blob: 616381653a9cfd26ceca5d5d87e4876ba8d864a9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package cache
import (
errors ""
type packageHandleKey string
type packageHandle struct {
handle *memoize.Handle
goFiles, compiledGoFiles []*parseGoHandle
// mode is the mode the files were parsed in.
mode source.ParseMode
// m is the metadata associated with the package.
m *KnownMetadata
// key is the hashed key for the package.
key packageHandleKey
func (ph *packageHandle) packageKey() packageKey {
return packageKey{
id: ph.m.ID,
mode: ph.mode,
func (ph *packageHandle) imports(ctx context.Context, s source.Snapshot) (result []string) {
for _, pgh := range ph.goFiles {
f, err := s.ParseGo(ctx, pgh.file, source.ParseHeader)
if err != nil {
seen := map[string]struct{}{}
for _, impSpec := range f.File.Imports {
imp := strings.Trim(impSpec.Path.Value, `"`)
if _, ok := seen[imp]; !ok {
seen[imp] = struct{}{}
result = append(result, imp)
return result
// packageData contains the data produced by type-checking a package.
type packageData struct {
pkg *pkg
err error
// buildPackageHandle returns a packageHandle for a given package and mode.
// It assumes that the given ID already has metadata available, so it does not
// attempt to reload missing or invalid metadata. The caller must reload
// metadata if needed.
func (s *snapshot) buildPackageHandle(ctx context.Context, id PackageID, mode source.ParseMode) (*packageHandle, error) {
if ph := s.getPackage(id, mode); ph != nil {
return ph, nil
// Build the packageHandle for this ID and its dependencies.
ph, deps, err := s.buildKey(ctx, id, mode)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Do not close over the packageHandle or the snapshot in the Bind function.
// This creates a cycle, which causes the finalizers to never run on the handles.
// The possible cycles are:
// packageHandle.h.function -> packageHandle
// packageHandle.h.function -> snapshot -> packageHandle
m := ph.m
key := ph.key
h := s.generation.Bind(key, func(ctx context.Context, arg memoize.Arg) interface{} {
snapshot := arg.(*snapshot)
// Begin loading the direct dependencies, in parallel.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, dep := range deps {
go func(dep *packageHandle) {
dep.check(ctx, snapshot)
data := &packageData{}
data.pkg, data.err = typeCheck(ctx, snapshot, m.Metadata, mode, deps)
// Make sure that the workers above have finished before we return,
// especially in case of cancellation.
return data
}, nil)
ph.handle = h
// Cache the handle in the snapshot. If a package handle has already
// been cached, addPackage will return the cached value. This is fine,
// since the original package handle above will have no references and be
// garbage collected.
ph = s.addPackageHandle(ph)
return ph, nil
// buildKey computes the key for a given packageHandle.
func (s *snapshot) buildKey(ctx context.Context, id PackageID, mode source.ParseMode) (*packageHandle, map[PackagePath]*packageHandle, error) {
m := s.getMetadata(id)
if m == nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Errorf("no metadata for %s", id)
goFiles, err := s.parseGoHandles(ctx, m.GoFiles, mode)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
compiledGoFiles, err := s.parseGoHandles(ctx, m.CompiledGoFiles, mode)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
ph := &packageHandle{
m: m,
goFiles: goFiles,
compiledGoFiles: compiledGoFiles,
mode: mode,
// Make sure all of the depList are sorted.
depList := append([]PackageID{}, m.Deps...)
sort.Slice(depList, func(i, j int) bool {
return depList[i] < depList[j]
deps := make(map[PackagePath]*packageHandle)
// Begin computing the key by getting the depKeys for all dependencies.
var depKeys []packageHandleKey
for _, depID := range depList {
depHandle, err := s.buildPackageHandle(ctx, depID, s.workspaceParseMode(depID))
// Don't use invalid metadata for dependencies if the top-level
// metadata is valid. We only load top-level packages, so if the
// top-level is valid, all of its dependencies should be as well.
if err != nil || m.Valid && !depHandle.m.Valid {
if err != nil {
event.Error(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%s: no dep handle for %s", id, depID), err, tag.Snapshot.Of(
} else {
event.Log(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%s: invalid dep handle for %s", id, depID), tag.Snapshot.Of(
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return nil, nil, ctx.Err()
// One bad dependency should not prevent us from checking the entire package.
