blob: 33d7bf15a29ae321006a2909045bafdcff8d3d08 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package metric
import (
// Data represents a single point in the time series of a metric.
// This provides the common interface to all metrics no matter their data
// format.
// To get the actual values for the metric you must type assert to a concrete
// metric type.
type Data interface {
// Handle returns the metric handle this data is for.
//TODO: rethink the concept of metric handles
Handle() string
// Groups reports the rows that currently exist for this metric.
Groups() [][]event.Tag
// Int64Data is a concrete implementation of Data for int64 scalar metrics.
type Int64Data struct {
// Info holds the original construction information.
Info *Scalar
// IsGauge is true for metrics that track values, rather than increasing over time.
IsGauge bool
// Rows holds the per group values for the metric.
Rows []int64
// End is the last time this metric was updated.
EndTime time.Time
groups [][]event.Tag
key *event.Int64Key
// Float64Data is a concrete implementation of Data for float64 scalar metrics.
type Float64Data struct {
// Info holds the original construction information.
Info *Scalar
// IsGauge is true for metrics that track values, rather than increasing over time.
IsGauge bool
// Rows holds the per group values for the metric.
Rows []float64
// End is the last time this metric was updated.
EndTime time.Time
groups [][]event.Tag
key *event.Float64Key
// HistogramInt64Data is a concrete implementation of Data for int64 histogram metrics.
type HistogramInt64Data struct {
// Info holds the original construction information.
Info *HistogramInt64
// Rows holds the per group values for the metric.
Rows []*HistogramInt64Row
// End is the last time this metric was updated.
EndTime time.Time
groups [][]event.Tag
key *event.Int64Key
// HistogramInt64Row holds the values for a single row of a HistogramInt64Data.
type HistogramInt64Row struct {
// Values is the counts per bucket.
Values []int64
// Count is the total count.
Count int64
// Sum is the sum of all the values recorded.
Sum int64
// Min is the smallest recorded value.
Min int64
// Max is the largest recorded value.
Max int64
// HistogramFloat64Data is a concrete implementation of Data for float64 histogram metrics.
type HistogramFloat64Data struct {
// Info holds the original construction information.
Info *HistogramFloat64
// Rows holds the per group values for the metric.
Rows []*HistogramFloat64Row
// End is the last time this metric was updated.
EndTime time.Time
groups [][]event.Tag
key *event.Float64Key
// HistogramFloat64Row holds the values for a single row of a HistogramFloat64Data.
type HistogramFloat64Row struct {
// Values is the counts per bucket.
Values []int64
// Count is the total count.
Count int64
// Sum is the sum of all the values recorded.
Sum float64
// Min is the smallest recorded value.
Min float64
// Max is the largest recorded value.
Max float64
func tagListEqual(a, b []event.Tag) bool {
//TODO: make this more efficient
return fmt.Sprint(a) == fmt.Sprint(b)
func tagListLess(a, b []event.Tag) bool {
//TODO: make this more efficient
return fmt.Sprint(a) < fmt.Sprint(b)
func getGroup(tagMap event.TagMap, g *[][]event.Tag, keys []event.Key) (int, bool) {
group := make([]event.Tag, len(keys))
for i, key := range keys {
tag := tagMap.Find(key)
if tag.Valid() {
group[i] = tag
old := *g
index := sort.Search(len(old), func(i int) bool {
return !tagListLess(old[i], group)
if index < len(old) && tagListEqual(group, old[index]) {
// not a new group
return index, false
*g = make([][]event.Tag, len(old)+1)
copy(*g, old[:index])
copy((*g)[index+1:], old[index:])
(*g)[index] = group
return index, true
func (data *Int64Data) Handle() string { return data.Info.Name }
func (data *Int64Data) Groups() [][]event.Tag { return data.groups }
func (data *Int64Data) modify(at time.Time, tagMap event.TagMap, f func(v int64) int64) Data {
index, insert := getGroup(tagMap, &data.groups, data.Info.Keys)
