content: update code in imports example

The important bit in this slide is the factored imports, and
the code example needs a reason to import two packages.

The `math.Sqrt` function is less likely to distract the reader
from the point than the `math.Nextafter`, which many people
are not familiar with.

Fixes golang/go#13180

Change-Id: Ibb746312b1a3ecbaed79ad3a83ad2f5acf0237ba
Reviewed-by: Andrew Gerrand <>
diff --git a/content/basics/imports.go b/content/basics/imports.go
index e259b9c..9854405 100644
--- a/content/basics/imports.go
+++ b/content/basics/imports.go
@@ -8,5 +8,5 @@
 func main() {
-	fmt.Printf("Now you have %g problems.", math.Nextafter(2, 3))
+	fmt.Printf("Now you have %g problems.", math.Sqrt(7))