg.enabled = false; |
| return cfg; |
| } |
| cfg.path = languageServerPath; |
| cfg.serverName = getToolFromToolPath(cfg.path) ?? ''; |
| |
| // Get the mtime of the language server binary so that we always pick up |
| // the right version. |
| const stats = fs.statSync(languageServerPath); |
| if (!stats) { |
| vscode.window.showErrorMessage(`Unable to stat path to language server binary: ${languageServerPath}. |
| Please try reinstalling it.`); |
| // Disable the language server. |
| cfg.enabled = false; |
| return cfg; |
| } |
| cfg.modtime = stats.mtime; |
| cfg.version = await getLocalGoplsVersion(cfg); |
| return cfg; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * Return the absolute path to the correct binary. If the required tool is not available, |
| * prompt the user to install it. Only gopls is officially supported. |
| */ |
| export function getLanguageServerToolPath(): string | undefined { |
| const goConfig = getGoConfig(); |
| // Check that all workspace folders are configured with the same GOPATH. |
| if (!allFoldersHaveSameGopath()) { |
| vscode.window.showInformationMessage( |
| `The Go language server is currently not supported in a multi-root set-up with different GOPATHs (${gopathsPerFolder()}).` |
| ); |
| return; |
| } |
| // Get the path to gopls (getBinPath checks for alternate tools). |
| const goplsBinaryPath = getBinPath('gopls'); |
| if (path.isAbsolute(goplsBinaryPath)) { |
| return goplsBinaryPath; |
| } |
| const alternateTools = goConfig['alternateTools']; |
| if (alternateTools) { |
| // The user's alternate language server was not found. |
| const goplsAlternate = alternateTools['gopls']; |
| if (goplsAlternate) { |
| vscode.window.showErrorMessage( |
| `Cannot find the alternate tool ${goplsAlternate} configured for gopls. |
| Please install it and reload this VS Code window.` |
| ); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Prompt the user to install gopls. |
| promptForMissingTool('gopls'); |
| } |
| |
| function allFoldersHaveSameGopath(): boolean { |
| if (!vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders || vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders.length <= 1) { |
| return true; |
| } |
| const tempGopath = getCurrentGoPath(vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders[0].uri); |
| return vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders.find((x) => tempGopath !== getCurrentGoPath(x.uri)) ? false : true; |
| } |
| |
| function gopathsPerFolder(): string[] { |
| const result: string[] = []; |
| for (const folder of vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders ?? []) { |
| result.push(getCurrentGoPath(folder.uri)); |
| } |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| export async function shouldUpdateLanguageServer( |
| tool: Tool, |
| cfg?: LanguageServerConfig, |
| mustCheck?: boolean |
| ): Promise<semver.SemVer | null | undefined> { |
| if (!cfg) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| // Only support updating gopls for now. |
| if (tool.name !== 'gopls' || (!mustCheck && (cfg.checkForUpdates === 'off' || extensionInfo.isInCloudIDE))) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| if (!cfg.enabled) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| // If the Go version is too old, don't update. |
| const goVersion = await getGoVersion(); |
| if (!goVersion || (tool.minimumGoVersion && goVersion.lt(tool.minimumGoVersion.format()))) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| // First, run the "gopls version" command and parse its results. |
| // TODO(rstambler): Confirm that the gopls binary's modtime matches the |
| // modtime in the config. Update it if needed. |
| const usersVersion = await getLocalGoplsVersion(cfg); |
| |
| // We might have a developer version. Don't make the user update. |
| if (usersVersion && usersVersion.version === '(devel)') { |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| // Get the latest gopls version. If it is for nightly, using the prereleased version is ok. |
| let latestVersion = |
| cfg.checkForUpdates === 'local' ? tool.latestVersion : await latestToolVersion(tool, extensionInfo.isPreview); |
| |
