blob: f61ca4b4b52d1459062e8e453983bbd9c5e37f7c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Stand-alone driver for emitting function-signature test code. This
// program is mainly just a wrapper around the code that lives in the
// fuzz-generator package; it is useful for generating a specific bad
// code scenario for a given seed, or for doing development on the
// fuzzer, but for doing actual fuzz testing, better to use
// fuzz-runner.
package main
import (
generator ""
// Basic options
var numfcnflag = flag.Int("numfcns", 10, "Number of test func pairs to emit in each package")
var numpkgflag = flag.Int("numpkgs", 1, "Number of test packages to emit")
var seedflag = flag.Int64("seed", -1, "Random seed")
var tagflag = flag.String("tag", "gen", "Prefix name of go files/pkgs to generate")
var outdirflag = flag.String("outdir", "", "Output directory for generated files")
var pkgpathflag = flag.String("pkgpath", "gen", "Base package path for generated files")
// Options used for test case minimization.
var fcnmaskflag = flag.String("fcnmask", "", "Mask containing list of fcn numbers to emit")
var pkmaskflag = flag.String("pkgmask", "", "Mask containing list of pkg numbers to emit")
// Options used to control which features are used in the generated code.
var reflectflag = flag.Bool("reflect", true, "Include testing of reflect.Call.")
var deferflag = flag.Bool("defer", true, "Include testing of defer stmts.")
var recurflag = flag.Bool("recur", true, "Include testing of recursive calls.")
var takeaddrflag = flag.Bool("takeaddr", true, "Include functions that take the address of their parameters and results.")
var methodflag = flag.Bool("method", true, "Include testing of method calls.")
var inlimitflag = flag.Int("inmax", -1, "Max number of input params.")
var outlimitflag = flag.Int("outmax", -1, "Max number of input params.")
var pragmaflag = flag.String("pragma", "", "Tag generated test routines with pragma //go:<value>.")
var maxfailflag = flag.Int("maxfail", 10, "Maximum runtime failures before test self-terminates")
var stackforceflag = flag.Bool("forcestackgrowth", true, "Use hooks to force stack growth.")
// Debugging options
var verbflag = flag.Int("v", 0, "Verbose trace output level")
// Debugging/testing options. These tell the generator to emit "bad" code so as to
// test the logic for detecting errors and/or minimization (in the fuzz runner).
var emitbadflag = flag.Int("emitbad", 0, "[Testing only] force generator to emit 'bad' code.")
var selbadpkgflag = flag.Int("badpkgidx", 0, "[Testing only] select index of bad package (used with -emitbad)")
var selbadfcnflag = flag.Int("badfcnidx", 0, "[Testing only] select index of bad function (used with -emitbad)")
// Misc options
var goimpflag = flag.Bool("goimports", false, "Run 'goimports' on generated code.")
var randctlflag = flag.Int("randctl", generator.RandCtlChecks|generator.RandCtlPanic, "Wraprand control flag")
func verb(vlevel int, s string, a ...interface{}) {
if *verbflag >= vlevel {
fmt.Printf(s, a...)
func usage(msg string) {
if len(msg) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error: %s\n", msg)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "usage: fuzz-driver [flags]\n\n")
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Example:\n\n")
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, " fuzz-driver -numpkgs=23 -numfcns=19 -seed 10101 -outdir gendir\n\n")
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, " \tgenerates a Go program with 437 test cases (23 packages, each \n")
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, " \twith 19 functions, for a total of 437 funcs total) into a set of\n")
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, " \tsub-directories in 'gendir', using random see 10101\n")
func setupTunables() {
tunables := generator.DefaultTunables()
if !*reflectflag {
if !*deferflag {
if !*recurflag {
if !*takeaddrflag {
if !*methodflag {
if *inlimitflag != -1 {
if *outlimitflag != -1 {
func main() {
log.SetPrefix("fuzz-driver: ")
generator.Verbctl = *verbflag
if *outdirflag == "" {
usage("select an output directory with -o flag")
verb(1, "in main verblevel=%d", *verbflag)
if *seedflag == -1 {
// user has not selected a specific seed -- pick one.
now := time.Now()
*seedflag = now.UnixNano() % 123456789
verb(0, "selected seed: %d", *seedflag)
if flag.NArg() != 0 {
usage("unknown extra arguments")
verb(1, "tag is %s", *tagflag)
fcnmask, err := generator.ParseMaskString(*fcnmaskflag, "fcn")
if err != nil {
usage(fmt.Sprintf("mangled fcn mask arg: %v", err))
pkmask, err := generator.ParseMaskString(*pkmaskflag, "pkg")
if err != nil {
usage(fmt.Sprintf("mangled pkg mask arg: %v", err))
verb(2, "pkg mask is %v", pkmask)
verb(2, "fn mask is %v", fcnmask)
verb(1, "starting generation")
config := generator.GenConfig{
PkgPath: *pkgpathflag,
Tag: *tagflag,
OutDir: *outdirflag,
NumTestPackages: *numpkgflag,
NumTestFunctions: *numfcnflag,
Seed: *seedflag,
Pragma: *pragmaflag,
FcnMask: fcnmask,
PkgMask: pkmask,
MaxFail: *maxfailflag,
ForceStackGrowth: *stackforceflag,
RandCtl: *randctlflag,
RunGoImports: *goimpflag,
EmitBad: *emitbadflag,
BadPackageIdx: *selbadpkgflag,
BadFuncIdx: *selbadfcnflag,
errs := generator.Generate(config)
if errs != 0 {
log.Fatal("errors during generation")
verb(1, "... files written to directory %s", *outdirflag)
verb(1, "leaving main")