blob: b45b53399912a2d5937663d0d13b87b4b6feadb8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package fake
import (
const sharedData = `
-- go.mod --
go 1.12
-- nested/ --
Hello World!
// newWorkdir sets up a temporary Workdir with the given txtar-encoded content.
// It also configures an eventBuffer to receive file event notifications. These
// notifications are sent synchronously for each operation, such that once a
// workdir file operation has returned the caller can expect that any relevant
// file notifications are present in the buffer.
// It is the caller's responsibility to call the returned cleanup function.
func newWorkdir(t *testing.T, txt string) (*Workdir, *eventBuffer, func()) {
tmpdir, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "goplstest-workdir-")
if err != nil {
wd, err := NewWorkdir(tmpdir, UnpackTxt(txt))
if err != nil {
cleanup := func() {
if err := os.RemoveAll(tmpdir); err != nil {
buf := new(eventBuffer)
return wd, buf, cleanup
// eventBuffer collects events from a file watcher.
type eventBuffer struct {
mu sync.Mutex
events []protocol.FileEvent
// onEvents collects adds events to the buffer; to be used with Workdir.AddWatcher.
func (c *eventBuffer) onEvents(_ context.Context, events []protocol.FileEvent) {
defer = append(, events...)
// take empties the buffer, returning its previous contents.
func (c *eventBuffer) take() []protocol.FileEvent {
evts := = nil
return evts
func TestWorkdir_ReadFile(t *testing.T) {
wd, _, cleanup := newWorkdir(t, sharedData)
defer cleanup()
got, err := wd.ReadFile("nested/")
if err != nil {
want := "Hello World!\n"
if got := string(got); got != want {
t.Errorf("reading workdir file, got %q, want %q", got, want)
func TestWorkdir_WriteFile(t *testing.T) {
wd, events, cleanup := newWorkdir(t, sharedData)
defer cleanup()
ctx := context.Background()
tests := []struct {
path string
wantType protocol.FileChangeType
{"data.txt", protocol.Created},
{"nested/", protocol.Changed},
for _, test := range tests {
if err := wd.WriteFile(ctx, test.path, "42"); err != nil {
es := events.take()
if got := len(es); got != 1 {
t.Fatalf("len(events) = %d, want 1", got)
path := wd.URIToPath(es[0].URI)
if path != test.path {
t.Errorf("event path = %q, want %q", path, test.path)
if es[0].Type != test.wantType {
t.Errorf("event type = %v, want %v", es[0].Type, test.wantType)
got, err := wd.ReadFile(test.path)
if err != nil {
want := "42"
if got := string(got); got != want {
t.Errorf("ws.ReadFile(%q) = %q, want %q", test.path, got, want)
// Test for file notifications following file operations.
func TestWorkdir_FileWatching(t *testing.T) {
wd, events, cleanup := newWorkdir(t, "")
defer cleanup()
ctx := context.Background()
must := func(err error) {
if err != nil {
type changeMap map[string]protocol.FileChangeType
checkEvent := func(wantChanges changeMap) {
gotChanges := make(changeMap)
for _, e := range events.take() {
gotChanges[wd.URIToPath(e.URI)] = e.Type
if diff := cmp.Diff(wantChanges, gotChanges); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("mismatching file events (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
must(wd.WriteFile(ctx, "foo.go", "package foo"))
checkEvent(changeMap{"foo.go": protocol.Created})
must(wd.RenameFile(ctx, "foo.go", "bar.go"))
checkEvent(changeMap{"foo.go": protocol.Deleted, "bar.go": protocol.Created})
must(wd.RemoveFile(ctx, "bar.go"))
checkEvent(changeMap{"bar.go": protocol.Deleted})
func TestWorkdir_CheckForFileChanges(t *testing.T) {
t.Skip("broken on darwin-amd64-10_12")
wd, events, cleanup := newWorkdir(t, sharedData)
defer cleanup()
ctx := context.Background()
checkChange := func(wantPath string, wantType protocol.FileChangeType) {
if err := wd.CheckForFileChanges(ctx); err != nil {
ev := events.take()
if len(ev) == 0 {
t.Fatal("no file events received")
gotEvt := ev[0]
gotPath := wd.URIToPath(gotEvt.URI)
// Only check relative path and Type
if gotPath != wantPath || gotEvt.Type != wantType {
t.Errorf("file events: got %v, want {Path: %s, Type: %v}", gotEvt, wantPath, wantType)
// Sleep some positive amount of time to ensure a distinct mtime.
if err := writeFileData("go.mod", []byte("module foo.test\n"), wd.RelativeTo); err != nil {
checkChange("go.mod", protocol.Changed)
if err := writeFileData("newFile", []byte("something"), wd.RelativeTo); err != nil {
checkChange("newFile", protocol.Created)
fp := wd.AbsPath("newFile")
if err := os.Remove(fp); err != nil {
checkChange("newFile", protocol.Deleted)
func TestSplitModuleVersionPath(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
path string
wantModule, wantVersion, wantSuffix string
{"", "", "v1.2.3", "bar"},
{"", "", "v1.2.3", "bar"},
{"", "", "v1.2.3", ""},
{"std@v1.14.0", "std", "v1.14.0", ""},
{"another/module/path", "another/module/path", "", ""},
for _, test := range tests {
module, version, suffix := splitModuleVersionPath(test.path)
if module != test.wantModule || version != test.wantVersion || suffix != test.wantSuffix {
t.Errorf("splitModuleVersionPath(%q) =\n\t(%q, %q, %q)\nwant\n\t(%q, %q, %q)",
test.path, module, version, suffix, test.wantModule, test.wantVersion, test.wantSuffix)