blob: a9d878f41462e6aa5d042190d38ad2b5a4b9ce3d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// The persistent package defines various persistent data structures;
// that is, data structures that can be efficiently copied and modified
// in sublinear time.
package persistent
import (
// Implementation details:
// * Each value is reference counted by nodes which hold it.
// * Each node is reference counted by its parent nodes.
// * Each map is considered a top-level parent node from reference counting perspective.
// * Each change does always effectively produce a new top level node.
// Functions which operate directly with nodes do have a notation in form of
// `foo(arg1:+n1, arg2:+n2) (ret1:+n3)`.
// Each argument is followed by a delta change to its reference counter.
// In case if no change is expected, the delta will be `-0`.
// Map is an associative mapping from keys to values, both represented as
// interface{}. Key comparison and iteration order is defined by a
// client-provided function that implements a strict weak order.
// Maps can be Cloned in constant time.
// Get, Store, and Delete operations are done on average in logarithmic time.
// Maps can be Updated in O(m log(n/m)) time for maps of size n and m, where m < n.
// Values are reference counted, and a client-supplied release function
// is called when a value is no longer referenced by a map or any clone.
// Internally the implementation is based on a randomized persistent treap:
type Map struct {
less func(a, b interface{}) bool
root *mapNode
func (m *Map) String() string {
var buf strings.Builder
var sep string
m.Range(func(k, v interface{}) {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s%v: %v", sep, k, v)
sep = ", "
return buf.String()
type mapNode struct {
key interface{}
value *refValue
weight uint64
refCount int32
left, right *mapNode
type refValue struct {
refCount int32
value interface{}
release func(key, value interface{})
func newNodeWithRef(key, value interface{}, release func(key, value interface{})) *mapNode {
return &mapNode{
key: key,
value: &refValue{
value: value,
release: release,
refCount: 1,
refCount: 1,
weight: rand.Uint64(),
func (node *mapNode) shallowCloneWithRef() *mapNode {
atomic.AddInt32(&node.value.refCount, 1)
return &mapNode{
key: node.key,
value: node.value,
weight: node.weight,
refCount: 1,
func (node *mapNode) incref() *mapNode {
if node != nil {
atomic.AddInt32(&node.refCount, 1)
return node
func (node *mapNode) decref() {
if node == nil {
if atomic.AddInt32(&node.refCount, -1) == 0 {
if atomic.AddInt32(&node.value.refCount, -1) == 0 {
if node.value.release != nil {
node.value.release(node.key, node.value.value)
node.value.value = nil
node.value.release = nil
// NewMap returns a new map whose keys are ordered by the given comparison
// function (a strict weak order). It is the responsibility of the caller to
// Destroy it at later time.
func NewMap(less func(a, b interface{}) bool) *Map {
return &Map{
less: less,
// Clone returns a copy of the given map. It is a responsibility of the caller
// to Destroy it at later time.
func (pm *Map) Clone() *Map {
return &Map{
less: pm.less,
root: pm.root.incref(),
// Destroy destroys the map.
// After Destroy, the Map should not be used again.
func (pm *Map) Destroy() {
// The implementation of these two functions is the same,
// but their intent is different.
// Clear removes all entries from the map.
func (pm *Map) Clear() {
pm.root = nil
// Range calls f sequentially in ascending key order for all entries in the map.
func (pm *Map) Range(f func(key, value interface{})) {
func (node *mapNode) forEach(f func(key, value interface{})) {
if node == nil {
f(node.key, node.value.value)
// Get returns the map value associated with the specified key, or nil if no entry
// is present. The ok result indicates whether an entry was found in the map.
func (pm *Map) Get(key interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
node := pm.root
for node != nil {
if pm.less(key, node.key) {
node = node.left
} else if pm.less(node.key, key) {
node = node.right
} else {
return node.value.value, true
return nil, false
// SetAll updates the map with key/value pairs from the other map, overwriting existing keys.
// It is equivalent to calling Set for each entry in the other map but is more efficient.
// Both maps must have the same comparison function, otherwise behavior is undefined.
func (pm *Map) SetAll(other *Map) {
root := pm.root
pm.root = union(root, other.root, pm.less, true)
// Set updates the value associated with the specified key.
// If release is non-nil, it will be called with entry's key and value once the
// key is no longer contained in the map or any clone.
func (pm *Map) Set(key, value interface{}, release func(key, value interface{})) {
first := pm.root
second := newNodeWithRef(key, value, release)
pm.root = union(first, second, pm.less, true)
// union returns a new tree which is a union of first and second one.
// If overwrite is set to true, second one would override a value for any duplicate keys.
// union(first:-0, second:-0) (result:+1)
// Union borrows both subtrees without affecting their refcount and returns a
// new reference that the caller is expected to call decref.
func union(first, second *mapNode, less func(a, b interface{}) bool, overwrite bool) *mapNode {
if first == nil {
return second.incref()
if second == nil {
return first.incref()
if first.weight < second.weight {
second, first, overwrite = first, second, !overwrite
left, mid, right := split(second, first.key, less, false)
var result *mapNode
if overwrite && mid != nil {
result = mid.shallowCloneWithRef()
} else {
result = first.shallowCloneWithRef()
result.weight = first.weight
result.left = union(first.left, left, less, overwrite)
result.right = union(first.right, right, less, overwrite)
return result
// split the tree midway by the key into three different ones.
// Return three new trees: left with all nodes with smaller than key, mid with
// the node matching the key, right with all nodes larger than key.
// If there are no nodes in one of trees, return nil instead of it.
// If requireMid is set (such as during deletion), then all return arguments
// are nil if mid is not found.
// split(n:-0) (left:+1, mid:+1, right:+1)
// Split borrows n without affecting its refcount, and returns three
// new references that the caller is expected to call decref.
func split(n *mapNode, key interface{}, less func(a, b interface{}) bool, requireMid bool) (left, mid, right *mapNode) {
if n == nil {
return nil, nil, nil
if less(n.key, key) {
left, mid, right := split(n.right, key, less, requireMid)
if requireMid && mid == nil {
return nil, nil, nil
newN := n.shallowCloneWithRef()
newN.left = n.left.incref()
newN.right = left
return newN, mid, right
} else if less(key, n.key) {
left, mid, right := split(n.left, key, less, requireMid)
if requireMid && mid == nil {
return nil, nil, nil
newN := n.shallowCloneWithRef()
newN.left = right
newN.right = n.right.incref()
return left, mid, newN
mid = n.shallowCloneWithRef()
return n.left.incref(), mid, n.right.incref()
// Delete deletes the value for a key.
func (pm *Map) Delete(key interface{}) {
root := pm.root
left, mid, right := split(root, key, pm.less, true)
if mid == nil {
pm.root = merge(left, right)
// merge two trees while preserving the weight invariant.
// All nodes in left must have smaller keys than any node in right.
// merge(left:-0, right:-0) (result:+1)
// Merge borrows its arguments without affecting their refcount
// and returns a new reference that the caller is expected to call decref.
func merge(left, right *mapNode) *mapNode {
switch {
case left == nil:
return right.incref()
case right == nil:
return left.incref()
case left.weight > right.weight:
root := left.shallowCloneWithRef()
root.left = left.left.incref()
root.right = merge(left.right, right)
return root
root := right.shallowCloneWithRef()
root.left = merge(left, right.left)
root.right = right.right.incref()
return root