blob: bf31342dffd24a2d47e57d9a6b4b4f8e8ffc6ed2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package cache
import (
errors ""
type snapshot struct {
id uint64
view *view
// mu guards all of the maps in the snapshot.
mu sync.Mutex
// ids maps file URIs to package IDs.
// It may be invalidated on calls to go/packages.
ids map[span.URI][]packageID
// metadata maps file IDs to their associated metadata.
// It may invalidated on calls to go/packages.
metadata map[packageID]*metadata
// importedBy maps package IDs to the list of packages that import them.
importedBy map[packageID][]packageID
// files maps file URIs to their corresponding FileHandles.
// It may invalidated when a file's content changes.
files map[span.URI]source.FileHandle
// packages maps a packageKey to a set of packageHandles to which that file belongs.
// It may be invalidated when a file's content changes.
packages map[packageKey]*packageHandle
// actions maps an actionkey to its actionHandle.
actions map[actionKey]*actionHandle
// workspacePackages contains the workspace's packages, which are loaded
// when the view is created.
workspacePackages map[packageID]packagePath
// unloadableFiles keeps track of files that we've failed to load.
unloadableFiles map[span.URI]struct{}
type packageKey struct {
mode source.ParseMode
id packageID
type actionKey struct {
pkg packageKey
analyzer *analysis.Analyzer
func (s *snapshot) View() source.View {
return s.view
func (s *snapshot) PackageHandles(ctx context.Context, fh source.FileHandle) ([]source.PackageHandle, error) {
// If the file is a go.mod file, go.Packages.Load will always return 0 packages.
if fh.Identity().Kind == source.Mod {
return nil, errors.Errorf("attempting to get PackageHandles of .mod file %s", fh.Identity().URI)
ctx = telemetry.File.With(ctx, fh.Identity().URI)
meta := s.getMetadataForURI(fh.Identity().URI)
phs, err := s.packageHandles(ctx, fileURI(fh.Identity().URI), meta)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var results []source.PackageHandle
for _, ph := range phs {
results = append(results, ph)
return results, nil
func (s *snapshot) packageHandle(ctx context.Context, id packageID) (*packageHandle, error) {
m := s.getMetadata(id)
// Don't reload metadata in this function.
// Callers of this function must reload metadata themselves.
if m == nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("%s has no metadata", id)
phs, load, check := s.shouldCheck([]*metadata{m})
if load {
return nil, errors.Errorf("%s needs loading", id)
if check {
return s.buildPackageHandle(ctx,, source.ParseFull)
var result *packageHandle
for _, ph := range phs {
if == id {
if result != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("multiple package handles for the same ID: %s", id)
result = ph
if result == nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("no PackageHandle for %s", id)
return result, nil
func (s *snapshot) packageHandles(ctx context.Context, scope interface{}, meta []*metadata) ([]*packageHandle, error) {
// First, determine if we need to reload or recheck the package.
phs, load, check := s.shouldCheck(meta)
if load {
newMeta, err := s.load(ctx, scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
newMissing := missingImports(newMeta)
if len(newMissing) != 0 {
// Type checking a package with the same missing imports over and over
// is futile. Don't re-check unless something has changed.
check = check && !sameSet(missingImports(meta), newMissing)
meta = newMeta
var results []*packageHandle
if check {
for _, m := range meta {
ph, err := s.buildPackageHandle(ctx,, source.ParseFull)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
results = append(results, ph)
} else {
results = phs
if len(results) == 0 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("packageHandles: no package handles for %v", scope)
return results, nil
func missingImports(metadata []*metadata) map[packagePath]struct{} {
result := map[packagePath]struct{}{}
for _, m := range metadata {
for path := range m.missingDeps {
result[path] = struct{}{}
return result
func sameSet(x, y map[packagePath]struct{}) bool {
if len(x) != len(y) {
return false
for k := range x {
if _, ok := y[k]; !ok {
return false
return true
// shouldCheck determines if the packages provided by the metadata
// need to be re-loaded or re-type-checked.
func (s *snapshot) shouldCheck(m []*metadata) (phs []*packageHandle, load, check bool) {
// No metadata. Re-load and re-check.
if len(m) == 0 {
return nil, true, true
// We expect to see a checked package for each package ID,
// and it should be parsed in full mode.
// If a single PackageHandle is missing, re-check all of them.