// Add a special key to mark a bad dependency.
depKeys = append(depKeys, packageHandleKey(fmt.Sprintf("%s import not found", depID)))
deps[depHandle.m.PkgPath] = depHandle
depKeys = append(depKeys, depHandle.key)
experimentalKey := s.View().Options().ExperimentalPackageCacheKey
ph.key = checkPackageKey(ph.m.ID, compiledGoFiles, m.Config, depKeys, mode, experimentalKey)
return ph, deps, nil
func (s *snapshot) workspaceParseMode(id PackageID) source.ParseMode {
_, ws := s.workspacePackages[id]
if !ws {
return source.ParseExported
if s.view.Options().MemoryMode == source.ModeNormal {
return source.ParseFull
if s.isActiveLocked(id, nil) {
return source.ParseFull
return source.ParseExported
func checkPackageKey(id PackageID, pghs []*parseGoHandle, cfg *packages.Config, deps []packageHandleKey, mode source.ParseMode, experimentalKey bool) packageHandleKey {
b := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
if !experimentalKey {
// cfg was used to produce the other hashed inputs (package ID, parsed Go
// files, and deps). It should not otherwise affect the inputs to the type
// checker, so this experiment omits it. This should increase cache hits on
// the daemon as cfg contains the environment and working directory.
for _, dep := range deps {
for _, cgf := range pghs {
return packageHandleKey(hashContents(b.Bytes()))
// hashEnv returns a hash of the snapshot's configuration.
func hashEnv(s *snapshot) string {
env := s.view.options.EnvSlice()
b := &bytes.Buffer{}
for _, e := range env {
return hashContents(b.Bytes())
// hashConfig returns the hash for the *packages.Config.
func hashConfig(config *packages.Config) string {
b := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
// Dir, Mode, Env, BuildFlags are the parts of the config that can change.
for _, e := range config.Env {
for _, f := range config.BuildFlags {
return hashContents(b.Bytes())
func (ph *packageHandle) Check(ctx context.Context, s source.Snapshot) (source.Package, error) {
return ph.check(ctx, s.(*snapshot))
func (ph *packageHandle) check(ctx context.Context, s *snapshot) (*pkg, error) {
v, err := ph.handle.Get(ctx, s.generation, s)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
data := v.(*packageData)
return data.pkg, data.err
func (ph *packageHandle) CompiledGoFiles() []span.URI {
return ph.m.CompiledGoFiles
func (ph *packageHandle) ID() string {
return string(ph.m.ID)
func (ph *packageHandle) cached(g *memoize.Generation) (*pkg, error) {
v := ph.handle.Cached(g)
if v == nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("no cached type information for %s", ph.m.PkgPath)
data := v.(*packageData)
return data.pkg, data.err
func (s *snapshot) parseGoHandles(ctx context.Context, files []span.URI, mode source.ParseMode) ([]*parseGoHandle, error) {
pghs := make([]*parseGoHandle, 0, len(files))
for _, uri := range files {
fh, err := s.GetFile(ctx, uri)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pghs = append(pghs, s.parseGoHandle(ctx, fh, mode))
return pghs, nil
func typeCheck(ctx context.Context, snapshot *snapshot, m *Metadata, mode source.ParseMode, deps map[PackagePath]*packageHandle) (*pkg, error) {
var filter *unexportedFilter
if mode == source.ParseExported {
filter = &unexportedFilter{uses: map[string]bool{}}
pkg, err := doTypeCheck(ctx, snapshot, m, mode, deps, filter)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if mode == source.ParseExported {
// The AST filtering is a little buggy and may remove things it
// shouldn't. If we only got undeclared name errors, try one more
// time keeping those names.
