blob: 267eeb6b3269e65744ebe3af7d6ae66e4da3a357 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package regtest
import (
// dummyCompletionFunction to test manually configured completion using CLI.
func dummyCompletionFunction() { const s = "placeholder"; fmt.Printf("%s", s) }
type completionBenchOptions struct {
workdir, file, locationRegexp string
printResults bool
// hook to run edits before initial completion, not supported for manually
// configured completions.
preCompletionEdits func(*Env)
var completionOptions = completionBenchOptions{}
func init() {
flag.StringVar(&completionOptions.workdir, "completion_workdir", "", "directory to run completion benchmarks in")
flag.StringVar(&completionOptions.file, "completion_file", "", "relative path to the file to complete in")
flag.StringVar(&completionOptions.locationRegexp, "completion_regexp", "", "regexp location to complete at")
flag.BoolVar(&completionOptions.printResults, "completion_print_results", false, "whether to print completion results")
func benchmarkCompletion(options completionBenchOptions, t *testing.T) {
if completionOptions.workdir == "" {
t.Skip("-completion_workdir not configured, skipping benchmark")
opts := stressTestOptions(options.workdir)
// Completion gives bad results if IWL is not yet complete, so we must await
// it first (and therefore need hooks).
opts = append(opts, SkipHooks(false))
withOptions(opts...).run(t, "", func(t *testing.T, env *Env) {
// Run edits required for this completion.
if options.preCompletionEdits != nil {
// Add a comment as a marker at the start of the file, we'll replace
// this in every iteration to trigger type checking and hence emulate
// a more real world scenario.
env.EditBuffer(options.file, fake.Edit{Text: "// 0\n"})
// Run a completion to make sure the system is warm.
pos := env.RegexpSearch(options.file, options.locationRegexp)
completions := env.Completion(options.file, pos)
if options.printResults {
for i := 0; i < len(completions.Items); i++ {
fmt.Printf("\t%d. %v\n", i, completions.Items[i])
results := testing.Benchmark(func(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
env.RegexpReplace(options.file, `\/\/ \d*`, fmt.Sprintf("// %d", i))
// explicitly garbage collect since we don't want to count this
// time in completion benchmarks.
if i%10 == 0 {
env.Completion(options.file, pos)
// endPosInBuffer returns the position for last character in the buffer for
// the given file.
func endPosInBuffer(env *Env, name string) fake.Pos {
buffer := env.Editor.BufferText(name)
lines := strings.Split(buffer, "\n")
numLines := len(lines)
return fake.Pos{
Line: numLines - 1,
Column: len([]rune(lines[numLines-1])),
// Benchmark completion at a specified file and location. When no CLI options
// are specified, this test is skipped.
// To Run (from x/tools/gopls) against the dummy function above:
// go test -v ./internal/regtest -run=TestBenchmarkConfiguredCompletion
// -completion_workdir="$HOME/Developer/tools"
// -completion_file="gopls/internal/regtest/completion_bench_test.go"
// -completion_regexp="dummyCompletionFunction.*fmt\.Printf\(\"%s\", s(\))"
func TestBenchmarkConfiguredCompletion(t *testing.T) {
benchmarkCompletion(completionOptions, t)
// To run (from x/tools/gopls):
// go test -v ./internal/regtest -run TestBenchmark<>Completion
// -completion_workdir="$HOME/Developer/tools"
// where <> is one of the tests below. completion_workdir should be path to
// x/tools on your system.
// Benchmark struct completion in tools codebase.
func TestBenchmarkStructCompletion(t *testing.T) {
file := "internal/lsp/cache/session.go"
preCompletionEdits := func(env *Env) {
originalBuffer := env.Editor.BufferText(file)
env.EditBuffer(file, fake.Edit{
End: endPosInBuffer(env, file),
Text: originalBuffer + "\nvar testVariable map[string]bool = Session{}.\n",
workdir: completionOptions.workdir,
file: file,
locationRegexp: `var testVariable map\[string\]bool = Session{}(\.)`,
preCompletionEdits: preCompletionEdits,
printResults: completionOptions.printResults,
}, t)
// Benchmark import completion in tools codebase.
func TestBenchmarkImportCompletion(t *testing.T) {
workdir: completionOptions.workdir,
file: "internal/lsp/source/completion/completion.go",
locationRegexp: `go\/()`,
printResults: completionOptions.printResults,
}, t)
// Benchmark slice completion in tools codebase.
func TestBenchmarkSliceCompletion(t *testing.T) {
file := "internal/lsp/cache/session.go"
preCompletionEdits := func(env *Env) {
originalBuffer := env.Editor.BufferText(file)
env.EditBuffer(file, fake.Edit{
End: endPosInBuffer(env, file),
Text: originalBuffer + "\nvar testVariable []byte = \n",
workdir: completionOptions.workdir,
file: file,
locationRegexp: `var testVariable \[\]byte (=)`,
preCompletionEdits: preCompletionEdits,
printResults: completionOptions.printResults,
}, t)
// Benchmark deep completion in function call in tools codebase.
func TestBenchmarkFuncDeepCompletion(t *testing.T) {
file := "internal/lsp/source/completion/completion.go"
fileContent := `
func (c *completer) _() {
preCompletionEdits := func(env *Env) {
originalBuffer := env.Editor.BufferText(file)
env.EditBuffer(file, fake.Edit{
End: endPosInBuffer(env, file),
Text: originalBuffer + fileContent,
workdir: completionOptions.workdir,
file: file,
locationRegexp: `func \(c \*completer\) _\(\) {\n\tc\.inference\.kindMatches\((c)`,
preCompletionEdits: preCompletionEdits,
printResults: completionOptions.printResults,
}, t)