blob: 62cb08d23a838e985ad003836d8dbfa8cede77ae [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
The digraph command performs queries over unlabelled directed graphs
represented in text form. It is intended to integrate nicely with
typical UNIX command pipelines.
your-application | digraph [command]
The support commands are:
the set of all nodes
the in-degree and out-degree of each node
the reverse of the input edges
preds <node> ...
the set of immediate predecessors of the specified nodes
succs <node> ...
the set of immediate successors of the specified nodes
forward <node> ...
the set of nodes transitively reachable from the specified nodes
reverse <node> ...
the set of nodes that transitively reach the specified nodes
somepath <node> <node>
the list of nodes on some arbitrary path from the first node to the second
allpaths <node> <node>
the set of nodes on all paths from the first node to the second
all strongly connected components (one per line)
scc <node>
the set of nodes nodes strongly connected to the specified one
focus <node>
the subgraph containing all directed paths that pass through the specified node
Input format:
Each line contains zero or more words. Words are separated by unquoted
whitespace; words may contain Go-style double-quoted portions, allowing spaces
and other characters to be expressed.
Each word declares a node, and if there are more than one, an edge from the
first to each subsequent one. The graph is provided on the standard input.
For instance, the following (acyclic) graph specifies a partial order among the
subtasks of getting dressed:
$ cat clothes.txt
socks shoes
"boxer shorts" pants
pants belt shoes
shirt tie sweater
sweater jacket
The line "shirt tie sweater" indicates the two edges shirt -> tie and
shirt -> sweater, not shirt -> tie -> sweater.
Example usage:
Using digraph with existing Go tools:
$ go mod graph | digraph nodes # Operate on the Go module graph.
$ go list -m all | digraph nodes # Operate on the Go package graph.
Show the transitive closure of imports of the digraph tool itself:
$ go list -f '{{.ImportPath}} {{join .Imports " "}}' ... | digraph forward
Show which clothes (see above) must be donned before a jacket:
$ digraph reverse jacket
package main // import ""
// TODO(adonovan):
// - support input files other than stdin
// - support alternative formats (AT&T GraphViz, CSV, etc),
// a comment syntax, etc.
// - allow queries to nest, like Blaze query language.
import (
func usage() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, `Usage: your-application | digraph [command]
The support commands are:
the set of all nodes
the in-degree and out-degree of each node
the reverse of the input edges
preds <node> ...
the set of immediate predecessors of the specified nodes
succs <node> ...
the set of immediate successors of the specified nodes
forward <node> ...
the set of nodes transitively reachable from the specified nodes
reverse <node> ...
the set of nodes that transitively reach the specified nodes
somepath <node> <node>
the list of nodes on some arbitrary path from the first node to the second
allpaths <node> <node>
the set of nodes on all paths from the first node to the second
all non-trivial strongly connected components, one per line
(single-node components are only printed for nodes with self-loops)
scc <node>
the set of nodes nodes strongly connected to the specified one
focus <node>
the subgraph containing all directed paths that pass through the specified node
func main() {
flag.Usage = usage
args := flag.Args()
if len(args) == 0 {
if err := digraph(args[0], args[1:]); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "digraph: %s\n", err)
type nodelist []string
func (l nodelist) println(sep string) {
for i, node := range l {
if i > 0 {
fmt.Fprint(stdout, sep)
fmt.Fprint(stdout, node)
type nodeset map[string]bool
func (s nodeset) sort() nodelist {
nodes := make(nodelist, len(s))
var i int
for node := range s {
nodes[i] = node
return nodes
func (s nodeset) addAll(x nodeset) {
for node := range x {
s[node] = true
// A graph maps nodes to the non-nil set of their immediate successors.
type graph map[string]nodeset
func (g graph) addNode(node string) nodeset {
edges := g[node]
if edges == nil {
edges = make(nodeset)
g[node] = edges
return edges
func (g graph) addEdges(from string, to ...string) {
edges := g.addNode(from)
for _, to := range to {
edges[to] = true
func (g graph) reachableFrom(roots nodeset) nodeset {
seen := make(nodeset)
var visit func(node string)
visit = func(node string) {
if !seen[node] {
seen[node] = true
for e := range g[node] {
for root := range roots {
return seen
func (g graph) transpose() graph {
rev := make(graph)
for node, edges := range g {
for succ := range edges {
rev.addEdges(succ, node)
return rev
func (g graph) sccs() []nodeset {
// Kosaraju's algorithm---Tarjan is overkill here.