| // If we failed to get the gopls version, pick the one we know to be latest at the time of this extension's last update |
| if (!latestVersion) { |
| latestVersion = tool.latestVersion; |
| } |
| |
| // If "gopls" is so old that it doesn't have the "gopls version" command, |
| // or its version doesn't match our expectations, usersVersion will be empty or invalid. |
| // Suggest the latestVersion. |
| if (!usersVersion || !semver.valid(usersVersion.version)) { |
| return latestVersion; |
| } |
| |
| // The user may have downloaded golang.org/x/tools/gopls@master, |
| // which means that they have a pseudoversion. |
| const usersTime = parseTimestampFromPseudoversion(usersVersion.version); |
| // If the user has a pseudoversion, get the timestamp for the latest gopls version and compare. |
| if (usersTime) { |
| let latestTime = cfg.checkForUpdates |
| ? await getTimestampForVersion(tool, latestVersion!) |
| : tool.latestVersionTimestamp; |
| if (!latestTime) { |
| latestTime = tool.latestVersionTimestamp; |
| } |
| return usersTime.isBefore(latestTime) ? latestVersion : null; |
| } |
| |
| // If the user's version does not contain a timestamp, |
| // default to a semver comparison of the two versions. |
| const usersVersionSemver = semver.parse(usersVersion.version, { |
| includePrerelease: true, |
| loose: true |
| }); |
| return semver.lt(usersVersionSemver!, latestVersion!) ? latestVersion : null; |
| } |
| |
| // Copied from src/cmd/go/internal/modfetch.go. |
| const pseudoVersionRE = /^v[0-9]+\.(0\.0-|\d+\.\d+-([^+]*\.)?0\.)\d{14}-[A-Za-z0-9]+(\+incompatible)?$/; |
| |
| // parseTimestampFromPseudoversion returns the timestamp for the given |
| // pseudoversion. The timestamp is the center component, and it has the |
| // format "YYYYMMDDHHmmss". |
| function parseTimestampFromPseudoversion(version: string): moment.Moment | null { |
| const split = version.split('-'); |
| if (split.length < 2) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| if (!semver.valid(version)) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| if (!pseudoVersionRE.test(version)) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| const sv = semver.coerce(version); |
| if (!sv) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| // Copied from src/cmd/go/internal/modfetch.go. |
| const build = sv.build.join('.'); |
| const buildIndex = version.lastIndexOf(build); |
| if (buildIndex >= 0) { |
| version = version.substring(0, buildIndex); |
| } |
| const lastDashIndex = version.lastIndexOf('-'); |
| version = version.substring(0, lastDashIndex); |
| const firstDashIndex = version.lastIndexOf('-'); |
| const dotIndex = version.lastIndexOf('.'); |
| let timestamp: string; |
| if (dotIndex > firstDashIndex) { |
| // "vX.Y.Z-pre.0" or "vX.Y.(Z+1)-0" |
| timestamp = version.substring(dotIndex + 1); |
| } else { |
| // "vX.0.0" |
| timestamp = version.substring(firstDashIndex + 1); |
| } |
| return moment.utc(timestamp, 'YYYYMMDDHHmmss'); |
| } |
| |
| export const getTimestampForVersion = async (tool: Tool, version: semver.SemVer) => { |
| const data = await goProxyRequest(tool, `v${version.format()}.info`); |
| if (!data) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| const time = moment(data['Time']); |
| return time; |
| }; |
| |
| interface GoplsVersionOutput { |
| GoVersion: string; |
| Main: { |
| Path: string; |
| Version: string; |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| // getLocalGoplsVersion returns the version of gopls that is currently |
| // installed on the user's machine. This is determined by running the |
| // `gopls version` command. |
| // |
| // If this command has already been executed, it returns the saved result. |
| export const getLocalGoplsVersion = async (cfg?: LanguageServerConfig) => { |
| if (!cfg) { |
| return; |
| } |
| if (cfg.version) { |
| return cfg.version; |
| } |
| if (cfg.path === '') { |
| return; |
| } |
| const env = toolExecutionEnvironment(); |
| const cwd = getWorkspaceFolderPath(); |
| |
| const execFile = util.promisify(cp.execFile); |
| try { |
| const { stdout } = await execFile(cfg.path, ['version', '-json'], { env, cwd }); |
| |
