blob: 5519e3b3fd3e8a0e717e4bce615ae914606779f8 [file] [log] [blame]
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
* Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information.
import vscode = require('vscode');
import semver = require('semver');
import { extensionId } from './const';
/** getGoConfig is declared as an exported const rather than a function, so it can be stubbbed in testing. */
export const getGoConfig = (uri?: vscode.Uri) => {
return getConfig('go', uri);
/** getGoplsConfig returns the user's gopls configuration. */
export function getGoplsConfig(uri?: vscode.Uri) {
return getConfig('gopls', uri);
function getConfig(section: string, uri?: vscode.Uri | null) {
if (!uri) {
if (vscode.window.activeTextEditor) {
uri = vscode.window.activeTextEditor.document.uri;
} else {
uri = null;
return vscode.workspace.getConfiguration(section, uri);
/** ExtensionInfo is a collection of static information about the extension. */
export class ExtensionInfo {
/** Extension version */
readonly version?: string;
/** The application name of the editor, like 'VS Code' */
readonly appName: string;
/** True if the extension runs in preview mode (e.g. Nightly, prerelease) */
readonly isPreview: boolean;
/** True if the extension runs in well-kwnon cloud IDEs */
readonly isInCloudIDE: boolean;
constructor() {
const packageJSON = vscode.extensions.getExtension(extensionId)?.packageJSON;
const version = semver.parse(packageJSON?.version);
this.version = version?.format();
this.appName = vscode.env.appName;
// golang.go prerelease: minor version is an odd number, or has the "-dev" suffix.
this.isPreview =
extensionId === 'golang.go' && !!version
? version.minor % 2 === 1 || version.toString().endsWith('-dev')
: false;
this.isInCloudIDE =
process.env.CLOUD_SHELL === 'true' ||
process.env.MONOSPACE_ENV === 'true' ||
process.env.CODESPACES === 'true' ||
export const extensionInfo = new ExtensionInfo();