missing, unexpected := filter.ProcessErrors(pkg.typeErrors)
if len(unexpected) == 0 && len(missing) != 0 {
event.Log(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("discovered missing identifiers: %v", missing), tag.Package.Of(string(m.ID)))
pkg, err = doTypeCheck(ctx, snapshot, m, mode, deps, filter)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
missing, unexpected = filter.ProcessErrors(pkg.typeErrors)
if len(unexpected) != 0 || len(missing) != 0 {
event.Log(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("falling back to safe trimming due to type errors: %v or still-missing identifiers: %v", unexpected, missing), tag.Package.Of(string(m.ID)))
pkg, err = doTypeCheck(ctx, snapshot, m, mode, deps, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If this is a replaced module in the workspace, the version is
// meaningless, and we don't want clients to access it.
if m.Module != nil {
version := m.Module.Version
if source.IsWorkspaceModuleVersion(version) {
version = ""
pkg.version = &module.Version{
Path: m.Module.Path,
Version: version,
// We don't care about a package's errors unless we have parsed it in full.
if mode != source.ParseFull {
return pkg, nil
for _, e := range m.Errors {
diags, err := goPackagesErrorDiagnostics(snapshot, pkg, e)
if err != nil {
event.Error(ctx, "unable to compute positions for list errors", err, tag.Package.Of(pkg.ID()))
pkg.diagnostics = append(pkg.diagnostics, diags...)
// Our heuristic for whether to show type checking errors is:
// + If any file was 'fixed', don't show type checking errors as we
// can't guarantee that they reference accurate locations in the source.
// + If there is a parse error _in the current file_, suppress type
// errors in that file.
// + Otherwise, show type errors even in the presence of parse errors in
// other package files. go/types attempts to suppress follow-on errors
// due to bad syntax, so on balance type checking errors still provide
// a decent signal/noise ratio as long as the file in question parses.
// Track URIs with parse errors so that we can suppress type errors for these
// files.
unparseable := map[span.URI]bool{}
for _, e := range pkg.parseErrors {
diags, err := parseErrorDiagnostics(snapshot, pkg, e)
if err != nil {
event.Error(ctx, "unable to compute positions for parse errors", err, tag.Package.Of(pkg.ID()))
for _, diag := range diags {
unparseable[diag.URI] = true
pkg.diagnostics = append(pkg.diagnostics, diag)
if pkg.hasFixedFiles {
return pkg, nil
unexpanded := pkg.typeErrors
pkg.typeErrors = nil
for _, e := range expandErrors(unexpanded, snapshot.View().Options().RelatedInformationSupported) {
diags, err := typeErrorDiagnostics(snapshot, pkg, e)
if err != nil {
event.Error(ctx, "unable to compute positions for type errors", err, tag.Package.Of(pkg.ID()))
pkg.typeErrors = append(pkg.typeErrors, e.primary)
for _, diag := range diags {
// If the file didn't parse cleanly, it is highly likely that type
// checking errors will be confusing or redundant. But otherwise, type
// checking usually provides a good enough signal to include.
if !unparseable[diag.URI] {
pkg.diagnostics = append(pkg.diagnostics, diag)
depsErrors, err := snapshot.depsErrors(ctx, pkg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pkg.diagnostics = append(pkg.diagnostics, depsErrors...)
return pkg, nil
var goVersionRx = regexp.MustCompile(`^go([1-9][0-9]*)\.(0|[1-9][0-9]*)$`)
func doTypeCheck(ctx context.Context, snapshot *snapshot, m *Metadata, mode source.ParseMode, deps map[PackagePath]*packageHandle, astFilter *unexportedFilter) (*pkg, error) {
ctx, done := event.Start(ctx, "cache.typeCheck", tag.Package.Of(string(m.ID)))
defer done()
pkg := &pkg{
m: m,
mode: mode,
imports: make(map[PackagePath]*pkg),
types: types.NewPackage(string(m.PkgPath), string(m.Name)),
typesInfo: &types.Info{
Types: make(map[ast.Expr]types.TypeAndValue),
Defs: make(map[*ast.Ident]types.Object),
Uses: make(map[*ast.Ident]types.Object),
Implicits: make(map[ast.Node]types.Object),
Selections: make(map[*ast.SelectorExpr]*types.Selection),
Scopes: make(map[ast.Node]*types.Scope),
typesSizes: m.TypesSizes,
for _, gf := range pkg.m.GoFiles {
// In the presence of line directives, we may need to report errors in
// non-compiled Go files, so we need to register them on the package.