| const v = <GoplsVersionOutput>JSON.parse(stdout); |
| if (v?.Main.Version) { |
| cfg.version = { version: v.Main.Version, goVersion: v.GoVersion }; |
| return cfg.version; |
| } |
| } catch (e) { |
| // do nothing |
| } |
| |
| // fall back to the old way (pre v0.8.0) |
| let output = ''; |
| try { |
| const { stdout } = await execFile(cfg.path, ['version'], { env, cwd }); |
| output = stdout; |
| } catch (e) { |
| // The "gopls version" command is not supported, or something else went wrong. |
| // TODO: Should we propagate this error? |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| const lines = output.trim().split('\n'); |
| switch (lines.length) { |
| case 0: |
| // No results, should update. |
| // Worth doing anything here? |
| return; |
| case 1: |
| // Built in $GOPATH mode. Should update. |
| // TODO: Should we check the Go version here? |
| // Do we even allow users to enable gopls if their Go version is too low? |
| return; |
| case 2: |
| // We might actually have a parseable version. |
| break; |
| default: |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // The second line should be the sum line. |
| // It should look something like this: |
| // |
| // golang.org/x/tools/gopls@v0.1.3 h1:CB5ECiPysqZrwxcyRjN+exyZpY0gODTZvNiqQi3lpeo= |
| // |
| // TODO(stamblerre): We should use a regex to match this, but for now, we split on the @ symbol. |
| // The reasoning for this is that gopls still has a golang.org/x/tools/cmd/gopls binary, |
| // so users may have a developer version that looks like "golang.org/x/tools@(devel)". |
| const moduleVersion = lines[1].trim().split(' ')[0]; |
| |
| // Get the relevant portion, that is: |
| // |
| // golang.org/x/tools/gopls@v0.1.3 |
| // |
| const split = moduleVersion.trim().split('@'); |
| if (split.length < 2) { |
| return; |
| } |
| // The version comes after the @ symbol: |
| // |
| // v0.1.3 |
| // |
| cfg.version = { version: split[1] }; |
| return cfg.version; |
| }; |
| |
| async function goProxyRequest(tool: Tool, endpoint: string): Promise<any> { |
| // Get the user's value of GOPROXY. |
| // If it is not set, we cannot make the request. |
| const output = process.env['GOPROXY']; |
| if (!output || !output.trim()) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| // Try each URL set in the user's GOPROXY environment variable. |
| // If none is set, don't make the request. |
| const proxies = output.trim().split(/,|\|/); |
| for (const proxy of proxies) { |
| if (proxy === 'direct') { |
| continue; |
| } |
| const url = `${proxy}/${tool.importPath}/@v/${endpoint}`; |
| let data: string; |
| try { |
| const response = await fetch(url); |
| data = await response.text(); |
| } catch (e) { |
| console.log(`Error sending request to ${proxy}: ${e}`); |
| return null; |
| } |
| return data; |
| } |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| // errorKind refers to the different possible kinds of gopls errors. |
| export enum errorKind { |
| initializationFailure, |
| crash, |
| manualRestart |
| } |
| |
| // suggestGoplsIssueReport prompts users to file an issue with gopls. |
| export async function suggestGoplsIssueReport( |
| goCtx: GoExtensionContext, |
| cfg: LanguageServerConfig, // config used when starting this gopls. |
| msg: string, |
| reason: errorKind, |
| initializationError?: ResponseError<InitializeError> |
| ) { |
| const issueTime = new Date(); |
| |
| // Don't prompt users who manually restart to file issues until gopls/v1.0. |
| if (reason === errorKind.manualRestart) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // cfg is the config used when starting this crashed gopls instance, while |
| // goCtx.latestConfig is the config used by the latest gopls instance. |
| // They may be different if gopls upgrade occurred in between. |
| // Let's not report issue yet if they don't match. |
| if (JSON.stringify(goCtx.latestConfig?.version) !== JSON.stringify(cfg.version)) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // The user may have an outdated version of gopls, in which case we should |
| // just prompt them to update, not file an issue. |
| const tool = getTool('gopls'); |
| if (tool) { |