// TODO: Optimize this by only checking the necessary packages.
for _, metadata := range m {
ph := s.getPackage(, source.ParseFull)
if ph == nil {
return nil, false, true
phs = append(phs, ph)
// If the metadata for the package had missing dependencies,
// we _may_ need to re-check. If the missing dependencies haven't changed
// since previous load, we will not check again.
if len(phs) < len(m) {
for _, m := range m {
if len(m.missingDeps) != 0 {
return nil, true, true
return phs, false, false
func (s *snapshot) GetReverseDependencies(ctx context.Context, id string) ([]source.PackageHandle, error) {
if err := s.awaitLoaded(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
ids := make(map[packageID]struct{})
s.transitiveReverseDependencies(packageID(id), ids)
// Make sure to delete the original package ID from the map.
delete(ids, packageID(id))
var results []source.PackageHandle
for id := range ids {
ph, err := s.packageHandle(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
results = append(results, ph)
return results, nil
// transitiveReverseDependencies populates the uris map with file URIs
// belonging to the provided package and its transitive reverse dependencies.
func (s *snapshot) transitiveReverseDependencies(id packageID, ids map[packageID]struct{}) {
if _, ok := ids[id]; ok {
if s.getMetadata(id) == nil {
ids[id] = struct{}{}
importedBy := s.getImportedBy(id)
for _, parentID := range importedBy {
s.transitiveReverseDependencies(parentID, ids)
func (s *snapshot) getImportedBy(id packageID) []packageID {
return s.getImportedByLocked(id)
func (s *snapshot) getImportedByLocked(id packageID) []packageID {
// If we haven't rebuilt the import graph since creating the snapshot.
if len(s.importedBy) == 0 {
return s.importedBy[id]
func (s *snapshot) clearAndRebuildImportGraph() {
// Completely invalidate the original map.
s.importedBy = make(map[packageID][]packageID)
func (s *snapshot) rebuildImportGraph() {
for id, m := range s.metadata {
for _, importID := range m.deps {
s.importedBy[importID] = append(s.importedBy[importID], id)
func (s *snapshot) addPackage(ph *packageHandle) {
// TODO: We should make sure not to compute duplicate packageHandles,
// and instead panic here. This will be hard to do because we may encounter
// the same package multiple times in the dependency tree.
if _, ok := s.packages[ph.packageKey()]; ok {
s.packages[ph.packageKey()] = ph
func (s *snapshot) workspacePackageIDs() (ids []packageID) {
for id := range s.workspacePackages {
ids = append(ids, id)
return ids
func (s *snapshot) WorkspacePackages(ctx context.Context) ([]source.PackageHandle, error) {
if err := s.awaitLoaded(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
var results []source.PackageHandle
for _, pkgID := range s.workspacePackageIDs() {
ph, err := s.packageHandle(ctx, pkgID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
results = append(results, ph)
return results, nil
func (s *snapshot) KnownPackages(ctx context.Context) ([]source.PackageHandle, error) {
if err := s.awaitLoaded(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Collect PackageHandles for all of the workspace packages first.
// They may need to be reloaded if their metadata has been invalidated.
wsPackages := make(map[packageID]bool)
for id := range s.workspacePackages {
wsPackages[id] = true
var results []source.PackageHandle
for pkgID := range wsPackages {
ph, err := s.packageHandle(ctx, pkgID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
results = append(results, ph)
// Once all workspace packages have been checked, the metadata will be up-to-date.
// Add all packages known in the workspace (that haven't already been added).
pkgIDs := make(map[packageID]bool)
for id := range s.metadata {
if !wsPackages[id] {
pkgIDs[id] = true
for pkgID := range pkgIDs {
// Metadata for these packages should already be up-to-date,
// so just build the package handle directly (without a reload).
ph, err := s.buildPackageHandle(ctx, pkgID, source.ParseExported)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
results = append(results, ph)
return results, nil
func (s *snapshot) CachedImportPaths(ctx context.Context) (map[string]source.Package, error) {
// Don't reload workspace package metadata.
// This function is meant to only return currently cached information.
if err := s.view.awaitInitialized(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
results := map[string]source.Package{}
for _, ph := range s.packages {
cachedPkg, err := ph.cached()
if err != nil {
for importPath, newPkg := range cachedPkg.imports {
if oldPkg, ok := results[string(importPath)]; ok {
// Using the same trick as NarrowestPackageHandle, prefer non-variants.
if len(newPkg.compiledGoFiles) < len(oldPkg.(*pkg).compiledGoFiles) {
results[string(importPath)] = newPkg
} else {
results[string(importPath)] = newPkg
return results, nil
func (s *snapshot) getPackage(id packageID, m source.ParseMode) *packageHandle {
key := packageKey{
id: id,
mode: m,
return s.packages[key]
func (s *snapshot) getActionHandle(id packageID, m source.ParseMode, a *analysis.Analyzer) *actionHandle {
key := actionKey{
pkg: packageKey{
id: id,
mode: m,
analyzer: a,
return s.actions[key]
func (s *snapshot) addActionHandle(ah *actionHandle) {
key := actionKey{
analyzer: ah.analyzer,
pkg: packageKey{
mode: ah.pkg.mode,
if _, ok := s.actions[key]; ok {
s.actions[key] = ah
func (s *snapshot) getMetadataForURI(uri span.URI) []*metadata {
return s.getMetadataForURILocked(uri)
func (s *snapshot) getMetadataForURILocked(uri span.URI) (metadata []*metadata) {
// TODO(matloob): uri can be a file or directory. Should we update the mappings
// to map directories to their contained packages?