// However, we only need to really parse them in ParseFull mode, when
// the user might actually be looking at the file.
fh, err := snapshot.GetFile(ctx, gf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
goMode := source.ParseFull
if mode != source.ParseFull {
goMode = source.ParseHeader
pgf, err := snapshot.ParseGo(ctx, fh, goMode)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pkg.goFiles = append(pkg.goFiles, pgf)
if err := parseCompiledGoFiles(ctx, snapshot, mode, pkg, astFilter); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Use the default type information for the unsafe package.
if m.PkgPath == "unsafe" {
// Don't type check Unsafe: it's unnecessary, and doing so exposes a data
// race to Unsafe.completed.
pkg.types = types.Unsafe
return pkg, nil
if len(m.CompiledGoFiles) == 0 {
// No files most likely means go/packages failed. Try to attach error
// messages to the file as much as possible.
var found bool
for _, e := range m.Errors {
srcDiags, err := goPackagesErrorDiagnostics(snapshot, pkg, e)
if err != nil {
found = true
pkg.diagnostics = append(pkg.diagnostics, srcDiags...)
if found {
return pkg, nil
return nil, errors.Errorf("no parsed files for package %s, expected: %v, errors: %v", pkg.m.PkgPath, pkg.compiledGoFiles, m.Errors)
cfg := &types.Config{
Error: func(e error) {
pkg.typeErrors = append(pkg.typeErrors, e.(types.Error))
Importer: importerFunc(func(pkgPath string) (*types.Package, error) {
// If the context was cancelled, we should abort.
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return nil, ctx.Err()
dep := resolveImportPath(pkgPath, pkg, deps)
if dep == nil {
return nil, snapshot.missingPkgError(ctx, pkgPath)
if !source.IsValidImport(string(m.PkgPath), string(dep.m.PkgPath)) {
return nil, errors.Errorf("invalid use of internal package %s", pkgPath)
depPkg, err := dep.check(ctx, snapshot)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pkg.imports[depPkg.m.PkgPath] = depPkg
return depPkg.types, nil
if pkg.m.Module != nil && pkg.m.Module.GoVersion != "" {
goVersion := "go" + pkg.m.Module.GoVersion
// types.NewChecker panics if GoVersion is invalid. An unparsable mod
// file should probably stop us before we get here, but double check
// just in case.
if goVersionRx.MatchString(goVersion) {
typesinternal.SetGoVersion(cfg, goVersion)
if mode != source.ParseFull {
cfg.DisableUnusedImportCheck = true
cfg.IgnoreFuncBodies = true
// We want to type check cgo code if go/types supports it.
// We passed typecheckCgo to go/packages when we Loaded.
check := types.NewChecker(cfg, snapshot.FileSet(), pkg.types, pkg.typesInfo)
var files []*ast.File
for _, cgf := range pkg.compiledGoFiles {
files = append(files, cgf.File)
// Type checking errors are handled via the config, so ignore them here.
_ = check.Files(files)
// If the context was cancelled, we may have returned a ton of transient
// errors to the type checker. Swallow them.
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return nil, ctx.Err()
return pkg, nil
func parseCompiledGoFiles(ctx context.Context, snapshot *snapshot, mode source.ParseMode, pkg *pkg, astFilter *unexportedFilter) error {
for _, cgf := range pkg.m.CompiledGoFiles {
fh, err := snapshot.GetFile(ctx, cgf)
if err != nil {
return err
var pgf *source.ParsedGoFile
var fixed bool
// Only parse Full through the cache -- we need to own Exported ASTs
// to prune them.
if mode == source.ParseFull {
pgh := snapshot.parseGoHandle(ctx, fh, mode)
pgf, fixed, err = snapshot.parseGo(ctx, pgh)
} else {
d := parseGo(ctx, snapshot.FileSet(), fh, mode)
pgf, fixed, err = d.parsed, d.fixed, d.err
if err != nil {
return err
pkg.compiledGoFiles = append(pkg.compiledGoFiles, pgf)
if pgf.ParseErr != nil {
pkg.parseErrors = append(pkg.parseErrors, pgf.ParseErr)
// If we have fixed parse errors in any of the files, we should hide type
// errors, as they may be completely nonsensical.