old := data.Rows
if insert {
data.Rows = make([]int64, len(old)+1)
copy(data.Rows, old[:index])
copy(data.Rows[index+1:], old[index:])
} else {
data.Rows = make([]int64, len(old))
copy(data.Rows, old)
data.Rows[index] = f(data.Rows[index])
data.EndTime = at
frozen := *data
return &frozen
func (data *Int64Data) count(at time.Time, tagMap event.TagMap, tag event.Tag) Data {
return data.modify(at, tagMap, func(v int64) int64 {
return v + 1
func (data *Int64Data) sum(at time.Time, tagMap event.TagMap, tag event.Tag) Data {
return data.modify(at, tagMap, func(v int64) int64 {
return v + data.key.From(tag)
func (data *Int64Data) latest(at time.Time, tagMap event.TagMap, tag event.Tag) Data {
return data.modify(at, tagMap, func(v int64) int64 {
return data.key.From(tag)
func (data *Float64Data) Handle() string { return data.Info.Name }
func (data *Float64Data) Groups() [][]event.Tag { return data.groups }
func (data *Float64Data) modify(at time.Time, tagMap event.TagMap, f func(v float64) float64) Data {
index, insert := getGroup(tagMap, &data.groups, data.Info.Keys)
old := data.Rows
if insert {
data.Rows = make([]float64, len(old)+1)
copy(data.Rows, old[:index])
copy(data.Rows[index+1:], old[index:])
} else {
data.Rows = make([]float64, len(old))
copy(data.Rows, old)
data.Rows[index] = f(data.Rows[index])
data.EndTime = at
frozen := *data
return &frozen
func (data *Float64Data) sum(at time.Time, tagMap event.TagMap, tag event.Tag) Data {
return data.modify(at, tagMap, func(v float64) float64 {
return v + data.key.From(tag)
func (data *Float64Data) latest(at time.Time, tagMap event.TagMap, tag event.Tag) Data {
return data.modify(at, tagMap, func(v float64) float64 {
return data.key.From(tag)
func (data *HistogramInt64Data) Handle() string { return data.Info.Name }
func (data *HistogramInt64Data) Groups() [][]event.Tag { return data.groups }
func (data *HistogramInt64Data) modify(at time.Time, tagMap event.TagMap, f func(v *HistogramInt64Row)) Data {
index, insert := getGroup(tagMap, &data.groups, data.Info.Keys)
old := data.Rows
var v HistogramInt64Row
if insert {
data.Rows = make([]*HistogramInt64Row, len(old)+1)
copy(data.Rows, old[:index])
copy(data.Rows[index+1:], old[index:])
} else {
data.Rows = make([]*HistogramInt64Row, len(old))
copy(data.Rows, old)
v = *data.Rows[index]
oldValues := v.Values
v.Values = make([]int64, len(data.Info.Buckets))
copy(v.Values, oldValues)
data.Rows[index] = &v
data.EndTime = at
frozen := *data
return &frozen
func (data *HistogramInt64Data) record(at time.Time, tagMap event.TagMap, tag event.Tag) Data {
return data.modify(at, tagMap, func(v *HistogramInt64Row) {
value := data.key.From(tag)
v.Sum += value
if v.Min > value || v.Count == 0 {
v.Min = value
if v.Max < value || v.Count == 0 {
v.Max = value
for i, b := range data.Info.Buckets {
if value <= b {
func (data *HistogramFloat64Data) Handle() string { return data.Info.Name }
func (data *HistogramFloat64Data) Groups() [][]event.Tag { return data.groups }
func (data *HistogramFloat64Data) modify(at time.Time, tagMap event.TagMap, f func(v *HistogramFloat64Row)) Data {
index, insert := getGroup(tagMap, &data.groups, data.Info.Keys)
old := data.Rows
var v HistogramFloat64Row
if insert {
data.Rows = make([]*HistogramFloat64Row, len(old)+1)
copy(data.Rows, old[:index])
copy(data.Rows[index+1:], old[index:])
} else {
data.Rows = make([]*HistogramFloat64Row, len(old))
copy(data.Rows, old)
v = *data.Rows[index]
oldValues := v.Values
v.Values = make([]int64, len(data.Info.Buckets))
copy(v.Values, oldValues)
data.Rows[index] = &v
data.EndTime = at
frozen := *data
return &frozen
func (data *HistogramFloat64Data) record(at time.Time, tagMap event.TagMap, tag event.Tag) Data {
return data.modify(at, tagMap, func(v *HistogramFloat64Row) {
value := data.key.From(tag)
v.Sum += value
if v.Min > value || v.Count == 0 {
v.Min = value
if v.Max < value || v.Count == 0 {
v.Max = value
for i, b := range data.Info.Buckets {
if value <= b {