// Forward pass.
S := make(nodelist, 0, len(g)) // postorder stack
seen := make(nodeset)
var visit func(node string)
visit = func(node string) {
if !seen[node] {
seen[node] = true
for e := range g[node] {
S = append(S, node)
for node := range g {
// Reverse pass.
rev := g.transpose()
var scc nodeset
seen = make(nodeset)
var rvisit func(node string)
rvisit = func(node string) {
if !seen[node] {
seen[node] = true
scc[node] = true
for e := range rev[node] {
var sccs []nodeset
for len(S) > 0 {
top := S[len(S)-1]
S = S[:len(S)-1] // pop
if !seen[top] {
scc = make(nodeset)
if len(scc) == 1 && !g[top][top] {
sccs = append(sccs, scc)
return sccs
func (g graph) allpaths(from, to string) error {
// Mark all nodes to "to".
seen := make(nodeset) // value of seen[x] indicates whether x is on some path to "to"
var visit func(node string) bool
visit = func(node string) bool {
reachesTo, ok := seen[node]
if !ok {
reachesTo = node == to
seen[node] = reachesTo
for e := range g[node] {
if visit(e) {
reachesTo = true
if reachesTo && node != to {
seen[node] = true
return reachesTo
// For each marked node, collect its marked successors.
var edges []string
for n := range seen {
for succ := range g[n] {
if seen[succ] {
edges = append(edges, n+" "+succ)
// Sort (so that this method is deterministic) and print edges.
for _, e := range edges {
fmt.Fprintln(stdout, e)
return nil
func (g graph) somepath(from, to string) error {
type edge struct{ from, to string }
seen := make(nodeset)
var dfs func(path []edge, from string) bool
dfs = func(path []edge, from string) bool {
if !seen[from] {
seen[from] = true
if from == to {
// fmt.Println(path, len(path), cap(path))
// Print and unwind.
for _, e := range path {
fmt.Fprintln(stdout, e.from+" "
return true
for e := range g[from] {
if dfs(append(path, edge{from: from, to: e}), e) {
return true
return false
maxEdgesInGraph := len(g) * (len(g) - 1)
if !dfs(make([]edge, 0, maxEdgesInGraph), from) {
return fmt.Errorf("no path from %q to %q", from, to)
return nil
func parse(rd io.Reader) (graph, error) {
g := make(graph)
var linenum int
in := bufio.NewScanner(rd)
for in.Scan() {
// Split into words, honoring double-quotes per Go spec.
words, err := split(in.Text())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("at line %d: %v", linenum, err)
if len(words) > 0 {
g.addEdges(words[0], words[1:]...)
if err := in.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return g, nil
// Overridable for redirection.
var stdin io.Reader = os.Stdin
var stdout io.Writer = os.Stdout
func digraph(cmd string, args []string) error {
// Parse the input graph.
g, err := parse(stdin)
if err != nil {
return err
// Parse the command line.