pkg.hasFixedFiles = pkg.hasFixedFiles || fixed
if mode != source.ParseExported {
return nil
if astFilter != nil {
var files []*ast.File
for _, cgf := range pkg.compiledGoFiles {
files = append(files, cgf.File)
} else {
for _, cgf := range pkg.compiledGoFiles {
return nil
func (s *snapshot) depsErrors(ctx context.Context, pkg *pkg) ([]*source.Diagnostic, error) {
// Select packages that can't be found, and were imported in non-workspace packages.
// Workspace packages already show their own errors.
var relevantErrors []*packagesinternal.PackageError
for _, depsError := range pkg.m.depsErrors {
// Up to Go 1.15, the missing package was included in the stack, which
// was presumably a bug. We want the next one up.
directImporterIdx := len(depsError.ImportStack) - 1
if s.view.goversion < 15 {
directImporterIdx = len(depsError.ImportStack) - 2
if directImporterIdx < 0 {
directImporter := depsError.ImportStack[directImporterIdx]
if s.isWorkspacePackage(PackageID(directImporter)) {
relevantErrors = append(relevantErrors, depsError)
// Don't build the import index for nothing.
if len(relevantErrors) == 0 {
return nil, nil
// Build an index of all imports in the package.
type fileImport struct {
cgf *source.ParsedGoFile
imp *ast.ImportSpec
allImports := map[string][]fileImport{}
for _, cgf := range pkg.compiledGoFiles {
for _, group := range astutil.Imports(s.FileSet(), cgf.File) {
for _, imp := range group {
if imp.Path == nil {
path := strings.Trim(imp.Path.Value, `"`)
allImports[path] = append(allImports[path], fileImport{cgf, imp})
// Apply a diagnostic to any import involved in the error, stopping once
// we reach the workspace.
var errors []*source.Diagnostic
for _, depErr := range relevantErrors {
for i := len(depErr.ImportStack) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
item := depErr.ImportStack[i]
if s.isWorkspacePackage(PackageID(item)) {
for _, imp := range allImports[item] {
rng, err := source.NewMappedRange(s.FileSet(), imp.cgf.Mapper, imp.imp.Pos(), imp.imp.End()).Range()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fixes, err := goGetQuickFixes(s, imp.cgf.URI, item)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
errors = append(errors, &source.Diagnostic{
URI: imp.cgf.URI,
Range: rng,
Severity: protocol.SeverityError,
Source: source.TypeError,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("error while importing %v: %v", item, depErr.Err),
SuggestedFixes: fixes,
if len(pkg.compiledGoFiles) == 0 {
return errors, nil
mod := s.GoModForFile(pkg.compiledGoFiles[0].URI)
if mod == "" {
return errors, nil
fh, err := s.GetFile(ctx, mod)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pm, err := s.ParseMod(ctx, fh)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Add a diagnostic to the module that contained the lowest-level import of
// the missing package.
for _, depErr := range relevantErrors {
for i := len(depErr.ImportStack) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
item := depErr.ImportStack[i]
m := s.getMetadata(PackageID(item))
if m == nil || m.Module == nil {
modVer := module.Version{Path: m.Module.Path, Version: m.Module.Version}
reference := findModuleReference(pm.File, modVer)
if reference == nil {
rng, err := rangeFromPositions(pm.Mapper, reference.Start, reference.End)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fixes, err := goGetQuickFixes(s, pm.URI, item)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
errors = append(errors, &source.Diagnostic{
URI: pm.URI,
Range: rng,
Severity: protocol.SeverityError,
Source: source.TypeError,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("error while importing %v: %v", item, depErr.Err),
SuggestedFixes: fixes,
return errors, nil
// missingPkgError returns an error message for a missing package that varies
// based on the user's workspace mode.
