blob: 2b11485c3676867b6b4161c5cc28732535296a27 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package source
import (
// invertIfCondition is a singleFileFixFunc that inverts an if/else statement
func invertIfCondition(fset *token.FileSet, start, end token.Pos, src []byte, file *ast.File, _ *types.Package, _ *types.Info) (*analysis.SuggestedFix, error) {
ifStatement, _, err := CanInvertIfCondition(file, start, end)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var replaceElse analysis.TextEdit
endsWithReturn, err := endsWithReturn(ifStatement.Else)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if endsWithReturn {
// Replace the whole else part with an empty line and an unindented
// version of the original if body
sourcePos := safetoken.StartPosition(fset, ifStatement.Pos())
indent := sourcePos.Column - 1
if indent < 0 {
indent = 0
standaloneBodyText := ifBodyToStandaloneCode(fset, ifStatement.Body, src)
replaceElse = analysis.TextEdit{
Pos: ifStatement.Body.Rbrace + 1, // 1 == len("}")
End: ifStatement.End(),
NewText: []byte("\n\n" + strings.Repeat("\t", indent) + standaloneBodyText),
} else {
// Replace the else body text with the if body text
bodyStart := safetoken.StartPosition(fset, ifStatement.Body.Lbrace)
bodyEnd := safetoken.EndPosition(fset, ifStatement.Body.Rbrace+1) // 1 == len("}")
bodyText := src[bodyStart.Offset:bodyEnd.Offset]
replaceElse = analysis.TextEdit{
Pos: ifStatement.Else.Pos(),
End: ifStatement.Else.End(),
NewText: bodyText,
// Replace the if text with the else text
elsePosInSource := safetoken.StartPosition(fset, ifStatement.Else.Pos())
elseEndInSource := safetoken.EndPosition(fset, ifStatement.Else.End())
elseText := src[elsePosInSource.Offset:elseEndInSource.Offset]
replaceBodyWithElse := analysis.TextEdit{
Pos: ifStatement.Body.Pos(),
End: ifStatement.Body.End(),
NewText: elseText,
// Replace the if condition with its inverse
inverseCondition, err := invertCondition(fset, ifStatement.Cond, src)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
replaceConditionWithInverse := analysis.TextEdit{
Pos: ifStatement.Cond.Pos(),
End: ifStatement.Cond.End(),
NewText: inverseCondition,
// Return a SuggestedFix with just that TextEdit in there
return &analysis.SuggestedFix{
TextEdits: []analysis.TextEdit{
}, nil
func endsWithReturn(elseBranch ast.Stmt) (bool, error) {
elseBlock, isBlockStatement := elseBranch.(*ast.BlockStmt)
if !isBlockStatement {
return false, fmt.Errorf("Unable to figure out whether this ends with return: %T", elseBranch)
if len(elseBlock.List) == 0 {
// Empty blocks don't end in returns
return false, nil
lastStatement := elseBlock.List[len(elseBlock.List)-1]
_, lastStatementIsReturn := lastStatement.(*ast.ReturnStmt)
return lastStatementIsReturn, nil
// Turn { fmt.Println("Hello") } into just fmt.Println("Hello"), with one less
// level of indentation.
// The first line of the result will not be indented, but all of the following
// lines will.
func ifBodyToStandaloneCode(fset *token.FileSet, ifBody *ast.BlockStmt, src []byte) string {
// Get the whole body (without the surrounding braces) as a string
bodyStart := safetoken.StartPosition(fset, ifBody.Lbrace+1) // 1 == len("}")
bodyEnd := safetoken.EndPosition(fset, ifBody.Rbrace)
bodyWithoutBraces := string(src[bodyStart.Offset:bodyEnd.Offset])
bodyWithoutBraces = strings.TrimSpace(bodyWithoutBraces)
// Unindent
bodyWithoutBraces = strings.ReplaceAll(bodyWithoutBraces, "\n\t", "\n")
return bodyWithoutBraces
func invertCondition(fset *token.FileSet, cond ast.Expr, src []byte) ([]byte, error) {
condStart := safetoken.StartPosition(fset, cond.Pos())
condEnd := safetoken.EndPosition(fset, cond.End())
oldText := string(src[condStart.Offset:condEnd.Offset])
switch expr := cond.(type) {
case *ast.Ident, *ast.ParenExpr, *ast.CallExpr, *ast.StarExpr, *ast.IndexExpr, *typeparams.IndexListExpr, *ast.SelectorExpr:
newText := "!" + oldText
if oldText == "true" {
newText = "false"
} else if oldText == "false" {
newText = "true"
return []byte(newText), nil
case *ast.UnaryExpr:
if expr.Op != token.NOT {
// This should never happen
return dumbInvert(fset, cond, src), nil
inverse := expr.X
if p, isParen := inverse.(*ast.ParenExpr); isParen {
// We got !(x), remove the parentheses with the ! so we get just "x"
inverse = p.X
start := safetoken.StartPosition(fset, inverse.Pos())
end := safetoken.EndPosition(fset, inverse.End())
if start.Line != end.Line {
// The expression is multi-line, so we can't remove the parentheses
inverse = expr.X
start := safetoken.StartPosition(fset, inverse.Pos())
end := safetoken.EndPosition(fset, inverse.End())
textWithoutNot := src[start.Offset:end.Offset]
return textWithoutNot, nil
case *ast.BinaryExpr:
// These inversions are unsound for floating point NaN, but that's ok.
