blob: 9a27aeaa6cf31cc93607aa998ad83e2b33f10187 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
// These variables are copied from the gobuilder's environment
// to the envv of its subprocesses.
var extraEnv = []string{
// For Unix derivatives.
// For Plan 9.
// builderEnv represents the environment that a Builder will run tests in.
type builderEnv interface {
// setup sets up the builder environment and returns the directory to run the buildCmd in.
setup(repo *Repo, workpath, hash string, envv []string) (string, error)
// goEnv represents the builderEnv for the main Go repo.
type goEnv struct {
goos, goarch string
func (b *Builder) envv() []string {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
return b.envvWindows()
var e []string
if *buildTool == "go" {
e = []string{
"GOOS=" + b.goos,
"GOARCH=" + b.goarch,
if b.goos != "nacl" {
// If we are building, for example, linux/386 on a linux/amd64 machine we want to
// make sure that the whole build is done as a if this were compiled on a real
// linux/386 machine. In other words, we want to not do a cross compilation build.
// To do this we set GOHOSTOS and GOHOSTARCH to override the detection in make.bash.
// The exception to this rule is when we are doing nacl builds. These are by definition
// always cross compilation, and we have support built into cmd/go to be able to handle
// this case.
e = append(e, "GOHOSTOS="+b.goos, "GOHOSTARCH="+b.goarch)
for _, k := range extraEnv {
if s, ok := getenvOk(k); ok {
e = append(e, k+"="+s)
return e
func (b *Builder) envvWindows() []string {
var start map[string]string
if *buildTool == "go" {
start = map[string]string{
"GOOS": b.goos,
"GOHOSTOS": b.goos,
"GOARCH": b.goarch,
"GOHOSTARCH": b.goarch,
"GOROOT_FINAL": `c:\go`,
"GOBUILDEXIT": "1", // exit all.bat with completion status.
for _, name := range extraEnv {
if s, ok := getenvOk(name); ok {
start[name] = s
skip := map[string]bool{
"GOBIN": true,
"GOPATH": true,
"GOROOT": true,
"INCLUDE": true,
"LIB": true,
var e []string
for name, v := range start {
e = append(e, name+"="+v)
skip[name] = true
for _, kv := range os.Environ() {
s := strings.SplitN(kv, "=", 2)
name := strings.ToUpper(s[0])
switch {
case name == "":
// variables, like "=C:=C:\", just copy them
e = append(e, kv)
case !skip[name]:
e = append(e, kv)
skip[name] = true
return e
// setup for a goEnv clones the main go repo to workpath/go at the provided hash
// and returns the path workpath/go/src, the location of all go build scripts.
func (env *goEnv) setup(repo *Repo, workpath, hash string, envv []string) (string, error) {
goworkpath := filepath.Join(workpath, "go")
if err := repo.Export(goworkpath, hash); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("error exporting repository: %s", err)
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(goworkpath, "VERSION"), []byte(hash), 0644); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("error writing VERSION file: %s", err)
return filepath.Join(goworkpath, "src"), nil
// gccgoEnv represents the builderEnv for the gccgo compiler.
type gccgoEnv struct{}
// setup for a gccgoEnv clones the gofrontend repo to workpath/go at the hash
// and clones the latest GCC branch to repo.Path/gcc. The gccgo sources are
// replaced with the updated sources in the gofrontend repo and gcc gets
// gets configured and built in workpath/gcc-objdir. The path to
// workpath/gcc-objdir is returned.
func (env *gccgoEnv) setup(repo *Repo, workpath, hash string, envv []string) (string, error) {
gccpath := filepath.Join(repo.Path, "gcc")
// get a handle to Git vcs.Cmd for pulling down GCC from the mirror.
git := vcs.ByCmd("git")
// only pull down gcc if we don't have a local copy.
if _, err := os.Stat(gccpath); err != nil {
if err := timeout(*cmdTimeout, func() error {
// pull down a working copy of GCC.
return git.Create(gccpath, *gccPath)
}); err != nil {
return "", err
if err := git.Download(gccpath); err != nil {
return "", err
// get the modified files for this commit.
statusCmd := []string{
var buf bytes.Buffer
if _, err := runOutput(*cmdTimeout, envv, &buf, repo.Path, statusCmd...); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to find the modified files for %s: %s", hash, err)
modifiedFiles := strings.Split(buf.String(), "\n")
var isMirrored bool
for _, f := range modifiedFiles {
if strings.HasPrefix(f, "go/") || strings.HasPrefix(f, "libgo/") {
isMirrored = true
// use git log to find the corresponding commit to sync to in the gcc mirror.
// If the files modified in the gofrontend are mirrored to gcc, we expect a
// commit with a similar description in the gcc mirror. If the files modified are
// not mirrored, e.g. in support/, we can sync to the most recent gcc commit that
// occurred before those files were modified to verify gccgo's status at that point.
logCmd := []string{
var errMsg string
if isMirrored {
commitDesc, err := repo.Master.VCS.LogAtRev(repo.Path, hash, "{desc|escape}")
if err != nil {
return "", err
logCmd = append(logCmd, "--grep", "'"+string(commitDesc)+"'", "--regexp-ignore-case")
errMsg = fmt.Sprintf("Failed to find a commit with a similar description to '%s'", string(commitDesc))
} else {
commitDate, err := repo.Master.VCS.LogAtRev(repo.Path, hash, "{date|rfc3339date}")
if err != nil {
return "", err
logCmd = append(logCmd, "--before", string(commitDate))
errMsg = fmt.Sprintf("Failed to find a commit before '%s'", string(commitDate))
if _, err := runOutput(*cmdTimeout, envv, &buf, gccpath, logCmd...); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", errMsg, err)
gccRev := buf.String()
if gccRev == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf(errMsg)
// checkout gccRev
// TODO(cmang): Fix this to work in parallel mode.
checkoutCmd := []string{
if _, err := runOutput(*cmdTimeout, envv, ioutil.Discard, gccpath, checkoutCmd...); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to checkout commit at revision %s: %s", gccRev, err)
// make objdir to work in
gccobjdir := filepath.Join(workpath, "gcc-objdir")
if err := os.Mkdir(gccobjdir, mkdirPerm); err != nil {
return "", err
// configure GCC with substituted gofrontend and libgo
gccConfigCmd := []string{
filepath.Join(gccpath, "configure"),
if _, err := runOutput(*cmdTimeout, envv, ioutil.Discard, gccobjdir, gccConfigCmd...); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to configure GCC: %s", err)
// build gcc
if _, err := runOutput(*buildTimeout, envv, ioutil.Discard, gccobjdir, "make"); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to build GCC: %s", err)
return gccobjdir, nil
func getenvOk(k string) (v string, ok bool) {
v = os.Getenv(k)
if v != "" {
return v, true
keq := k + "="
for _, kv := range os.Environ() {
if kv == keq {
return "", true
return "", false