| const versionToUpdate = await shouldUpdateLanguageServer(tool, goCtx.latestConfig, true); |
| if (versionToUpdate) { |
| promptForUpdatingTool(tool.name, versionToUpdate, true); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Show the user the output channel content to alert them to the issue. |
| goCtx.serverOutputChannel?.show(); |
| |
| if (goCtx.latestConfig?.serverName !== 'gopls') { |
| return; |
| } |
| const promptForIssueOnGoplsRestartKey = 'promptForIssueOnGoplsRestart'; |
| let saved: any; |
| try { |
| saved = JSON.parse(getFromGlobalState(promptForIssueOnGoplsRestartKey, false)); |
| } catch (err) { |
| console.log(`Failed to parse as JSON ${getFromGlobalState(promptForIssueOnGoplsRestartKey, true)}: ${err}`); |
| return; |
| } |
| // If the user has already seen this prompt, they may have opted-out for |
| // the future. Only prompt again if it's been more than a year since. |
| if (saved) { |
| const dateSaved = new Date(saved['date']); |
| const prompt = <boolean>saved['prompt']; |
| if (!prompt && daysBetween(new Date(), dateSaved) <= 365) { |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const { sanitizedLog, failureReason } = await collectGoplsLog(goCtx); |
| |
| // If the user has invalid values for "go.languageServerFlags", we may get |
| // this error. Prompt them to double check their flags. |
| let selected: string | undefined; |
| if (failureReason === GoplsFailureModes.INCORRECT_COMMAND_USAGE) { |
| const languageServerFlags = getGoConfig()['languageServerFlags'] as string[]; |
| if (languageServerFlags && languageServerFlags.length > 0) { |
| selected = await vscode.window.showErrorMessage( |
| `The extension was unable to start the language server. |
| You may have an invalid value in your "go.languageServerFlags" setting. |
| It is currently set to [${languageServerFlags}]. |
| Please correct the setting.`, |
| 'Open Settings', |
| 'I need more help.' |
| ); |
| switch (selected) { |
| case 'Open Settings': |
| await vscode.commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.openSettings', 'go.languageServerFlags'); |
| return; |
| case 'I need more help': |
| // Fall through the automated issue report. |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| const showMessage = sanitizedLog ? vscode.window.showWarningMessage : vscode.window.showInformationMessage; |
| selected = await showMessage( |
| `${msg} Would you like to report a gopls issue on GitHub? |
| You will be asked to provide additional information and logs, so PLEASE READ THE CONTENT IN YOUR BROWSER.`, |
| 'Yes', |
| 'Next time', |
| 'Never' |
| ); |
| switch (selected) { |
| case 'Yes': |
| { |
| // Prefill an issue title and report. |
| let errKind: string; |
| switch (reason) { |
| case errorKind.crash: |
| errKind = 'crash'; |
| break; |
| case errorKind.initializationFailure: |
| errKind = 'initialization'; |
| break; |
| } |
| const settings = goCtx.latestConfig.flags.join(' '); |
| const title = `gopls: automated issue report (${errKind})`; |
| const goplsStats = await getGoplsStats(goCtx.latestConfig?.path); |
| const goplsLog = sanitizedLog |
| ? `<pre>${sanitizedLog}</pre>` |
| : `Please attach the stack trace from the crash. |
| A window with the error message should have popped up in the lower half of your screen. |
| Please copy the stack trace and error messages from that window and paste it in this issue. |
| |
| |
| Failed to auto-collect gopls trace: ${failureReason}. |
| `; |
| |
| const body = ` |
| gopls version: ${cfg.version?.version}/${cfg.version?.goVersion} |
| gopls flags: ${settings} |
| update flags: ${cfg.checkForUpdates} |
| extension version: ${extensionInfo.version} |
| environment: ${extensionInfo.appName} ${process.platform} |
| initialization error: ${initializationError} |
| issue timestamp: ${issueTime.toUTCString()} |
| restart history: |
| ${formatRestartHistory(goCtx)} |
| |
| |
| Describe what you observed. |
| |
| |
| ${goplsLog} |
| |
| <details><summary>gopls stats -anon</summary> |
| ${goplsStats} |
| </details> |
| |
| OPTIONAL: If you would like to share more information, you can attach your complete gopls logs. |
| |
| |
| `; |