negations := map[token.Token]string{
token.EQL: "!=",
token.LSS: ">=",
token.GTR: "<=",
token.NEQ: "==",
token.LEQ: ">",
token.GEQ: "<",
negation, negationFound := negations[expr.Op]
if !negationFound {
return invertAndOr(fset, expr, src)
xPosInSource := safetoken.StartPosition(fset, expr.X.Pos())
opPosInSource := safetoken.StartPosition(fset, expr.OpPos)
yPosInSource := safetoken.StartPosition(fset, expr.Y.Pos())
textBeforeOp := string(src[xPosInSource.Offset:opPosInSource.Offset])
oldOpWithTrailingWhitespace := string(src[opPosInSource.Offset:yPosInSource.Offset])
newOpWithTrailingWhitespace := negation + oldOpWithTrailingWhitespace[len(expr.Op.String()):]
textAfterOp := string(src[yPosInSource.Offset:condEnd.Offset])
return []byte(textBeforeOp + newOpWithTrailingWhitespace + textAfterOp), nil
return dumbInvert(fset, cond, src), nil
// dumbInvert is a fallback, inverting cond into !(cond).
func dumbInvert(fset *token.FileSet, expr ast.Expr, src []byte) []byte {
start := safetoken.StartPosition(fset, expr.Pos())
end := safetoken.EndPosition(fset, expr.End())
text := string(src[start.Offset:end.Offset])
return []byte("!(" + text + ")")
func invertAndOr(fset *token.FileSet, expr *ast.BinaryExpr, src []byte) ([]byte, error) {
if expr.Op != token.LAND && expr.Op != token.LOR {
// Neither AND nor OR, don't know how to invert this
return dumbInvert(fset, expr, src), nil
oppositeOp := "&&"
if expr.Op == token.LAND {
oppositeOp = "||"
xEndInSource := safetoken.EndPosition(fset, expr.X.End())
opPosInSource := safetoken.StartPosition(fset, expr.OpPos)
whitespaceAfterBefore := src[xEndInSource.Offset:opPosInSource.Offset]
invertedBefore, err := invertCondition(fset, expr.X, src)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
invertedAfter, err := invertCondition(fset, expr.Y, src)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
yPosInSource := safetoken.StartPosition(fset, expr.Y.Pos())
oldOpWithTrailingWhitespace := string(src[opPosInSource.Offset:yPosInSource.Offset])
newOpWithTrailingWhitespace := oppositeOp + oldOpWithTrailingWhitespace[len(expr.Op.String()):]
return []byte(string(invertedBefore) + string(whitespaceAfterBefore) + newOpWithTrailingWhitespace + string(invertedAfter)), nil
// CanInvertIfCondition reports whether we can do invert-if-condition on the
// code in the given range
func CanInvertIfCondition(file *ast.File, start, end token.Pos) (*ast.IfStmt, bool, error) {
path, _ := astutil.PathEnclosingInterval(file, start, end)
for _, node := range path {
stmt, isIfStatement := node.(*ast.IfStmt)
if !isIfStatement {
if stmt.Else == nil {
// Can't invert conditions without else clauses
return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("else clause required")
if _, hasElseIf := stmt.Else.(*ast.IfStmt); hasElseIf {
// Can't invert conditions with else-if clauses, unclear what that
// would look like
return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("else-if not supported")
return stmt, true, nil
return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("not an if statement")