blob: 3afb56a5d0c22802128bf888781c6ba4395a028c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains tests for the bool checker.
package typeparams
type T[P interface{ ~int }] struct {
a P
func (t T[P]) Foo() int { return int(t.a) }
type FT[P any] func() P
func Sink[Elem any]() chan Elem {
return make(chan Elem)
func RedundantConditions[P interface{ int }]() {
type _f[P1 any] func() P1
var f, g _f[P]
if f() == 0 || f() == 0 { // OK f might have side effects
var t T[P]
_ = t.Foo() == 2 || t.Foo() == 2 // OK Foo might have side effects
if v, w := f(), g(); v == w || v == w { // want `redundant or: v == w \|\| v == w`
// error messages present type params correctly.
_ = t == T[P]{2} || t == T[P]{2} // want `redundant or: t == T\[P\]\{2\} \|\| t == T\[P\]\{2\}`
_ = FT[P](f) == nil || FT[P](f) == nil // want `redundant or: FT\[P\]\(f\) == nil \|\| FT\[P\]\(f\) == nil`
_ = (func() P)(f) == nil || (func() P)(f) == nil // want `redundant or: \(func\(\) P\)\(f\) == nil \|\| \(func\(\) P\)\(f\) == nil`
var tint T[int]
var fint _f[int]
_ = tint == T[int]{2} || tint == T[int]{2} // want `redundant or: tint == T\[int\]\{2\} \|\| tint\ == T\[int\]\{2\}`
_ = FT[int](fint) == nil || FT[int](fint) == nil // want `redundant or: FT\[int\]\(fint\) == nil \|\| FT\[int\]\(fint\) == nil`
_ = (func() int)(fint) == nil || (func() int)(fint) == nil // want `redundant or: \(func\(\) int\)\(fint\) == nil \|\| \(func\(\) int\)\(fint\) == nil`
c := Sink[P]()
_ = 0 == <-c || 0 == <-c // OK subsequent receives may yield different values
for i, j := <-c, <-c; i == j || i == j; i, j = <-c, <-c { // want `redundant or: i == j \|\| i == j`
var i, j P
_ = i == 1 || j+1 == i || i == 1 // want `redundant or: i == 1 \|\| i == 1`
_ = i == 1 || f() == 1 || i == 1 // OK f may alter i as a side effect
_ = f() == 1 || i == 1 || i == 1 // want `redundant or: i == 1 \|\| i == 1`
func SuspectConditions[P interface{ ~int }, S interface{ ~string }]() {
var i, j P
_ = i == 0 || i == 1 // OK
_ = i+3 != 7 || j+5 == 0 || i+3 != 9 // want `suspect or: i\+3 != 7 \|\| i\+3 != 9`
var s S
_ = s != "one" || s != "the other" // want `suspect or: s != .one. \|\| s != .the other.`