blob: 2a22da28f4f208f98642ededeff8afc7fc06440d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package wire
import (
type ExportMetricsServiceRequest struct {
Node *Node `json:"node,omitempty"`
Metrics []*Metric `json:"metrics,omitempty"`
Resource *Resource `json:"resource,omitempty"`
type Metric struct {
MetricDescriptor *MetricDescriptor `json:"metric_descriptor,omitempty"`
Timeseries []*TimeSeries `json:"timeseries,omitempty"`
Resource *Resource `json:"resource,omitempty"`
type MetricDescriptor struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
Unit string `json:"unit,omitempty"`
Type MetricDescriptor_Type `json:"type,omitempty"`
LabelKeys []*LabelKey `json:"label_keys,omitempty"`
type MetricDescriptor_Type int32
const (
MetricDescriptor_UNSPECIFIED MetricDescriptor_Type = 0
MetricDescriptor_GAUGE_INT64 MetricDescriptor_Type = 1
MetricDescriptor_GAUGE_DOUBLE MetricDescriptor_Type = 2
MetricDescriptor_GAUGE_DISTRIBUTION MetricDescriptor_Type = 3
MetricDescriptor_CUMULATIVE_INT64 MetricDescriptor_Type = 4
MetricDescriptor_CUMULATIVE_DOUBLE MetricDescriptor_Type = 5
MetricDescriptor_CUMULATIVE_DISTRIBUTION MetricDescriptor_Type = 6
MetricDescriptor_SUMMARY MetricDescriptor_Type = 7
type LabelKey struct {
Key string `json:"key,omitempty"`
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
type TimeSeries struct {
StartTimestamp *Timestamp `json:"start_timestamp,omitempty"`
LabelValues []*LabelValue `json:"label_values,omitempty"`
Points []*Point `json:"points,omitempty"`
type LabelValue struct {
Value string `json:"value,omitempty"`
HasValue bool `json:"has_value,omitempty"`
type Point struct {
Timestamp *Timestamp `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`
Value PointValue `json:"value,omitempty"`
type PointInt64Value struct {
Int64Value int64 `json:"int64Value,omitempty"`
// MarshalJSON creates JSON formatted the same way as jsonpb so that the
// OpenCensus service can correctly determine the underlying value type.
// This custom MarshalJSON exists because,
// by default *Point is JSON marshalled as:
// {"value": {"int64Value": 1}}
// but it should be marshalled as:
// {"int64Value": 1}
func (p *Point) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
if p == nil {
return []byte("null"), nil
switch d := p.Value.(type) {
case PointInt64Value:
return json.Marshal(&struct {
Timestamp *Timestamp `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`
Value int64 `json:"int64Value,omitempty"`
Timestamp: p.Timestamp,
Value: d.Int64Value,
case PointDoubleValue:
return json.Marshal(&struct {
Timestamp *Timestamp `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`
Value float64 `json:"doubleValue,omitempty"`
Timestamp: p.Timestamp,
Value: d.DoubleValue,
case PointDistributionValue:
return json.Marshal(&struct {
Timestamp *Timestamp `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`
Value *DistributionValue `json:"distributionValue,omitempty"`
Timestamp: p.Timestamp,
Value: d.DistributionValue,
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown point type %T", p.Value)
type PointDoubleValue struct {
DoubleValue float64 `json:"doubleValue,omitempty"`
type PointDistributionValue struct {
DistributionValue *DistributionValue `json:"distributionValue,omitempty"`
type PointSummaryValue struct {
SummaryValue *SummaryValue `json:"summaryValue,omitempty"`
type PointValue interface {
func (PointInt64Value) tagPointValue() {}
func (PointDoubleValue) tagPointValue() {}
func (PointDistributionValue) tagPointValue() {}
func (PointSummaryValue) tagPointValue() {}
type DistributionValue struct {
Count int64 `json:"count,omitempty"`
Sum float64 `json:"sum,omitempty"`
SumOfSquaredDeviation float64 `json:"sum_of_squared_deviation,omitempty"`
BucketOptions BucketOptions `json:"bucket_options,omitempty"`
Buckets []*Bucket `json:"buckets,omitempty"`
type BucketOptionsExplicit struct {
Bounds []float64 `json:"bounds,omitempty"`
type BucketOptions interface {
func (*BucketOptionsExplicit) tagBucketOptions() {}
var _ BucketOptions = (*BucketOptionsExplicit)(nil)
var _ json.Marshaler = (*BucketOptionsExplicit)(nil)
// Declared for the purpose of custom JSON marshalling without cycles.
type bucketOptionsExplicitAlias BucketOptionsExplicit
// MarshalJSON creates JSON formatted the same way as jsonpb so that the
// OpenCensus service can correctly determine the underlying value type.
// This custom MarshalJSON exists because,
// by default BucketOptionsExplicit is JSON marshalled as:
// {"bounds":[1,2,3]}
// but it should be marshalled as:
// {"explicit":{"bounds":[1,2,3]}}
func (be *BucketOptionsExplicit) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(&struct {
Explicit *bucketOptionsExplicitAlias `json:"explicit,omitempty"`
Explicit: (*bucketOptionsExplicitAlias)(be),
type Bucket struct {
Count int64 `json:"count,omitempty"`
Exemplar *Exemplar `json:"exemplar,omitempty"`
type Exemplar struct {
Value float64 `json:"value,omitempty"`
Timestamp *Timestamp `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`
Attachments map[string]string `json:"attachments,omitempty"`
type SummaryValue struct {
Count *Int64Value `json:"count,omitempty"`
Sum *DoubleValue `json:"sum,omitempty"`
Snapshot *Snapshot `json:"snapshot,omitempty"`
type Snapshot struct {
Count *Int64Value `json:"count,omitempty"`
Sum *DoubleValue `json:"sum,omitempty"`
PercentileValues []*SnapshotValueAtPercentile `json:"percentile_values,omitempty"`
type SnapshotValueAtPercentile struct {
Percentile float64 `json:"percentile,omitempty"`
Value float64 `json:"value,omitempty"`