blob: 48216ab1d3c3759850d87a5e176651f3baf46b61 [file] [log] [blame]
package cache
import (
type importsState struct {
ctx context.Context
mu sync.Mutex
processEnv *imports.ProcessEnv
cleanupProcessEnv func()
cacheRefreshDuration time.Duration
cacheRefreshTimer *time.Timer
cachedModFileIdentifier string
cachedBuildFlags []string
func (s *importsState) runProcessEnvFunc(ctx context.Context, snapshot *snapshot, fn func(*imports.Options) error) error {
// Use temporary go.mod files, but always go to disk for the contents.
// Rebuilding the cache is expensive, and we don't want to do it for
// transient changes.
var modFH source.FileHandle
var gosum []byte
var modFileIdentifier string
var err error
// TODO(rfindley): Change the goimports logic to use a persistent workspace
// module for workspace module mode.
// Get the go.mod file that corresponds to this view's root URI. This is
// broken because it assumes that the view's root is a module, but this is
// not more broken than the previous state--it is a temporary hack that
// should be removed ASAP.
var matchURI span.URI
for modURI := range snapshot.workspace.activeModFiles() {
if dirURI(modURI) == snapshot.view.rootURI {
matchURI = modURI
// TODO(rFindley): should it be an error if matchURI is empty?
if matchURI != "" {
modFH, err = snapshot.GetFile(ctx, matchURI)
if err != nil {
return err
modFileIdentifier = modFH.FileIdentity().Hash
gosum = snapshot.goSum(ctx, matchURI)
// v.goEnv is immutable -- changes make a new view. Options can change.
// We can't compare build flags directly because we may add -modfile.
localPrefix := snapshot.view.options.Local
currentBuildFlags := snapshot.view.options.BuildFlags
changed := !reflect.DeepEqual(currentBuildFlags, s.cachedBuildFlags) ||
snapshot.view.options.VerboseOutput != (s.processEnv.Logf != nil) ||
modFileIdentifier != s.cachedModFileIdentifier
// If anything relevant to imports has changed, clear caches and
// update the processEnv. Clearing caches blocks on any background
// scans.
if changed {
// As a special case, skip cleanup the first time -- we haven't fully
// initialized the environment yet and calling GetResolver will do
// unnecessary work and potentially mess up the go.mod file.
if s.cleanupProcessEnv != nil {
if resolver, err := s.processEnv.GetResolver(); err == nil {
s.cachedModFileIdentifier = modFileIdentifier
s.cachedBuildFlags = currentBuildFlags
s.cleanupProcessEnv, err = s.populateProcessEnv(ctx, snapshot, modFH, gosum)
if err != nil {
return err
// Run the user function.
opts := &imports.Options{
// Defaults.
AllErrors: true,
Comments: true,
Fragment: true,
FormatOnly: false,
TabIndent: true,
TabWidth: 8,
Env: s.processEnv,
LocalPrefix: localPrefix,
if err := fn(opts); err != nil {
return err
if s.cacheRefreshTimer == nil {
// Don't refresh more than twice per minute.
delay := 30 * time.Second
// Don't spend more than a couple percent of the time refreshing.
if adaptive := 50 * s.cacheRefreshDuration; adaptive > delay {
delay = adaptive
s.cacheRefreshTimer = time.AfterFunc(delay, s.refreshProcessEnv)
return nil
// populateProcessEnv sets the dynamically configurable fields for the view's
// process environment. Assumes that the caller is holding the s.view.importsMu.
func (s *importsState) populateProcessEnv(ctx context.Context, snapshot *snapshot, modFH source.FileHandle, gosum []byte) (cleanup func(), err error) {
cleanup = func() {}
pe := s.processEnv
pe.BuildFlags = append([]string(nil), snapshot.view.options.BuildFlags...)
if snapshot.view.options.VerboseOutput {
pe.Logf = func(format string, args ...interface{}) {
event.Log(ctx, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
} else {
pe.Logf = nil
pe.Env = map[string]string{}
for k, v := range snapshot.view.goEnv {
pe.Env[k] = v
pe.Env["GO111MODULE"] = snapshot.view.go111module
var modURI span.URI
var modContent []byte
if modFH != nil {
modURI = modFH.URI()
modContent, err = modFH.Read()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
modmod, err := snapshot.needsModEqualsMod(ctx, modURI, modContent)
if err != nil {
return cleanup, err
if modmod {
pe.ModFlag = "mod"
// Add -modfile to the build flags, if we are using it.
if snapshot.workspaceMode()&tempModfile != 0 && modFH != nil {
var tmpURI span.URI
tmpURI, cleanup, err = tempModFile(modFH, gosum)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pe.ModFile = tmpURI.Filename()
return cleanup, nil
func (s *importsState) refreshProcessEnv() {
start := time.Now()
env := s.processEnv
if resolver, err := s.processEnv.GetResolver(); err == nil {
event.Log(s.ctx, "background imports cache refresh starting")
if err := imports.PrimeCache(context.Background(), env); err == nil {
event.Log(s.ctx, fmt.Sprintf("background refresh finished after %v", time.Since(start)))
} else {
event.Log(s.ctx, fmt.Sprintf("background refresh finished after %v", time.Since(start)), keys.Err.Of(err))
s.cacheRefreshDuration = time.Since(start)
s.cacheRefreshTimer = nil