blob: 0e0bf713c74bce559e86a512e0c9a6cb44837984 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package godoc is a work-in-progress (2013-07-17) package to
// begin splitting up the godoc binary into multiple pieces.
// This package comment will evolve over time as this package splits
// into smaller pieces.
package godoc
import (
pathpkg "path"
// Fake relative package path for built-ins. Documentation for all globals
// (not just exported ones) will be shown for packages in this directory.
const builtinPkgPath = "builtin"
// FuncMap defines template functions used in godoc templates.
// Convention: template function names ending in "_html" or "_url" produce
// HTML- or URL-escaped strings; all other function results may
// require explicit escaping in the template.
func (p *Presentation) FuncMap() template.FuncMap {
return p.funcMap
func (p *Presentation) TemplateFuncs() template.FuncMap {
return p.templateFuncs
func (p *Presentation) initFuncMap() {
if p.Corpus == nil {
panic("nil Presentation.Corpus")
p.templateFuncs = template.FuncMap{
"code": p.code,
p.funcMap = template.FuncMap{
// various helpers
"filename": filenameFunc,
"repeat": strings.Repeat,
// access to FileInfos (directory listings)
"fileInfoName": fileInfoNameFunc,
"fileInfoTime": fileInfoTimeFunc,
// access to search result information
"infoKind_html": infoKind_htmlFunc,
"infoLine": p.infoLineFunc,
"infoSnippet_html": p.infoSnippet_htmlFunc,
// formatting of AST nodes
"node": p.nodeFunc,
"node_html": p.node_htmlFunc,
"comment_html": comment_htmlFunc,
"comment_text": comment_textFunc,
// support for URL attributes
"pkgLink": pkgLinkFunc,
"srcLink": srcLinkFunc,
"posLink_url": posLink_urlFunc,
// formatting of Examples
"example_html": p.example_htmlFunc,
"example_text": p.example_textFunc,
"example_name": p.example_nameFunc,
"example_suffix": p.example_suffixFunc,
// formatting of Notes
"noteTitle": noteTitle,
func filenameFunc(path string) string {
_, localname := pathpkg.Split(path)
return localname
func fileInfoNameFunc(fi os.FileInfo) string {
name := fi.Name()
if fi.IsDir() {
name += "/"
return name
func fileInfoTimeFunc(fi os.FileInfo) string {
if t := fi.ModTime(); t.Unix() != 0 {
return t.Local().String()
return "" // don't return epoch if time is obviously not set
// The strings in infoKinds must be properly html-escaped.
var infoKinds = [nKinds]string{
PackageClause: "package clause",
ImportDecl: "import decl",
ConstDecl: "const decl",
TypeDecl: "type decl",
VarDecl: "var decl",
FuncDecl: "func decl",
MethodDecl: "method decl",
Use: "use",
func infoKind_htmlFunc(info SpotInfo) string {
return infoKinds[info.Kind()] // infoKind entries are html-escaped
func (p *Presentation) infoLineFunc(info SpotInfo) int {
line := info.Lori()
if info.IsIndex() {
index, _ := p.Corpus.searchIndex.Get()
if index != nil {
line = index.(*Index).Snippet(line).Line
} else {
// no line information available because
// we don't have an index - this should
// never happen; be conservative and don't
// crash
line = 0
return line
func (p *Presentation) infoSnippet_htmlFunc(info SpotInfo) string {
if info.IsIndex() {
index, _ := p.Corpus.searchIndex.Get()
// Snippet.Text was HTML-escaped when it was generated
return index.(*Index).Snippet(info.Lori()).Text
return `<span class="alert">no snippet text available</span>`
func (p *Presentation) nodeFunc(info *PageInfo, node interface{}) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
p.writeNode(&buf, info.FSet, node)
return buf.String()
func (p *Presentation) node_htmlFunc(info *PageInfo, node interface{}, linkify bool) string {
var buf1 bytes.Buffer
p.writeNode(&buf1, info.FSet, node)
var buf2 bytes.Buffer
if n, _ := node.(ast.Node); n != nil && linkify && p.DeclLinks {
LinkifyText(&buf2, buf1.Bytes(), n)
} else {
FormatText(&buf2, buf1.Bytes(), -1, true, "", nil)
return buf2.String()
func comment_htmlFunc(comment string) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
// TODO(gri) Provide list of words (e.g. function parameters)
// to be emphasized by ToHTML.
doc.ToHTML(&buf, comment, nil) // does html-escaping
return buf.String()
// punchCardWidth is the number of columns of fixed-width
// characters to assume when wrapping text. Very few people
// use terminals or cards smaller than 80 characters, so 80 it is.