| const url = `https://github.com/golang/vscode-go/issues/new?title=${title}&labels=automatedReport&body=${body}`; |
| await vscode.env.openExternal(vscode.Uri.parse(url)); |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'Next time': |
| break; |
| case 'Never': |
| updateGlobalState( |
| promptForIssueOnGoplsRestartKey, |
| JSON.stringify({ |
| prompt: false, |
| date: new Date() |
| }) |
| ); |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| export const showServerOutputChannel: CommandFactory = (ctx, goCtx) => () => { |
| if (!goCtx.languageServerIsRunning) { |
| vscode.window.showInformationMessage('gopls is not running'); |
| return; |
| } |
| // likely show() is asynchronous, despite the documentation |
| goCtx.serverOutputChannel?.show(); |
| let found: vscode.TextDocument | undefined; |
| for (const doc of vscode.workspace.textDocuments) { |
| if (doc.fileName.indexOf('extension-output-') !== -1) { |
| // despite show() above, this might not get the output we want, so check |
| const contents = doc.getText(); |
| if (contents.indexOf('[Info - ') === -1) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| if (found !== undefined) { |
| vscode.window.showInformationMessage('multiple docs named extension-output-...'); |
| } |
| found = doc; |
| // .log, as some decoration is better than none |
| vscode.workspace.openTextDocument({ language: 'log', content: contents }); |
| } |
| } |
| if (found === undefined) { |
| vscode.window.showErrorMessage('make sure "gopls (server)" output is showing'); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| function sleep(ms: number) { |
| return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); |
| } |
| |
| async function collectGoplsLog(goCtx: GoExtensionContext): Promise<{ sanitizedLog?: string; failureReason?: string }> { |
| goCtx.serverOutputChannel?.show(); |
| // Find the logs in the output channel. There is no way to read |
| // an output channel directly, but we can find the open text |
| // document, since we just surfaced the output channel to the user. |
| // See https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/65108. |
| let logs: string | undefined; |
| for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { |
| // try a couple of times until successfully finding the channel. |
| for (const doc of vscode.workspace.textDocuments) { |
| if (doc.languageId !== 'Log') { |
| continue; |
| } |
| if (doc.isDirty || doc.isClosed) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| if (doc.fileName.indexOf('gopls (server)') > -1) { |
| logs = doc.getText(); |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| if (logs) { |
| break; |
| } |
| // sleep a bit before the next try. The choice of the sleep time is arbitrary. |
| await sleep((i + 1) * 100); |
| } |
| return sanitizeGoplsTrace(logs); |
| } |
| |
| enum GoplsFailureModes { |
| NO_GOPLS_LOG = 'no gopls log', |
| EMPTY_PANIC_TRACE = 'empty panic trace', |
| INCOMPLETE_PANIC_TRACE = 'incomplete panic trace', |
| INCORRECT_COMMAND_USAGE = 'incorrect gopls command usage', |
| UNRECOGNIZED_CRASH_PATTERN = 'unrecognized crash pattern' |
| } |
| |
| // capture only panic stack trace and the initialization error message. |
| // exported for testing. |
| export function sanitizeGoplsTrace(logs?: string): { sanitizedLog?: string; failureReason?: string } { |
| if (!logs) { |
| return { failureReason: GoplsFailureModes.NO_GOPLS_LOG }; |
| } |
| const panicMsgBegin = logs.lastIndexOf('panic: '); |
| if (panicMsgBegin > -1) { |
| // panic message was found. |
| const panicMsgEnd = logs.indexOf('Connection to server got closed.', panicMsgBegin); |
| if (panicMsgEnd > -1) { |
| const panicTrace = logs.substr(panicMsgBegin, panicMsgEnd - panicMsgBegin); |
| const filePattern = /(\S+\.go):\d+/; |
| const sanitized = panicTrace |
| .split('\n') |
| .map((line: string) => { |
| // Even though this is a crash from gopls, the file path |
| // can contain user names and user's filesystem directory structure. |
| // We can still locate the corresponding file if the file base is |
| // available because the full package path is part of the function |
| // name. So, leave only the file base. |
| const m = line.match(filePattern); |
