docs/ sync gopls settings @v0.6.6

Change-Id: I02b6d8efd2a3e307ac38bb4d7fd9da5ecc24a827
Trust: Hyang-Ah Hana Kim <>
Run-TryBot: Hyang-Ah Hana Kim <>
TryBot-Result: kokoro <>
Reviewed-by: Rebecca Stambler <>
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index abde52b..9f53602 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -581,13 +581,13 @@
 | Properties | Description |
 | --- | --- |
-| `gc_details` | gc_details controls calculation of gc annotations. <br/> <br/> Default: `false` |
-| `generate` | generate runs `go generate` for a given directory. <br/> <br/> Default: `true` |
-| `regenerate_cgo` | regenerate_cgo regenerates cgo definitions. <br/> <br/> Default: `true` |
-| `test` | test runs `go test` for a specific test function. <br/> <br/> Default: `false` |
-| `tidy` | tidy runs `go mod tidy` for a module. <br/> <br/> Default: `true` |
-| `upgrade_dependency` | upgrade_dependency upgrades a dependency. <br/> <br/> Default: `true` |
-| `vendor` | vendor runs `go mod vendor` for a module. <br/> <br/> Default: `true` |
+| `gc_details` | Toggle the calculation of gc annotations. <br/> Default: `false` |
+| `generate` | Runs `go generate` for a given directory. <br/> Default: `true` |
+| `regenerate_cgo` | Regenerates cgo definitions. <br/> Default: `true` |
+| `test` | Runs `go test` for a specific set of test or benchmark functions. <br/> Default: `false` |
+| `tidy` | Runs `go mod tidy` for a module. <br/> Default: `true` |
+| `upgrade_dependency` | Upgrades a dependency in the go.mod file for a module. <br/> Default: `true` |
+| `vendor` | Runs `go mod vendor` for a module. <br/> Default: `true` |
 ### `ui.completion.completionBudget`
 (For Debugging) completionBudget is the soft latency goal for completion requests. Most
@@ -672,6 +672,7 @@
 | `unsafeptr` | check for invalid conversions of uintptr to unsafe.Pointer <br/> The unsafeptr analyzer reports likely incorrect uses of unsafe.Pointer to convert integers to pointers. A conversion from uintptr to unsafe.Pointer is invalid if it implies that there is a uintptr-typed word in memory that holds a pointer value, because that word will be invisible to stack copying and to the garbage collector. <br/> Default: `true` |
 | `unusedparams` | check for unused parameters of functions <br/> The unusedparams analyzer checks functions to see if there are any parameters that are not being used. <br/> To reduce false positives it ignores: - methods - parameters that do not have a name or are underscored - functions in test files - functions with empty bodies or those with just a return stmt <br/> Default: `false` |
 | `unusedresult` | check for unused results of calls to some functions <br/> Some functions like fmt.Errorf return a result and have no side effects, so it is always a mistake to discard the result. This analyzer reports calls to certain functions in which the result of the call is ignored. <br/> The set of functions may be controlled using flags. <br/> Default: `true` |
+| `unusedwrite` | checks for unused writes <br/> The analyzer reports instances of writes to struct fields and arrays that are never read. Specifically, when a struct object or an array is copied, its elements are copied implicitly by the compiler, and any element write to this copy does nothing with the original object. <br/> For example: <br/> <pre>type T struct { x int }<br/>func f(input []T) {<br/>	for i, v := range input {  // v is a copy<br/>		v.x = i  // unused write to field x<br/>	}<br/>}</pre><br/> Another example is about non-pointer receiver: <br/> <pre>type T struct { x int }<br/>func (t T) f() {  // t is a copy<br/>	t.x = i  // unused write to field x<br/>}</pre><br/> <br/> Default: `false` |
 ### `ui.diagnostic.annotations`
 (Experimental) annotations specifies the various kinds of optimization diagnostics
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index d0bb22f..1f9d8e2 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1851,37 +1851,37 @@
               "properties": {
                 "gc_details": {
                   "type": "boolean",
-                  "markdownDescription": "gc_details controls calculation of gc annotations.\n",
+                  "markdownDescription": "Toggle the calculation of gc annotations.",
                   "default": false
                 "generate": {
                   "type": "boolean",
-                  "markdownDescription": "generate runs `go generate` for a given directory.\n",
+                  "markdownDescription": "Runs `go generate` for a given directory.",
                   "default": true
                 "regenerate_cgo": {
                   "type": "boolean",
-                  "markdownDescription": "regenerate_cgo regenerates cgo definitions.\n",
+                  "markdownDescription": "Regenerates cgo definitions.",
                   "default": true
                 "test": {
                   "type": "boolean",
-                  "markdownDescription": "test runs `go test` for a specific test function.\n",
+                  "markdownDescription": "Runs `go test` for a specific set of test or benchmark functions.",
                   "default": false
                 "tidy": {
                   "type": "boolean",
-                  "markdownDescription": "tidy runs `go mod tidy` for a module.\n",
+                  "markdownDescription": "Runs `go mod tidy` for a module.",
                   "default": true
                 "upgrade_dependency": {
                   "type": "boolean",
-                  "markdownDescription": "upgrade_dependency upgrades a dependency.\n",
+                  "markdownDescription": "Upgrades a dependency in the go.mod file for a module.",
                   "default": true
                 "vendor": {
                   "type": "boolean",
-                  "markdownDescription": "vendor runs `go mod vendor` for a module.\n",
+                  "markdownDescription": "Runs `go mod vendor` for a module.",
                   "default": true
@@ -2113,6 +2113,11 @@
                   "type": "boolean",
                   "markdownDescription": "check for unused results of calls to some functions\n\nSome functions like fmt.Errorf return a result and have no side effects,\nso it is always a mistake to discard the result. This analyzer reports\ncalls to certain functions in which the result of the call is ignored.\n\nThe set of functions may be controlled using flags.",
                   "default": true
+                },
+                "unusedwrite": {
+                  "type": "boolean",
+                  "markdownDescription": "checks for unused writes\n\nThe analyzer reports instances of writes to struct fields and\narrays that are never read. Specifically, when a struct object\nor an array is copied, its elements are copied implicitly by\nthe compiler, and any element write to this copy does nothing\nwith the original object.\n\nFor example:\n\n\ttype T struct { x int }\n\tfunc f(input []T) {\n\t\tfor i, v := range input {  // v is a copy\n\t\t\tv.x = i  // unused write to field x\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\nAnother example is about non-pointer receiver:\n\n\ttype T struct { x int }\n\tfunc (t T) f() {  // t is a copy\n\t\tt.x = i  // unused write to field x\n\t}\n",
+                  "default": false