blob: 9f8067eff4da87b91bc407758139a6652e95a615 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build go1.19
// +build go1.19
package main
import (
// a spec contains the specification of the protocol, and derived information.
type spec struct {
model *Model
// combined Requests and Notifications, indexed by method (e.g., "textDocument/didOpen")
byMethod sortedMap[Message]
// Structures, Enumerations, and TypeAliases, indexed by name used in
// the .json specification file
// (Some Structure and Enumeration names need to be changed for Go,
// such as _Initialize)
byName sortedMap[Defined]
// computed type information
nameToTypes sortedMap[[]*Type] // all the uses of a type name
// remember which types are in a union type
orTypes sortedMap[sortedMap[bool]]
// information about the version of vscode-languageclient-node
githash string
modTime time.Time
// parse the specification file and return a spec.
// (TestParseContents checks that the parse gets all the fields of the specification)
func parse(dir string) *spec {
fname := filepath.Join(dir, "protocol", "metaModel.json")
buf, err := os.ReadFile(fname)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("could not read metaModel.json: %v", err)
// line numbers in the .json file occur as comments in tsprotocol.go
newbuf := addLineNumbers(buf)
var v Model
if err := json.Unmarshal(newbuf, &v); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("could not unmarshal metaModel.json: %v", err)
ans := &spec{
model: &v,
byMethod: make(sortedMap[Message]),
byName: make(sortedMap[Defined]),
nameToTypes: make(sortedMap[[]*Type]),
orTypes: make(sortedMap[sortedMap[bool]]),
ans.githash, ans.modTime = gitInfo(dir)
return ans
// gitInfo returns the git hash and modtime of the repository.
func gitInfo(dir string) (string, time.Time) {
fname := dir + "/.git/HEAD"
buf, err := os.ReadFile(fname)
if err != nil {
buf = bytes.TrimSpace(buf)
var githash string
if len(buf) == 40 {
githash = string(buf[:40])
} else if bytes.HasPrefix(buf, []byte("ref: ")) {
fname = dir + "/.git/" + string(buf[5:])
buf, err = os.ReadFile(fname)
if err != nil {
githash = string(buf[:40])
} else {
log.Fatalf("githash cannot be recovered from %s", fname)
loadTime := time.Now()
return githash, loadTime
// addLineNumbers adds a "line" field to each object in the JSON.
func addLineNumbers(buf []byte) []byte {
var ans []byte
// In the specification .json file, the delimiter '{' is
// always followed by a newline. There are other {s embedded in strings.
// json.Token does not return \n, or :, or , so using it would
// require parsing the json to reconstruct the missing information.
for linecnt, i := 1, 0; i < len(buf); i++ {
ans = append(ans, buf[i])
switch buf[i] {
case '{':
if buf[i+1] == '\n' {
ans = append(ans, fmt.Sprintf(`"line": %d, `, linecnt)...)
// warning: this would fail if the spec file had
// `"value": {\n}`, but it does not, as comma is a separator.
case '\n':
return ans
// Type.Value has to be treated specially for literals and maps
func (t *Type) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
// First unmarshal only the unambiguous fields.
var x struct {
Kind string `json:"kind"`
Items []*Type `json:"items"`
Element *Type `json:"element"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Key *Type `json:"key"`
Value any `json:"value"`
Line int `json:"line"`
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &x); err != nil {
return err
*t = Type{
Kind: x.Kind,
Items: x.Items,
Element: x.Element,
Name: x.Name,
Value: x.Value,
Line: x.Line,
// Then unmarshal the 'value' field based on the kind.
// This depends on Unmarshal ignoring fields it doesn't know about.
switch x.Kind {
case "map":
var x struct {
Key *Type `json:"key"`
Value *Type `json:"value"`
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &x); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Type.kind=map: %v", err)
t.Key = x.Key
t.Value = x.Value
case "literal":
var z struct {
Value ParseLiteral `json:"value"`
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &z); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Type.kind=literal: %v", err)
t.Value = z.Value
case "base", "reference", "array", "and", "or", "tuple",
// nop. never seen integerLiteral or booleanLiteral.
return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode Type.kind %q: %s", x.Kind, data)
return nil