// We do not try to sniff the environment or the tty to adapt to
// the situation; instead, by using a constant we make sure that
// godoc always produces the same output regardless of context,
// a consistency that is lost otherwise. For example, if we sniffed
// the environment or tty, then
// would depend on the width of the terminal where godoc started,
// which is clearly bogus. More generally, the Unix tools that behave
// differently when writing to a tty than when writing to a file have
// a history of causing confusion (compare `ls` and `ls | cat`), and we
// want to avoid that mistake here.
const punchCardWidth = 80
func comment_textFunc(comment, indent, preIndent string) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
doc.ToText(&buf, comment, indent, preIndent, punchCardWidth-2*len(indent))
return buf.String()
type PageInfo struct {
Dirname string // directory containing the package
Err error // error or nil
// package info
FSet *token.FileSet // nil if no package documentation
PDoc *doc.Package // nil if no package documentation
Examples []*doc.Example // nil if no example code
Notes map[string][]*doc.Note // nil if no package Notes
PAst *ast.File // nil if no AST with package exports
IsMain bool // true for package main
// directory info
Dirs *DirList // nil if no directory information
DirTime time.Time // directory time stamp
DirFlat bool // if set, show directory in a flat (non-indented) manner
func (info *PageInfo) IsEmpty() bool {
return info.Err != nil || info.PAst == nil && info.PDoc == nil && info.Dirs == nil
func pkgLinkFunc(path string) string {
relpath := path[1:]
// because of the irregular mapping under goroot
// we need to correct certain relative paths
relpath = strings.TrimPrefix(relpath, "src/pkg/")
return "pkg/" + relpath // remove trailing '/' for relative URL
// n must be an ast.Node or a *doc.Note
func posLink_urlFunc(info *PageInfo, n interface{}) string {
var pos, end token.Pos
switch n := n.(type) {
case ast.Node:
pos = n.Pos()
end = n.End()
case *doc.Note:
pos = n.Pos
end = n.End
panic(fmt.Sprintf("wrong type for posLink_url template formatter: %T", n))
var relpath string
var line int
var low, high int // selection offset range
if pos.IsValid() {
p := info.FSet.Position(pos)
relpath = p.Filename
line = p.Line
low = p.Offset
if end.IsValid() {
high = info.FSet.Position(end).Offset
var buf bytes.Buffer
template.HTMLEscape(&buf, []byte(relpath))
// selection ranges are of form "s=low:high"
if low < high {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "?s=%d:%d", low, high) // no need for URL escaping
// if we have a selection, position the page
// such that the selection is a bit below the top
line -= 10
if line < 1 {
line = 1
// line id's in html-printed source are of the
// form "L%d" where %d stands for the line number
if line > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "#L%d", line) // no need for URL escaping
return buf.String()
func srcLinkFunc(s string) string {
return pathpkg.Clean("/" + s)
func (p *Presentation) example_textFunc(info *PageInfo, funcName, indent string) string {
if !p.ShowExamples {
return ""
var buf bytes.Buffer
first := true
for _, eg := range info.Examples {
name := stripExampleSuffix(eg.Name)
if name != funcName {
if !first {
first = false
// print code
cnode := &printer.CommentedNode{Node: eg.Code, Comments: eg.Comments}
var buf1 bytes.Buffer
p.writeNode(&buf1, info.FSet, cnode)
code := buf1.String()
// Additional formatting if this is a function body.