| if (!m) { |
| return line; |
| } |
| const filePath = m[1]; |
| const fileBase = path.basename(filePath); |
| return line.replace(filePath, ' ' + fileBase); |
| }) |
| .join('\n'); |
| |
| if (sanitized) { |
| return { sanitizedLog: sanitized }; |
| } |
| return { failureReason: GoplsFailureModes.EMPTY_PANIC_TRACE }; |
| } |
| return { failureReason: GoplsFailureModes.INCOMPLETE_PANIC_TRACE }; |
| } |
| const initFailMsgBegin = logs.lastIndexOf('gopls client:'); |
| if (initFailMsgBegin > -1) { |
| // client start failed. Capture up to the 'Code:' line. |
| const initFailMsgEnd = logs.indexOf('Code: ', initFailMsgBegin); |
| if (initFailMsgEnd > -1) { |
| const lineEnd = logs.indexOf('\n', initFailMsgEnd); |
| return { |
| sanitizedLog: |
| lineEnd > -1 |
| ? logs.substr(initFailMsgBegin, lineEnd - initFailMsgBegin) |
| : logs.substr(initFailMsgBegin) |
| }; |
| } |
| } |
| if (logs.lastIndexOf('Usage:') > -1) { |
| return { failureReason: GoplsFailureModes.INCORRECT_COMMAND_USAGE }; |
| } |
| // Capture Fatal |
| // foo.go:1: the last message (caveat - we capture only the first log line) |
| const m = logs.match(/(^\S+\.go:\d+:.*$)/gm); |
| if (m && m.length > 0) { |
| return { sanitizedLog: m[0].toString() }; |
| } |
| |
| return { failureReason: GoplsFailureModes.UNRECOGNIZED_CRASH_PATTERN }; |
| } |
| |
| const GOPLS_FETCH_VULNCHECK_RESULT = 'gopls.fetch_vulncheck_result'; |
| // Fetches vulncheck result and throws an error if the result is not found. |
| // uri is a string representation of URI or DocumentURI. |
| async function goplsFetchVulncheckResult(goCtx: GoExtensionContext, uri: string): Promise<VulncheckReport> { |
| const { languageClient } = goCtx; |
| const params: ExecuteCommandParams = { |
| arguments: [{ URI: uri }] |
| }; |
| const res: { [modFile: string]: VulncheckReport } = await languageClient?.sendRequest( |
| ExecuteCommandRequest.type, |
| params |
| ); |
| |
| // res may include multiple results, but we only need one for the given uri. |
| // Gopls uses normalized URI (https://cs.opensource.google/go/x/tools/+/refs/tags/gopls/v0.14.2:gopls/internal/span/uri.go;l=78) |
| // but VS Code URI (uri) may not be normalized. For comparison, we use URI.fsPath |
| // that provides a normalization implementation. |
| // https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-uri/blob/53e4ca6263f2e4ddc35f5360c62bc1b1d30f27dd/src/uri.ts#L204 |
| const uriFsPath = URI.parse(uri).fsPath; |
| for (const modFile in res) { |
| try { |
| const modFileURI = URI.parse(modFile); |
| if (modFileURI.fsPath === uriFsPath) { |
| return res[modFile]; |
| } |
| } catch (e) { |
| console.log(`gopls returned an unparseable file uri in govulncheck result: ${modFile}`); |
| } |
| } |
| throw new Error(`no matching go.mod ${uriFsPath} (${uri.toString()}) in the returned result: ${Object.keys(res)}`); |
| } |
| |
| export function maybePromptForTelemetry(goCtx: GoExtensionContext) { |
| const callback = async () => { |
| const { lastUserAction = new Date() } = goCtx; |
| const currentTime = new Date(); |
| |
| // Make sure the user has been idle for at least 5 minutes. |
| const idleTime = currentTime.getTime() - lastUserAction.getTime(); |
| if (idleTime < 5 * timeMinute) { |
| setTimeout(callback, 5 * timeMinute - Math.max(idleTime, 0)); |
| return; |
| } |
| goCtx.telemetryService?.promptForTelemetry(extensionInfo.isPreview); |
| }; |
| callback(); |
| } |
| |
| async function getGoplsStats(binpath?: string) { |
| if (!binpath) { |
| return 'gopls path unknown'; |
| } |
| const env = toolExecutionEnvironment(); |
| const cwd = getWorkspaceFolderPath(); |
| const start = new Date(); |
| const execFile = util.promisify(cp.execFile); |
| try { |
| const timeout = 60 * 1000; // 60sec; |
| const { stdout } = await execFile(binpath, ['stats', '-anon'], { env, cwd, timeout }); |
| return stdout; |
| } catch (e) { |
| const duration = new Date().getTime() - start.getTime(); |
| console.log(`gopls stats -anon failed: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`); |
| return `gopls stats -anon failed after running for ${duration}ms`; // e may contain user information. don't include in the report. |
| } |
| } |