blob: e389b89a4ad285ed98ab06a412ba6a8d505ac309 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package govulncheck
import ""
// TODO(hyangah): Find a better package for these types
// unless starts to export these.
// Summary is the govulncheck result.
type Summary struct {
// Vulnerabilities affecting the analysis target binary or source code.
Affecting []Vuln
// Vulnerabilities that may be imported but the vulnerable symbols are
// not called. For binary analysis, this will be always empty.
NonAffecting []Vuln
// Vuln represents a vulnerability relevant to a (module, package).
type Vuln struct {
OSV *osv.Entry
PkgPath string // Package path.
ModPath string // Module path.
FoundIn string // <package path>@<version> if we know when it was introduced. Empty otherwise.
FixedIn string // <package path>@<version> if fix is available. Empty otherwise.
// Trace contains a call stack for each affecting symbol.
// For vulnerabilities found from binary analysis, and vulnerabilities
// that are reported as Unaffecting ones, this will be always empty.
Trace []Trace
// Trace represents a sample trace for a vulnerable symbol.
type Trace struct {
Symbol string // Name of the detected vulnerable function or method.
Desc string // One-line description of the callstack.
Stack []StackEntry // Call stack.
Seen int // Number of similar call stacks.
// StackEntry represents a call stack entry.
type StackEntry struct {
FuncName string // Function name is the function name, adjusted to remove pointer annotation.
CallSite string // Position of the call/reference site. It is one of the formats token.Pos.String() returns or empty if unknown.