for _, id := range s.ids[uri] {
if m, ok := s.metadata[id]; ok {
metadata = append(metadata, m)
return metadata
func (s *snapshot) setMetadata(m *metadata) {
// TODO: We should make sure not to set duplicate metadata,
// and instead panic here. This can be done by making sure not to
// reset metadata information for packages we've already seen.
if _, ok := s.metadata[]; ok {
s.metadata[] = m
func (s *snapshot) getMetadata(id packageID) *metadata {
return s.metadata[id]
func (s *snapshot) addID(uri span.URI, id packageID) {
for _, existingID := range s.ids[uri] {
if existingID == id {
// TODO: We should make sure not to set duplicate IDs,
// and instead panic here. This can be done by making sure not to
// reset metadata information for packages we've already seen.
s.ids[uri] = append(s.ids[uri], id)
func (s *snapshot) getIDs(uri span.URI) []packageID {
return s.ids[uri]
func (s *snapshot) isWorkspacePackage(id packageID) (packagePath, bool) {
scope, ok := s.workspacePackages[id]
return scope, ok
func (s *snapshot) getFileURIs() []span.URI {
var uris []span.URI
for uri := range s.files {
uris = append(uris, uri)
return uris
// GetFile returns a File for the given URI. It will always succeed because it
// adds the file to the managed set if needed.
func (s *snapshot) GetFile(uri span.URI) (source.FileHandle, error) {
f, err := s.view.getFile(uri)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return s.getFileHandle(f), nil
func (s *snapshot) getFileHandle(f *fileBase) source.FileHandle {
if _, ok := s.files[f.URI()]; !ok {
s.files[f.URI()] = s.view.session.GetFile(f.URI())
return s.files[f.URI()]
func (s *snapshot) findFileHandle(f *fileBase) source.FileHandle {
return s.files[f.URI()]
func (s *snapshot) awaitLoaded(ctx context.Context) error {
// Do not return results until the snapshot's view has been initialized.
if err := s.view.awaitInitialized(ctx); err != nil {
return err
// Make sure that the workspace is in a valid state.
return s.reloadWorkspace(ctx)
// reloadWorkspace reloads the metadata for all invalidated workspace packages.
func (s *snapshot) reloadWorkspace(ctx context.Context) error {
// See which of the workspace packages are missing metadata.
var pkgPaths []interface{}
for id, pkgPath := range s.workspacePackages {
if s.metadata[id] == nil {
pkgPaths = append(pkgPaths, pkgPath)
if len(pkgPaths) > 0 {
if m, err := s.load(ctx, pkgPaths...); err == nil {
for _, m := range m {
s.setWorkspacePackage(ctx, m)
// When we load ./... or a package path directly, we may not get packages
// that exist only in overlays. As a workaround, we search all of the files
// available in the snapshot and reload their metadata individually using a
// file= query if the metadata is unavailable.
if scopes := s.orphanedFileScopes(); len(scopes) > 0 {
m, err := s.load(ctx, scopes...)
// If we failed to load some files, i.e. they have no metadata,
// mark the failures so we don't bother retrying until the file's
// content changes.
// TODO(rstambler): This may be an overestimate if the load stopped
// early for an unrelated errors. Add a fallback?
// Check for context cancellation so that we don't incorrectly mark files
// as unloadable, but don't return before setting all workspace packages.
if ctx.Err() == nil && err != nil {
for _, scope := range scopes {
uri := span.URI(scope.(fileURI))
if s.getMetadataForURILocked(uri) == nil {
s.unloadableFiles[uri] = struct{}{}
for _, m := range m {
// If a package's files belong to this view, it is a workspace package
// and should be added to the set of workspace packages.
for _, uri := range m.compiledGoFiles {
if !contains(s.view.session.viewsOf(uri), s.view) {
s.setWorkspacePackage(ctx, m)
// Create package handles for all of the workspace packages.
for _, id := range s.workspacePackageIDs() {
if _, err := s.packageHandle(ctx, id); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *snapshot) orphanedFileScopes() []interface{} {
scopeSet := make(map[span.URI]struct{})
for uri, fh := range s.files {
// Don't try to reload metadata for go.mod files.
if fh.Identity().Kind != source.Go {
// Don't reload metadata for files we've already deemed unloadable.
