blob: 674e920b5f2d3901023e85d331038ac466872f3f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build go1.18
// +build go1.18
// Package vulntest provides helpers for vulncheck functionality testing.
package vulntest
import (
// NewDatabase returns a read-only DB containing the provided
// txtar-format collection of vulnerability reports.
// Each vulnerability report is a YAML file whose format
// is defined in
// A report file name must have the id as its base name,
// and have .yaml as its extension.
// db, err := NewDatabase(ctx, reports)
// ...
// defer db.Clean()
// client, err := NewClient(db)
// ...
// The returned DB's Clean method must be called to clean up the
// generated database.
func NewDatabase(ctx context.Context, txtarReports []byte) (*DB, error) {
disk, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "vulndb-test")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := generateDB(ctx, txtarReports, disk, false); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &DB{disk: disk}, nil
// DB is a read-only vulnerability database on disk.
// Users can use this database with APIs
// by setting the `VULNDB“ environment variable.
type DB struct {
disk string
// URI returns the file URI that can be used for VULNDB environment
// variable.
func (db *DB) URI() string {
u := span.URIFromPath(db.disk)
return string(u)
// Clean deletes the database.
func (db *DB) Clean() error {
return os.RemoveAll(db.disk)
// NewClient returns a vuln DB client that works with the given DB.
func NewClient(db *DB) (client.Client, error) {
return client.NewClient([]string{db.URI()}, client.Options{})
// The following was selectively copied from
const (
dbURL = ""
// idDirectory is the name of the directory that contains entries
// listed by their IDs.
idDirectory = "ID"
// stdFileName is the name of the .json file in the vulndb repo
// that will contain info on standard library vulnerabilities.
stdFileName = "stdlib"
// toolchainFileName is the name of the .json file in the vulndb repo
// that will contain info on toolchain (cmd/...) vulnerabilities.
toolchainFileName = "toolchain"
// cmdModule is the name of the module containing Go toolchain
// binaries.
cmdModule = "cmd"
// stdModule is the name of the module containing Go std packages.
stdModule = "std"
// generateDB generates the file-based vuln DB in the directory jsonDir.
func generateDB(ctx context.Context, txtarData []byte, jsonDir string, indent bool) error {
archive := txtar.Parse(txtarData)
jsonVulns, entries, err := generateEntries(ctx, archive)
if err != nil {
return err
index := make(client.DBIndex, len(jsonVulns))
for modulePath, vulns := range jsonVulns {
epath, err := client.EscapeModulePath(modulePath)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := writeVulns(filepath.Join(jsonDir, epath), vulns, indent); err != nil {
return err
for _, v := range vulns {
if v.Modified.After(index[modulePath]) {
index[modulePath] = v.Modified
if err := writeJSON(filepath.Join(jsonDir, "index.json"), index, indent); err != nil {
return err
if err := writeAliasIndex(jsonDir, entries, indent); err != nil {
return err
return writeEntriesByID(filepath.Join(jsonDir, idDirectory), entries, indent)
func generateEntries(_ context.Context, archive *txtar.Archive) (map[string][]osv.Entry, []osv.Entry, error) {
now := time.Now()
jsonVulns := map[string][]osv.Entry{}
var entries []osv.Entry
for _, f := range archive.Files {
if !strings.HasSuffix(f.Name, ".yaml") {
r, err := readReport(bytes.NewReader(f.Data))
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
name := strings.TrimSuffix(filepath.Base(f.Name), filepath.Ext(f.Name))
linkName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", dbURL, name)
entry, modulePaths := generateOSVEntry(name, linkName, now, *r)
for _, modulePath := range modulePaths {
jsonVulns[modulePath] = append(jsonVulns[modulePath], entry)
entries = append(entries, entry)
return jsonVulns, entries, nil
func writeVulns(outPath string, vulns []osv.Entry, indent bool) error {
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(outPath), 0755); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create directory %q: %s", filepath.Dir(outPath), err)
return writeJSON(outPath+".json", vulns, indent)
func writeEntriesByID(idDir string, entries []osv.Entry, indent bool) error {
// Write a directory containing entries by ID.
