blob: bb4823c0326b05d4853c12c05afaaadce42bc27f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package cache
import (
// Convenient local aliases for typed strings.
type (
PackageID = source.PackageID
PackagePath = source.PackagePath
PackageName = source.PackageName
ImportPath = source.ImportPath
// A Package is the union of snapshot-local information (Metadata) and shared
// type-checking information (a syntaxPackage).
// TODO(rfindley): for now, we do not persist the post-processing of
// loadDiagnostics, because the value of the snapshot.packages map is just the
// package handle. Fix this.
type Package struct {
m *source.Metadata
pkg *syntaxPackage
loadDiagnostics *memoize.Promise // post-processed errors from loading
func newPackage(m *source.Metadata, pkg *syntaxPackage) *Package {
p := &Package{
m: m,
pkg: pkg,
if len(m.Errors) > 0 || len(m.DepsErrors) > 0 {
p.loadDiagnostics = memoize.NewPromise(fmt.Sprintf("loadDiagnostics(%s)", m.ID), func(ctx context.Context, arg interface{}) interface{} {
s := arg.(*snapshot)
var diags []*source.Diagnostic
for _, packagesErr := range p.m.Errors {
// Filter out parse errors from go list. We'll get them when we
// actually parse, and buggy overlay support may generate spurious
// errors. (See TestNewModule_Issue38207.)
if strings.Contains(packagesErr.Msg, "expected '") {
pkgDiags, err := goPackagesErrorDiagnostics(packagesErr, p.pkg, p.m.LoadDir)
if err != nil {
// There are certain cases where the go command returns invalid
// positions, so we cannot panic or even bug.Reportf here.
event.Error(ctx, "unable to compute positions for list errors", err, tag.Package.Of(string(p.m.ID)))
diags = append(diags, pkgDiags...)
// TODO(rfindley): this is buggy: an insignificant change to a modfile
// (or an unsaved modfile) could affect the position of deps errors,
// without invalidating the package.
depsDiags, err := s.depsErrors(ctx, p.pkg, p.m.DepsErrors)
if err != nil {
if ctx.Err() == nil {
// TODO(rfindley): consider making this a bug.Reportf. depsErrors should
// not normally fail.
event.Error(ctx, "unable to compute deps errors", err, tag.Package.Of(string(p.m.ID)))
return nil
diags = append(diags, depsDiags...)
return diags
return p
// syntaxPackage contains parse trees and type information for a package.
type syntaxPackage struct {
// -- identifiers --
id PackageID
mode source.ParseMode
// -- outputs --
fset *token.FileSet // for now, same as the snapshot's FileSet
goFiles []*source.ParsedGoFile
compiledGoFiles []*source.ParsedGoFile
diagnostics []*source.Diagnostic
parseErrors []scanner.ErrorList
typeErrors []types.Error
types *types.Package
typesInfo *types.Info
hasFixedFiles bool // if true, AST was sufficiently mangled that we should hide type errors
xrefs []byte // serializable index of outbound cross-references
analyses memoize.Store // maps analyzer.Name to Promise[actionResult]
methodsets *methodsets.Index // index of method sets of package-level types
func (p *Package) String() string { return string(p.m.ID) }
func (p *Package) Metadata() *source.Metadata {
return p.m
// A loadScope defines a package loading scope for use with go/packages.
// TODO(rfindley): move this to load.go.
type loadScope interface {
type (
fileLoadScope span.URI // load packages containing a file (including command-line-arguments)
packageLoadScope string // load a specific package (the value is its PackageID)
moduleLoadScope string // load packages in a specific module
viewLoadScope span.URI // load the workspace
// Implement the loadScope interface.
func (fileLoadScope) aScope() {}
func (packageLoadScope) aScope() {}
func (moduleLoadScope) aScope() {}
func (viewLoadScope) aScope() {}
func (p *Package) ParseMode() source.ParseMode {
return p.pkg.mode
func (p *Package) CompiledGoFiles() []*source.ParsedGoFile {
return p.pkg.compiledGoFiles
func (p *Package) File(uri span.URI) (*source.ParsedGoFile, error) {
return p.pkg.File(uri)
func (pkg *syntaxPackage) File(uri span.URI) (*source.ParsedGoFile, error) {
for _, cgf := range pkg.compiledGoFiles {
if cgf.URI == uri {
return cgf, nil
for _, gf := range pkg.goFiles {
if gf.URI == uri {
return gf, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no parsed file for %s in %v", uri,
func (p *Package) GetSyntax() []*ast.File {
var syntax []*ast.File
for _, pgf := range p.pkg.compiledGoFiles {
syntax = append(syntax, pgf.File)
return syntax
func (p *Package) FileSet() *token.FileSet {
return p.pkg.fset
func (p *Package) GetTypes() *types.Package {
return p.pkg.types
func (p *Package) GetTypesInfo() *types.Info {
return p.pkg.typesInfo
func (p *Package) HasParseErrors() bool {
return len(p.pkg.parseErrors) != 0
func (p *Package) HasTypeErrors() bool {
return len(p.pkg.typeErrors) != 0
func (p *Package) DiagnosticsForFile(ctx context.Context, s source.Snapshot, uri span.URI) ([]*source.Diagnostic, error) {
var diags []*source.Diagnostic
for _, diag := range p.pkg.diagnostics {
if diag.URI == uri {
diags = append(diags, diag)
if p.loadDiagnostics != nil {
res, err := p.loadDiagnostics.Get(ctx, s)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, diag := range res.([]*source.Diagnostic) {
if diag.URI == uri {
diags = append(diags, diag)
return diags, nil
// ReferencesTo returns the location of each reference within package p
// to one of the target objects denoted by the pair (package path, object path).
func (p *Package) ReferencesTo(targets map[PackagePath]map[objectpath.Path]struct{}) []protocol.Location {
// TODO(adonovan): In future, p.xrefs will be retrieved from a
// section of the cache file produced by type checking.
// (Other sections will include the package's export data,
// "implements" relations, exported symbols, etc.)
// For now we just hang it off the pkg.
return xrefs.Lookup(p.m, p.pkg.xrefs, targets)
func (p *Package) MethodSetsIndex() *methodsets.Index {
// TODO(adonovan): In future, p.methodsets will be retrieved from a
// section of the cache file produced by type checking.
return p.pkg.methodsets