blob: 4460816402bac9877c54cd1c5d7a68e0bfb44cc0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package lsp
import (
// RunServer starts an LSP server on the supplied stream, and waits until the
// stream is closed.
func RunServer(ctx context.Context, stream jsonrpc2.Stream, opts ...interface{}) error {
s := &server{}
conn, client := protocol.RunServer(ctx, stream, s, opts...)
s.client = client
return conn.Wait(ctx)
// RunServerOnPort starts an LSP server on the given port and does not exit.
// This function exists for debugging purposes.
func RunServerOnPort(ctx context.Context, port int, opts ...interface{}) error {
s := &server{}
ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", fmt.Sprintf(":%v", port))
if err != nil {
return err
for {
conn, err := ln.Accept()
if err != nil {
return err
stream := jsonrpc2.NewHeaderStream(conn, conn)
go func() {
conn, client := protocol.RunServer(ctx, stream, s, opts...)
s.client = client
type server struct {
client protocol.Client
initializedMu sync.Mutex
initialized bool // set once the server has received "initialize" request
signatureHelpEnabled bool
snippetsSupported bool
viewMu sync.Mutex
view source.View
func (s *server) Initialize(ctx context.Context, params *protocol.InitializeParams) (*protocol.InitializeResult, error) {
defer s.initializedMu.Unlock()
if s.initialized {
return nil, jsonrpc2.NewErrorf(jsonrpc2.CodeInvalidRequest, "server already initialized")
s.initialized = true // mark server as initialized now
// Check if the client supports snippets in completion items.
s.snippetsSupported = params.Capabilities.TextDocument.Completion.CompletionItem.SnippetSupport
s.signatureHelpEnabled = true
rootPath, err := fromProtocolURI(*params.RootURI).Filename()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s.view = cache.NewView(&packages.Config{
Dir: rootPath,
Mode: packages.LoadSyntax,
Fset: token.NewFileSet(),
Tests: true,
Overlay: make(map[string][]byte),
return &protocol.InitializeResult{
Capabilities: protocol.ServerCapabilities{
CodeActionProvider: true,
CompletionProvider: protocol.CompletionOptions{
TriggerCharacters: []string{"."},
DefinitionProvider: true,
DocumentFormattingProvider: true,
DocumentRangeFormattingProvider: true,
HoverProvider: true,
SignatureHelpProvider: protocol.SignatureHelpOptions{
TriggerCharacters: []string{"(", ","},
TextDocumentSync: protocol.TextDocumentSyncOptions{
Change: float64(protocol.Full), // full contents of file sent on each update
OpenClose: true,
TypeDefinitionProvider: true,
}, nil
func (s *server) Initialized(context.Context, *protocol.InitializedParams) error {
return nil // ignore
func (s *server) Shutdown(context.Context) error {
defer s.initializedMu.Unlock()
if !s.initialized {
return jsonrpc2.NewErrorf(jsonrpc2.CodeInvalidRequest, "server not initialized")
s.initialized = false
return nil
func (s *server) Exit(ctx context.Context) error {
if s.initialized {
return nil
func (s *server) DidChangeWorkspaceFolders(context.Context, *protocol.DidChangeWorkspaceFoldersParams) error {
return notImplemented("DidChangeWorkspaceFolders")
func (s *server) DidChangeConfiguration(context.Context, *protocol.DidChangeConfigurationParams) error {
return notImplemented("DidChangeConfiguration")
func (s *server) DidChangeWatchedFiles(context.Context, *protocol.DidChangeWatchedFilesParams) error {
return notImplemented("DidChangeWatchedFiles")
func (s *server) Symbols(context.Context, *protocol.WorkspaceSymbolParams) ([]protocol.SymbolInformation, error) {
return nil, notImplemented("Symbols")
func (s *server) ExecuteCommand(context.Context, *protocol.ExecuteCommandParams) (interface{}, error) {
return nil, notImplemented("ExecuteCommand")
func (s *server) DidOpen(ctx context.Context, params *protocol.DidOpenTextDocumentParams) error {
s.cacheAndDiagnose(ctx, params.TextDocument.URI, params.TextDocument.Text)
return nil
func (s *server) DidChange(ctx context.Context, params *protocol.DidChangeTextDocumentParams) error {
if len(params.ContentChanges) < 1 {
return jsonrpc2.NewErrorf(jsonrpc2.CodeInternalError, "no content changes provided")
// We expect the full content of file, i.e. a single change with no range.