if err := os.MkdirAll(idDir, 0755); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create directory %q: %v", idDir, err)
var idIndex []string
for _, e := range entries {
outPath := filepath.Join(idDir, e.ID+".json")
if err := writeJSON(outPath, e, indent); err != nil {
return err
idIndex = append(idIndex, e.ID)
// Write an index.json in the ID directory with a list of all the IDs.
return writeJSON(filepath.Join(idDir, "index.json"), idIndex, indent)
// Write a JSON file containing a map from alias to GO IDs.
func writeAliasIndex(dir string, entries []osv.Entry, indent bool) error {
aliasToGoIDs := map[string][]string{}
for _, e := range entries {
for _, a := range e.Aliases {
aliasToGoIDs[a] = append(aliasToGoIDs[a], e.ID)
return writeJSON(filepath.Join(dir, "aliases.json"), aliasToGoIDs, indent)
func writeJSON(filename string, value any, indent bool) (err error) {
j, err := jsonMarshal(value, indent)
if err != nil {
return err
return os.WriteFile(filename, j, 0644)
func jsonMarshal(v any, indent bool) ([]byte, error) {
if indent {
return json.MarshalIndent(v, "", " ")
return json.Marshal(v)
// generateOSVEntry create an osv.Entry for a report. In addition to the report, it
// takes the ID for the vuln and a URL that will point to the entry in the vuln DB.
// It returns the osv.Entry and a list of module paths that the vuln affects.
func generateOSVEntry(id, url string, lastModified time.Time, r Report) (osv.Entry, []string) {
entry := osv.Entry{
ID: id,
Published: r.Published,
Modified: lastModified,
Withdrawn: r.Withdrawn,
Details: r.Description,
moduleMap := make(map[string]bool)
for _, m := range r.Modules {
switch m.Module {
case stdModule:
moduleMap[stdFileName] = true
case cmdModule:
moduleMap[toolchainFileName] = true
moduleMap[m.Module] = true
entry.Affected = append(entry.Affected, generateAffected(m, url))
for _, ref := range r.References {
entry.References = append(entry.References, osv.Reference{
Type: string(ref.Type),
URL: ref.URL,
var modulePaths []string
for module := range moduleMap {
modulePaths = append(modulePaths, module)
// TODO: handle missing fields - Aliases
return entry, modulePaths
func generateAffectedRanges(versions []VersionRange) osv.Affects {
a := osv.AffectsRange{Type: osv.TypeSemver}
if len(versions) == 0 || versions[0].Introduced == "" {
a.Events = append(a.Events, osv.RangeEvent{Introduced: "0"})
for _, v := range versions {
if v.Introduced != "" {
a.Events = append(a.Events, osv.RangeEvent{Introduced: v.Introduced.Canonical()})
if v.Fixed != "" {
a.Events = append(a.Events, osv.RangeEvent{Fixed: v.Fixed.Canonical()})
return osv.Affects{a}
func generateImports(m *Module) (imps []osv.EcosystemSpecificImport) {
for _, p := range m.Packages {
syms := append([]string{}, p.Symbols...)
syms = append(syms, p.DerivedSymbols...)
imps = append(imps, osv.EcosystemSpecificImport{
Path: p.Package,
Symbols: syms,
return imps
func generateAffected(m *Module, url string) osv.Affected {
name := m.Module
switch name {
case stdModule:
name = "stdlib"
case cmdModule:
name = "toolchain"
return osv.Affected{
Package: osv.Package{
Name: name,
Ecosystem: osv.GoEcosystem,
Ranges: generateAffectedRanges(m.Versions),
DatabaseSpecific: osv.DatabaseSpecific{URL: url},
EcosystemSpecific: osv.EcosystemSpecific{
Imports: generateImports(m),