if _, ok := s.unloadableFiles[uri]; ok {
if s.getMetadataForURILocked(uri) == nil {
scopeSet[uri] = struct{}{}
var scopes []interface{}
for uri := range scopeSet {
scopes = append(scopes, fileURI(uri))
return scopes
func contains(views []*view, view *view) bool {
for _, v := range views {
if v == view {
return true
return false
func (s *snapshot) setWorkspacePackage(ctx context.Context, m *metadata) {
// A test variant of a package can only be loaded directly by loading
// the non-test variant with -test. Track the import path of the non-test variant.
pkgPath := m.pkgPath
if m.forTest != "" {
pkgPath = m.forTest
s.workspacePackages[] = pkgPath
func (s *snapshot) clone(ctx context.Context, withoutURIs []span.URI) *snapshot {
result := &snapshot{
id: + 1,
view: s.view,
ids: make(map[span.URI][]packageID),
importedBy: make(map[packageID][]packageID),
metadata: make(map[packageID]*metadata),
packages: make(map[packageKey]*packageHandle),
actions: make(map[actionKey]*actionHandle),
files: make(map[span.URI]source.FileHandle),
workspacePackages: make(map[packageID]packagePath),
unloadableFiles: make(map[span.URI]struct{}),
// Copy all of the FileHandles.
for k, v := range s.files {
result.files[k] = v
// Copy the set of unloadable files.
for k, v := range s.unloadableFiles {
result.unloadableFiles[k] = v
// transitiveIDs keeps track of transitive reverse dependencies.
// If an ID is present in the map, invalidate its types.
// If an ID's value is true, invalidate its metadata too.
transitiveIDs := make(map[packageID]bool)
for _, withoutURI := range withoutURIs {
directIDs := map[packageID]struct{}{}
// Collect all of the package IDs that correspond to the given file.
// TODO: if the file has moved into a new package, we should invalidate that too.
for _, id := range s.ids[withoutURI] {
directIDs[id] = struct{}{}
// Get the current and original FileHandles for this URI.
currentFH := s.view.session.GetFile(withoutURI)
originalFH := s.files[withoutURI]
// Check if the file's package name or imports have changed,
// and if so, invalidate this file's packages' metadata.
invalidateMetadata := s.view.session.cache.shouldLoad(ctx, s, originalFH, currentFH)
// If a go.mod file's contents have changed, invalidate the metadata
// for all of the packages in the workspace.
if invalidateMetadata && currentFH.Identity().Kind == source.Mod {
for id := range s.workspacePackages {
directIDs[id] = struct{}{}
// If this is a file we don't yet know about,
// then we do not yet know what packages it should belong to.
// Make a rough estimate of what metadata to invalidate by finding the package IDs
// of all of the files in the same directory as this one.
// TODO(rstambler): Speed this up by mapping directories to filenames.
if len(directIDs) == 0 {
if dirStat, err := os.Stat(filepath.Dir(withoutURI.Filename())); err == nil {
for uri := range s.files {
if fdirStat, err := os.Stat(filepath.Dir(uri.Filename())); err == nil {
if os.SameFile(dirStat, fdirStat) {
for _, id := range s.ids[uri] {
directIDs[id] = struct{}{}
// Invalidate reverse dependencies too.
// TODO(heschi): figure out the locking model and use transitiveReverseDeps?
var addRevDeps func(packageID)
addRevDeps = func(id packageID) {
if _, seen := transitiveIDs[id]; seen {
transitiveIDs[id] = invalidateMetadata
for _, rid := range s.getImportedByLocked(id) {
for id := range directIDs {
// Handle the invalidated file; it may have new contents or not exist.
if _, _, err := currentFH.Read(ctx); os.IsNotExist(err) {
delete(result.files, withoutURI)
} else {
result.files[withoutURI] = currentFH
// Make sure to remove the changed file from the unloadable set.
delete(result.unloadableFiles, withoutURI)
// Collect the IDs for the packages associated with the excluded URIs.
for k, ids := range s.ids {
result.ids[k] = ids
// Copy the set of initally loaded packages.
for k, v := range s.workspacePackages {
result.workspacePackages[k] = v
// Copy the package type information.
for k, v := range s.packages {
if _, ok := transitiveIDs[]; ok {
result.packages[k] = v
// Copy the package analysis information.
for k, v := range s.actions {
if _, ok := transitiveIDs[]; ok {
result.actions[k] = v
// Copy the package metadata. We only need to invalidate packages directly
// containing the affected file, and only if it changed in a relevant way.
for k, v := range s.metadata {
if invalidateMetadata, ok := transitiveIDs[k]; invalidateMetadata && ok {
result.metadata[k] = v
// Don't bother copying the importedBy graph,
// as it changes each time we update metadata.
return result
func (s *snapshot) ID() uint64 {