if change := params.ContentChanges[0]; change.RangeLength == 0 {
s.cacheAndDiagnose(ctx, params.TextDocument.URI, change.Text)
return nil
func (s *server) WillSave(context.Context, *protocol.WillSaveTextDocumentParams) error {
return notImplemented("WillSave")
func (s *server) WillSaveWaitUntil(context.Context, *protocol.WillSaveTextDocumentParams) ([]protocol.TextEdit, error) {
return nil, notImplemented("WillSaveWaitUntil")
func (s *server) DidSave(context.Context, *protocol.DidSaveTextDocumentParams) error {
return nil // ignore
func (s *server) DidClose(ctx context.Context, params *protocol.DidCloseTextDocumentParams) error {
s.setContent(ctx, fromProtocolURI(params.TextDocument.URI), nil)
return nil
func (s *server) Completion(ctx context.Context, params *protocol.CompletionParams) (*protocol.CompletionList, error) {
f, err := s.view.GetFile(ctx, fromProtocolURI(params.TextDocument.URI))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tok, err := f.GetToken()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pos := fromProtocolPosition(tok, params.Position)
items, prefix, err := source.Completion(ctx, f, pos)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &protocol.CompletionList{
IsIncomplete: false,
Items: toProtocolCompletionItems(items, prefix, params.Position, s.snippetsSupported, s.signatureHelpEnabled),
}, nil
func (s *server) CompletionResolve(context.Context, *protocol.CompletionItem) (*protocol.CompletionItem, error) {
return nil, notImplemented("CompletionResolve")
func (s *server) Hover(ctx context.Context, params *protocol.TextDocumentPositionParams) (*protocol.Hover, error) {
f, err := s.view.GetFile(ctx, fromProtocolURI(params.TextDocument.URI))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tok, err := f.GetToken()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pos := fromProtocolPosition(tok, params.Position)
contents, rng, err := source.Hover(ctx, f, pos)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &protocol.Hover{
Contents: protocol.MarkupContent{
Kind: protocol.Markdown,
Value: contents,
Range: toProtocolRange(tok, rng),
}, nil
func (s *server) SignatureHelp(ctx context.Context, params *protocol.TextDocumentPositionParams) (*protocol.SignatureHelp, error) {
f, err := s.view.GetFile(ctx, fromProtocolURI(params.TextDocument.URI))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tok, err := f.GetToken()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pos := fromProtocolPosition(tok, params.Position)
info, err := source.SignatureHelp(ctx, f, pos)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return toProtocolSignatureHelp(info), nil
func (s *server) Definition(ctx context.Context, params *protocol.TextDocumentPositionParams) ([]protocol.Location, error) {
f, err := s.view.GetFile(ctx, fromProtocolURI(params.TextDocument.URI))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tok, err := f.GetToken()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pos := fromProtocolPosition(tok, params.Position)
r, err := source.Definition(ctx, s.view, f, pos)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return []protocol.Location{toProtocolLocation(s.view.FileSet(), r)}, nil
func (s *server) TypeDefinition(ctx context.Context, params *protocol.TextDocumentPositionParams) ([]protocol.Location, error) {
f, err := s.view.GetFile(ctx, fromProtocolURI(params.TextDocument.URI))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tok, err := f.GetToken()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pos := fromProtocolPosition(tok, params.Position)
r, err := source.TypeDefinition(ctx, s.view, f, pos)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return []protocol.Location{toProtocolLocation(s.view.FileSet(), r)}, nil
func (s *server) Implementation(context.Context, *protocol.TextDocumentPositionParams) ([]protocol.Location, error) {
return nil, notImplemented("Implementation")
func (s *server) References(context.Context, *protocol.ReferenceParams) ([]protocol.Location, error) {
return nil, notImplemented("References")
func (s *server) DocumentHighlight(context.Context, *protocol.TextDocumentPositionParams) ([]protocol.DocumentHighlight, error) {
return nil, notImplemented("DocumentHighlight")
func (s *server) DocumentSymbol(context.Context, *protocol.DocumentSymbolParams) ([]protocol.DocumentSymbol, error) {
return nil, notImplemented("DocumentSymbol")
func (s *server) CodeAction(ctx context.Context, params *protocol.CodeActionParams) ([]protocol.CodeAction, error) {
edits, err := organizeImports(ctx, s.view, params.TextDocument.URI)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return []protocol.CodeAction{
Title: "Organize Imports",
Kind: protocol.SourceOrganizeImports,
Edit: protocol.WorkspaceEdit{
Changes: map[protocol.DocumentURI][]protocol.TextEdit{
params.TextDocument.URI: edits,
}, nil
func (s *server) CodeLens(context.Context, *protocol.CodeLensParams) ([]protocol.CodeLens, error) {
return nil, nil // ignore
func (s *server) CodeLensResolve(context.Context, *protocol.CodeLens) (*protocol.CodeLens, error) {
return nil, notImplemented("CodeLensResolve")
func (s *server) DocumentLink(context.Context, *protocol.DocumentLinkParams) ([]protocol.DocumentLink, error) {
return nil, nil // ignore
func (s *server) DocumentLinkResolve(context.Context, *protocol.DocumentLink) (*protocol.DocumentLink, error) {
return nil, notImplemented("DocumentLinkResolve")
func (s *server) DocumentColor(context.Context, *protocol.DocumentColorParams) ([]protocol.ColorInformation, error) {
return nil, notImplemented("DocumentColor")
func (s *server) ColorPresentation(context.Context, *protocol.ColorPresentationParams) ([]protocol.ColorPresentation, error) {
return nil, notImplemented("ColorPresentation")
func (s *server) Formatting(ctx context.Context, params *protocol.DocumentFormattingParams) ([]protocol.TextEdit, error) {
return formatRange(ctx, s.view, params.TextDocument.URI, nil)
func (s *server) RangeFormatting(ctx context.Context, params *protocol.DocumentRangeFormattingParams) ([]protocol.TextEdit, error) {
return formatRange(ctx, s.view, params.TextDocument.URI, &params.Range)
func (s *server) OnTypeFormatting(context.Context, *protocol.DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams) ([]protocol.TextEdit, error) {
return nil, notImplemented("OnTypeFormatting")
func (s *server) Rename(context.Context, *protocol.RenameParams) ([]protocol.WorkspaceEdit, error) {
return nil, notImplemented("Rename")
func (s *server) FoldingRanges(context.Context, *protocol.FoldingRangeRequestParam) ([]protocol.FoldingRange, error) {
return nil, notImplemented("FoldingRanges")
func notImplemented(method string) *jsonrpc2.Error {
return jsonrpc2.NewErrorf(jsonrpc2.CodeMethodNotFound, "method %q not yet implemented", method)