test/integration: fix Build Tags checking tests

The test invoked 'check' concurrently with different sets of tags.
Underneath, the check function invokes the goBuild, which cancels
outstanding go build commands before starting another go build command.
That means, the three go build processes race and try to cancel
others. That resulted in empty diagnostics and thus, test failures.

Serialize the tests.

While we are here, also fixes the use of assert.equal which expects
the actual value as the first parameter and the expected value as
the second parameter.

Change-Id: Ib069c69c699ef18628f321998459a51a3b5872cf
Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/vscode-go/+/233517
Reviewed-by: Rebecca Stambler <rstambler@golang.org>
diff --git a/test/integration/extension.test.ts b/test/integration/extension.test.ts
index a1e052f..91fa166 100644
--- a/test/integration/extension.test.ts
+++ b/test/integration/extension.test.ts
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 import {
+	getGoConfig,
@@ -1310,7 +1311,7 @@
 					`expected number of completions: ${expected.length} Actual: ${labels.length} at position(${
-						position.line + 1
+					position.line + 1
 					},${position.character + 1}) ${labels}`
 				expected.forEach((entry, index) => {
@@ -1435,67 +1436,44 @@
 	test('Build Tags checking', async () => {
-		const config1 = Object.create(vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('go'), {
-			vetOnSave: { value: 'off' },
-			lintOnSave: { value: 'off' },
-			buildOnSave: { value: 'package' },
-			buildTags: { value: 'randomtag' }
-		});
+		// Note: The following checks can't be parallelized because the underlying go build command
+		// runner (goBuild) will cancel any outstanding go build commands.
-		const checkWithTags = check(vscode.Uri.file(path.join(fixturePath, 'buildTags', 'hello.go')), config1).then(
-			(diagnostics) => {
-				assert.equal(1, diagnostics.length, 'check with buildtag failed. Unexpected errors found');
-				assert.equal(1, diagnostics[0].errors.length, 'check with buildtag failed. Unexpected errors found');
-				assert.equal(diagnostics[0].errors[0].msg, 'undefined: fmt.Prinln');
-			}
+		const checkWithTags = async (tags: string) => {
+			const fileUri = vscode.Uri.file(path.join(fixturePath, 'buildTags', 'hello.go'));
+			const defaultGoCfg = getGoConfig(fileUri);
+			const cfg = Object.create(defaultGoCfg, {
+				vetOnSave: { value: 'off' },
+				lintOnSave: { value: 'off' },
+				buildOnSave: { value: 'package' },
+				buildTags: { value: tags }
+			}) as vscode.WorkspaceConfiguration;
+			const diagnostics = await check(fileUri, cfg);
+			return ([] as string[]).concat(...diagnostics.map<string[]>((d) => {
+				return d.errors.map((e) => e.msg) as string[];
+			}));
+		};
+		const errors1 = await checkWithTags('randomtag');
+		assert.deepEqual(errors1, ['undefined: fmt.Prinln'], 'check with buildtag "randomtag" failed. Unexpected errors found.');
+		// TODO(hyangah): after go1.13, -tags expects a comma-separated tag list.
+		// For backwards compatibility, space-separated tag lists are still recognized,
+		// but change to a space-separated list once we stop testing with go1.12.
+		const errors2 = await checkWithTags('randomtag other');
+		assert.deepEqual(errors2, ['undefined: fmt.Prinln'],
+			'check with multiple buildtags "randomtag,other" failed. Unexpected errors found.');
+		const errors3 = await checkWithTags('');
+		assert.equal(errors3.length, 1,
+			'check without buildtag failed. Unexpected number of errors found' + JSON.stringify(errors3));
+		const errMsg = errors3[0];
+		assert.ok(
+			errMsg.includes(`can't load package: package test/testfixture/buildTags`) ||
+			errMsg.includes(`build constraints exclude all Go files`),
+			`check without buildtags failed. Go files not excluded. ${errMsg}`
-		const config2 = Object.create(vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('go'), {
-			vetOnSave: { value: 'off' },
-			lintOnSave: { value: 'off' },
-			buildOnSave: { value: 'package' },
-			buildTags: { value: 'randomtag othertag' }
-		});
-		const checkWithMultipleTags = check(
-			vscode.Uri.file(path.join(fixturePath, 'buildTags', 'hello.go')),
-			config2
-		).then((diagnostics) => {
-			assert.equal(1, diagnostics.length, 'check with multiple buildtags failed. Unexpected errors found');
-			assert.equal(
-				1,
-				diagnostics[0].errors.length,
-				'check with multiple buildtags failed. Unexpected errors found'
-			);
-			assert.equal(diagnostics[0].errors[0].msg, 'undefined: fmt.Prinln');
-		});
-		const config3 = Object.create(vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('go'), {
-			vetOnSave: { value: 'off' },
-			lintOnSave: { value: 'off' },
-			buildOnSave: { value: 'package' },
-			buildTags: { value: '' }
-		});
-		const checkWithoutTags = check(vscode.Uri.file(path.join(fixturePath, 'buildTags', 'hello.go')), config3).then(
-			(diagnostics) => {
-				assert.equal(1, diagnostics.length, 'check without buildtags failed. Unexpected errors found');
-				assert.equal(
-					1,
-					diagnostics[0].errors.length,
-					'check without buildtags failed. Unexpected errors found'
-				);
-				const errMsg = diagnostics[0].errors[0].msg;
-				assert.equal(
-					errMsg.includes(`can't load package: package test/testfixture/buildTags`) ||
-						errMsg.includes(`build constraints exclude all Go files`),
-					true,
-					`check without buildtags failed. Go files not excluded. ${diagnostics[0].errors[0].msg}`
-				);
-			}
-		);
-		return Promise.all([checkWithTags, checkWithMultipleTags, checkWithoutTags]);
 	test('Test Tags checking', async () => {