if n := len(code); n >= 2 && code[0] == '{' && code[n-1] == '}' {
// remove surrounding braces
code = code[1 : n-1]
// unindent
code = strings.Replace(code, "\n ", "\n", -1)
code = strings.Trim(code, "\n")
code = strings.Replace(code, "\n", "\n\t", -1)
return buf.String()
func (p *Presentation) example_htmlFunc(info *PageInfo, funcName string) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
for _, eg := range info.Examples {
name := stripExampleSuffix(eg.Name)
if name != funcName {
// print code
cnode := &printer.CommentedNode{Node: eg.Code, Comments: eg.Comments}
code := p.node_htmlFunc(info, cnode, true)
out := eg.Output
wholeFile := true
// Additional formatting if this is a function body.
if n := len(code); n >= 2 && code[0] == '{' && code[n-1] == '}' {
wholeFile = false
// remove surrounding braces
code = code[1 : n-1]
// unindent
code = strings.Replace(code, "\n ", "\n", -1)
// remove output comment
if loc := exampleOutputRx.FindStringIndex(code); loc != nil {
code = strings.TrimSpace(code[:loc[0]])
// Write out the playground code in standard Go style
// (use tabs, no comment highlight, etc).
play := ""
if eg.Play != nil && p.ShowPlayground {
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := format.Node(&buf, info.FSet, eg.Play); err != nil {
} else {
play = buf.String()
// Drop output, as the output comment will appear in the code.
if wholeFile && play == "" {
out = ""
if p.ExampleHTML == nil {
out = ""
return ""
err := p.ExampleHTML.Execute(&buf, struct {
Name, Doc, Code, Play, Output string
}{eg.Name, eg.Doc, code, play, out})
if err != nil {
return buf.String()
// example_nameFunc takes an example function name and returns its display
// name. For example, "Foo_Bar_quux" becomes "Foo.Bar (Quux)".
func (p *Presentation) example_nameFunc(s string) string {
name, suffix := splitExampleName(s)
// replace _ with . for method names
name = strings.Replace(name, "_", ".", 1)
// use "Package" if no name provided
if name == "" {
name = "Package"
return name + suffix
// example_suffixFunc takes an example function name and returns its suffix in
// parenthesized form. For example, "Foo_Bar_quux" becomes " (Quux)".
func (p *Presentation) example_suffixFunc(name string) string {
_, suffix := splitExampleName(name)
return suffix
func noteTitle(note string) string {
return strings.Title(strings.ToLower(note))
func startsWithUppercase(s string) bool {
r, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s)
return unicode.IsUpper(r)
var exampleOutputRx = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)//[[:space:]]*output:`)
// stripExampleSuffix strips lowercase braz in Foo_braz or Foo_Bar_braz from name
// while keeping uppercase Braz in Foo_Braz.
func stripExampleSuffix(name string) string {
if i := strings.LastIndex(name, "_"); i != -1 {
if i < len(name)-1 && !startsWithUppercase(name[i+1:]) {
name = name[:i]
return name
func splitExampleName(s string) (name, suffix string) {
i := strings.LastIndex(s, "_")
if 0 <= i && i < len(s)-1 && !startsWithUppercase(s[i+1:]) {
name = s[:i]
suffix = " (" + strings.Title(s[i+1:]) + ")"
name = s
// Write an AST node to w.
func (p *Presentation) writeNode(w io.Writer, fset *token.FileSet, x interface{}) {
// convert trailing tabs into spaces using a tconv filter
// to ensure a good outcome in most browsers (there may still
// be tabs in comments and strings, but converting those into
// the right number of spaces is much harder)
// TODO(gri) rethink printer flags - perhaps tconv can be eliminated
// with an another printer mode (which is more efficiently
// implemented in the printer than here with another layer)
mode := printer.TabIndent | printer.UseSpaces
err := (&printer.Config{Mode: mode, Tabwidth: p.TabWidth}).Fprint(&tconv{p: p, output: w}, fset, x)
if err != nil {
// WriteNote writes x to w.
func (p *Presentation) WriteNode(w io.Writer, fset *token.FileSet, x interface{}) {
p.writeNode(w, fset, x)