func (s *snapshot) missingPkgError(ctx context.Context, pkgPath string) error {
var b strings.Builder
if s.workspaceMode()&moduleMode == 0 {
gorootSrcPkg := filepath.FromSlash(filepath.Join(s.view.goroot, "src", pkgPath))
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("cannot find package %q in any of \n\t%s (from $GOROOT)", pkgPath, gorootSrcPkg))
for _, gopath := range filepath.SplitList(s.view.gopath) {
gopathSrcPkg := filepath.FromSlash(filepath.Join(gopath, "src", pkgPath))
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\n\t%s (from $GOPATH)", gopathSrcPkg))
} else {
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("no required module provides package %q", pkgPath))
if err := s.getInitializationError(ctx); err != nil {
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("(workspace configuration error: %s)", err.MainError))
return errors.New(b.String())
type extendedError struct {
primary types.Error
secondaries []types.Error
func (e extendedError) Error() string {
return e.primary.Error()
// expandErrors duplicates "secondary" errors by mapping them to their main
// error. Some errors returned by the type checker are followed by secondary
// errors which give more information about the error. These are errors in
// their own right, and they are marked by starting with \t. For instance, when
// there is a multiply-defined function, the secondary error points back to the
// definition first noticed.
// This function associates the secondary error with its primary error, which can
// then be used as RelatedInformation when the error becomes a diagnostic.
// If supportsRelatedInformation is false, the secondary is instead embedded as
// additional context in the primary error.
func expandErrors(errs []types.Error, supportsRelatedInformation bool) []extendedError {
var result []extendedError
for i := 0; i < len(errs); {
original := extendedError{
primary: errs[i],
for i++; i < len(errs); i++ {
spl := errs[i]
if len(spl.Msg) == 0 || spl.Msg[0] != '\t' {
spl.Msg = spl.Msg[1:]
original.secondaries = append(original.secondaries, spl)
// Clone the error to all its related locations -- VS Code, at least,
// doesn't do it for us.
result = append(result, original)
for i, mainSecondary := range original.secondaries {
// Create the new primary error, with a tweaked message, in the
// secondary's location. We need to start from the secondary to
// capture its unexported location fields.
relocatedSecondary := mainSecondary
if supportsRelatedInformation {
relocatedSecondary.Msg = fmt.Sprintf("%v (see details)", original.primary.Msg)
} else {
relocatedSecondary.Msg = fmt.Sprintf("%v (this error: %v)", original.primary.Msg, mainSecondary.Msg)
relocatedSecondary.Soft = original.primary.Soft
// Copy over the secondary errors, noting the location of the
// current error we're cloning.
clonedError := extendedError{primary: relocatedSecondary, secondaries: []types.Error{original.primary}}
for j, secondary := range original.secondaries {
if i == j {
secondary.Msg += " (this error)"
clonedError.secondaries = append(clonedError.secondaries, secondary)
result = append(result, clonedError)
return result
// resolveImportPath resolves an import path in pkg to a package from deps.
// It should produce the same results as resolveImportPath:
func resolveImportPath(importPath string, pkg *pkg, deps map[PackagePath]*packageHandle) *packageHandle {
if dep := deps[PackagePath(importPath)]; dep != nil {
return dep
// We may be in GOPATH mode, in which case we need to check vendor dirs.
searchDir := path.Dir(pkg.PkgPath())
for {
vdir := PackagePath(path.Join(searchDir, "vendor", importPath))
if vdep := deps[vdir]; vdep != nil {
return vdep
// Search until Dir doesn't take us anywhere new, e.g. "." or "/".
next := path.Dir(searchDir)
if searchDir == next {
searchDir = next
// Vendor didn't work. Let's try minimal module compatibility mode.
// In MMC, the packagePath is the canonical (.../vN/...) path, which
// is hard to calculate. But the go command has already resolved the ID
// to the non-versioned path, and we can take advantage of that.
for _, dep := range deps {
if dep.ID() == importPath {
return dep
return nil
// An importFunc is an implementation of the single-method
// types.Importer interface based on a function value.
type importerFunc func(path string) (*types.Package, error)
func (f importerFunc) Import(path string) (*types.Package, error) { return f(path) }