switch cmd {
case "nodes":
if len(args) != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("usage: digraph nodes")
nodes := make(nodeset)
for node := range g {
nodes[node] = true
case "degree":
if len(args) != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("usage: digraph degree")
nodes := make(nodeset)
for node := range g {
nodes[node] = true
rev := g.transpose()
for _, node := range nodes.sort() {
fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "%d\t%d\t%s\n", len(rev[node]), len(g[node]), node)
case "transpose":
if len(args) != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("usage: digraph transpose")
var revEdges []string
for node, succs := range g.transpose() {
for succ := range succs {
revEdges = append(revEdges, fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", node, succ))
sort.Strings(revEdges) // make output deterministic
for _, e := range revEdges {
fmt.Fprintln(stdout, e)
case "succs", "preds":
if len(args) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("usage: digraph %s <node> ... ", cmd)
g := g
if cmd == "preds" {
g = g.transpose()
result := make(nodeset)
for _, root := range args {
edges := g[root]
if edges == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("no such node %q", root)
case "forward", "reverse":
if len(args) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("usage: digraph %s <node> ... ", cmd)
roots := make(nodeset)
for _, root := range args {
if g[root] == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("no such node %q", root)
roots[root] = true
g := g
if cmd == "reverse" {
g = g.transpose()
case "somepath":
if len(args) != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("usage: digraph somepath <from> <to>")
from, to := args[0], args[1]
if g[from] == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("no such 'from' node %q", from)
if g[to] == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("no such 'to' node %q", to)
if err := g.somepath(from, to); err != nil {
return err
case "allpaths":
if len(args) != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("usage: digraph allpaths <from> <to>")
from, to := args[0], args[1]
if g[from] == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("no such 'from' node %q", from)
if g[to] == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("no such 'to' node %q", to)
if err := g.allpaths(from, to); err != nil {
return err
case "sccs":
if len(args) != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("usage: digraph sccs")
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
oldStdout := stdout
stdout = buf
for _, scc := range g.sccs() {
scc.sort().println(" ")
lines := strings.SplitAfter(buf.String(), "\n")
stdout = oldStdout
io.WriteString(stdout, strings.Join(lines, ""))
case "scc":
if len(args) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("usage: digraph scc <node>")
node := args[0]
if g[node] == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("no such node %q", node)
for _, scc := range g.sccs() {
if scc[node] {
case "focus":
if len(args) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("usage: digraph focus <node>")
node := args[0]
if g[node] == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("no such node %q", node)
edges := make(map[string]struct{})
for from := range g.reachableFrom(nodeset{node: true}) {
for to := range g[from] {
edges[fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", from, to)] = struct{}{}
gtrans := g.transpose()
for from := range gtrans.reachableFrom(nodeset{node: true}) {
for to := range gtrans[from] {
edges[fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", to, from)] = struct{}{}
edgesSorted := make([]string, 0, len(edges))
for e := range edges {
edgesSorted = append(edgesSorted, e)
fmt.Fprintln(stdout, strings.Join(edgesSorted, "\n"))
return fmt.Errorf("no such command %q", cmd)
return nil
// -- Utilities --------------------------------------------------------
// split splits a line into words, which are generally separated by
// spaces, but Go-style double-quoted string literals are also supported.
// (This approximates the behaviour of the Bourne shell.)
// `one "two three"` -> ["one" "two three"]
// `a"\n"b` -> ["a\nb"]
func split(line string) ([]string, error) {
var (
words []string
inWord bool
current bytes.Buffer
for len(line) > 0 {
r, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(line)
if unicode.IsSpace(r) {
if inWord {
words = append(words, current.String())
inWord = false
} else if r == '"' {
var ok bool
size, ok = quotedLength(line)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("invalid quotation")
s, err := strconv.Unquote(line[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
inWord = true
} else {
inWord = true
line = line[size:]
if inWord {
words = append(words, current.String())
return words, nil
// quotedLength returns the length in bytes of the prefix of input that
// contain a possibly-valid double-quoted Go string literal.
// On success, n is at least two (""); input[:n] may be passed to
// strconv.Unquote to interpret its value, and input[n:] contains the
// rest of the input.
// On failure, quotedLength returns false, and the entire input can be
// passed to strconv.Unquote if an informative error message is desired.
// quotedLength does not and need not detect all errors, such as
// invalid hex or octal escape sequences, since it assumes
// strconv.Unquote will be applied to the prefix. It guarantees only
// that if there is a prefix of input containing a valid string literal,
// its length is returned.
// TODO(adonovan): move this into a strconv-like utility package.
func quotedLength(input string) (n int, ok bool) {
var offset int
// next returns the rune at offset, or -1 on EOF.
// offset advances to just after that rune.
next := func() rune {
if offset < len(input) {
r, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(input[offset:])
offset += size
return r
return -1
if next() != '"' {
return // error: not a quotation
for {
r := next()
if r == '\n' || r < 0 {
return // error: string literal not terminated
if r == '"' {
return offset, true // success
if r == '\\' {
var skip int
switch next() {
case 'a', 'b', 'f', 'n', 'r', 't', 'v', '\\', '"':
skip = 0
case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7':
skip = 2
case 'x':
skip = 2
case 'u':
skip = 4
case 'U':
skip = 8
return // error: invalid escape
for i := 0; i < skip; i++ {